public PMSApplication(TestCaseHeaderData headerData, string userName = "", string password = "") { executioner = TestExecutionerPool.GetTestExecutioner(headerData, userName, password, landingPage); if (!executioner.PoolState.WasAlreadyInPool) { executioner.NavigateTo(loginURL, "Navigate to Patitnet management system's login page"); if (!(string.IsNullOrEmpty(userName) && string.IsNullOrEmpty(password))) { this.IsAuthenticated = AuthFeature.LoginToPMS(userName, password); } } }
public override bool StartNewTestCase(TestCaseHeaderData headerData) { SaveReport(); Dispose(); bool result = InitialzieNewTestCase(headerData); if (result) { //newTestCasePath gets initialized based on the testCaseHeader parameter NewTestCasePath += "\\" + TestCaseHeader.TestCaseFileName.Replace(".html", "").Replace(".", "") + ".html"; } return(result); }
public void HOS20_UpdateExistingHospitalName() { TestCaseHeaderData testDescription = new TestCaseHeaderData() { TestNumber = "HOS20", TestDescription = "Given an existing hospital, When the hospital name is altered, Then the hospital record should be updated accordingly", TestFamily = "Hospital Tests", TestName = "UpdateAnExistingHospital", Prereqs = "None" }; using (var testSteps = new HospitalProvisioningSteps(testDescription)) { testSteps.GivenAnExistingRandomlySelectedHospital(); testSteps.WhenTheHospitalNameIsUpdated(); testSteps.ThenTheHospitalShouldBeUpdatedAccordingly(); } }
public PMSApplication(string testNumber, string testName = "", string testDescription = "", string testFamily = "", string userName = "", string password = "") { TestCaseHeaderData tcHeader = new TestCaseHeaderData() { TestName = string.Format("{0}_{1}", testNumber, testName.Replace(" ", "_")), TestNumber = testNumber, TestDescription = testDescription }; executioner = TestExecutionerPool.GetTestExecutioner(tcHeader, userName, password, landingPage); if (!executioner.PoolState.WasAlreadyInPool) { executioner.NavigateTo(loginURL, "Navigate to Patitnet management system's login page"); if (!(string.IsNullOrEmpty(userName) && string.IsNullOrEmpty(password))) { this.IsAuthenticated = AuthFeature.LoginToPMS(userName, password); } } }
protected void InitializeBugCreator(TestCaseHeaderData header, List <TestCaseStep> steps) { Header = header; Steps = steps; InitializeBugTitleAndSummary(); }
//Make sure to call base.InitializeBugCreator when you override this method! public abstract string CreateBug(TestCaseHeaderData header, List <TestCaseStep> steps);
public HospitalProvisioningSteps(TestCaseHeaderData testcaseHeader) { this.testCaseHeader = testcaseHeader; }
public override bool StartNewTestCase(TestCaseHeaderData headerData) //complete test case??? { throw new NotImplementedException(); }
protected void RegisterTestUnderDevelopment(TestCaseHeaderData headerData, string etaDate) { RegisterTestUnderDevelopment(headerData.TestNumber, headerData.TestName, headerData.TestDescription, headerData.TestFamily, etaDate); }