コード例 #1
        public async void GetAll_Default_Parameters()
            // Create a mock query that always returns the same result.
            Mock <ITermsQueryService> querySvc = new Mock <ITermsQueryService>();

                svc => svc.GetAll(
                    It.IsAny <string>(),
                    It.IsAny <AudienceType>(),
                    It.IsAny <string>(),
                    It.IsAny <int>(),
                    It.IsAny <int>(),
                    It.IsAny <bool>()
            .Returns(Task.FromResult(new GlossaryTermResults()));

            // Call the controller, we don't care about the actual return value.
            TermsController controller = new TermsController(NullLogger <TermsController> .Instance, querySvc.Object);
            await controller.GetAll("glossary", AudienceType.HealthProfessional, "en");

            // Verify that the query layer is called:
            //  a) with the expected values.
            //  b) exactly once.
                svc => svc.GetAll("glossary", AudienceType.HealthProfessional, "en", 100, 0, false),
                "ITermsQueryService::getAll() should be called once, with default values for size, from, and requestedFields"
コード例 #2
        public async void GetAll_Specified_Parameters()
            // Create a mock query that always returns the same result.
            Mock <ITermsQueryService> querySvc = new Mock <ITermsQueryService>();

                svc => svc.getAll(
                    It.IsAny <string>(),
                    It.IsAny <AudienceType>(),
                    It.IsAny <string>(),
                    It.IsAny <int>(),
                    It.IsAny <int>(),
                    It.IsAny <string[]>()
            .Returns(Task.FromResult(new GlossaryTermResults()));

            // Call the controller, we don't care about the actual return value.
            TermsController controller = new TermsController(querySvc.Object);
            await controller.getAll("glossary", AudienceType.HealthProfessional, "es", 200, 2, new string[] { "Field1", "Field2", "Field3" });

            // Verify that the query layer is called:
            //  a) with the expected values.
            //  b) exactly once.
                svc => svc.getAll("glossary", AudienceType.HealthProfessional, "es", 200, 2, new string[] { "Field1", "Field2", "Field3" }),
                "ITermsQueryService::getAll() should be called once, with the specified values for size, from, and requestedFields"
コード例 #3
        public void Initialize()
            TermsRepository repository = new TermsRepository(testDataFile, cacheKey);

            controller         = new TermsController(repository);
            controller.Request = new HttpRequestMessage();
コード例 #4
        public async void Expand_RequiredParametersOnly()
            // Create a mock query that always returns the same result.
            Mock <ITermsQueryService> querySvc = new Mock <ITermsQueryService>();

                svc => svc.Expand(
                    It.IsAny <string>(),
                    It.IsAny <AudienceType>(),
                    It.IsAny <string>(),
                    It.IsAny <string>(),
                    It.IsAny <int>(),
                    It.IsAny <int>(),
                    It.IsAny <bool>()
            .Returns(Task.FromResult(new GlossaryTermResults()));

            // Call the controller, we don't care about the actual return value.
            TermsController controller = new TermsController(NullLogger <TermsController> .Instance, querySvc.Object);
            await controller.Expand("Cancer.gov", AudienceType.Patient, "en", "s");

            // Verify that the query layer is called:
            //  a) with the expected updated values for size, from, and requestedFields.
            //  b) exactly once.
                svc => svc.Expand("Cancer.gov", AudienceType.Patient, "en", "s", 100, 0, false),
                "ITermsQueryService::Expand() should be called once, with the updated value for size"
コード例 #5
        public async void Count_QueryValues(string dictionary, AudienceType audience, string language)
            Mock <ITermsQueryService> querySvc   = new Mock <ITermsQueryService>();
            TermsController           controller = new TermsController(NullLogger <TermsController> .Instance, querySvc.Object);

            // Set up the mock query service to handle the GetCount() call.
            // The return value is unimportant for this test.
                mock => mock.GetCount(
                    It.IsAny <string>(),
                    It.IsAny <AudienceType>(),
                    It.IsAny <string>()

            long result = await controller.GetCount(dictionary, audience, language);

            // Verify that the service layer is called:
            //  a) with the expected values.
            //  b) exactly once.
                svc => svc.GetCount(dictionary, audience, language),
コード例 #6
        public async void GetAll_Error_DictionaryMissing()
            Mock <ITermsQueryService> querySvc = new Mock <ITermsQueryService>();

