public void AddIn_Should_Return_True_On_Adding_New_Code() { const int One = 0x0001; var table = new TestTable(); table.AddIn(One, "One").Should().BeTrue(); }
public void AddOut_Should_Return_True_On_Adding_New_Label() { const int One = 0x0001; var table = new TestTable(); table.AddOut("One", One).Should().BeTrue(); }
public void AddOut_Should_Throw_On_Empty_Label() { var table = new TestTable(); table .Invoking(t => t.AddOut("", 0x0000)) .ShouldThrow<ArgumentException>(); }
public void AddIn_Should_Throw_On_Null_Label() { var table = new TestTable(); table .Invoking(t => t.AddIn(0x0000, null)) .ShouldThrow<ArgumentNullException>(); }
public void TablesCanCreateDataTablesWithSubsetOfColumns() { TestTable t = new TestTable(); DataTable dt = t.CreateDataTable(t.StringColumn, t.IntColumn); Assert.AreEqual("TestTable", dt.TableName); Assert.AreEqual(2, dt.Columns.Count); AssertDataColumn(dt.Columns[0], "StringColumn", typeof(string)); AssertDataColumn(dt.Columns[1], "IntColumn", typeof(int)); }
public void AddIn_Should_Return_False_On_Adding_Existing_Code() { const int One = 0x0001; const string OneString = "One"; var table = new TestTable(); table.AddIn(One, OneString); table.AddIn(One, OneString).Should().BeFalse(); }
public void TablesCanCreateDataTablesWithCorrectNameAndColumns() { TestTable t = new TestTable(); DataTable dt = t.CreateDataTable(); Assert.AreEqual("TestTable", dt.TableName); Assert.AreEqual(3, dt.Columns.Count); AssertDataColumn(dt.Columns[0], "IntColumn", typeof(int)); AssertDataColumn(dt.Columns[1], "StringColumn", typeof(string)); AssertDataColumn(dt.Columns[2], "DateColumn", typeof(DateTime)); }
public void AddOut_Should_Return_False_On_Adding_Existing_Label() { const int One = 0x0001; const string OneString = "One"; var table = new TestTable(); table.AddOut(OneString, One); table.AddOut(OneString, One).Should().BeFalse(); }
public void ToUpper() { var db = new TestDb(); db.CreateTable<TestTable>(); var testTable = new TestTable() { Name = "test" }; db.Insert(testTable); var x = db.Table<TestTable>().Where(t => t.Name.ToUpper() == "TEST"); Assert.AreEqual(1, x.Count()); }
public ActionResult Create(TestTable model) { if (ModelState.IsValid) { var mappedresult = Mapper.Map<Models.TestTable>(model); var result = _testTableLogic.SaveOrUpdate(mappedresult); if (result.HasErrors) result.UpdateModelState(ModelState); if (ModelState.IsValid) { return RedirectToAction("Index"); } } return View(model); }
static unsafe int Main(string[] args) { int testResult = Pass; if (Sse2.IsSupported) { using (TestTable <long> longTable = new TestTable <long>(new long[2] { 1, -5 }, new long[2])) { if (Environment.Is64BitProcess) { var vd = Sse2.ConvertScalarToVector128Int64((long)-5); Unsafe.Write(longTable.outArrayPtr, vd); if (!longTable.CheckResult((x, y) => (y[0] == -5) && (y[1] == 0))) { Console.WriteLine("SSE2 ConvertScalarToVector128Int32 failed on long:"); foreach (var item in longTable.outArray) { Console.Write(item + ", "); } Console.WriteLine(); testResult = Fail; } } else { try { var vd = Sse2.ConvertScalarToVector128Int64(-5l); testResult = Fail; Console.WriteLine($"{nameof(Sse2)}.{nameof(Sse2.ConvertScalarToVector128Int64)} failed: expected PlatformNotSupportedException exception."); } catch (PlatformNotSupportedException) { } } } } return(testResult); }
public async Task <int> AddTestTable(TestTable testTable) { if (db != null) { try { await db.TestTable.AddAsync(testTable); await db.SaveChangesAsync(); return(testTable.Id); } catch (Exception ex) { throw; } } return(0); }
