IEnumerator RunPlayVoice() { OnGetVoiceStart(); text = _inputField.text; int languageIndex = _languageDropDownList.value; int audioCodecsIndex = _audioCodecsDropDownList.value; string url = manager.GetTextToSpeechAudioWithIndex(text, languageIndex, audioCodecsIndex); WWW www = new WWW(url); yield return(www); AudioClip clip = www.GetAudioClip(false, false, manager.GetCurrentAudioTypeWithIndex(audioCodecsIndex)); if (clip.length > 0 && clip != null) { _audioSource.clip = clip; _audioSource.Play(); } else { Debug.LogError("Failed to get the voice. Please try:\n" + "1.Try it in other languages.\n" + "2.Fill in something in text field.\n" + "3.Choose the correct audio format."); } OnGetVoiceEnd(); }