コード例 #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates an <see cref="ODataCollectionWriter"/> for the specified format and the specified version and
        /// invokes the specified methods on it. It then parses
        /// the written Xml/JSON and compares it to the expected result as specified in the descriptor.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="descriptor">The test descriptor to process.</param>
        /// <param name="testConfiguration">The configuration of the test.</param>
        /// <param name="assert">The assertion handler to report errors to.</param>
        /// <param name="baselineLogger">Logger to log baseline.</param>
        internal static void WriteAndVerifyCollectionPayload(CollectionWriterTestDescriptor descriptor, WriterTestConfiguration testConfiguration, AssertionHandler assert, BaselineLogger baselineLogger)

            // serialize to a memory stream
            using (var memoryStream = new MemoryStream())
                using (var testMemoryStream = new TestStream(memoryStream, ignoreDispose: true))
                    TestMessage testMessage = null;
                    Exception   exception   = TestExceptionUtils.RunCatching(() =>
                        using (var messageWriter = TestWriterUtils.CreateMessageWriter(testMemoryStream, testConfiguration, assert, out testMessage, null, descriptor.Model))
                            IEdmTypeReference itemTypeReference = descriptor.ItemTypeParameter;
                            ODataCollectionWriter writer        = itemTypeReference == null
                            ? messageWriter.CreateODataCollectionWriter()
                            : messageWriter.CreateODataCollectionWriter(itemTypeReference);
                            WriteCollectionPayload(messageWriter, writer, true, descriptor);
                    exception = TestExceptionUtils.UnwrapAggregateException(exception, assert);

                    WriterTestExpectedResults expectedResults = descriptor.ExpectedResultCallback(testConfiguration);
                    TestWriterUtils.ValidateExceptionOrLogResult(testMessage, testConfiguration, expectedResults, exception, assert, descriptor.TestDescriptorSettings.ExpectedResultSettings.ExceptionVerifier, baselineLogger);
                    TestWriterUtils.ValidateContentType(testMessage, expectedResults, true, assert);
コード例 #2
        public void FatalExceptionTest()
            ODataResource entry = ObjectModelUtils.CreateDefaultEntry();

                new ODataItem[] { entry },
                new bool[] { true, false }, // flush
                // TODO: also enable this test for the sync scenarios
                this.WriterTestConfigurationProvider.ExplicitFormatConfigurations.Where(tc => !tc.Synchronous),
                (payload, flush, testConfiguration) =>
                testConfiguration = testConfiguration.Clone();

                using (var memoryStream = new TestStream())
                    using (var messageWriter = TestWriterUtils.CreateMessageWriter(memoryStream, testConfiguration, this.Assert))
                        ODataWriter writer = messageWriter.CreateODataWriter(isFeed: false);
                        ODataWriterCoreInspector inspector = new ODataWriterCoreInspector(writer);

                        // close the memory stream so that any attempt to flush will cause a fatal error

                        // write the payload and call FlushAsync() to trigger a fatal exception
                        Exception ex = TestExceptionUtils.RunCatching(() => TestWriterUtils.WritePayload(messageWriter, writer, true, entry));
                        this.Assert.IsNotNull(ex, "Expected exception but none was thrown.");
                        NotSupportedException notSupported = null;
                        var baseEx = ex.GetBaseException();
                        this.Assert.IsNotNull(baseEx, "BaseException of exception:" + ex.ToString() + " should not be null");
                        notSupported = baseEx as NotSupportedException;
                        this.Assert.IsNotNull(notSupported, "Expected NotSupportedException but " + baseEx.GetType().FullName + " was reported.");
                        notSupported = TestExceptionUtils.UnwrapAggregateException(ex, this.Assert) as NotSupportedException;
                        this.Assert.IsNotNull(notSupported, "Expected NotSupportedException but " + ex.ToString() + " was reported.");

                        this.Assert.AreEqual("Stream does not support writing.", notSupported.Message, "Did not find expected error message.");
                        this.Assert.IsTrue(inspector.IsInErrorState, "Writer is not in expected 'Error' state.");

                        if (flush)
                            // Flush should work in error state.