static unsafe int Main(string[] args) { int testResult = Pass; using (TestTable <ulong> ulongTable = new TestTable <ulong>(new ulong[2], new ulong[2])) { if (Sse2.X64.IsSupported) { var vd = Sse2.X64.ConvertScalarToVector128UInt64(0xffffffff01ul); Unsafe.Write(ulongTable.outArrayPtr, vd); if (!ulongTable.CheckResult((x, y) => (y[0] == 0xffffffff01ul) && (y[1] == 0))) { Console.WriteLine("SSE2.X64 ConvertScalarToVector128Single failed on ulong:"); foreach (var item in ulongTable.outArray) { Console.Write(item + ", "); } Console.WriteLine(); testResult = Fail; } } else { try { var vd = Sse2.X64.ConvertScalarToVector128UInt64((ulong)5); testResult = Fail; Console.WriteLine($"{nameof(Sse2)}.{nameof(Sse2.X64.ConvertScalarToVector128UInt64)} failed: expected PlatformNotSupportedException exception."); } catch (PlatformNotSupportedException) { } catch (Exception ex) { testResult = Fail; Console.WriteLine($"{nameof(Sse2)}.{nameof(Sse2.X64.ConvertScalarToVector128UInt64)}-{ex} failed: expected PlatformNotSupportedException exception."); } } } return(testResult); }
public List <TestTable> GetAll() { string vSql = "SELECT * FROM TestTable"; SqlCommand vCommand = new SqlCommand(vSql, BuildConnection()); List <TestTable> vResult = new List <TestTable>(); using (SqlDataReader vReader = vCommand.ExecuteReader()) { while (vReader.Read()) { TestTable vRec = new TestTable(); vRec.TestTableId = (Guid)vReader["TestTableId"]; vRec.SomeInteger = (int)vReader["SomeInteger"]; vRec.SomeString = (string)vReader["SomeSyr=tring"]; vResult.Add(vRec); } } return(vResult); }
// POST api/values public IHttpActionResult Post(TestValue value) { if (!ModelState.IsValid) { return(BadRequest("Invalid data.")); } annshopDBEntities db = new annshopDBEntities(); TestTable tt = new TestTable(); tt.value = value.value; db.TestTable.Add(tt); db.SaveChanges(); return(Ok()); }
public void DaoDataGetSetTest() { TestTable instance = new TestTable(); string propValue = "ByProperty"; instance.Name = propValue; string value = 16.RandomLetters(); string setValue = instance.Value <string>("MonkeyBoy", value); string checkValue = instance.Value <string>("MonkeyBoy"); Expect.AreEqual(value, checkValue); dynamic obj = instance.ToDynamic(); Expect.AreEqual(value, obj.MonkeyBoy); dynamic jsonSafe = instance.ToJsonSafe(true); Expect.AreEqual(propValue, jsonSafe.Name); Expect.AreEqual(value, jsonSafe.MonkeyBoy); }
/// <summary> /// 新增数据。必须传入姓名Name,手机号MobilePhone,身份证号IDNumber /// </summary> public BaseResult AddUser(TestTableParam param) { if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(param.Name) || string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(param.MobilePhone) || string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(param.IDNumber)) { return(new BaseResult(false, null, "参数错误!")); } var model = new TestTable { Id = Guid.NewGuid(), Name = param.Name, IDNumber = param.IDNumber, MobilePhone = param.MobilePhone, CreateTime = DateTime.Now }; var count = DB.MySql.Insert <TestTable>(model); return(new BaseResult(count > 0, count, count > 0 ? "" : "数据库受影响行数为0!")); }
public ActionResult SubmitTestTableForm(string KeyValue, TestTable testtable, string BuildFormJson) { string ModuleId = DESEncrypt.Decrypt(CookieHelper.GetCookie("ModuleId")); IDatabase database = DataFactory.Database(); DbTransaction isOpenTrans = database.BeginTrans(); try { string Message = KeyValue == "" ? "新增成功。" : "编辑成功。"; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(KeyValue)) { if (KeyValue == ManageProvider.Provider.Current().UserId) { throw new Exception("无权限编辑信息"); } //base_user.Modify(KeyValue); testtable.Modify(KeyValue); database.Update(testtable, isOpenTrans); } else { testtable.Create(); database.Insert(testtable, isOpenTrans); //database.Insert(base_employee, isOpenTrans); Base_DataScopePermissionBll.Instance.AddScopeDefault(ModuleId, ManageProvider.Provider.Current().UserId, testtable.TestId, isOpenTrans); } Base_FormAttributeBll.Instance.SaveBuildForm(BuildFormJson, testtable.TestId, ModuleId, isOpenTrans); database.Commit(); return(Content(new JsonMessage { Success = true, Code = "1", Message = Message }.ToString())); } catch (Exception ex) { database.Rollback(); database.Close(); return(Content(new JsonMessage { Success = false, Code = "-1", Message = "操作失败:" + ex.Message }.ToString())); } }
static unsafe int Main(string[] args) { int testResult = Pass; if (Sse.IsSupported) { using (TestTable <float> floatTable = new TestTable <float>(new float[4] { 1, -5, 100, 0 }, new float[4] { 22, -1, -50, 3 })) { var vf1 = Unsafe.Read <Vector128 <float> >(floatTable.inArray1Ptr); var vf2 = Unsafe.Read <Vector128 <float> >(floatTable.inArray2Ptr); if (!Sse.CompareLessThanOrEqualUnorderedScalar(vf1, vf2)) { Console.WriteLine("SSE CompareLessThanOrEqualUnorderedScalar failed positive test"); testResult = Fail; } } using (TestTable <float> floatTable = new TestTable <float>(new float[4] { 22, -5, 100, 0 }, new float[4] { 1, -1, -50, 3 })) { var vf1 = Unsafe.Read <Vector128 <float> >(floatTable.inArray1Ptr); var vf2 = Unsafe.Read <Vector128 <float> >(floatTable.inArray2Ptr); if (Sse.CompareLessThanOrEqualUnorderedScalar(vf1, vf2)) { Console.WriteLine("SSE CompareLessThanOrEqualUnorderedScalar failed negative test"); testResult = Fail; } } } return(testResult); }
public void AndTest() { Expect.IsTrue(_testDatabases.Count > 0); string methodName = MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod()?.Name; string nameStartsWith = 4.RandomLetters(); string descriptionStartsWith = 4.RandomLetters(); _testDatabases.Each(db => { Message.PrintLine("{0}.{1}: {2}", ConsoleColor.DarkYellow, this.GetType().Name, methodName, db.GetType().Name); TestTable one = DataTools.CreateTestTable("{0}_{1}"._Format(nameStartsWith, 4.RandomLetters()), "{0}_{1}"._Format(descriptionStartsWith, 4.RandomLetters()), db); TestTable two = DataTools.CreateTestTable("{0}_{1}"._Format(nameStartsWith, 4.RandomLetters()), "{0}_{1}"._Format(descriptionStartsWith, 4.RandomLetters()), db); TestTable three = DataTools.CreateTestTable(nameStartsWith, db); TestTableCollection results = TestTable.Where(c => c.Name.StartsWith(nameStartsWith).And(c.Description.StartsWith(descriptionStartsWith)), db); TestTableCollection results2 = TestTable.Where(c => c.Name.StartsWith(nameStartsWith) && c.Description.StartsWith(descriptionStartsWith), db); Expect.AreEqual(2, results.Count); Expect.AreEqual(2, results2.Count); }); }
public void InQueryTest() { Expect.IsTrue(_testDatabases.Count > 0); string methodName = MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().Name; _testDatabases.Each(db => { Message.PrintLine("{0}.{1}: {2}", ConsoleColor.DarkYellow, this.GetType().Name, methodName, db.GetType().Name); List <TestTable> tables = new List <TestTable>(); 8.Times(i => { tables.Add(DataTools.CreateTestTable(4.RandomLetters(), db)); }); Expect.AreEqual(8, tables.Count); List <ulong> ids = new List <ulong>(tables.Select(t => t.Id.Value).ToArray()); TestTableCollection retrieved = TestTable.Where(c => c.Id.In(ids.ToArray()), db); Expect.AreEqual(tables.Count, retrieved.Count); }); }
private TestTable GetTestTable() { var person = new EntitySet <Person>(); person.Add(new Person() { Person1 = "test" }); person.Add(new Person() { Person1 = "test2" }); var table = new TestTable() { Name = "Complex", Description = "Record Insert.", Person = person }; return(table); }
