public void FatalExceptionTest() { ODataResource entry = ObjectModelUtils.CreateDefaultEntry(); this.CombinatorialEngineProvider.RunCombinations( new ODataItem[] { entry }, new bool[] { true, false }, // flush // TODO: also enable this test for the sync scenarios this.WriterTestConfigurationProvider.ExplicitFormatConfigurations.Where(tc => !tc.Synchronous), (payload, flush, testConfiguration) => { testConfiguration = testConfiguration.Clone(); testConfiguration.MessageWriterSettings.SetServiceDocumentUri(ServiceDocumentUri); using (var memoryStream = new TestStream()) using (var messageWriter = TestWriterUtils.CreateMessageWriter(memoryStream, testConfiguration, this.Assert)) { ODataWriter writer = messageWriter.CreateODataWriter(isFeed: false); ODataWriterCoreInspector inspector = new ODataWriterCoreInspector(writer); // close the memory stream so that any attempt to flush will cause a fatal error memoryStream.CloseInner(); // write the payload and call FlushAsync() to trigger a fatal exception Exception ex = TestExceptionUtils.RunCatching(() => TestWriterUtils.WritePayload(messageWriter, writer, true, entry)); this.Assert.IsNotNull(ex, "Expected exception but none was thrown."); NotSupportedException notSupported = null; #if SILVERLIGHT || WINDOWS_PHONE var baseEx = ex.GetBaseException(); this.Assert.IsNotNull(baseEx, "BaseException of exception:" + ex.ToString() + " should not be null"); notSupported = baseEx as NotSupportedException; this.Assert.IsNotNull(notSupported, "Expected NotSupportedException but " + baseEx.GetType().FullName + " was reported."); #else notSupported = TestExceptionUtils.UnwrapAggregateException(ex, this.Assert) as NotSupportedException; this.Assert.IsNotNull(notSupported, "Expected NotSupportedException but " + ex.ToString() + " was reported."); #endif this.Assert.AreEqual("Stream does not support writing.", notSupported.Message, "Did not find expected error message."); this.Assert.IsTrue(inspector.IsInErrorState, "Writer is not in expected 'Error' state."); if (flush) { // Flush should work in error state. writer.Flush(); } // in all cases we have to be able to dispose the writer without problems. } }); }
public void WriteAfterExceptionTest() { // create a default entry and then set both read and edit links to null to provoke an exception during writing ODataResource faultyEntry = ObjectModelUtils.CreateDefaultEntry(); this.Assert.IsNull(faultyEntry.EditLink, "entry.EditLink == null"); ODataResource defaultEntry = ObjectModelUtils.CreateDefaultEntry(); ODataResourceSet defaultFeed = ObjectModelUtils.CreateDefaultFeed(); this.CombinatorialEngineProvider.RunCombinations( new ODataItem[] { faultyEntry }, new ODataItem[] { defaultFeed, defaultEntry }, this.WriterTestConfigurationProvider.ExplicitFormatConfigurations, (faultyPayload, contentPayload, testConfiguration) => { testConfiguration = testConfiguration.Clone(); testConfiguration.MessageWriterSettings.SetServiceDocumentUri(ServiceDocumentUri); using (var memoryStream = new TestStream()) using (var messageWriter = TestWriterUtils.CreateMessageWriter(memoryStream, testConfiguration, this.Assert)) { ODataWriter writer = messageWriter.CreateODataWriter(isFeed: false); ODataWriterCoreInspector inspector = new ODataWriterCoreInspector(writer); // write the invalid entry and expect an exception this.Assert.ExpectedException( () => TestWriterUtils.WritePayload(messageWriter, writer, false, faultyEntry), ODataExpectedExceptions.ODataException("WriterValidationUtils_EntriesMustHaveNonEmptyId"), this.ExceptionVerifier); this.Assert.IsTrue(inspector.IsInErrorState, "Writer is not in expected 'error' state."); // now write some non-error content which is invalid to do Exception ex = TestExceptionUtils.RunCatching(() => TestWriterUtils.WritePayload(messageWriter, writer, false, contentPayload)); ex = TestExceptionUtils.UnwrapAggregateException(ex, this.Assert); this.Assert.IsNotNull(ex, "Expected exception but none was thrown"); this.Assert.IsTrue(ex is ODataException, "Expected an ODataException instance but got a " + ex.GetType().FullName + "."); this.Assert.IsTrue(ex.Message.Contains("Cannot transition from state 'Error' to state "), "Did not find expected start of error message."); this.Assert.IsTrue(ex.Message.Contains("Nothing can be written once the writer entered the error state."), "Did not find expected end of error message in '" + ex.Message + "'."); this.Assert.IsTrue(inspector.IsInErrorState, "Writer is not in expected 'error' state."); writer.Flush(); } }); }
public void FeedInvalidContentTests() { ODataFeed defaultFeed = ObjectModelUtils.CreateDefaultFeed(); ODataItem[] invalidPayload1 = new ODataItem[] { defaultFeed, defaultFeed }; var testCases = new[] { new { Items = invalidPayload1, ExpectedError = "Cannot transition from state 'Feed' to state 'Feed'. The only valid action in state 'Feed' is to write an entry." } }; this.CombinatorialEngineProvider.RunCombinations( testCases, ODataFormatUtils.ODataFormats.Where(f => f != null), // Async test configuration is not supported for Phone and Silverlight #if !SILVERLIGHT && !WINDOWS_PHONE new bool[] { false, true }, #else new bool[] { true }, #endif (testCase, format, synchronous) => { using (var memoryStream = new TestStream()) { ODataMessageWriterSettings settings = new ODataMessageWriterSettings(); settings.Version = ODataVersion.V4; settings.SetServiceDocumentUri(ServiceDocumentUri); using (var messageWriter = TestWriterUtils.CreateMessageWriter(memoryStream, new WriterTestConfiguration(format, settings, false, synchronous), this.Assert)) { ODataWriter writer = messageWriter.CreateODataWriter(isFeed: true); TestExceptionUtils.ExpectedException <ODataException>( this.Assert, () => TestWriterUtils.WritePayload(messageWriter, writer, true, testCase.Items), testCase.ExpectedError); } } }); }
public void DisposeAfterExceptionTest() { // create a default entry and then set both read and edit links to null to provoke an exception during writing ODataResource entry = ObjectModelUtils.CreateDefaultEntry(); this.Assert.IsNull(entry.EditLink, "entry.EditLink == null"); this.CombinatorialEngineProvider.RunCombinations( new ODataItem[] { entry }, new bool[] { true, false }, // writeError new bool[] { true, false }, // flush this.WriterTestConfigurationProvider.ExplicitFormatConfigurations.Where(c => c.IsRequest == false), (payload, writeError, flush, testConfiguration) => { testConfiguration = testConfiguration.Clone(); testConfiguration.MessageWriterSettings.SetServiceDocumentUri(ServiceDocumentUri); // try writing to a memory stream using (var memoryStream = new TestStream()) using (var messageWriter = TestWriterUtils.CreateMessageWriter(memoryStream, testConfiguration, this.Assert)) { ODataWriter writer = messageWriter.CreateODataWriter(isFeed: false); ODataWriterCoreInspector inspector = new ODataWriterCoreInspector(writer); try { // write the invalid entry and expect an exception TestExceptionUtils.ExpectedException( this.Assert, () => TestWriterUtils.WritePayload(messageWriter, writer, false, entry), ODataExpectedExceptions.ODataException("WriterValidationUtils_EntriesMustHaveNonEmptyId"), this.ExceptionVerifier); this.Assert.IsTrue(inspector.IsInErrorState, "Writer is not in expected 'error' state."); if (writeError) { // now write an error which is the only valid thing to do ODataAnnotatedError error = new ODataAnnotatedError { Error = new ODataError() { Message = "DisposeAfterExceptionTest error message." } }; Exception ex = TestExceptionUtils.RunCatching(() => TestWriterUtils.WritePayload(messageWriter, writer, false, error)); this.Assert.IsNull(ex, "Unexpected