            TermsController controller = new TermsController(querySvc.Object);

            APIErrorException ex = await Assert.ThrowsAsync <APIErrorException>(() => controller.getAll("", AudienceType.HealthProfessional, "en"));
コード例 #7
        public async void GetAll_Error_LanguageBad()
            Mock <ITermsQueryService> querySvc = new Mock <ITermsQueryService>();

            TermsController controller = new TermsController(querySvc.Object);

            APIErrorException ex = await Assert.ThrowsAsync <APIErrorException>(() => controller.getAll("glossary", AudienceType.HealthProfessional, "turducken"));
コード例 #8
        public async void GetById_ErrorMessage_Id()
            Mock <ITermsQueryService> termQueryService = new Mock <ITermsQueryService>();
            TermsController           controller       = new TermsController(NullLogger <TermsController> .Instance, termQueryService.Object);
            var exception = await Assert.ThrowsAsync <APIErrorException>(() => controller.GetById("Dictionary", AudienceType.Patient, "EN", 0L));

            Assert.Equal("You must supply a valid dictionary, audience, language and id", exception.Message);
コード例 #9
 public TermsControllerTests() : base()
     Target = new TermsController(
         The <ILogger <TermsController> >().Object,
         The <ITermsRepository>().Object,
         The <IMapper>().Object
コード例 #10
        public async void GetByName_WithFallback_ErrorMessage_UnknownCombination()
            Mock <ITermsQueryService> termQueryService = new Mock <ITermsQueryService>();
            TermsController           controller       = new TermsController(NullLogger <TermsController> .Instance, termQueryService.Object);
            var exception = await Assert.ThrowsAsync <APIErrorException>(() => controller.GetByName("UnknownDictionary", AudienceType.Patient, "EN", "s-phase-fraction", true));

            Assert.Equal(404, exception.HttpStatusCode);
            Assert.Equal("Could not find initial fallback combination with dictionary 'unknowndictionary' and audience 'Patient'.", exception.Message);
コード例 #11
        public async void GetById_ErrorMessage_InvalidLanguage()
            Mock <ITermsQueryService> termQueryService = new Mock <ITermsQueryService>();
            TermsController           controller       = new TermsController(NullLogger <TermsController> .Instance, termQueryService.Object);
            var exception = await Assert.ThrowsAsync <APIErrorException>(() => controller.GetById("Cancer.gov", AudienceType.Patient, "chicken", 10L)

            Assert.Equal("Unsupported Language. Please try either 'en' or 'es'", exception.Message);
コード例 #12
        public async void GetByName_ErrorMessage_EmptyLanguage()
            Mock <ITermsQueryService> termQueryService = new Mock <ITermsQueryService>();
            TermsController           controller       = new TermsController(NullLogger <TermsController> .Instance, termQueryService.Object);
            var exception = await Assert.ThrowsAsync <APIErrorException>(
                () => controller.GetByName("Cancer.gov", AudienceType.Patient, "", "s-1")

            Assert.Equal("You must supply a valid dictionary, audience, and language.", exception.Message);
コード例 #13
        public void Term_Withdraws_ID()
            TermsController controller = new TermsController(_context);

            int        id     = 1;
            ViewResult result = controller.Withdraw(id) as ViewResult;

            // Assert
コード例 #14
        public async void Search_ErrorMessage_InvalidLanguage()
            Mock <ITermsQueryService> termQueryService = new Mock <ITermsQueryService>();
            TermsController           controller       = new TermsController(NullLogger <TermsController> .Instance, termQueryService.Object);
            var exception = await Assert.ThrowsAsync <APIErrorException>(
                () => controller.Search("Cancer.gov", AudienceType.Patient, "chicken", "chicken", MatchType.Begins, 10, 0)

            Assert.Equal("Unsupported Language. Valid values are 'en' and 'es'.", exception.Message);
コード例 #15
        public async void Expand_ErrorMessage_Dictionary()
            Mock <ITermsQueryService> termQueryService = new Mock <ITermsQueryService>();
            TermsController           controller       = new TermsController(NullLogger <TermsController> .Instance, termQueryService.Object);
            var exception = await Assert.ThrowsAsync <APIErrorException>(
                () => controller.Expand("", AudienceType.Patient, "en", "s", 10, 0)