public void Property_Exists__Get_Value_Is_Null__Returns_None_With_UnableToGetColumnFromAliasMsg() { // Arrange var table = new TestTable(); var alias = nameof(TestTable.Foo); // Act var r0 = QueryF.GetColumnFromAlias(table, alias); var r1 = QueryF.GetColumnFromAlias <TestTable>(alias); // Assert var n0 = r0.AssertNone().AssertType <UnableToGetColumnFromAliasMsg>(); Assert.Equal(table, n0.Table); Assert.Equal(alias, n0.ColumnAlias); var n1 = r1.AssertNone().AssertType <UnableToGetColumnFromAliasMsg>(); Assert.Equal(table, n1.Table); Assert.Equal(alias, n1.ColumnAlias); }
public ActionResult SetTestForm(string KeyValue) { TestTable base_user = DataFactory.Database().FindEntity <TestTable>(KeyValue); if (base_user == null) { return(Content("")); } //Base_Employee base_employee = DataFactory.Database().FindEntity<Base_Employee>(KeyValue); //Base_Company base_company = DataFactory.Database().FindEntity<Base_Company>(base_user.CompanyId); string strJson = base_user.ToJson(); //公司 //strJson = strJson.Insert(1, "\"CompanyName\":\"" + base_company.FullName + "\","); //员工信息 //strJson = strJson.Insert(1, base_employee.ToJson().Replace("{", "").Replace("}", "") + ","); //自定义 strJson = strJson.Insert(1, Base_FormAttributeBll.Instance.GetBuildForm(KeyValue)); return(Content(strJson)); }
// // You can use the following additional attributes as you write your tests: // // Use ClassInitialize to run code before running the first test in the class // [ClassInitialize()] // public static void MyClassInitialize(TestContext testContext) { } // // Use ClassCleanup to run code after all tests in a class have run // [ClassCleanup()] // public static void MyClassCleanup() { } // // Use TestInitialize to run code before running each test // [TestInitialize()] // public void MyTestInitialize() { } // // Use TestCleanup to run code after each test has run // [TestCleanup()] // public void MyTestCleanup() { } // #endregion /// <summary> /// /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> public static TestPanelUI CreateTestPanelUI() { TestTable testTable = TestTable.CreateInstance(); TestTable.Accessor accessor = TestTable.Accessor.Instance(null); //наполняем тестовыми действиями accessor.Actions.Add(new ActionMetaItem("Action1", ActionTypes.Action, true, null, null, null, null, null)); accessor.Actions.Add(new ActionMetaItem("Action2", ActionTypes.Action, true, null, null, null, null, null)); accessor.Actions.Add(new ActionMetaItem("Action3", ActionTypes.Action, true, null, null, null, null, null)); /* * accessor.Actions.Add(new ActionMetaItem("Action1", "This is action 1", "icon 1", "tooltip 1", String.Empty, String.Empty, String.Empty, String.Empty, null, ActionsAlignment.Left, ActionsPanelType.Main, ActionsAppType.All, true, * true, false, null, null, null, ActionTypes.Action, ActionTypes.Action, ActionTypes.Unknown, String.Empty)); * accessor.Actions.Add(new ActionMetaItem("Action2", "This is action 2", "icon 2", "tooltip 2", String.Empty, String.Empty, String.Empty, String.Empty, null, ActionsAlignment.Left, ActionsPanelType.Main, ActionsAppType.All, true, * true, false, null, null, null, ActionTypes.Action, ActionTypes.Action, ActionTypes.Unknown, String.Empty)); * accessor.Actions.Add(new ActionMetaItem("Action3", "Some another action 3", "icon 3", "tooltip 3", String.Empty, String.Empty, String.Empty, String.Empty, null, ActionsAlignment.Left, ActionsPanelType.Main, ActionsAppType.All, * true, true, false, null, null, null, ActionTypes.Action, ActionTypes.Action, ActionTypes.Unknown, String.Empty)); */ //TODO здесь должен быть BaseFormManager, который создаст Layout и поместит на него панель return(SetTestPanelUIBO(testTable)); }
