public void SummEverySecondOdd4() { var result = TestJobOperation.SummEverySecondOdd(new[] { 1, 2, 3, 4, -45, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16 }); Assert.AreEqual(22, result); }
public void SummEverySecondOdd2() { var result = TestJobOperation.SummEverySecondOdd(new[] { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 }); Assert.AreEqual(6, result); }
public void SummEverySecondOdd1() { var result = TestJobOperation.SummEverySecondOdd(new[] { 1 }); Assert.AreEqual(1, result); }
public void IsPaliander3() { Assert.IsTrue(TestJobOperation.IsPaliander("1 2 3 45 5 4 32 1")); }
public void IsPaliander2() { Assert.IsFalse(TestJobOperation.IsPaliander("1234512345")); }
/// <inheritdoc /> /// <summary> /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Alfa.WorkerModule" /> class. /// </summary> /// <param name="operation"> /// The operation. /// </param> public WorkerModule(IAbstractOperation operation) { this.Post( "/testjob1", parameter => // { "Val" : [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16] } { var text = this.Context.Request.Body.AsString(); Console.WriteLine(text); var data = this.Bind <TestJob1Data>(); if (data.Val == null) { return(this.Response.AsText("Data format error!")); } var result = TestJobOperation.SummEverySecondOdd(data.Val); return(this.Response.AsText(result.ToString())); }); this.Post( "/testjob2", parameter => // { "Val1" : [100, 200, 300] "Val2" : [1, 2, 3] } { var text = this.Context.Request.Body.AsString(); Console.WriteLine(text); var data = this.Bind <TestJob2Data>(); if (data.Val1 == null || data.Val2 == null) { return(this.Response.AsText("Data format error!")); } var result = TestJobOperation.SummList(data.Val1, data.Val2); return(this.Response.AsText(result.ToString())); }); this.Post( "/testjob3", parameter => // { "Val" : "zopaapoz" } { var text = this.Context.Request.Body.AsString(); Console.WriteLine(text); var data = this.Bind <TestJob3Data>(); if (data.Val == null) { return(this.Response.AsText("Data format error!")); } var result = TestJobOperation.IsPaliander(data.Val); return(this.Response.AsText(result.ToString())); }); this.Get( "/", _ => { Console.WriteLine(this.Context.Request.UserHostAddress); dynamic view = new DynamicDictionary(); view.MyTimeStamp = DateTime.Now.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); view.MyHost = this.Request.Headers.Host; return(this.View["index.html", view]); }); this.Get("/debug", _ => "Wlan host debug routine"); this.Get("/debug", _ => "Local host debug routine", context => this.hostFilter(context.Request)); this.Get( "/debugdataText", _ => this.Response.AsText(new DebugData { Name = "xxx", Status = true, Crc = 12345 }.ToString())); this.Get( "/debugdataJson", _ => this.Response.AsJson(new DebugData { Name = "xxx", Status = true, Crc = 12345 })); this.Get( "/debugdataXml", _ => this.Response.AsXml(new DebugData { Name = "xxx", Status = true, Crc = 12345 })); this.Post( "/debugdataJson", _ => // json {"name":"xxx","status":true,"crc":12345} { var debugData = this.Bind <DebugData>(); return(debugData.ToString()); }); this.Post( "/debugdataurl", _ => // x-www-form-urlencoded Name=aaa&Status=false&Crc=555 { var debugData = new DebugData { Name = this.Request.Form.Name, Status = this.Request.Form.Status, Crc = this.Request.Form.Crc }; return(debugData.ToString()); }); this.Get("/index", _ => this.View["index"]); this.Get("/data_set_1.txt", _ => this.Response.AsFile("data_set_1.txt")); this.Get("/data_set_2.txt", _ => this.Response.AsFile("data_set_2.txt")); this.Get("/data_set_3.txt", _ => this.Response.AsFile("data_set_3.txt")); this.Get("/test/{testId:int}", parameter => " Test case with parameter " + (int)parameter.testId); this.Get("/operation1", _ => operation.Operation1()); this.Get("/operation2", _ => operation.Operation2()); this.Get("/operation3", _ => operation.Operation3()); // Post("/data/{dataId:int}", async(parameter, _ ) => this.Post( "/data/{dataId:int}", parameter => { var values = this.Bind <int[]>(); var summ = values.Aggregate("[", (c, next) => c + next + " ", c => c.Trim() + "]"); Console.WriteLine("/data/{dataId:int}" + summ.Trim()); var dataId = (int)parameter.dataId; return("Data with " + dataId); }); this.Get("/ArrayAsJson", _ => this.Response.AsJson(new[] { "111", "222", "333" })); this.Get("/StringAsJson", _ => this.Response.AsJson("String as Json")); this.Get("/DoubleIntArrayAsJson", _ => this.Response.AsJson(new[] { new[] { 111, 222, 333 }, new[] { 1, 2, 3 } })); }