public static void spawnPlayer(Player player) { Text3D text3d = new Text3D(player, 2000, Types.ColorRGBA.Red, player.World, new Types.Vec3f(0, 100, 0)); text3d.addRow("Test1", 10000); text3d.addRow("Test2", 12000); text3d.addRow("Test3", 14000); text3d.addRow("Test4", 16000); text3d.addRow("Test5", 18000);; PlayerText playerText = new PlayerText(player); playerText.addRow("Okay", 80000); playerText.addRow("Okay2", 80000); playerText.addRow("Okay3", 80000); playerText.addRow("Okay4", 80000); playerText.addRow("Okay5", 80000); playerText.addRow("Okay6", 80000); playerText.addRow("Okay7", 80000); playerText.addRow("Okay8", 80000); playerText.addRow("Okay9", 80000); playerText.addRow("Okay10", 80000); playerText.addRow("Okay11", 80000);; }
public void Read(RakNet.BitStream stream, RakNet.Packet packet, Client client) { byte type = 0; stream.Read(out type); GuiMessageType gmT = (GuiMessageType)type; int viewID = 0; if (gmT == GuiMessageType.Show) { stream.Read(out viewID); View v = getViewFromList(viewID);; } else if (gmT == GuiMessageType.Hide) { stream.Read(out viewID); View v = getViewFromList(viewID); v.hide(); } else if (gmT == GuiMessageType.SetPosition) { Vec2i position; stream.Read(out viewID); stream.Read(out position); View v = getViewFromList(viewID); v.setPosition(position); } else if (gmT == GuiMessageType.Destroy) { stream.Read(out viewID); View v = getViewFromList(viewID); v.Destroy(); }//Creation: else if (gmT == GuiMessageType.CreateTexture) { Vec2i position, size; string texture; int parentID = 0; int guiEvents = 0; stream.Read(out viewID); stream.Read(out position); stream.Read(out size); stream.Read(out texture); stream.Read(out parentID); stream.Read(out guiEvents); Texture tex = new Texture(viewID, texture, position, size, getTextureParentFromList(parentID), (GUIEvents)guiEvents); viewList.Add(viewID, tex); } else if (gmT == GuiMessageType.CreateText) { Vec2i position; string text, font; ColorRGBA color; int parentID = 0; stream.Read(out viewID); stream.Read(out position); stream.Read(out text); stream.Read(out font); stream.Read(out color); stream.Read(out parentID); Text textView = new Text(viewID, text, font, position, getTextureParentFromList(parentID), color); viewList.Add(viewID, textView); } else if (gmT == GuiMessageType.CreateTextBox) { Vec2i position; string text, font; ColorRGBA color; int parentID = 0, sendKey, startWriteKey, resetKey; stream.Read(out viewID); stream.Read(out position); stream.Read(out text); stream.Read(out font); stream.Read(out color); stream.Read(out sendKey); stream.Read(out startWriteKey); stream.Read(out resetKey); stream.Read(out parentID); TextBox textView = new TextBox(viewID, text, font, position, getTextureParentFromList(parentID), color, resetKey, startWriteKey, sendKey); viewList.Add(viewID, textView); } else if (gmT == GuiMessageType.CreateTextArea) { Vec2i position, size; string text, font; ColorRGBA color; int parentID = 0, sendKey, startWriteKey, resetKey; stream.Read(out viewID); stream.Read(out position); stream.Read(out size); stream.Read(out text); stream.Read(out font); stream.Read(out color); stream.Read(out sendKey); stream.Read(out startWriteKey); stream.Read(out resetKey); stream.Read(out parentID); TextArea textView = new TextArea(viewID, text, font, position, size, getTextureParentFromList(parentID), color, resetKey, startWriteKey, sendKey); viewList.Add(viewID, textView); } else if (gmT == GuiMessageType.CreateMessageBox) { Vec2i position; int parentID = 0; String font; byte lines; stream.Read(out viewID); stream.Read(out position); stream.Read(out