public void PagedQueryTest() { Setup(); CleanUp(); Setup(); Expect.IsTrue(_testDatabases.Count > 0); string name = MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().Name; _testDatabases.Each(db => { TestTableCollection testTables = CreateTestTableEntries(name, db); testTables = TestTable.Where(c => c.Name.StartsWith(name), db); Expect.AreEqual(8, testTables.Count, "There should have been 8 records but there were {0}"._Format(testTables.Count)); PagedQuery <TestTableColumns, TestTable> q = new PagedQuery <TestTableColumns, TestTable>(new TestTableColumns().Id, testTables.Query, db); q.LoadMeta(); Expect.IsGreaterThan(q.PageCount, 0, "Page count should have been greater than 0"); OutLineFormat("Page count was {0} for {1}", ConsoleColor.Cyan, q.PageCount, db.GetType().Name); CheckExpectations(q); }); }
public void DeleteTest() { Expect.IsTrue(_testDatabases.Count > 0); string methodName = MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().Name; _testDatabases.Each(db => { OutLineFormat("{0}.{1}: {2}", ConsoleColor.DarkYellow, this.GetType().Name, methodName, db.GetType().Name); string name = 6.RandomLetters(); TestTable test = new TestTable(db); test.Name = name; test.Save(db); TestTable toDelete = TestTable.OneWhere(t => t.Id == test.Id, db); Expect.IsNotNull(toDelete); toDelete.Delete(db); TestTable shouldBeNull = TestTable.OneWhere(t => t.Id == test.Id, db); Expect.IsNull(shouldBeNull); }); }
public ActionResult Add([FromBody] TestTable testTable) { try { _testService.Add(testTable); return(CreatedAtAction("Get", new { id = testTable.Testid }, testTable)); } catch (Exception ex) { if (ex is ItemNotFoundException) { return(NotFound()); } else if (ex is InvalidInputException) { return(BadRequest()); } return(StatusCode(500)); } }
public async Task <ActionResult <TestTable> > PostTestTable(TestTable testTable) { _context.TestTable.Add(testTable); try { await _context.SaveChangesAsync(); } catch (DbUpdateException) { if (TestTableExists(testTable.Id)) { return(Conflict()); } else { throw; } } return(CreatedAtAction("GetTestTable", new { id = testTable.Id }, testTable)); }
public ActionResult Update([FromBody] TestTable testTable) { try { _testService.Update(testTable); return(NoContent()); } catch (Exception ex) { if (ex is ItemNotFoundException) { return(NotFound()); } else if (ex is InvalidInputException) { return(BadRequest()); } return(StatusCode(500)); } }
/// <summary> /// 新增数据。必须传入姓名Name,手机号MobilePhone,身份证号IDNumber /// </summary> public BaseResult AddUser(TestTableParam param) { if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(param.Name) || string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(param.MobilePhone) || string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(param.IDNumber)) { return(new BaseResult(false, null, Msg.ParamError)); } var model = new TestTable { Id = Guid.NewGuid(), Name = param.Name, IDNumber = param.IDNumber, MobilePhone = param.MobilePhone, CreateTime = DateTime.Now }; var count = TestTableRepository.Insert(model); //设置缓存 TestTableCache.SetUserModel(model); return(new BaseResult(count > 0, count, count > 0 ? "" : Msg.Line0)); }
