コード例 #1
        public void SendWithExclusion()
            var client = TestClient.CreateNaked(session);
            var user   = client.Users[0];

            var inforoomRegion = TestRegion.Find(TestRegion.Inforoom);

                new List <TestUser> {
                "Это письмо пользователю",
                "Это текст письма пользователю",

            var handler = new DocSourceHandlerForTesting(Settings.Default.TestIMAPUser, Settings.Default.TestIMAPPass);

            var existsMessages = ImapHelper.CheckImapFolder(Settings.Default.TestIMAPUser, Settings.Default.TestIMAPPass, ImapHelper.INBOXFolder);

            Assert.That(existsMessages.Count, Is.GreaterThanOrEqualTo(1), "Не найдены письма в IMAP-папке");
            var responseCount = existsMessages
                                .Count(m => m.Envelope?.Subject?.Equals(_responseSubject, StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase) == true);

            Assert.That(responseCount, Is.EqualTo(1), "Не найдено письмо с загловком '{0}'", _responseSubject);

            var mails = TestMailSendLog.Queryable.Where(l => l.User.Id == user.Id).ToList();

            Assert.That(mails.Count, Is.EqualTo(1));

            var mailLog = mails[0];

            Assert.That(mailLog.Mail.Supplier.Id, Is.EqualTo(_info.Supplier.Id));
コード例 #2
        public void AccessingTestRegions()
            ActiveBrowser.NavigateTo(Path.Combine(TestContext.TestDeploymentDir, TESTPAGE));

            // The TestPage has 5 TestRegions defined on it. They all can be accessed
            // using the DomTree.Regions collection which contains a flat list of
            // all regions regardless of their nesting in the markup.
            Assert.IsTrue(ActiveBrowser.Regions.Count == 5);

            // Access the MainTable test region.
            TestRegion mainTable = ActiveBrowser.Regions["MainTable"];


            // Access the programs table header.
            TestRegion programsTableHeader = ActiveBrowser.Regions["ProgramsTableHead"];

            // Or - You can walk down the hierarchy of test regions.
            // Note: The only reason you might want to do that is to validate a certain
            // high-level structure of your page as part of your testing
            // to make sure that all main parts are correctly positioned
            programsTableHeader = mainTable.ChildRegions["ProgramsTable"].ChildRegions["ProgramsTableHead"];

            // TestRegion.ChildRegions contains only the immediate child
            // TestRegions where AllChildRegions contains all sub TestRegions
            // regardless of their nesting even within other sub TestRegions.
            Assert.IsTrue(mainTable.ChildRegions.Count == 1);
            Assert.IsTrue(mainTable.AllChildRegions.Count == 4);
コード例 #3
        private void SetUp(IList <TestUser> users, TestRegion region, string subject, string body, IList <string> fileNames)
            var info     = new DocSourceHandlerTestInfo();
            var supplier = TestSupplier.CreateNaked(session);

            var from = String.Format("{0}@supplier.test", supplier.Id);

            PrepareSupplier(supplier, from);
            info.Supplier = supplier;

            var toList = users.Select(u => "{0}@docs.analit.net".Format(u.AvaliableAddresses[0].Id)).ToList();

            if (region != null)
                toList.Add(region.ShortAliase + "@docs.analit.net");

            var message = ImapHelper.BuildMessageWithAttachments(
                new[] { from },
                fileNames != null ? fileNames.ToArray() : null);

            info.Mime = message;

            info.Region = region;
            info.Users  = users;

            _info = info;
コード例 #4
        public void CheckRegionMask()
            var regions    = TestRegion.FindAll().ToList();
            var vrnRegion  = regions.Find(r => r.ShortAliase == "vrn");
            var orelRegion = regions.Find(r => r.ShortAliase == "orel");

            var client = TestClient.CreateNaked(vrnRegion.Id, vrnRegion.Id);
            var user   = client.Users[0];

