コード例 #1
        public TestDataGeneratorClassFillingSpeck()
            Specify(x =>
                    TestDataGenerator.Create <Universe> (MaxRecursionDepth, null))
            .Case("should fill normal property deep in hierarchy", _ => _
                  .It("fills properties in 1st level deep hierarchy", x => x.Result.Galaxy1.StarSystem1.Planet1.President.Name.Should().Be("SomeString"))
                  .It("fill properties in 2nd level deep hierarchy",
                      x =>
                  .It("aborts hierarchy filling at 3rd level top element (QuantumUniverse)",
                      x =>

            Specify(x =>
                    TestDataGenerator.Create <LandVehicle> (MaxRecursionDepth, null))
            .Case("should fill properties according to provider chain1", _ => _
                  .It("should fill weight", x => x.Result.Weight.Should().Be(100))
                  .It("should fill main color", x => x.Result.MainColor.Should().Be(Color.Red))
                  .It("should fill tire diameter", x => x.Result.Tire.Diameter.Should().Be(3.6))
                  .It("should fill grip", x => x.Result.Tire.Grip.Should().Be(3.6)));

            Specify(x =>
                    TestDataGenerator.Create <AirVehicle> (MaxRecursionDepth, null))
            .Case("should fill properties according to provider chain2", _ => _
                  .It("should fill weight as specified", x => x.Result.Weight.Should().Be(5))
                  .It("should fill main color as specified", x => x.Result.MainColor.Should().Be(Color.Green))
                  .It("should fill engine with jetengine", x => x.Result.Engine.Should().BeOfType(typeof(JetEngine)))
                  .It("should fill fuel use per second as specified",
                      x => ((JetEngine)x.Result.Engine).FuelUsePerSecond.Should().Be(1.1f))
                  .It("should fill powerinnewtons as specified", x => x.Result.Engine.PowerInNewtons.Should().Be(5000f)));

            Specify(x =>
                    TestDataGenerator.Create <AirVehicle> (MaxRecursionDepth, null))
            .Case("throws for abstract properties because of default provider chain", _ => _
                  .ItThrows(typeof(NotSupportedException), "Could not auto-fill AirVehicle (member Engine). Please provide a value provider")
                                 "No valid ctor found on 'Engine': Classes with non-public constructors and abstract classes are not supported."));

            Specify(x =>
                    TestDataGenerator.Create <LandVehicle> (MaxRecursionDepth, null))
            .Case("should fill properties according to provider chain3", _ => _
                  //test simple cases again because of more complex domain
                  .It("should fill weight as specified", x => x.Result.Weight.Should().Be(50))
                  .It("should fill main color as specified", x => x.Result.MainColor.Should().Be(Color.Black))
                  .It("should fill tire diameter as specified", x => x.Result.Tire.Diameter.Should().Be(1.2))
                  .It("should fill grip  as specified", x => x.Result.Tire.Grip.Should().Be(1.2)));

            Specify(x =>
                    TestDataGenerator.CreateMany <AirVehicle> (2, MaxRecursionDepth, null).First())
            .Case("should fill properties according to provider chain4", _ => _
                  //test simple cases again because of more complex domain
                  .It("should fill weight as specified", x => x.Result.Weight.Should().Be(50))
                  .It("should fill main color as specified", x => x.Result.MainColor.Should().Be(Color.Black))

                  //start testing concrete domain logic
                  .It("should fill engine with PropellorEngine", x => x.Result.Engine.Should().BeOfType(typeof(PropellorEngine)))
                  .It("should fill fuel use per second as specified",
                      x =>
                  .It("should fill PowerInNewtons as specified", x => x.Result.Engine.PowerInNewtons.Should().Be(250f)));

            Specify(x =>
                    TestDataGenerator.CreateMany <AirVehicle> (2, MaxRecursionDepth, null).Last())
            .Case("should fill properties according to provider chain5", _ => _
                  //test simple cases again because of more complex domain
                  .It("should fill weight as specified", x => x.Result.Weight.Should().Be(50))
                  .It("should fill main color as specified", x => x.Result.MainColor.Should().Be(Color.Black))

                  //start testing concrete domain logic
                  .It("should fill engine with jetengine", x => x.Result.Engine.Should().BeOfType(typeof(JetEngine)))
                  .It("should fill fuel use per second as specified", x => ((JetEngine)x.Result.Engine).FuelUsePerSecond.Should().Be(2.1f))
                  .It("should fill powerinnewtons as specified", x => x.Result.Engine.PowerInNewtons.Should().Be(1200)));

            Specify(x =>
                    TestDataGenerator.Create <LandVehicle> (MaxRecursionDepth, null))
            .Case("should fill properties according to provider chain6", _ => _
                  .It("should fill tire usage", x => x.Result.Tire.TireUsage.Should().Be(100.1d))
                  .It("should fill weight", x => x.Result.Weight.Should().Be(52)));

            Specify(x =>
                    TestDataGenerator.Create <LandVehicle> (MaxRecursionDepth, null))
            .Case("should fill properties according to provider chain7", _ => _
                  .It("should fill name", x => x.Result.Name.Should().Be("12345!6!78")));

            Specify(x =>
                    TestDataGenerator.Create <ClassWithMixedMembers> (MaxRecursionDepth, null))
            .Case("should fill mixed properties correctly", _ => _
                  .Given(BaseDomainContext(seed: 0))
                  .It("should fill public property", x => x.Result.PublicProperty.Should().Be("Vigimuhe"))
                  .It("should fill public field", x => x.Result.PublicField.Should().Be("Zaxsewu"))
                  .It("Should not fill private property", x => x.Result.GetPrivateProperty().Should().Be("default"))
                  .It("Should not fill private field", x => x.Result.GetPrivateField().Should().Be("default")));