static unsafe int Main(string[] args) { int testResult = Pass; if (Avx2.IsSupported) { using (TestTable <byte> byteTable = new TestTable <byte>(new byte[32] { 255, 2, 0, 80, 0, 7, 0, 1, 2, 7, 80, 0, 123, 127, 5, 255, 255, 2, 0, 80, 0, 7, 0, 1, 2, 7, 80, 0, 123, 127, 5, 255 })) { var vf1 = Unsafe.Read <Vector256 <byte> >(byteTable.inArray1Ptr); var res = Avx2.MoveMask(vf1); if (res != -2147385343) { Console.WriteLine("AVX2 MoveMask failed on byte:"); Console.WriteLine(res); testResult = Fail; } } using (TestTable <sbyte> sbyteTable = new TestTable <sbyte>(new sbyte[32] { -1, 2, 0, 6, 0, 7, 111, 1, 2, 55, 80, 0, 11, 127, 5, -9, -1, 2, 0, 6, 0, 7, 111, 1, 2, 55, 80, 0, 11, 127, 5, -9 })) { var vf1 = Unsafe.Read <Vector256 <sbyte> >(sbyteTable.inArray1Ptr); var res = Avx2.MoveMask(vf1); if (res != -2147385343) { Console.WriteLine("AVX2 MoveMask failed on sbyte:"); Console.WriteLine(res); testResult = Fail; } } } return(testResult); }
public IActionResult Index() { var allUser = this._repository.GetAll(); foreach (var user in allUser) { this._repository.Delete(user); } this._repository.Save(); using (TransactionScope ts = new TransactionScope()) { UserInfo ui = new UserInfo(); ui.CreateDate = DateTime.Now; ui.Username = "******"; ui.Password = "******"; _dbContext1.UserInfo.Add(ui); _dbContext1.SaveChanges(); TestTable tt = new TestTable(); tt.StrCol = "abc"; _dbContext2.TestTable.Add(tt); _dbContext2.SaveChanges(); ts.Complete(); } //this._repository.Insert(ui); //this._repository.Save(); _logger.LogInformation("adsbv"); List <UserInfo> users = this._repository.GetAll().ToList(); IEnumerable <UserDTO> sendMsgViewModels = _mapper.Map <List <UserInfo>, IEnumerable <UserDTO> >(users); throw new Exception("ddsdfsdfsd"); return(View()); }
static unsafe int Main(string[] args) { int testResult = Pass; if (Avx.IsSupported) { using (TestTable <float> floatTable = new TestTable <float>(new float[8] { 1, -5, 100, 0, 1, -5, 100, 0 })) { var vf1 = Unsafe.Read <Vector256 <float> >(floatTable.inArray1Ptr); var res = Avx.MoveMask(vf1); if (res != 0b00100010) { Console.WriteLine("Avx MoveMask failed on float:"); Console.WriteLine(res); testResult = Fail; } } using (TestTable <double> doubleTable = new TestTable <double>(new double[4] { 1, -5, 1, -5 })) { var vf1 = Unsafe.Read <Vector256 <double> >(doubleTable.inArray1Ptr); var res = Avx.MoveMask(vf1); if (res != 0b1010) { Console.WriteLine("Avx MoveMask failed on double:"); Console.WriteLine(res); testResult = Fail; } } } return(testResult); }
public void 寫入資料庫_Guid_由小到大排序_得到連續順序() { var dbContext = new TestDbContext(); try { //arrange dbContext.Database.Delete(); for (var i = 1; i < 100; i++) { var key = SequentialGuid.NewGuid(); var name = i.ToString("000"); var table = new TestTable { Name = name, Key = key }; dbContext.TestTables.Add(table); } dbContext.SaveChanges(); //act var tables = dbContext.TestTables .OrderBy(p => p.Key) .AsNoTracking() .ToList(); var targetArray = tables.Select(p => p.Id).ToArray(); var actual = this.IsSequential(targetArray); //assert Assert.IsTrue(actual); } finally { dbContext.Database.Delete(); dbContext.Dispose(); } }
public void TestEnumCRUD(SqlCeDataStore store) { // truncate the table for this test store.Delete <TestTable>(); var testRow = new TestTable { EnumField = TestEnum.ValueB }; store.Insert(testRow); var existing = store.Select <TestTable>().First(); Assert.AreEqual(existing.EnumField, testRow.EnumField); existing.EnumField = TestEnum.ValueC; store.Update(existing); var secondPull = store.Select <TestTable>().First(); Assert.AreEqual(existing.EnumField, secondPull.EnumField); }