            Assert.That(user.WorkRegionMask, Is.EqualTo(vrnRegion.Id), "У пользователя должен быть доступен только регион {0}", vrnRegion.Name);
            //к пользователю добаляем еще один регион в маску
            user.WorkRegionMask = user.WorkRegionMask | orelRegion.Id;

            var foundCause    = String.Format("Пользователь {0} должен быть найден, т.к. маска клиента содержит регион {1} ({2})", user.Id, vrnRegion.Name, vrnRegion.Id);
            var notFoundCause = String.Format("Пользователь {0} не должен быть найден, т.к. маска клиента не должна содержать регион {1} ({2})", user.Id, orelRegion.Name, orelRegion.Id);

            CheckRegionMaskByRecipient(orelRegion.ShortAliase + "@docs.analit.net", RecipientType.Region, orelRegion, user, Is.Null, notFoundCause);

            CheckRegionMaskByRecipient(vrnRegion.ShortAliase + "@docs.analit.net", RecipientType.Region, vrnRegion, user, Is.Not.Null, foundCause);

            var address = client.Addresses[0];

            CheckRegionMaskByRecipient(address.Id + "@docs.analit.net", RecipientType.Address, vrnRegion, user, Is.Not.Null, foundCause);

            CheckRegionMaskByRecipient(address.Id + "@docs.analit.net", RecipientType.Address, orelRegion, user, Is.Null, notFoundCause);

            CheckRegionMaskByRecipient(client.Id + "@client.docs.analit.net", RecipientType.Client, vrnRegion, user, Is.Not.Null, foundCause);

            CheckRegionMaskByRecipient(client.Id + "@client.docs.analit.net", RecipientType.Client, orelRegion, user, Is.Null, notFoundCause);
コード例 #5
        public void FindElementsByID()
            ActiveBrowser.NavigateTo(Path.Combine(TestContext.TestDeploymentDir, TESTPAGE));

            // Set the short-cuts to the main automation objects.
            Browser brwser   = Manager.ActiveBrowser;
            Find    rootFind = brwser.Find;

            // All the testregion are initialized here.
            TestRegion r1    = brwser.Regions["Region1"];
            TestRegion r11   = brwser.Regions["Region11"];
            TestRegion r111  = brwser.Regions["Region111"];
            TestRegion r1111 = brwser.Regions["Region1111"];
            TestRegion r112  = brwser.Regions["Region112"];

            //*** Using identification by id.
            Element div0 = r1.Find.ById("div0");

            //*** Using tag name occurrence index.
            Element div  = r1.Find.ByTagIndex("div", 0);
            Element div1 = r112.Find.ByTagIndex("div", 0);

            // Some verification to illustrate how the same element that was found
            // using TestRegion Find objects above, can be also found
            // using the main Browser Find object.
            Assert.IsTrue(div.Equals(rootFind.ByTagIndex("div", 0)));
            Assert.IsTrue(div0.Equals(rootFind.ByTagIndex("div", 1)));

            //*** Using attribute identification.

            //*** Using partial attribute identification.
            Assert.IsNull(rootFind.ByAttributes("id=~div7", "bla=~wow"));
            Assert.IsNotNull(rootFind.ByAttributes("onclick=~clicked();", "id=~button2"));

            //*** Using 'All' elements identification.

            // Note here that the first 'div' does not have any id that contains 'div' hence the '- 1'.
            Assert.AreEqual(rootFind.AllByTagName("div").Count - 1,

            Assert.AreEqual(5, rootFind.AllByAttributes("href=http://www.kayak.com").Count);
            Assert.AreEqual(2, rootFind.AllByAttributes("id=~button").Count);
            Assert.AreEqual(10, r1.Find.AllByTagName("div").Count);
            Assert.AreEqual(0, r1111.Find.AllByTagName("div").Count);
            Assert.AreEqual(2, r111.Find.AllByTagName("a").Count);
            Assert.AreEqual(9, r11.Find.AllByAttributes("id=~div").Count);

            //*** Using NodeIndexPath identification.
            Assert.IsTrue(rootFind.ByNodeIndexPath("1/0/0").TagName.Equals("div", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase));

            //*** Using name
コード例 #6
            public static FocusArea Create()
                //var testRegion = Region.CreateNewBlank();
                var testRegion = TestRegion.Create();

                var focusArea = FocusArea.CreateNewBlank(FocusAreaStatus.InProgress, testRegion);

                focusArea.FocusAreaName = MakeTestName("Test Focus Area");
                focusArea.DNRUplandRegion.DNRUplandRegionName = MakeTestName("Test Region Name", 100);
コード例 #7
        public void AccessingElementsUsingTestRegions()
            ActiveBrowser.NavigateTo(Path.Combine(TestContext.TestDeploymentDir, TESTPAGE));

            // Each TestRegion object has a Find object associated with it that
            // performs the search within the elements contained in that region ONLY.
            // Any element search that requires indexing will be performed with
            // the <testregion> tag of that region as the root element to start
            // the indexing from. Below are examples to illustrate that.

