コード例 #1
ファイル: TerrainLoop.cs プロジェクト: Kharzette/GrogTest
        internal TerrainLoop(GraphicsDevice gd, StuffKeeper sk, string gameRootDir)
            mGD   = gd;
            mSK   = sk;
            mResX = gd.RendForm.ClientRectangle.Width;
            mResY = gd.RendForm.ClientRectangle.Height;

            mFontMats = new MatLib(gd, sk);

            mFontMats.SetMaterialEffect("Text", "2D.fx");
            mFontMats.SetMaterialTechnique("Text", "Text");

            mFonts = sk.GetFontList();

            mST = new ScreenText(gd.GD, mFontMats, mFonts[0], 1000);

            mTextProj = Matrix.OrthoOffCenterLH(0, mResX, mResY, 0, 0.1f, 5f);

            string path = gameRootDir + "\\Levels\\Testa.Terrain";

            mTerrain = new Terrain(path);

            //build model for raycasts/collisions
            mTModel = mTerrain.ConstructModel();

//			Vector4	color	=Vector4.UnitY + (Vector4.UnitW * 0.15f);
            Vector4 color = Vector4.UnitX * 0.25f +
                            Vector4.UnitZ * 0.25f + (Vector4.UnitW * 0.55f);

            //string indicators for various statusy things
            mST.AddString(mFonts[0], "Stuffs", "PosStatus",
                          color, Vector2.UnitX * 20f + Vector2.UnitY * 610f, Vector2.One);
            mST.AddString(mFonts[0], "Stuffs", "ColStatus",
                          color, Vector2.UnitX * 20f + Vector2.UnitY * 630f, Vector2.One);
            mST.AddString(mFonts[0], "Thread Status...", "ThreadStatus",
                          color, Vector2.UnitX * 20f + Vector2.UnitY * 650f, Vector2.One);

            mTerMats = new MatLib(mGD, sk);

            Vector3 lightDir = Mathery.RandomDirection(mRand);

            Vector4 lightColor2 = Vector4.One * 0.4f;
            Vector4 lightColor3 = Vector4.One * 0.1f;

            lightColor2.W = lightColor3.W = 1f;

            mTerMats.SetMaterialEffect("Terrain", "Terrain.fx");
            mTerMats.SetMaterialTechnique("Terrain", "TriTerrain");
            mTerMats.SetMaterialParameter("Terrain", "mLightColor0", Vector4.One);
            mTerMats.SetMaterialParameter("Terrain", "mLightColor1", lightColor2);
            mTerMats.SetMaterialParameter("Terrain", "mLightColor2", lightColor3);
            mTerMats.SetMaterialParameter("Terrain", "mLightDirection", lightDir);
            mTerMats.SetMaterialParameter("Terrain", "mSolidColour", Vector4.One);
            mTerMats.SetMaterialParameter("Terrain", "mSpecPower", 1);
            mTerMats.SetMaterialParameter("Terrain", "mSpecColor", Vector4.One);
            mTerMats.SetMaterialParameter("Terrain", "mWorld", Matrix.Identity);

            mTerMats.SetMaterialEffect("Sky", "Terrain.fx");
            mTerMats.SetMaterialTechnique("Sky", "SkyGradient");


            mTerMats.GenerateCelTexturePreset(mGD.GD, mGD.GD.FeatureLevel == FeatureLevel.Level_9_3, false, 0);

            mSkyCube = PrimFactory.CreateCube(gd.GD, -5f);


            //debug draw
            mDebugMats = new MatLib(gd, sk);