public void TestOracleClientStringExpressionExtenstionMethods() { var table = new TestTable(); Assert.AreEqual("[StringColumn] LIKE '%' + ? + '%'", table.StringColumn.Contains("a").ToConditionCacheableSql()); Assert.AreEqual("[StringColumn] LIKE ? + '%'", table.StringColumn.StartsWith("a").ToConditionCacheableSql()); Assert.AreEqual("[StringColumn] LIKE '%' + ?", table.StringColumn.EndsWith("a").ToConditionCacheableSql()); Assert.AreEqual("INSTR([StringColumn], ?) - 1", table.StringColumn.IndexOf("a").ToExpressionCacheableSql()); Assert.AreEqual("INSTR([StringColumn], ?) - 1", table.StringColumn.IndexOf(new StringParameterExpression("a", true)).ToExpressionCacheableSql()); Assert.AreEqual("REPLACE([StringColumn], ?, ?)", table.StringColumn.Replace("a", "b").ToExpressionCacheableSql()); Assert.AreEqual("REPLACE([StringColumn], ?, ?)", table.StringColumn.Replace("a", new StringParameterExpression("b", true)).ToExpressionCacheableSql()); Assert.AreEqual("REPLACE([StringColumn], ?, ?)", table.StringColumn.Replace(new StringParameterExpression("a", true), "b").ToExpressionCacheableSql()); Assert.AreEqual("REPLACE([StringColumn], ?, ?)", table.StringColumn.Replace(new StringParameterExpression("a", true), new StringParameterExpression("b", true)).ToExpressionCacheableSql()); Assert.AreEqual("SUBSTR([StringColumn], ? + 1, ?)", table.StringColumn.Substring(1, 1).ToExpressionCacheableSql()); Assert.AreEqual("SUBSTR([StringColumn], ? + 1, ?)", table.StringColumn.Substring(1, new Int32ParameterExpression(1)).ToExpressionCacheableSql()); Assert.AreEqual("SUBSTR([StringColumn], ? + 1, ?)", table.StringColumn.Substring(new Int32ParameterExpression(1), 1).ToExpressionCacheableSql()); Assert.AreEqual("SUBSTR([StringColumn], ? + 1, ?)", table.StringColumn.Substring(new Int32ParameterExpression(1), new Int32ParameterExpression(1)).ToExpressionCacheableSql()); Assert.AreEqual("LTRIM([StringColumn])", table.StringColumn.LTrim().ToExpressionCacheableSql()); Assert.AreEqual("RTRIM([StringColumn])", table.StringColumn.RTrim().ToExpressionCacheableSql()); Assert.AreEqual("ASCII([StringColumn])", table.StringColumn.ToAscii().ToExpressionCacheableSql()); Assert.AreEqual("LENGTH([StringColumn])", table.StringColumn.GetLength().ToExpressionCacheableSql()); }
public void Adds_Predicate_To_Where_List() { // Arrange var table = new TestTable(); var builder = new QueryBuilderWithFrom(table); var value = Rnd.Str; // Act var result = (QueryBuilderWithFrom)builder.Where <TestTable>(t => t.Foo, Compare.Like, value); // Assert Assert.Collection(result.Parts.Where, x => { Assert.Equal(nameof(TestTable), x.column.TblName.Name); Assert.Equal(TestTable.Prefix + nameof(TestTable0.Foo), x.column.ColName); Assert.Equal(nameof(TestTable.Foo), x.column.ColAlias); Assert.Equal(Compare.Like,; Assert.Equal(value, x.value); } ); }
public ActionResult PatientView(Patient patient) { var patients = PatientTable.GetPatientById(Properties.UserId); var description = MedicalDescriptionTable.GetDataByPatientId(Properties.UserId); var visit = VisitTable.GetDataByPatientId(Properties.UserId); var prescript = PrescriptionTable.GetData(Properties.UserId); var test = TestTable.GetData(Properties.UserId); var leavesick = SickLeaveTable.GetDataByPatientId(Properties.UserId); var doc = DocumentationTable.GetDataByPatientId(Properties.UserId); // ViewData["PatientName"] = PatientTable.GetPatientById(patient.Id); ViewData["PatientName"] = patients[0]; ViewData["visitData"] = visit; ViewData["prescriptioneData"] = prescript; ViewData["Tests"] = test; ViewData["sickLeaveData"] = leavesick; ViewData["medicalDescription"] = description; ViewData["documentation"] = doc; return(View()); }
public void SqlStringBuilderCreateTest() { HashSet <Database> dbs = DataTools.Setup(); dbs.Each(db => { try { ObjectIdentifier id = new ObjectIdentifier(); string name = "Name_".RandomLetters(10); SqlStringBuilder sql = db.Sql().Insert(nameof(TestTable), new { Name = name, Uuid = id.Uuid, Cuid = id.Cuid }); db.ExecuteSql(sql); RetrieveByNameAndValidate(db, TestTable.OneWhere(c => c.Name == name, db)); Pass($"{db.GetType().Name} passed"); } catch (Exception ex) { Error($"{db.GetType().Name}: failed: {ex.Message}", ex); } }); DataTools.Cleanup(dbs); }