            Assert.Equal("You must supply a valid dictionary, audience and language", exception.Message);
コード例 #16
        public async void Search_ErrorMessage_AudienceType()
            Mock <ITermsQueryService> termsQueryService = new Mock <ITermsQueryService>();
            TermsController           controller        = new TermsController(NullLogger <TermsController> .Instance, termsQueryService.Object);
            APIErrorException         exception         = await Assert.ThrowsAsync <APIErrorException>(
                () => controller.Search("Cancer.gov", (AudienceType)(-18), "en", "chicken", MatchType.Begins, 10, 0)

            Assert.Equal("You must supply a valid dictionary, audience and language.", exception.Message);
コード例 #17
        public async void SearchForTerms_ErrorMessage_AudienceType()
            Mock <ITermsQueryService> termsQueryService = new Mock <ITermsQueryService>();
            TermsController           controller        = new TermsController(termsQueryService.Object);
            APIErrorException         exception         = await Assert.ThrowsAsync <APIErrorException>(
                () => controller.Search("Dictionary", (AudienceType)(-18), "EN", "Query", "contains", 0, 1, new string[] {})

            Assert.Equal("You must supply a valid dictionary, audience and language.", exception.Message);
コード例 #18
        public async void SearchForTerms_ErrorMessage_MatchType()
            Mock <ITermsQueryService> termsQueryService = new Mock <ITermsQueryService>();
            TermsController           controller        = new TermsController(termsQueryService.Object);
            APIErrorException         exception         = await Assert.ThrowsAsync <APIErrorException>(
                () => controller.Search("Dictionary", AudienceType.Patient, "EN", "Query", "doesnotcontain", 1, 1, new string[] {})

            Assert.Equal("'matchType' can only be 'begins' or 'contains'", exception.Message);
コード例 #19
        [InlineData(new object[] { "" })]  // Empty string.
        public async void Count_ErrorMessage_Dictionary(string dictionary)
            Mock <ITermsQueryService> querySvc   = new Mock <ITermsQueryService>();
            TermsController           controller = new TermsController(NullLogger <TermsController> .Instance, querySvc.Object);

            APIErrorException ex = await Assert.ThrowsAsync <APIErrorException>(
                () => controller.GetCount(dictionary, AudienceType.HealthProfessional, "en")

            Assert.Equal(400, ex.HttpStatusCode);
コード例 #20
        [InlineData(new object[] { "" })]  // Empty string.
        public async void Count_ErrorMessage_Language(string badLanguage)
            Mock <ITermsQueryService> querySvc   = new Mock <ITermsQueryService>();
            TermsController           controller = new TermsController(NullLogger <TermsController> .Instance, querySvc.Object);

            APIErrorException ex = await Assert.ThrowsAsync <APIErrorException>(
                () => controller.GetCount("Cancer.gov", AudienceType.Patient, badLanguage)

            Assert.Equal(400, ex.HttpStatusCode);
コード例 #21
        public async void GetByNameTerms()
            Mock <ITermsQueryService> termsQueryService = new Mock <ITermsQueryService>();
            TermsController           controller        = new TermsController(NullLogger <TermsController> .Instance, termsQueryService.Object);

            GlossaryTerm glossaryTerm = new GlossaryTerm()
                TermId        = 44771,
                Language      = "en",
                Dictionary    = "Cancer.gov",
                Audience      = AudienceType.Patient,
                TermName      = "S-phase fraction",
                FirstLetter   = "s",
                PrettyUrlName = "s-phase-fraction",
                Definition    = new Definition()
                    Text = "A measure of the percentage of cells in a tumor that are in the phase of the cell cycle during which DNA is synthesized. The S-phase fraction may be used with the proliferative index to give a more complete understanding of how fast a tumor is growing.",
                    Html = "A measure of the percentage of cells in a tumor that are in the phase of the cell cycle during which DNA is synthesized. The S-phase fraction may be used with the proliferative index to give a more complete understanding of how fast a tumor is growing."
                Pronunciation = new Pronunciation()
                    Key   = "(... fayz FRAK-shun)",
                    Audio = "https://nci-media-dev.cancer.gov/audio/pdq/705947.mp3"
                Media            = new IMedia[] {},
                RelatedResources = new IRelatedResource[] { }

                termQSvc => termQSvc.GetByName(
                    It.IsAny <string>(),
                    It.IsAny <AudienceType>(),
                    It.IsAny <string>(),
                    It.IsAny <string>()