parentID); stream.Read(out font); stream.Read(out lines); MessageBox messageBox = new MessageBox(viewID, lines, font, position, getTextureParentFromList(parentID)); viewList.Add(viewID, messageBox); } else if (gmT == GuiMessageType.CreateCursor) { Vec2i position, size; string texture; int parentID = 0; stream.Read(out viewID); stream.Read(out position); stream.Read(out size); stream.Read(out texture); stream.Read(out parentID); Cursor tex = new Cursor(viewID, texture, position, size); viewList.Add(viewID, tex); } else if (gmT == GuiMessageType.CreateButton) { Vec2i position, size; string texture, text, font; int parentID = 0; ColorRGBA color; int guiEvents = 0; stream.Read(out viewID); stream.Read(out position); stream.Read(out size); stream.Read(out text); stream.Read(out texture); stream.Read(out font); stream.Read(out color); stream.Read(out parentID); stream.Read(out guiEvents); Button tex = new Button(viewID, text, texture, font, color, position, size, getTextureParentFromList(parentID), (GUIEvents)guiEvents); viewList.Add(viewID, tex); } else if (gmT == GuiMessageType.CreateList) { Vec2i position, size; string texture, font; int parentID = 0; int guiEvents = 0; byte lines = 0; stream.Read(out viewID); stream.Read(out position); stream.Read(out size); stream.Read(out texture); stream.Read(out parentID); //stream.Read(out guiEvents); stream.Read(out lines); stream.Read(out font); GUI.GuiList.List tex = new GUI.GuiList.List(viewID, lines, font, position, size, texture, getTextureParentFromList(parentID), (GUIEvents)guiEvents); viewList.Add(viewID, tex); } else if (gmT == GuiMessageType.CreateListText) { String text = ""; int parentID = 0; ColorRGBA activeColor, inactiveColor; stream.Read(out viewID); stream.Read(out text); stream.Read(out parentID); stream.Read(out activeColor); stream.Read(out inactiveColor); GUI.GuiList.List list = getListParentFromList(parentID); GUI.GuiList.ListText listelement = new GUI.GuiList.ListText(viewID, text, list, activeColor, inactiveColor); list.addRow(listelement); viewList.Add(viewID, listelement); } else if (gmT == GuiMessageType.CreateListButton) { String text = ""; int parentID = 0; ColorRGBA activeColor, inactiveColor; stream.Read(out viewID); stream.Read(out text); stream.Read(out parentID); stream.Read(out activeColor); stream.Read(out inactiveColor); GUI.GuiList.List list = getListParentFromList(parentID); GUI.GuiList.ListButton listelement = new GUI.GuiList.ListButton(viewID, text, list, activeColor, inactiveColor); list.addRow(listelement); viewList.Add(viewID, listelement); } else if (gmT == GuiMessageType.CreateListTextBox) { String text = ""; String hardText = ""; int parentID = 0; ColorRGBA activeColor, inactiveColor; stream.Read(out viewID); stream.Read(out hardText); stream.Read(out text); stream.Read(out parentID); stream.Read(out activeColor); stream.Read(out inactiveColor); GUI.GuiList.List list = getListParentFromList(parentID); GUI.GuiList.ListTextBox listelement = new GUI.GuiList.ListTextBox(viewID, hardText, text, list, activeColor, inactiveColor); list.addRow(listelement); viewList.Add(viewID, listelement); } else if (gmT == GuiMessageType.CreateText3D) { Vec3f position; float maxDistance; int parentID = 0; String world = ""; stream.Read(out viewID); stream.Read(out position); stream.Read(out world); stream.Read(out maxDistance); stream.Read(out parentID); int rowCount = 0; stream.Read(out rowCount); Text3D textView = new Text3D(viewID, world, maxDistance, position); for (int i = 0; i < rowCount; i++) { String text = ""; ColorRGBA color = ColorRGBA.White; long