コード例 #1
    // Method that removes an occupant from a grid tile
    public void RemoveTerrainTileOccupant(GridTile tile)
        for (int i = 0; i < tile.occupants.Count; i++)
            // if type is Terrain Generated
            if (tile.occupants[i].type == GridTileOccupant.OccupantType.TerrainGenerated)
                // Get the terrainObject script from the occupant
                TerrainObject terrainObj = tile.occupants[i].obj.GetComponent <TerrainObject>();

                // Get the submeshes that should be in this particular terrain object from the biomemeshes
                Mesh[] objMeshes = thisTerrainController.biomeMeshes[terrainObj.biome].mesh[terrainObj.objectNR];

                // create an object of with info of the object that should be removed

                // for each of these meshes
                for (int k = 0; k < objMeshes.Length; k++)
                    Vector3 startVert = objMeshes[k].vertices[0];
                    startVert = new Vector3(startVert.x * tile.occupants[i].scale.x, startVert.y * tile.occupants[i].scale.y, startVert.z * tile.occupants[i].scale.z);
                    // scale, rotate and move the vertex according to inputs
                    startVert = tile.occupants[i].rotation * startVert;
                    startVert = startVert + (tile.occupants[i].position - terrainObj.transform.position);

                    int numVerts = objMeshes[k].vertexCount;
                    // Add a copy of the mesh that should be removed. Move, rotate and scale it as it is in the game.
                    terrainObj.RemoveMesh(new MoveMeshObj(startVert, numVerts));

        for (int i = 0; i < tile.occupants.Count; i++)
            // if type is Terrain Generated
            if (tile.occupants[i].type == GridTileOccupant.OccupantType.TerrainGenerated)
                // set the tile occupant to null