コード例 #1
        /// <summary> Resolves text effect on a text range to a list of text effect targets. </summary>
        /// <param name="startPosition">The starting text pointer</param>
        /// <param name="endPosition">The end text pointer</param>
        /// <param name="effect">The effect to apply on the text</param>
        /// <returns>Collection of <see cref="T:System.Windows.Documents.TextEffectTarget" /> objects corresponding to the text range.</returns>
        // Token: 0x06003920 RID: 14624 RVA: 0x001030F0 File Offset: 0x001012F0
        public static TextEffectTarget[] Resolve(TextPointer startPosition, TextPointer endPosition, TextEffect effect)
            if (effect == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("effect");
            ValidationHelper.VerifyPositionPair(startPosition, endPosition);
            TextPointer textPointer = new TextPointer(startPosition);

            List <TextEffectTarget> list = new List <TextEffectTarget>();

            while (textPointer.CompareTo(endPosition) < 0)
                TextEffect  textEffect   = effect.Clone();
                TextPointer textPointer2 = new TextPointer(textPointer);
                TextEffectResolver.MoveToFirstNonCharacterSymbol(textPointer2, endPosition);
                textPointer2             = (TextPointer)TextPointerBase.Min(textPointer2, endPosition);
                textEffect.PositionStart = textPointer.TextContainer.Start.GetOffsetToPosition(textPointer);
                textEffect.PositionCount = textPointer.GetOffsetToPosition(textPointer2);
                list.Add(new TextEffectTarget(textPointer.Parent, textEffect));
                textPointer = textPointer2;
コード例 #2
        // public static methods

        /// <summary>
        /// resolves text effect on a text range to a list of text effect targets.
        /// The method will walk the text and perform the following task:
        /// 1) For each continous block of text, create a text effect targeting the scoping element
        /// 2) For the text effect created, calculate the starting cp index and cp count for the effect
        /// The method will create freezable copy of the TextEffect passed in and fill in
        /// CharacterIndex and Count for the range.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="startPosition">starting text pointer</param>
        /// <param name="endPosition">end text pointer</param>
        /// <param name="effect">effect that is apply on the text</param>
        public static TextEffectTarget[] Resolve(
            TextPointer startPosition,
            TextPointer endPosition,
            TextEffect effect
            if (effect == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("effect");

            ValidationHelper.VerifyPositionPair(startPosition, endPosition);
            TextPointer effectStart = new TextPointer(startPosition);

            // move to the first character symbol at or after Start position

            TextEffect effectCopy;
            List <TextEffectTarget> list = new List <TextEffectTarget>();

            // we will now traverse the TOM and resolve text effects to the immediate parent
            // of the characters. We are effectively applying the text effect onto
            // block of continous text.
            while (effectStart.CompareTo(endPosition) < 0)
                // create a copy of the text effect
                // so that we can set the CharacterIndex and Count
                effectCopy = effect.Clone();

                // create a position
                TextPointer continuousTextEnd = new TextPointer(effectStart);

                // move the position to the end of the continuous text block
                MoveToFirstNonCharacterSymbol(continuousTextEnd, endPosition);

                // make sure we are not out of the range
                continuousTextEnd = (TextPointer)TextPointerBase.Min(continuousTextEnd, endPosition);

                // set the character index to be the distance from the Start
                // of this text block to the Start of the text container
                effectCopy.PositionStart = effectStart.TextContainer.Start.GetOffsetToPosition(effectStart);

                // count is the distance from the text block start to end
                effectCopy.PositionCount = effectStart.GetOffsetToPosition(continuousTextEnd);

                    new TextEffectTarget(

                // move the effectStart to the beginning of the next text block.
                effectStart = continuousTextEnd;

コード例 #3
        // Token: 0x06003C68 RID: 15464 RVA: 0x0011745C File Offset: 0x0011565C
        internal void InternalOnSelectionChanged()
            ITextPointer textPointer;

            if (!this._selection.IsInterimSelection)
                textPointer = this._selection.Start;
                textPointer = this._selection.End;
            ITextPointer end = this._selection.End;
            ITextPointer textPointer2;
            ITextPointer textPointer3;

            if (this._oldStart.CompareTo(textPointer) < 0)
                textPointer2 = this._oldStart;
                textPointer3 = TextPointerBase.Min(textPointer, this._oldEnd);
                textPointer2 = textPointer;
                textPointer3 = TextPointerBase.Min(end, this._oldStart);
            ITextPointer textPointer4;
            ITextPointer textPointer5;

            if (this._oldEnd.CompareTo(end) < 0)
                textPointer4 = TextPointerBase.Max(textPointer, this._oldEnd);
                textPointer5 = end;
                textPointer4 = TextPointerBase.Max(end, this._oldStart);
                textPointer5 = this._oldEnd;
            this._oldStart = textPointer;
            this._oldEnd   = end;
            if (this.Changed != null && (textPointer2.CompareTo(textPointer3) != 0 || textPointer4.CompareTo(textPointer5) != 0))
                TextSelectionHighlightLayer.TextSelectionHighlightChangedEventArgs args = new TextSelectionHighlightLayer.TextSelectionHighlightChangedEventArgs(textPointer2, textPointer3, textPointer4, textPointer5);
                this.Changed(this, args);
        // This is actual implementation to make highlight change notification.
        // This is called when highlight needs to be changed without public TextSelection change event.
        internal void InternalOnSelectionChanged()
            ITextPointer newStart;
            ITextPointer newEnd;
            ITextPointer invalidRangeLeftStart;
            ITextPointer invalidRangeLeftEnd;
            ITextPointer invalidRangeRightStart;
            ITextPointer invalidRangeRightEnd;
            TextSelectionHighlightChangedEventArgs args;

            // If the current seleciton is interim selection, we do not highlight it
            // and we make newStart == newEnd.
            if (!_selection.IsInterimSelection)
                newStart = _selection.Start;
                newStart = _selection.End;

            newEnd = _selection.End;

            // We want to raise an event that tracks the change tightly --
            // only identifying content where the selection status actually changed.
            // This is important for render performance.
            // Ex:
            // Old selection: 012<selection>345</selection>678
            // New selection: 0123<selection>456</selection>78
            // Should raise (3-3), (6-6) as deltas, not (3-6).

            // Get the left side invalid range.
            if (_oldStart.CompareTo(newStart) < 0)
                invalidRangeLeftStart = _oldStart;
                invalidRangeLeftEnd   = TextPointerBase.Min(newStart, _oldEnd);
                invalidRangeLeftStart = newStart;
                invalidRangeLeftEnd   = TextPointerBase.Min(newEnd, _oldStart);

            // Get the right side invalid range.
            if (_oldEnd.CompareTo(newEnd) < 0)
                invalidRangeRightStart = TextPointerBase.Max(newStart, _oldEnd);
                invalidRangeRightEnd   = newEnd;
                invalidRangeRightStart = TextPointerBase.Max(newEnd, _oldStart);
                invalidRangeRightEnd   = _oldEnd;

            _oldStart = newStart;
            _oldEnd   = newEnd;

            if (this.Changed != null)
                if (invalidRangeLeftStart.CompareTo(invalidRangeLeftEnd) != 0 || invalidRangeRightStart.CompareTo(invalidRangeRightEnd) != 0)
                    args = new TextSelectionHighlightChangedEventArgs(invalidRangeLeftStart, invalidRangeLeftEnd, invalidRangeRightStart, invalidRangeRightEnd);

                    this.Changed(this, args);