                        // in all cases we have to be able to dispose the writer without problems.
コード例 #3
 /// <summary>
 /// Verifies that the test correctly threw an exception.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="exception">null if the test didn't throw, the exception thrown by the test otherwise.</param>
 public virtual void VerifyException(Exception exception)
     exception = TestExceptionUtils.UnwrapAggregateException(exception, this.settings.Assert);
     if (this.ExpectedException != null)
                                        "Expected exception of type '{0}' with message resource ID '{1}' but none was thrown.",
                                        this.ExpectedException.ExpectedMessage == null ? "<null>" : this.ExpectedException.ExpectedMessage.ResourceIdentifier);
         this.settings.ExceptionVerifier.VerifyExceptionResult(this.ExpectedException, exception);
         this.settings.Assert.IsNull(exception, "Unexpected exception was thrown: {0}", (exception == null) ? string.Empty : exception.ToString());
コード例 #4
        public void WriteAfterExceptionTest()
            // create a default entry and then set both read and edit links to null to provoke an exception during writing
            ODataResource faultyEntry = ObjectModelUtils.CreateDefaultEntry();

            this.Assert.IsNull(faultyEntry.EditLink, "entry.EditLink == null");

            ODataResource    defaultEntry = ObjectModelUtils.CreateDefaultEntry();
            ODataResourceSet defaultFeed  = ObjectModelUtils.CreateDefaultFeed();

                new ODataItem[] { faultyEntry },
                new ODataItem[] { defaultFeed, defaultEntry },
                (faultyPayload, contentPayload, testConfiguration) =>
                testConfiguration = testConfiguration.Clone();

                using (var memoryStream = new TestStream())
                    using (var messageWriter = TestWriterUtils.CreateMessageWriter(memoryStream, testConfiguration, this.Assert))
                        ODataWriter writer = messageWriter.CreateODataWriter(isFeed: false);
                        ODataWriterCoreInspector inspector = new ODataWriterCoreInspector(writer);

                        // write the invalid entry and expect an exception
                            () => TestWriterUtils.WritePayload(messageWriter, writer, false, faultyEntry),
                        this.Assert.IsTrue(inspector.IsInErrorState, "Writer is not in expected 'error' state.");

                        // now write some non-error content which is invalid to do
                        Exception ex = TestExceptionUtils.RunCatching(() => TestWriterUtils.WritePayload(messageWriter, writer, false, contentPayload));
                        ex           = TestExceptionUtils.UnwrapAggregateException(ex, this.Assert);
                        this.Assert.IsNotNull(ex, "Expected exception but none was thrown");
                        this.Assert.IsTrue(ex is ODataException, "Expected an ODataException instance but got a " + ex.GetType().FullName + ".");
                        this.Assert.IsTrue(ex.Message.Contains("Cannot transition from state 'Error' to state "), "Did not find expected start of error message.");
                        this.Assert.IsTrue(ex.Message.Contains("Nothing can be written once the writer entered the error state."), "Did not find expected end of error message in '" + ex.Message + "'.");
                        this.Assert.IsTrue(inspector.IsInErrorState, "Writer is not in expected 'error' state.");
コード例 #5
        /// <summary>
        /// Verifies that the test correctly threw an exception.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="exception">null if the test didn't throw, the exception thrown by the test otherwise.</param>
        public virtual void VerifyException(Exception exception)
            exception = TestExceptionUtils.UnwrapAggregateException(exception, this.settings.Assert);

            if (this.ExpectedException2 != null)
                this.settings.ExceptionVerifier.VerifyExceptionResult(this.ExpectedException2, exception);
            else if (this.ExpectedException != null)
                this.settings.Assert.IsExpectedException <Exception>(exception, this.ExpectedException.Message);
            else if (this.ExpectedODataErrorException != null)
                this.settings.Assert.IsExpectedException <ODataErrorException>(exception, this.ExpectedODataErrorException.Message);
                this.settings.Assert.IsTrue(ODataObjectModelValidationUtils.AreEqual(this.ExpectedODataErrorException.Error, ((ODataErrorException)exception).Error), "Expected ODataError instances to be equal.");
                this.settings.Assert.IsExpectedException <ODataException>(exception, this.ExpectedODataExceptionMessage);