time = 0, blendTime; stream.Read(out text); stream.Read(out color); stream.Read(out time); stream.Read(out blendTime); textView.addRow(new Text3D.Text3DRow() { Text = text, Color = color, Time = time, BlendTime = blendTime }); } viewList.Add(viewID, textView); } else if (gmT == GuiMessageType.CreateTextPlayer) { int playerID = 0; float maxDistance; int parentID = 0; stream.Read(out viewID); stream.Read(out playerID); stream.Read(out maxDistance); stream.Read(out parentID); int rowCount = 0; stream.Read(out rowCount); Vob vob = null; if (!sWorld.VobDict.TryGetValue(playerID, out vob)) { throw new Exception("Player id:" + playerID + " was not found!"); } if (!(vob is Player)) { throw new Exception("Vob is not a Player: " + playerID + " " + vob); } PlayerText textView = new PlayerText(viewID, (Player)vob, maxDistance); for (int i = 0; i < rowCount; i++) { String text = ""; ColorRGBA color = ColorRGBA.White; long time = 0, blendTime; stream.Read(out text); stream.Read(out color); stream.Read(out time); stream.Read(out blendTime); textView.addRow(new Text3D.Text3DRow() { Text = text, Color = color, Time = time, BlendTime = blendTime }); } viewList.Add(viewID, textView); } else if (gmT == GuiMessageType.Text3DAddRow) { String text = ""; ColorRGBA color = ColorRGBA.White; long time = 0, blendTime = 0; stream.Read(out viewID); stream.Read(out text); stream.Read(out color); stream.Read(out time); stream.Read(out blendTime); View v = getViewFromList(viewID); if (!(v is Text3D)) { throw new Exception("Text3DAddRow works only with a Text3D!: " + v); } Text3D t3d = (Text3D)v; t3d.addRow(new Text3D.Text3DRow() { Text = text, Color = color, Time = time, BlendTime = blendTime }); } else if (gmT == GuiMessageType.Text3DClear) { stream.Read(out viewID); View v = getViewFromList(viewID); if (!(v is Text3D)) { throw new Exception("Text3DAddRow works only with a Text3D!: " + v); } Text3D t3d = (Text3D)v; t3d.Clear(); } else if (gmT == GuiMessageType.Text3DPosition) { Vec3f position = new Vec3f(); stream.Read(out viewID); stream.Read(out position); View v = getViewFromList(viewID); if (!(v is Text3D)) { throw new Exception("Text3DAddRow works only with a Text3D!: " + v); } Text3D t3d = (Text3D)v; t3d.setPosition(position); } //Texture: else if (gmT == GuiMessageType.SetTexture) { String texture = ""; stream.Read(out viewID); stream.Read(out texture); View v = getViewFromList(viewID); if (!(v is Texture) && !(v is Button)) { throw new Exception("SetTexture works only with a texture or buttons!: " + v); } Texture tex = (Texture)v; tex.setTexture(texture); } else if (gmT == GuiMessageType.SetSize) { Vec2i position; stream.Read(out viewID); stream.Read(out position); View v = getViewFromList(viewID); if (!(v is Texture) && !(v is Button)) { throw new Exception("SetSize works only with a texture or buttons!: " + v); } Texture tex = (Texture)v; tex.setSize(position); }//Text&TextBox: else if (gmT == GuiMessageType.SetText) { String text = ""; stream.Read(out viewID); stream.Read(out text); View v = getViewFromList(viewID); if (!(v is Text) && !(v is TextBox) && !(v is TextArea) && !(v is Button)) { throw new Exception("SetText works only with a text and textbox!: " + v); } if (v is Text) { Text tex = (Text)v; tex.setText(text); } else if (v is TextBox) { TextBox tex = (TextBox)v; tex.setText(text); } else if (v is TextArea) { TextArea tex = (TextArea)v; tex.setText(text); } else if (v is Button) { Button button = (Button)v; button.setText(text); } } else if (gmT == GuiMessageType.SetTextFont) { String font = ""; stream.Read(out viewID); stream.Read(out font); View v = getViewFromList(viewID); if (!