public static void ShowScreenMenu() { TextOutput textOutput = new TextOutput(); textOutput.DataOutput("\nSelect Screen type (specify index): \n 1 - Monochrome screen" + "\n 2 - Colorful screen"); }
public static void ShowHeadsetMenu() { TextOutput textOutput = new TextOutput(); textOutput.DataOutput("Select speaker component (specify index): \n 1 - " + "IphoneHeadset \n 2 - SamsungHeadset \n 3 - PhoneSpeaker"); }
public static void Main(string[] args) { //Select Speaker type: VoiceOutput VoiceOutput = new VoiceOutput(); Dictionary <int, ISpeaker> availableSpeakers = new Dictionary <int, ISpeaker>(); availableSpeakers.Add(1, new IphoneHeadset(VoiceOutput, "IphoneX", true)); availableSpeakers.Add(2, new SamsungHeadset(VoiceOutput, "SamsungA", true)); availableSpeakers.Add(3, new PhoneSpeaker(VoiceOutput, "model-ABC")); ISpeaker Speaker = null; while (Speaker == null) { Menu.ShowHeadsetMenu(); string speakerSelected = Console.ReadLine(); foreach (var item in availableSpeakers) { if (speakerSelected.Equals(item.Key.ToString())) { Speaker = availableSpeakers[item.Key]; VoiceOutput.DataOutput("Speaker selected"); Speaker.Play(null); } ; } if (Speaker == null) { VoiceOutput.DataOutput("There is no such option. Please try again"); } } //Select the Screen type: TextOutput TextOutput = new TextOutput(); Dictionary <int, ScreenBase> availableScreens = new Dictionary <int, ScreenBase>(); availableScreens.Add(1, new MonochromeScreen(TextOutput, 300, 5)); availableScreens.Add(2, new ColorfulScreen(TextOutput, 300, 5, false)); ScreenBase Screen = null; while (Screen == null) { Menu.ShowScreenMenu(); string screenSelected = Console.ReadLine(); foreach (var item in availableScreens) { if (screenSelected.Equals(item.Key.ToString())) { Screen = availableScreens[item.Key]; TextOutput.DataOutput("Set screen to Mobile... Selected screen is "); Screen.DisplayInfo(); } } if (Screen == null) { TextOutput.DataOutput("There is no such option. Please try again"); } } Console.ReadLine(); //From Lab#1: //ScreenBase Screen = new ColorfulScreen(7.0, 500, true); //IBattery Battery = new Battery(2000, "Li-ion"); //Keyboard Keyboard = new SensorKeyboard("Russian", "Samsung"); //Microphone Microphone = new PhoneMicrophone(94, "model-xxx0155"); //ISpeaker Speaker = new SamsungHeadset("model-XXX", false); //SimCard SimCard = new MTSSimCard(SimCardType.NanoSim, 1111); //Mobile Samsung = new MobileSimcorp(Screen, Battery, Keyboard, Microphone, Speaker, SimCard); //Console.WriteLine(Samsung.GetDescription()); }