error '" + (ex == null ? "<none>" : ex.Message) + "' while writing an error."); this.Assert.IsTrue(inspector.IsInErrorState, "Writer is not in expected 'error' state."); } if (flush) { writer.Flush(); } } catch (ODataException oe) { if (writeError && !flush) { this.Assert.AreEqual("A writer or stream has been disposed with data still in the buffer. You must call Flush or FlushAsync before calling Dispose when some data has already been written.", oe.Message, "Did not find expected error message"); this.Assert.IsTrue(inspector.IsInErrorState, "Writer is not in expected 'error' state."); } else { this.Assert.Fail("Caught an unexpected ODataException: " + oe.Message + "."); } } } }); }
public void ExpandedLinkWithMultiplicityTests() { ODataNavigationLink expandedEntryLink = ObjectModelUtils.CreateDefaultCollectionLink(); expandedEntryLink.IsCollection = false; ODataNavigationLink expandedFeedLink = ObjectModelUtils.CreateDefaultCollectionLink(); expandedFeedLink.IsCollection = true; ODataEntry defaultEntry = ObjectModelUtils.CreateDefaultEntry(); ODataFeed defaultFeed = ObjectModelUtils.CreateDefaultFeed(); ODataEntityReferenceLink defaultEntityReferenceLink = ObjectModelUtils.CreateDefaultEntityReferenceLink(); ODataEntry officeEntry = ObjectModelUtils.CreateDefaultEntry("TestModel.OfficeType"); ODataEntry officeWithNumberEntry = ObjectModelUtils.CreateDefaultEntry("TestModel.OfficeWithNumberType"); ODataEntry cityEntry = ObjectModelUtils.CreateDefaultEntry("TestModel.CityType"); // CityHall is a nav prop with multiplicity '*' of type 'TestModel.OfficeType' ODataNavigationLink cityHallLinkIsCollectionNull = ObjectModelUtils.CreateDefaultCollectionLink("CityHall", /*isCollection*/ null); ODataNavigationLink cityHallLinkIsCollectionTrue = ObjectModelUtils.CreateDefaultCollectionLink("CityHall", /*isCollection*/ true); ODataNavigationLink cityHallLinkIsCollectionFalse = ObjectModelUtils.CreateDefaultCollectionLink("CityHall", /*isCollection*/ false); // PoliceStation is a nav prop with multiplicity '1' of type 'TestModel.OfficeType' ODataNavigationLink policeStationLinkIsCollectionNull = ObjectModelUtils.CreateDefaultCollectionLink("PoliceStation", /*isCollection*/ null); ODataNavigationLink policeStationLinkIsCollectionTrue = ObjectModelUtils.CreateDefaultCollectionLink("PoliceStation", /*isCollection*/ true); ODataNavigationLink policeStationLinkIsCollectionFalse = ObjectModelUtils.CreateDefaultCollectionLink("PoliceStation", /*isCollection*/ false); ExpectedException expandedEntryLinkWithFeedContentError = ODataExpectedExceptions.ODataException("WriterValidationUtils_ExpandedLinkIsCollectionFalseWithFeedContent", ""); ExpectedException expandedFeedLinkWithEntryContentError = ODataExpectedExceptions.ODataException("WriterValidationUtils_ExpandedLinkIsCollectionTrueWithEntryContent", ""); ExpectedException expandedFeedLinkWithEntryMetadataError = ODataExpectedExceptions.ODataException("WriterValidationUtils_ExpandedLinkIsCollectionTrueWithEntryMetadata", ""); ExpectedException expandedEntryLinkWithFeedMetadataErrorResponse = ODataExpectedExceptions.ODataException("WriterValidationUtils_ExpandedLinkIsCollectionFalseWithFeedMetadata", ""); ExpectedException expandedFeedLinkPayloadWithEntryMetadataErrorRequest = ODataExpectedExceptions.ODataException("WriterValidationUtils_ExpandedLinkWithFeedPayloadAndEntryMetadata", ""); ExpectedException expandedFeedLinkPayloadWithEntryMetadataErrorResponse = ODataExpectedExceptions.ODataException("WriterValidationUtils_ExpandedLinkIsCollectionTrueWithEntryMetadata", ""); ExpectedException expandedEntryLinkPayloadWithFeedMetadataErrorResponse = ODataExpectedExceptions.ODataException("WriterValidationUtils_ExpandedLinkIsCollectionFalseWithFeedMetadata", ""); ExpectedException