コード例 #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Copy the items given in the list (tables and graphs) to a folder, which is selected by the user via a dialog box.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="list">List of items to delete.</param>
        /// <param name="areDocumentsFromOneFolder">If true, the list contains objects origination from only one project folder (or from subfolders of that folder). In this case the paramenter <c>originalSourceFolder</c> contains the original project folder from which the items should be copied.</param>
        /// <param name="originalSourceFolder">Original folder from which the items originate (only valid if <c>areDocumentsFromOneFolder</c> is true.</param>
        public static void CopyDocuments(IList <object> list, bool areDocumentsFromOneFolder, string originalSourceFolder)
            var names = Current.Project.Folders.GetSubfoldersAsDisplayFolderNameStringListSorted(ProjectFolder.RootFolderName, true);

            names.Insert(0, rootFolderDisplayName);
            var choices = new TextChoice(names.ToArray(), 0, true)
                Description = "Choose or enter the folder to copy the items into:"

            if (!Current.Gui.ShowDialog(ref choices, "Folder choice", false))
            string newFolderName = rootFolderDisplayName == choices.Text ? ProjectFolder.RootFolderName : ProjectFolder.ConvertDisplayFolderNameToFolderName(choices.Text);

            DocNodePathReplacementOptions relocateOptions = null;

            if (areDocumentsFromOneFolder)
                var relocateData = Current.Gui.YesNoCancelMessageBox("Do you want to relocate the references in the copied plots so that they point to the destination folder?", "Question", null);
                if (null == relocateData)

                if (true == relocateData)
                    relocateOptions = new DocNodePathReplacementOptions();
                    relocateOptions.AddPathReplacementsForAllProjectItemTypes(originalSourceFolder, newFolderName);

            Current.Project.Folders.CopyItemsToFolder(list, newFolderName, null != relocateOptions ? relocateOptions.Visit : (DocNodeProxyReporter)null, false);
コード例 #2
ファイル: ReactionText.cs プロジェクト: 4ptiv4/GenesisSharp
        public ReactionText(BinaryReader br, UInt32 mapVersion)
            Type = br.ReadByte();
            TargetType = br.ReadByte();
            Main = br.ReadLengthedString();

            var numParams = br.ReadUInt32();
            for (var i = 0U; i < numParams; ++i)
                TextParams.Add(TextParam.Read(br, mapVersion));

            var numChoices = br.ReadUInt32();
            for (var i = 0U; i < numChoices; ++i)
                var tChoice = new TextChoice
                    TriggerCOID = br.ReadUInt64(),
                    Text = br.ReadLengthedString(),
                    TextParams = new List<TextParam>()

                var numChoiceParams = br.ReadUInt32();
                for (var j = 0U; j < numChoiceParams; ++j)
                    tChoice.TextParams.Add(TextParam.Read(br, mapVersion));
コード例 #3
    void OnMouseDown()
        if (isVisible)
            if (typeWritterEffect.effectEnded && typeWritterEffect.fullText.Length == 0)
                TextChoice mTextChoiceP = getItemByID(textToShow);
                if (mTextChoiceP.child.Capacity == 1)
                    TextChoice mTextChoice = getItemByID(mTextChoiceP.child[0]);
                    if (mTextChoice.choice != -1)
                        //text after choice
                        typeWritterEffect.fullText    = mTextChoice.text;
                        typeWritterEffect.startEffect = true;
                        typeWritterEffect.effectEnded = false;
                        textToShow = mTextChoice.id;
                        //conversation text
                        typeWritterEffect.fullText    = mTextChoice.text;
                        typeWritterEffect.startEffect = true;
                        typeWritterEffect.effectEnded = false;
                        textToShow = mTextChoice.id;
                else if (mTextChoiceP.child.Capacity == 3)
                    //choice options
                    TextChoice mTextChoice1 = getItemByID(mTextChoiceP.child[0]);
                    TextChoice mTextChoice2 = getItemByID(mTextChoiceP.child[1]);
                    TextChoice mTextChoice3 = getItemByID(mTextChoiceP.child[2]);
                    textToShow = mTextChoice2.id;

                    typeWritterEffect.fullText          = " ";
                    typeWritterEffect.startEffect       = true;
                    typeWritterEffect.effectEnded       = false;
                    mChoice1.GetComponent <Text>().text = mTextChoice1.text;
                    mChoice2.GetComponent <Text>().text = mTextChoice2.text;
                    mChoice3.GetComponent <Text>().text = mTextChoice3.text;
コード例 #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Move the items given in the list (tables and graphs) to a new location. The new location is ask for in a dialog.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="list">List of items to move.</param>
        public static void MoveDocuments(IList <object> list)
            var names = Current.Project.Folders.GetSubfoldersAsDisplayFolderNameStringListSorted(ProjectFolder.RootFolderName, true);

            names.Insert(0, rootFolderDisplayName);
            var choices = new TextChoice(names.ToArray(), 0, true)
                Description = "Choose or enter the folder to move the items into:"

            if (!Current.Gui.ShowDialog(ref choices, "Folder choice", false))

            string newFolderName = rootFolderDisplayName == choices.Text ? ProjectFolder.RootFolderName : ProjectFolder.ConvertDisplayFolderNameToFolderName(choices.Text);

            Current.Project.Folders.MoveItemsToFolder(list, newFolderName);
コード例 #5
 public void SetEvent(TextChoice choice, MultipleChoiceEventProcessor viewProcessor)
     _choice = choice;
     _owner  = viewProcessor;
コード例 #6
 public TextChoiceViewModel(TextChoice model)
     : base(model)
     _model = model;