コード例 #1
        public void btnOK_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            int total;
            int clrIndex;
            int failed = 0;
            int fndExcep;

            object[] tmpArray;
            string[,] currList;
            string endTime;
            string hrs;
            string mins;
            string secs;
            string timeString;
            string dirPth;
            string suffFile;
            string slctString;
            string suiteName;
            string tmpID;
            string caseName;
            string fileName   = "";
            string fldrString = "";
            string pth        = "";

            Control.ControlCollection btnRadio;
            DateTime tmp;
            TimeSpan fnlTime;
            DateTime startTime;

            clrIndex = 0;
            suffFile = "";
            btnRadio = slctBrowser.Controls;

            //disable all the controls on the form
            lstTestSuite.Enabled          = false;
            btnOK.Enabled                 = false;
            btnCancel.Enabled             = false;
            btnDeslctAllAvailable.Enabled = false;
            btnSelect.Enabled             = false;
            btnSlctAllAvailable.Enabled   = false;
            lstAvailableTest.Enabled      = false;
            lstSelectedTest.Enabled       = false;
            lstCaseSelect.Enabled         = false;
            lstTestSuite.Enabled          = false;

            label11.Text = "Total Tests: ";
            label12.Text = "Passed Tests: ";
            label13.Text = "Failed Tests: ";

            //populate an array with the list of items currently in the Selected Items box
            currList = new string[lstCaseSelect.Items.Count, 2];
            total    = lstCaseSelect.Items.Count;

            if (datSource != "DB")
                for (int i = 0; i < lstCaseSelect.Items.Count; i++)
                    slctString = lstCaseSelect.Items[i].ToString();
                    getVal(slctString, out suiteName, out caseName);

                    currList[i, 0] = suiteName;
                    currList[i, 1] = caseName;
                for (int i = 0; i < lstCaseSelect.Items.Count; i++)
                    //set the test case variable
                    currList[i, 1] = lstCaseSelect.Items[i].ToString();

                    //get a one item array with the regression suite id from the test table
                    tmpArray = db_access("SELECT regression_suite_id FROM test WHERE name = '"
                                         + currList[i, 1] + "'");
                    tmpID = Convert.ToString(tmpArray[0]);

                    tmpArray       = db_access("SELECT name FROM regression_suite WHERE id = '" + tmpID + "'");
                    currList[i, 0] = Convert.ToString(tmpArray[0]);

                //there's no way to

            //Setup the directory where the results file will be stored
            dirPth   = Application.StartupPath + "\\Results";
            tmp      = DateTime.Now;                                                //date-time at the time of test running
            suffFile = tmp.Month.ToString() + tmp.Day.ToString() + tmp.Year.ToString().Substring(2, 2) + tmp.Hour.ToString() +
                       tmp.Minute.ToString() + tmp.Second.ToString();

            //set the date-time value to a string
            fileName   = "Result_" + suffFile + ".html";
            fldrString = "Result_" + suffFile;
            pth        = dirPth + "\\" + fileName;

            //create a result text file  and write a beginning message

            //start timer1 to calculate the complete test run
            startTime = DateTime.Now;

            tstObject_FF.faillst = "";

            for (int tst = 0; tst < currList.GetLength(0); tst++)
                //get the current date/time value and set to a string
                currTime = DateTime.Now;
                suffFile = currTime.ToString("MMddhhmmss");

                lstCaseSelect.SetSelected(tst, true);

                txtSuiteRunning.Text = currList[tst, 0];
                txtTestRunning.Text  = currList[tst, 1];


                //run this test
                runFunction(currList[tst, 0], currList[tst, 1], btnRadio, pth, out fndExcep);

                //stop test timer

                //set the final time and format each element
                fnlTime    = DateTime.Now - currTime;
                timeString = fnlTime.ToString();
                hrs        = fnlTime.Hours.ToString();
                hrs        = fmtTime(hrs);
                mins       = fnlTime.Minutes.ToString();
                mins       = fmtTime(mins);
                secs       = fnlTime.Seconds.ToString();
                secs       = fmtTime(secs);
                endTime    = hrs + ":" + mins + ":" + secs;

                //Write the endTime to the test results
                TextFileOps.Write(pth, "This test run completed in: " + endTime + "\r\n", clrIndex = 0);
                TextFileOps.Write(pth, "", clrIndex);

                lstCaseSelect.SetSelected(tst, false);

            //Send message to result file noting the end of the suite
            for (int a = 0; a < 1; a++)
                TextFileOps.Write(pth, "End Test Run.........." + "\r\n", clrIndex);

            TextFileOps.Write(pth, "Failed Tests: ", clrIndex);
            switch (radnum)
            case 0:
                TextFileOps.Write(pth, tstObject_FF.faillst + "\r\n", clrIndex);
                foreach (char c in tstObject_FF.faillst)
                    if (c == ',')

            case 1:
                TextFileOps.Write(pth, tstObject_Chrome.faillst + "\r\n", clrIndex);
                foreach (char c in tstObject_Chrome.faillst)
                    if (c == ',')

            case 2:
                TextFileOps.Write(pth, tstObject_IE.faillst + "\r\n", clrIndex);
                foreach (char c in tstObject_IE.faillst)
                    if (c == ',')

                TextFileOps.Write(pth, tstObject_FF.faillst + "\r\n", clrIndex);

            label11.Text += total;
            label12.Text += (total - failed);
            label13.Text += failed;

            //write closing tags to result file
            TextFileOps.Write(pth, "</html>", clrIndex = 100);
            TextFileOps.Write(pth, "</body>", clrIndex = 100);

            //show the result file

            //re-enable all the controls on the form
            lstTestSuite.Enabled          = true;
            btnOK.Enabled                 = true;
            btnCancel.Enabled             = true;
            btnDeslctAllAvailable.Enabled = true;
            btnSelect.Enabled             = true;
            btnSlctAllAvailable.Enabled   = true;
            lstAvailableTest.Enabled      = true;
            lstSelectedTest.Enabled       = true;
            lstCaseSelect.Enabled         = true;
            lstTestSuite.Enabled          = true;

            //enable the test suite selector field at the conclusion of the test
            lstTestSuite.Enabled = true;

            //stop timer1 and post results to the GUI
            currTime = DateTime.Now;
            fnlTime  = (currTime - startTime);
            hrs      = fnlTime.Hours.ToString();
            hrs      = fmtTime(hrs);
            mins     = fnlTime.Minutes.ToString();
            mins     = fmtTime(mins);
            secs     = fnlTime.Seconds.ToString();
            secs     = fmtTime(secs);

            endTime       = hrs + ":" + mins + ":" + secs;
            lblTimer.Text = endTime;