expandedEntryLinkPayloadWithFeedMetadataError = ODataExpectedExceptions.ODataException("WriterValidationUtils_ExpandedLinkWithEntryPayloadAndFeedMetadata", ""); ExpectedException multipleItemsInExpandedLinkError = ODataExpectedExceptions.ODataException("ODataWriterCore_MultipleItemsInNavigationLinkContent", ""); ExpectedException entityReferenceLinkInResponseError = ODataExpectedExceptions.ODataException("ODataWriterCore_EntityReferenceLinkInResponse"); IEdmModel model = Microsoft.Test.OData.Utils.Metadata.TestModels.BuildTestModel(); var testCases = new ExpandedLinkMultiplicityTestCase[] { #region IsCollection flag does not match payload new ExpandedLinkMultiplicityTestCase { // Expanded link with IsCollection is 'false' and feed payload Items = new ODataItem[] { defaultEntry, expandedEntryLink, defaultFeed }, ExpectedError = tc => expandedEntryLinkWithFeedContentError, }, new ExpandedLinkMultiplicityTestCase { // Expanded link with IsCollection is 'true' and entry payload Items = new ODataItem[] { defaultEntry, expandedFeedLink, defaultEntry }, ExpectedError = tc => expandedFeedLinkWithEntryContentError, }, #endregion IsCollection flag does not match payload #region IsCollection == null; check compatibility of entity types of navigation property and entity in expanded link new ExpandedLinkMultiplicityTestCase { // Expanded link of singleton type without IsCollection value and an entry of a non-matching entity type; Items = new ODataItem[] { cityEntry, policeStationLinkIsCollectionNull, cityEntry }, ExpectedError = tc => tc.Format == ODataFormat.Atom || !tc.IsRequest ? ODataExpectedExceptions.ODataException("WriterValidationUtils_EntryTypeInExpandedLinkNotCompatibleWithNavigationPropertyType", "TestModel.CityType", "TestModel.OfficeType") : ODataExpectedExceptions.ODataException("WriterValidationUtils_NavigationLinkMustSpecifyIsCollection", "PoliceStation"), Model = model, }, new ExpandedLinkMultiplicityTestCase { // Expanded link of singleton type without IsCollection value and an entry of a matching entity type; no error expected. Items = new ODataItem[] { cityEntry, policeStationLinkIsCollectionNull, officeEntry }, ExpectedError = tc => tc.Format == ODataFormat.Json && !tc.IsRequest ? null : ODataExpectedExceptions.ODataException("WriterValidationUtils_NavigationLinkMustSpecifyIsCollection", "PoliceStation"), Model = model, }, new ExpandedLinkMultiplicityTestCase { // Expanded link of singleton type without IsCollection and an entry of a derived entity type; no error expected. Items = new ODataItem[] { cityEntry, policeStationLinkIsCollectionNull, officeWithNumberEntry }, ExpectedError = tc => tc.Format == ODataFormat.Json && !tc.IsRequest ? null : ODataExpectedExceptions.ODataException("WriterValidationUtils_NavigationLinkMustSpecifyIsCollection", "PoliceStation"), Model = model, }, new ExpandedLinkMultiplicityTestCase { // Expanded link of collection type without IsCollection value and an entry of a non-matching entity type; Items = new ODataItem[] { cityEntry, cityHallLinkIsCollectionNull, defaultFeed, cityEntry }, ExpectedError = tc => tc.Format == ODataFormat.Json && !tc.IsRequest ? ODataExpectedExceptions.ODataException("WriterValidationUtils_EntryTypeInExpandedLinkNotCompatibleWithNavigationPropertyType", "TestModel.CityType", "TestModel.OfficeType") : ODataExpectedExceptions.ODataException("WriterValidationUtils_NavigationLinkMustSpecifyIsCollection", "CityHall"), Model = model, }, new ExpandedLinkMultiplicityTestCase { // Expanded link of collection type without IsCollection value and an entry of a matching entity type; no error expected. Items = new ODataItem[] { cityEntry, cityHallLinkIsCollectionNull, defaultFeed, officeEntry }, ExpectedError = tc => tc.Format == ODataFormat.Json && !tc.IsRequest ? null : ODataExpectedExceptions.ODataException("WriterValidationUtils_NavigationLinkMustSpecifyIsCollection", "CityHall"), Model = model, }, new ExpandedLinkMultiplicityTestCase { // Expanded link of collection type without IsCollection and an entry of a derived entity type; no error expected. Items = new ODataItem[] { cityEntry, cityHallLinkIsCollectionNull, defaultFeed, officeWithNumberEntry }, ExpectedError = tc => tc.Format == ODataFormat.Json && !tc.IsRequest ? null : ODataExpectedExceptions.ODataException("WriterValidationUtils_NavigationLinkMustSpecifyIsCollection", "CityHall"), Model = model, }, #endregion IsCollection == null; check compatibility of entity types of navigation property and entity in expanded link #region Expanded link with entry content new ExpandedLinkMultiplicityTestCase { // Entry content, IsCollection == false, singleton nav prop; should not fail. Items = new ODataItem[] { cityEntry, policeStationLinkIsCollectionFalse, officeEntry }, }, new ExpandedLinkMultiplicityTestCase { // Entry content, IsCollection == true, singleton nav prop; should fail. Items = new ODataItem[] { cityEntry, policeStationLinkIsCollectionTrue, officeEntry }, ExpectedError = tc => expandedFeedLinkWithEntryContentError, }, new ExpandedLinkMultiplicityTestCase { // Entry content, IsCollection == false, collection nav prop; should fail. Items = new ODataItem[] { cityEntry, cityHallLinkIsCollectionFalse, officeEntry }, ExpectedError = tc => tc.IsRequest ? expandedEntryLinkPayloadWithFeedMetadataError : expandedEntryLinkPayloadWithFeedMetadataErrorResponse, Model = model }, new ExpandedLinkMultiplicityTestCase { // Entry content, IsCollection == true, collection nav prop; should fail. Items = new ODataItem[] { cityEntry, cityHallLinkIsCollectionTrue, officeEntry }, ExpectedError = tc => expandedFeedLinkWithEntryContentError, Model = model }, new ExpandedLinkMultiplicityTestCase { // Entry content, IsCollection == null, singleton nav prop; should not fail. Items = new ODataItem[] { cityEntry, policeStationLinkIsCollectionNull, officeEntry }, ExpectedError = tc => tc.IsRequest || tc.Format == ODataFormat.Atom ? ODataExpectedExceptions.ODataException("WriterValidationUtils_NavigationLinkMustSpecifyIsCollection", "PoliceStation") : null, Model = model, }, new ExpandedLinkMultiplicityTestCase { // Entry content, IsCollection == null, collection nav prop; should fail. Items = new ODataItem[] { cityEntry, cityHallLinkIsCollectionNull, officeEntry }, ExpectedError = tc => expandedEntryLinkPayloadWithFeedMetadataError, Model = model, }, #endregion Expanded collection link with entry content #region Expanded link with feed content new ExpandedLinkMultiplicityTestCase { // Feed content, IsCollection == false, singleton nav prop; should fail. Items = new ODataItem[] { cityEntry, policeStationLinkIsCollectionFalse, defaultFeed, officeEntry }, ExpectedError = tc => expandedEntryLinkWithFeedContentError, }, new ExpandedLinkMultiplicityTestCase { // Feed content, IsCollection == true, singleton nav prop; should fail. Items = new ODataItem[] { cityEntry, policeStationLinkIsCollectionTrue, defaultFeed, officeEntry }, ExpectedError = tc => tc.IsRequest ? expandedFeedLinkPayloadWithEntryMetadataErrorRequest : expandedFeedLinkPayloadWithEntryMetadataErrorResponse, Model = model }, new ExpandedLinkMultiplicityTestCase { // Feed content, IsCollection == false, collection nav prop; should fail. Items = new ODataItem[] { cityEntry, cityHallLinkIsCollectionFalse, defaultFeed, officeEntry }, ExpectedError = tc => tc.IsRequest ? expandedEntryLinkWithFeedContentError : expandedEntryLinkWithFeedMetadataErrorResponse, Model = model }, new ExpandedLinkMultiplicityTestCase { // Feed content, IsCollection == true, collection nav prop; should not fail. Items = new