            GlossaryTerm term = await controller.GetByName("Cancer.gov", AudienceType.Patient, "en", "s-phase-fraction");

            JObject actual   = JObject.Parse(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(term));
            JObject expected = JObject.Parse(File.ReadAllText(TestingTools.GetPathToTestFile("TermsControllerData/TestData_GetByName.json")));

            // Verify that the service layer is called:
            //  a) with the expected values.
            //  b) exactly once.
                svc => svc.GetByName("cancer.gov", AudienceType.Patient, "en", "s-phase-fraction"),

            Assert.Equal(glossaryTerm, term, new GlossaryTermComparer());
            Assert.Equal(expected, actual, new JTokenEqualityComparer());
コード例 #22
        public async void GetAll_Error_LanguageMissing()
            Mock <ITermsQueryService> querySvc = new Mock <ITermsQueryService>();

            TermsController controller = new TermsController(NullLogger <TermsController> .Instance, querySvc.Object);

            var exception = await Assert.ThrowsAsync <APIErrorException>(
                () => controller.GetAll("glossary", AudienceType.HealthProfessional, "")

            Assert.Equal("You must supply a valid dictionary, audience and language.", exception.Message);
コード例 #23
        public async void GetAll_Error_LanguageBad()
            Mock <ITermsQueryService> querySvc = new Mock <ITermsQueryService>();

            TermsController controller = new TermsController(NullLogger <TermsController> .Instance, querySvc.Object);

            var exception = await Assert.ThrowsAsync <APIErrorException>(
                () => controller.GetAll("glossary", AudienceType.HealthProfessional, "turducken")

            Assert.Equal("Unsupported Language. Valid values are 'en' and 'es'.", exception.Message);
コード例 #24
        public async void GetByName_WithFallback_TermsPatient_NotTitleCase()
            Mock <ITermsQueryService> termQueryService = new Mock <ITermsQueryService>();
            GlossaryTerm glossaryTerm = new GlossaryTerm()
                TermId        = 44771,
                Language      = "en",
                Dictionary    = "Cancer.gov",
                Audience      = AudienceType.Patient,
                TermName      = "S-phase fraction",
                FirstLetter   = "s",
                PrettyUrlName = "s-phase-fraction",
                Definition    = new Definition()
                    Text = "A measure of the percentage of cells in a tumor that are in the phase of the cell cycle during which DNA is synthesized. The S-phase fraction may be used with the proliferative index to give a more complete understanding of how fast a tumor is growing.",
                    Html = "A measure of the percentage of cells in a tumor that are in the phase of the cell cycle during which DNA is synthesized. The S-phase fraction may be used with the proliferative index to give a more complete understanding of how fast a tumor is growing."
                Pronunciation = new Pronunciation()
                    Key   = "(... fayz FRAK-shun)",
                    Audio = "https://nci-media-dev.cancer.gov/audio/pdq/705947.mp3"
                Media            = new IMedia[] { },
                RelatedResources = new IRelatedResource[] { }

            // "cancer.gov" (not the requested "Cancer.gov") and Patient would be the only call to the terms query service, returning the term.
                termQSvc => termQSvc.GetByName(
                    It.Is <String>(dictionary => dictionary == "cancer.gov"),
                    It.Is <AudienceType>(audience => audience == AudienceType.Patient),
                    It.Is <string>(language => language == "en"),
                    It.Is <string>(prettyUrlName => prettyUrlName == "s-phase-fraction")

            TermsController controller = new TermsController(NullLogger <TermsController> .Instance, termQueryService.Object);
            GlossaryTerm    gsTerm     = await controller.GetByName("Cancer.gov", AudienceType.Patient, "en", "s-phase-fraction", true);

            // Verify that the expected and actual Term are the same.
            JObject actual   = JObject.Parse(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(gsTerm));
            JObject expected = JObject.Parse(File.ReadAllText(TestingTools.GetPathToTestFile("TermsControllerData/TestData_GetWithFallback_TermsPatient.json")));

            Assert.Equal(expected, actual, new JTokenEqualityComparer());

            // Verify that the service layer is called correctly with the lowercased-dictionary fallback combination:
                svc => svc.GetByName("cancer.gov", AudienceType.Patient, "en", "s-phase-fraction"),
コード例 #25
        public async void Search_InvalidMatchType()
            // Create a mock query that always returns the same result.
            Mock <ITermsQueryService> querySvc = getDumbSearchSvcMock();