public void TryGetIncomingLabel_Should_Retrieve_Correct_Label() { const int One = 0x0001; const string OneString = "One"; var table = new TestTable(); table.AddIn(One, OneString); string label; table.TryGetIncomingLabel(One, out label); label.Should().Be(OneString); }
public void TryGetOutgoingCode_Should_Retrieve_Correct_Code() { const int One = 0x0001; const string OneString = "One"; var table = new TestTable(); table.AddOut(OneString, One); ushort code; table.TryGetOutgoingCode(OneString, out code); code.Should().Be(One); }
public void LoadPacketCodesInternal_Should_Be_Called() { var table = new TestTable(); table.LoadPacketCodes(); table.LoadPacketCodesCallCount.Should().Be(1); }
public void LoadPacketCodes_Should_Not_Throw() { var table = new TestTable(); table .Invoking(t => t.LoadPacketCodes()) .ShouldNotThrow(); }
public void GetOutgoingCode_Should_Return_Correct_Code() { const int One = 0x0001; const string OneString = "One"; var table = new TestTable(); table.AddOut(OneString, One); table.GetOutgoingCode(OneString).Should().Be(One); }
public void GetOutgoingCode_Should_Throw_For_Missing_Label() { const int One = 0x0001; const string ZeroString = "Zero"; const string OneString = "One"; var table = new TestTable(); table.AddOut(OneString, One); table .Invoking(t => t.GetOutgoingCode(ZeroString)) .ShouldThrow<KeyNotFoundException>(); }
public void TableClassesAutomaticallyInitializeTableName() { TestTable t = new TestTable(); Assert.AreEqual("TestTable", t.GetTableName()); }
public void GetIncomingLabel_Should_Return_Correct_Label() { const int One = 0x0001; const string OneString = "One"; var table = new TestTable(); table.AddIn(One, OneString); table.GetIncomingLabel(One).Should().Be(OneString); }
public void TableClassesAutomaticallyInitializeColumnFields() { TestTable t = new TestTable(); Assert.AreEqual("IntColumn", t.IntColumn.GetColumnName()); }
private static void TryGetNullCode(TestTable t) { ushort code; t.TryGetOutgoingCode(null, out code); }
public void GetIncomingLabel_Should_Throw_KeyNotFoundException_For_Missing_Code() { const int Zero = 0x0000; const int One = 0x0001; var table = new TestTable(); table.AddIn(Zero, "Zero"); table .Invoking(t => t.GetIncomingLabel(One)) .ShouldThrow<KeyNotFoundException>(); }
public void TryGetOutgoingCode_Should_Throw_On_Null_Label() { var table = new TestTable(); table .Invoking(TryGetNullCode) .ShouldThrow<ArgumentNullException>(); }
public void TryGetIncomingLabel_Should_Return_True_For_Existing_Code() { const int Zero = 0x0000; var table = new TestTable(); table.AddIn(Zero, "Zero"); string s; table.TryGetIncomingLabel(Zero, out s).Should().BeTrue(); }
public void TryGetOutgoingCode_Should_Return_True_For_Existing_Label() { const int Zero = 0x0000; const string ZeroString = "Zero"; var table = new TestTable(); table.AddOut(ZeroString, Zero); ushort code; table.TryGetOutgoingCode(ZeroString, out code).Should().BeTrue(); }
public void TryGetOutgoingCode_Should_Return_False_For_Missing_Label() { const int Zero = 0x0000; var table = new TestTable(); table.AddOut("Zero", Zero); ushort code; table.TryGetOutgoingCode("One", out code).Should().BeFalse(); }
public void TryGetIncomingLabel_Should_Return_False_For_Missing_Code() { const int Zero = 0x0000; const int One = 0x0001; var table = new TestTable(); table.AddIn(Zero, "Zero"); string s; table.TryGetIncomingLabel(One, out s).Should().BeFalse(); }
private static void TryGetEmptyCode(TestTable t) { ushort code; t.TryGetOutgoingCode("", out code); }