ODataItem[] { cityEntry, cityHallLinkIsCollectionTrue, defaultFeed, officeEntry }, Model = model }, new ExpandedLinkMultiplicityTestCase { // Feed content, IsCollection == null, singleton nav prop; should fail. Items = new ODataItem[] { cityEntry, policeStationLinkIsCollectionNull, defaultFeed, officeEntry }, ExpectedError = tc => expandedFeedLinkPayloadWithEntryMetadataErrorRequest, Model = model, }, new ExpandedLinkMultiplicityTestCase { // Feed content, IsCollection == null, collection nav prop; should not fail. Items = new ODataItem[] { cityEntry, cityHallLinkIsCollectionNull, defaultFeed, officeEntry }, ExpectedError = tc => tc.IsRequest || tc.Format == ODataFormat.Atom ? ODataExpectedExceptions.ODataException("WriterValidationUtils_NavigationLinkMustSpecifyIsCollection", "CityHall") : null, Model = model, }, #endregion Expanded collection link with entry content #region Expanded link with entity reference link content new ExpandedLinkMultiplicityTestCase { // Single ERL (entity reference link) content, IsCollection == false, singleton nav prop; should not fail. Items = new ODataItem[] { cityEntry, policeStationLinkIsCollectionFalse, defaultEntityReferenceLink }, ExpectedError = tc => tc.IsRequest ? null : entityReferenceLinkInResponseError }, new ExpandedLinkMultiplicityTestCase { // Multiple ERL (entity reference link) content, IsCollection == false, singleton nav prop; should not fail. Items = new ODataItem[] { cityEntry, policeStationLinkIsCollectionFalse, defaultEntityReferenceLink, defaultEntityReferenceLink }, ExpectedError = tc => tc.IsRequest ? multipleItemsInExpandedLinkError : entityReferenceLinkInResponseError, }, new ExpandedLinkMultiplicityTestCase { // Single ERL content, IsCollection == true, singleton nav prop; should fail. Items = new ODataItem[] { cityEntry, policeStationLinkIsCollectionTrue, defaultEntityReferenceLink }, ExpectedError = tc => expandedFeedLinkWithEntryMetadataError, Model = model, }, new ExpandedLinkMultiplicityTestCase { // Multiple ERL content, IsCollection == true, singleton nav prop; should fail. Items = new ODataItem[] { cityEntry, policeStationLinkIsCollectionTrue, defaultEntityReferenceLink, defaultEntityReferenceLink }, ExpectedError = tc => expandedFeedLinkWithEntryMetadataError, Model = model, }, new ExpandedLinkMultiplicityTestCase { // Single ERL content, IsCollection == false, collection nav prop; should not fail (metadata mismatch explicitly allowed). Items = new ODataItem[] { cityEntry, cityHallLinkIsCollectionFalse, defaultEntityReferenceLink }, ExpectedError = tc => tc.IsRequest ? null : expandedEntryLinkWithFeedMetadataErrorResponse, Model = model, }, new ExpandedLinkMultiplicityTestCase { // Multiple ERL content, IsCollection == false, collection nav prop; should fail. Items = new ODataItem[] { cityEntry, cityHallLinkIsCollectionFalse, defaultEntityReferenceLink, defaultEntityReferenceLink }, ExpectedError = tc => tc.IsRequest ? multipleItemsInExpandedLinkError : expandedEntryLinkWithFeedMetadataErrorResponse, Model = model, }, new ExpandedLinkMultiplicityTestCase { // Single ERL content, IsCollection == true, collection nav prop; should not fail. Items = new ODataItem[] { cityEntry, cityHallLinkIsCollectionTrue, defaultEntityReferenceLink }, ExpectedError = tc => tc.IsRequest ? null : entityReferenceLinkInResponseError, Model = model, }, new ExpandedLinkMultiplicityTestCase { // Multiple ERL content, IsCollection == true, collection nav prop; should not fail. Items = new ODataItem[] { cityEntry, cityHallLinkIsCollectionTrue, defaultEntityReferenceLink, defaultEntityReferenceLink }, ExpectedError = tc => tc.IsRequest ? null : entityReferenceLinkInResponseError, Model = model, }, //// NOTE: Not testing the cases where IsCollection == null here since ERL payloads are only allowed in //// requests