(v is Text) && !(v is TextBox)) { throw new Exception("SetFont works only with a text and textbox!: " + v); } if (v is Text) { Text tex = (Text)v; tex.setFont(font); } else if (v is TextBox) { TextBox tex = (TextBox)v; tex.setFont(font); } } else if (gmT == GuiMessageType.SetTextColor) { ColorRGBA color; stream.Read(out viewID); stream.Read(out color); View v = getViewFromList(viewID); if (!(v is Text) && !(v is TextBox) && !(v is TextArea)) { throw new Exception("SetColor works only with a text and textbox!: " + v); } if (v is Text) { Text tex = (Text)v; tex.setColor(color); } else if (v is TextBox) { TextBox tex = (TextBox)v; tex.setColor(color); } else if (v is TextArea) { TextArea tex = (TextArea)v; tex.setColor(color); } }//TextBox! else if (gmT == GuiMessageType.TextBoxStartWriting) { stream.Read(out viewID); View v = getViewFromList(viewID); if (!(v is TextBox) && !(v is TextArea)) { throw new Exception("TextBoxStartWriting works only with a textbox!: " + v); } if (v is TextBox) { TextBox tex = (TextBox)v; tex.startWriting(); } else if (v is TextArea) { TextArea tex = (TextArea)v; tex.startWriting(); } } else if (gmT == GuiMessageType.TextBoxStopWriting) { stream.Read(out viewID); View v = getViewFromList(viewID); if (!(v is TextBox) && !(v is TextArea)) { throw new Exception("TextBoxStartWriting works only with a textbox!: " + v); } if (v is TextBox) { TextBox tex = (TextBox)v; tex.stopWriting(); } else if (v is TextArea) { TextArea tex = (TextArea)v; tex.stopWriting(); } } else if (gmT == GuiMessageType.TextBoxCallSend) { stream.Read(out viewID); View v = getViewFromList(viewID); if (!(v is TextBox) && !(v is TextArea)) { throw new Exception("TextBoxStartWriting works only with a textbox!: " + v); } if (v is TextBox) { TextBox tex = (TextBox)v; tex.callSendText(); } else if (v is TextArea) { TextArea tex = (TextArea)v; tex.callSendText(); } } else if (gmT == GuiMessageType.TextBoxSetStartWritingKey) { int key = 0; stream.Read(out viewID); stream.Read(out key); View v = getViewFromList(viewID); if (!(v is TextBox) && !(v is TextArea)) { throw new Exception("TextBoxStartWriting works only with a textbox!: " + v); } if (v is TextBox) { TextBox tex = (TextBox)v; tex.setEnableKey(key); } else if (v is TextArea) { TextArea tex = (TextArea)v; tex.setEnableKey(key); } } else if (gmT == GuiMessageType.TextBoxSetSendKey) { int key = 0; stream.Read(out viewID); stream.Read(out key); View v = getViewFromList(viewID); if (!(v is TextBox) && !(v is TextArea)) { throw new Exception("TextBoxStartWriting works only with a textbox!: " + v); } if (v is TextBox) { TextBox tex = (TextBox)v; tex.setSendKey(key); } else if (v is TextArea) { TextArea tex = (TextArea)v; tex.setSendKey(key); } } else if (gmT == GuiMessageType.TextBoxSetResetKey) { int key = 0; stream.Read(out viewID); stream.Read(out key); View v = getViewFromList(viewID); if (!(v is TextBox) && !(v is TextArea)) { throw new Exception("TextBoxStartWriting works only with a textbox!: " + v); } if (v is TextBox) { TextBox tex = (TextBox)v; tex.setResetKey(key); } else if (v is TextArea) { TextArea tex = (TextArea)v; tex.setResetKey(key); } }//MessageBox: else if (gmT == GuiMessageType.MessageBoxAddLine) { String message; ColorRGBA color; stream.Read(out viewID); stream.Read(out color); stream.Read(out message); View v = getViewFromList(viewID); if (!(v is MessageBox)) { throw new Exception("TextBoxStartWriting works only with a textbox!: " + v); } MessageBox tex = (MessageBox)v; tex.addMessage(message, color); } }