            Vector4 redColor   = Vector4.One;
            Vector4 greenColor = Vector4.One;
            Vector4 blueColor  = Vector4.One;

            redColor.Y = redColor.Z = greenColor.X = greenColor.Z = blueColor.X = blueColor.Y = 0f;

            mDebugMats.SetMaterialEffect("DebugBoxes", "Static.fx");
            mDebugMats.SetMaterialTechnique("DebugBoxes", "TriSolidSpec");
            mDebugMats.SetMaterialParameter("DebugBoxes", "mLightColor0", Vector4.One);
            mDebugMats.SetMaterialParameter("DebugBoxes", "mLightColor1", lightColor2);
            mDebugMats.SetMaterialParameter("DebugBoxes", "mLightColor2", lightColor3);
            mDebugMats.SetMaterialParameter("DebugBoxes", "mSolidColour", blueColor);
            mDebugMats.SetMaterialParameter("DebugBoxes", "mSpecPower", 1);
            mDebugMats.SetMaterialParameter("DebugBoxes", "mSpecColor", Vector4.One);

            mNumStreamThreads = 2;
            mGroundPos.Y      = 3000f;                  //start above
            mCellGridMax      = mTerrain.GetCellGridMax();
            mBoundary         = mTerrain.GetBoundary();

            Viewport vp = mGD.GetScreenViewPort();

            mGD.GCam.Projection = Matrix.PerspectiveFovLH(
                vp.Width / (float)vp.Height, 0.1f, FogEnd);

            mGD.SetClip(0.1f, FogEnd);

            mDrawRays = new DrawRays(mGD, mSK);
            mOtherCam = new GameCamera(vp.Width, vp.Height, vp.Width / (float)vp.Height, 0.1f, FogEnd);
コード例 #2
ファイル: GameLoop.cs プロジェクト: Kharzette/GrogTools
        internal void TBuild(int gridSize, int chunkSize, float medianHeight,
                             float variance, int polySize, int tilingIterations, float borderSize,
                             int smoothPasses, int seed, int erosionIterations,
                             float rainFall, float solubility, float evaporation, int threads)
            mFracFact = new FractalFactory(variance, medianHeight, gridSize + 1, gridSize + 1);

            mNumStreamThreads = threads;

            float   [,] fract = mFracFact.CreateFractal(seed);

            for (int i = 0; i < smoothPasses; i++)

            for (int i = 0; i < tilingIterations; i++)
                float borderSlice = borderSize / tilingIterations;

                FractalFactory.MakeTiled(fract, borderSlice * (i + 1));

            if (erosionIterations > 0)
                int realIterations = FractalFactory.Erode(fract, mRand,
                                                          erosionIterations, rainFall, solubility, evaporation);

                //redo tiling if eroded
                for (int i = 0; i < tilingIterations; i++)
                    float borderSlice = borderSize / tilingIterations;

                    FractalFactory.MakeTiled(fract, borderSlice * (i + 1));

            Vector3 [,] norms = mFracFact.BuildNormals(fract, polySize);

            if (mTModel != null)
            mTModel = new TerrainModel(fract, polySize, gridSize);

            mCellGridMax = gridSize / chunkSize;

            List <HeightMap.TexData> tdata = new List <HeightMap.TexData>();

            float transHeight = 0f;

            if (mTerrain != null)
                //grab a copy of the old texture data if any
                List <HeightMap.TexData> texOld = mTerrain.GetTextureData(out transHeight);

                //clone it because it is about to all get nuked
                foreach (HeightMap.TexData td in texOld)
                    HeightMap.TexData td2 = new HeightMap.TexData(td);
            mTerrain = new Terrain(fract, norms, polySize, chunkSize, mCellGridMax);

            mTerrain.SetTextureData(tdata, transHeight);

            mBoundary = chunkSize * polySize;



            mTerrain.BuildGrid(mGD, mChunkRange, mNumStreamThreads);

            mPos.Y = mTModel.GetHeight(mPos) + 200f;

            mTerrain.UpdatePosition(mPos, mTerMats);

            //clamp box heights

            //clear existing
            if (mQTreeBoxes != null)

            //turn on to debug quadtree
            //careful about big map sizes
//			List<BoundingBox>	boxes	=mTModel.GetAllBoxes();
//			mQTreeBoxes	=PrimFactory.CreateCubes(mGD.GD, boxes);