where IsCollection is required (in ATOM and JSON) #endregion Expanded link with entity reference link content }; // TODO: Fix places where we've lost JsonVerbose coverage to add JsonLight this.CombinatorialEngineProvider.RunCombinations( testCases, this.WriterTestConfigurationProvider.ExplicitFormatConfigurations.Where(tc => tc.Format == ODataFormat.Atom), (testCase, testConfiguration) => { testConfiguration = testConfiguration.Clone(); testConfiguration.MessageWriterSettings.SetServiceDocumentUri(ServiceDocumentUri); using (var memoryStream = new TestStream()) using (var messageWriter = TestWriterUtils.CreateMessageWriter(memoryStream, testConfiguration, this.Assert, null, testCase.Model)) { ODataWriter writer = messageWriter.CreateODataWriter(isFeed: false); TestExceptionUtils.ExpectedException( this.Assert, () => TestWriterUtils.WritePayload(messageWriter, writer, true, testCase.Items), testCase.ExpectedError == null ? null : testCase.ExpectedError(testConfiguration), this.ExceptionVerifier); } }); }
public void FeedAndEntryUpdatedTimeTests() { ODataFeed defaultFeedWithEmptyMetadata = ObjectModelUtils.CreateDefaultFeed(); defaultFeedWithEmptyMetadata.SetAnnotation <AtomFeedMetadata>(new AtomFeedMetadata()); ODataEntry defaultEntryWithEmptyMetadata = ObjectModelUtils.CreateDefaultEntry(); defaultEntryWithEmptyMetadata.SetAnnotation <AtomEntryMetadata>(new AtomEntryMetadata()); IEnumerable <PayloadWriterTestDescriptor <ODataItem> > testPayloads = new[] { new PayloadWriterTestDescriptor <ODataItem>(this.Settings, ObjectModelUtils.CreateDefaultFeed()), new PayloadWriterTestDescriptor <ODataItem>(this.Settings, defaultFeedWithEmptyMetadata), new PayloadWriterTestDescriptor <ODataItem>(this.Settings, ObjectModelUtils.CreateDefaultFeedWithAtomMetadata()), }.PayloadCases(WriterPayloads.FeedPayloads) .Concat((new[] { new PayloadWriterTestDescriptor <ODataItem>(this.Settings, ObjectModelUtils.CreateDefaultEntry()), new PayloadWriterTestDescriptor <ODataItem>(this.Settings, defaultEntryWithEmptyMetadata), new PayloadWriterTestDescriptor <ODataItem>(this.Settings, ObjectModelUtils.CreateDefaultEntryWithAtomMetadata()), }.PayloadCases(WriterPayloads.EntryPayloads))); this.CombinatorialEngineProvider.RunCombinations( testPayloads, this.WriterTestConfigurationProvider.AtomFormatConfigurationsWithIndent.Where(tc => !tc.IsRequest), (testPayload, testConfiguration) => { testConfiguration = testConfiguration.Clone(); testConfiguration.MessageWriterSettings.SetServiceDocumentUri(ServiceDocumentUri); string lastUpdatedTimeStr = null; using (var memoryStream = new MemoryStream()) { using (var testMemoryStream = TestWriterUtils.CreateTestStream(testConfiguration, memoryStream, ignoreDispose: true)) { bool feedWriter = testPayload.PayloadItems[0] is ODataFeed; TestMessage testMessage = null; Exception exception = TestExceptionUtils.RunCatching(() => { using (var messageWriter = TestWriterUtils.CreateMessageWriter(testMemoryStream, testConfiguration, this.Assert, out testMessage, null, testPayload.Model)) { ODataWriter writer = messageWriter.CreateODataWriter(feedWriter); TestWriterUtils.WritePayload(messageWriter, writer, true, testPayload.PayloadItems, testPayload.ThrowUserExceptionAt); } }); this.Assert.IsNull(exception, "Received exception but expected none."); } memoryStream.Position = 0; XElement result = XElement.Load(memoryStream); foreach (XElement updated in result.Descendants(((XNamespace)TestAtomConstants.AtomNamespace) + "updated")) { if (updated.Value != ObjectModelUtils.DefaultFeedUpdated && updated.Value != ObjectModelUtils.DefaultEntryUpdated) { if (lastUpdatedTimeStr == null) { lastUpdatedTimeStr = updated.Value; } else { this.Assert.AreEqual(lastUpdatedTimeStr, updated.Value, "<atom:updated> should contain the same value."); } } } } }); }