            // Call the controller, we don't care about the actual return value.
            TermsController controller = new TermsController(NullLogger <TermsController> .Instance, querySvc.Object);
            var             exception  = await Assert.ThrowsAsync <APIErrorException>(
                () => controller.Search("Cancer.gov", AudienceType.Patient, "en", "chicken", (MatchType)5, -1, 0)

            Assert.Equal("Invalid value for the 'matchType' parameter.", exception.Message);
コード例 #26
        public async void GetByName_ErrorMessage_MissingPrettyUrl()
            Mock <ITermsQueryService> termQueryService = new Mock <ITermsQueryService>();
            TermsController           controller       = new TermsController(NullLogger <TermsController> .Instance, termQueryService.Object);
            var exception = await Assert.ThrowsAsync <APIErrorException>(
                () => controller.GetByName("Cancer.gov", AudienceType.Patient, "en", null)

            Assert.Equal("You must specify the prettyUrlName parameter.", exception.Message);

            exception = await Assert.ThrowsAsync <APIErrorException>(
                () => controller.GetByName("Cancer.gov", AudienceType.Patient, "en", "")

            Assert.Equal("You must specify the prettyUrlName parameter.", exception.Message);
コード例 #27
        public async void Search_RequiredParametersOnly()
            // Create a mock query that always returns the same result.
            Mock <ITermsQueryService> querySvc = getDumbSearchSvcMock();

            // Call the controller, we don't care about the actual return value.
            TermsController controller = new TermsController(NullLogger <TermsController> .Instance, querySvc.Object);
            await controller.Search("Cancer.gov", AudienceType.Patient, "en", "chicken");

            // Verify that the query layer is called:
            //  a) with the expected updated values for size, from, and requestedFields.
            //  b) exactly once.
                svc => svc.Search("Cancer.gov", AudienceType.Patient, "en", "chicken", MatchType.Begins, 100, 0, false),
                "ITermsQueryService::Search() should be called once, with the updated value for size"
コード例 #28
        [InlineData(new object[] { int.MaxValue })] // Utterly ridiculous.
        public async void Count_QueryReturn(long returnCount)
            Mock <ITermsQueryService> querySvc   = new Mock <ITermsQueryService>();
            TermsController           controller = new TermsController(NullLogger <TermsController> .Instance, querySvc.Object);

            // Set up the mock query service to handle the GetCount() call.
            // The return value is unimportant for this test.
                mock => mock.GetCount(
                    It.IsAny <string>(),
                    It.IsAny <AudienceType>(),
                    It.IsAny <string>()

            // The arguments don't matter for this test.
            long actual = await controller.GetCount("Cancer.gov", AudienceType.HealthProfessional, "es");

            Assert.Equal(returnCount, actual);
コード例 #29
        public void GetCurrentTerm_WhenCalled_ReturnsCurrentTerm()
            var spring2018 = TestDataApi.CloneTerm(TestDataApi.spring2018);

            // Arrange
            termService.Setup(m => m.GetCurrentTerm())

            var controller = new TermsController(termService.Object);

            TestHelper.SetUpControllerRequest(controller, "terms");

            // Act
            var actionResult  = controller.GetCurrentTerm();
            var contentResult = actionResult as OkNegotiatedContentResult <TermDto>;

            // Assert
            termService.Verify(m => m.GetCurrentTerm());

            Assert.That(contentResult, Is.Not.Null);
            Assert.That(contentResult.Content, Is.Not.Null);
コード例 #30
        public void GetById_WhenCalled_ReturnsTerm()
            var id         = 5;
            var spring2018 = TestDataApi.CloneTerm(TestDataApi.spring2018);

            // Arrange
            termService.Setup(m => m.Get(It.IsAny <int>()))

            var controller = new TermsController(termService.Object);

            TestHelper.SetUpControllerRequest(controller, "terms");

            // Act
            var actionResult  = controller.Get(id);
            var contentResult = actionResult as OkNegotiatedContentResult <TermDto>;

            // Assert
            termService.Verify(m => m.Get(It.IsAny <int>()));

            Assert.That(contentResult, Is.Not.Null);
            Assert.That(contentResult.Content, Is.Not.Null);
            Assert.That(contentResult.Content.Name, Is.EqualTo("Spring 2018"));