            // MainTable region contains the table id="maintable1" but other
            // regions don't contain it.
            TestRegion MainTableRegion     = ActiveBrowser.Regions["MainTable"];
            TestRegion ProgramsTableRegion = ActiveBrowser.Regions["ProgramsTable"];

            // Scoping Search To TestRegion:

            // Scoping Indexing To TestRegion :
            // Let's find the ProgramsTable using tag index.
            // A) Common search without TestRegions
            // [We usually index the tag name from the root of the page which in this
            //  case is '1' - the second occurrence of the tag 'table']
            Element secondTableWithoutTR = Find.ByTagIndex("table", 1);

            // B) Using TestRegions
            // [We only need to index from the beginning of the TestRegion we are accessing]
            Element secondTableWithTR = ProgramsTableRegion.Find.ByTagIndex("table", 0);


            // Note:
            // With B) we don't care how the page changes outside the testregion
            // this test is targetting. This means that we can literally take
            // that TestRegion and paste it in another page and the test should
            // work. In contrast with A) the test is more vulnerable to changes. For
            // example, if another table is added before ProgramsTable, the test
            // will break where B won't.
            // For highly dynamic sites or sites in early development with
            // lots of churn, it is recommended to use TestRegions to limit
            // the cost of maintaining tests.
コード例 #8
        public void CheckExistsRegion()
            var region    = TestRegion.Find(1ul);
            var recipient = MailRecipient.Parse(region.ShortAliase + "@docs.analit.net");

            Assert.That(recipient, Is.Not.Null);
            Assert.That(recipient.Email, Is.EqualTo(region.ShortAliase + "@docs.analit.net"));
            Assert.That(recipient.Type, Is.EqualTo(RecipientType.Region));
            Assert.That(recipient.Address, Is.Null);
            Assert.That(recipient.Region, Is.Not.Null);
            Assert.That(recipient.Client, Is.Null);
            Assert.That(recipient.Region.Id, Is.EqualTo(region.Id));
            Assert.That(recipient.Status, Is.EqualTo(RecipientStatus.Verified));
コード例 #9
        public void UsingFindExpressionAttributeWithTestRegions()
            ActiveBrowser.NavigateTo(Path.Combine(TestContext.TestDeploymentDir, TESTPAGE));

            // FindExpression attributes can be associated to a specific TestRegion.
            // When a TestRegionId is specified, only the Find object off that region
            // object can be used to access that element. The search will be scoped
            // to that region also.

            // Two FindExpression attribues are defined on this method. Both point to the
            // same element on the page.
            // The first is generic can be accessed using the ActiveBrowser.Find object.
            // The second can be accessed only using the ProgramsTable.Find object.
            TestRegion ProgramsTable = ActiveBrowser.Regions["ProgramsTable"];

            // Contains only the element defined and scoped to "ProgramsTable";

            // Note: You can also use the FindAttribute(fileName) and scope all
            // the elements contained in file to a specific testregion.
コード例 #10
        private void CheckRegionMaskByRecipient(string address, RecipientType recipientType, TestRegion region, TestUser user, NullConstraint constraint, string causeMessage)
            var recipient = MailRecipient.Parse(address);

            Assert.That(recipient, Is.Not.Null);
            Assert.That(recipient.Type, Is.EqualTo(recipientType));
            Assert.That(recipient.Status, Is.EqualTo(RecipientStatus.Verified));

            var recipientUsers = recipient.GetUsers(region.Id);
            var findedUser     = recipientUsers.FirstOrDefault(u => u.Id == user.Id);

            Assert.That(findedUser, constraint, causeMessage);