コード例 #1
        // Computes set of expected terms in a parser state. While there may be extended list of symbols expected at some point,
        // we want to reorganize and reduce it. For example, if the current state expects all arithmetic operators as an input,
        // it would be better to not list all operators (+, -, *, /, etc) but simply put "operator" covering them all.
        // To achieve this grammar writer can group operators (or any other terminals) into named groups using Grammar's methods
        // AddTermReportGroup, AddNoReportGroup etc. Then instead of reporting each operator separately, Irony would include
        // a single "group name" to represent them all.
        // The "expected report set" is not computed during parser construction (it would bite considerable time), but on demand during parsing,
        // when error is detected and the expected set is actually needed for error message.
        // Multi-threading concerns. When used in multi-threaded environment (web server), the LanguageData would be shared in
        // application-wide cache to avoid rebuilding the parser data on every request. The LanguageData is immutable, except
        // this one case - the expected sets are constructed late by CoreParser on the when-needed basis.
        // We don't do any locking here, just compute the set and on return from this function the state field is assigned.
        // We assume that this field assignment is an atomic, concurrency-safe operation. The worst thing that might happen
        // is "double-effort" when two threads start computing the same set around the same time, and the last one to finish would
        // leave its result in the state field.
        internal static StringSet ComputeGroupedExpectedSetForState(Grammar grammar, ParserState state)
            var terms = new TerminalSet();

            var result = new StringSet();

            //Eliminate no-report terminals
            foreach (var group in grammar.TermReportGroups)
                if (group.GroupType == TermReportGroupType.DoNotReport)
            //Add normal and operator groups
            foreach (var group in grammar.TermReportGroups)
                if ((group.GroupType == TermReportGroupType.Normal || group.GroupType == TermReportGroupType.Operator) &&
            //Add remaining terminals "as is"
            foreach (var terminal in terms)
コード例 #2
        public TerminalSet GetReduceReduceConflicts()
            var result = new TerminalSet();

コード例 #3
        public TerminalSet GetShiftReduceConflicts()
            var result = new TerminalSet();

コード例 #4
        public TerminalSet GetLookaheadsInConflict()
            var lkhc = new TerminalSet();

コード例 #5
        public override LR1Set Close()
            for (var repeat = 0; repeat < 1; ++repeat)
                for (var i = 0; i < Count; ++i)
                    var from = this[i];

                    if (!from.IsComplete && from.PostDot is Nonterminal nonterminal)

                        var lookahead = new TerminalSet(from.Core.Next.First);
                        if (lookahead.WithEpsilon)
                            lookahead.WithEpsilon = false;

                        foreach (var production in nonterminal.Productions)
                            var add = true;
                            foreach (var old in this)
                                if (old.Core.Equals(production.Initial))
                                    add = false;
                            if (add)
                                Debug.Assert(production.Initial != null);
                                Add(new LR1(production.Initial, false, lookahead));


コード例 #6
 internal static StringSet ComputeGroupedExpectedSetForState(Grammar grammar, ParserState state)
     var terms = new TerminalSet();
       var result = new StringSet();
       //Eliminate no-report terminals
       foreach(var group in grammar.TermReportGroups)
     if (group.GroupType == TermReportGroupType.DoNotReport)
       //Add normal and operator groups
       foreach(var group in grammar.TermReportGroups)
     if((group.GroupType == TermReportGroupType.Normal || group.GroupType == TermReportGroupType.Operator) &&
      terms.Overlaps(group.Terminals)) {
       //Add remaining terminals "as is"
       foreach(var terminal in terms)
       return result;
コード例 #7
ファイル: HlslGrammar.cs プロジェクト: sonicviz/xenko
        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="HlslGrammar"/> class.
        /// </summary>
        public HlslGrammar()
            GrammarComments = "Hlsl version 5.0";

            Term(string_literal_raw, TokenCategory.String, TokenType.StringLiteral);
            Punc("::", TokenType.IdentifierSeparator);

            // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
            // Comments
            // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

            identifier_ns_list.Rule  = MakePlusRule(identifier_ns_list, ToTerm("::"), identifier_raw);
            identifier_dot_list.Rule = MakePlusRule(identifier_dot_list, ToTerm("."), identifier_raw);
            identifier_ns.Rule       = identifier_raw + "::" + identifier_ns_list;
            identifier_dot.Rule      = identifier_or_generic + ToTerm(".") + identifier_dot_list;
            identifier_or_dot.Rule   = identifier | identifier_dot;

            identifier.Rule |= identifier_ns;

            semi_opt.Rule = Empty | PreferShiftHere() + ";";

            //Prepare term set for conflict resolution
            _skipTokensInPreview.UnionWith(new[] { ToTerm("."), identifier_raw, ToTerm(","), ToTerm("::"), ToTerm("["), ToTerm("]"), float_literal, integer_literal });

            var genericResolverHint = new GenericResolverHint(_skipTokensInPreview);

            less_than.Rule = genericResolverHint + "<";

            // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
            // Types
            // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

            // String
            string_literal.Rule = string_literal_raw.List();
            string_literal_raw.AstNodeCreator = CreateStringRawLiteral;

            // Add string to literals
            literal.Rule |= string_literal;

            float_qualifier.Rule = Keyword("unorm") | Keyword("snorm");

            // scalars
            var scalarTypes = new[] { ScalarType.Bool, ScalarType.Int, ScalarType.UInt, ScalarType.Float, ScalarType.Half, ScalarType.Double };

            foreach (var scalarType in scalarTypes)
                NonTerminal scalarTerm;
                var         localScalarType = scalarType;

                if (scalarType == ScalarType.Float)
                    scalarTerm = new NonTerminal(
                        (context, node) =>
                        var dynamicFloatType  = Ast <ScalarType>(node);
                        dynamicFloatType.Name = new Identifier(localScalarType.Name)
                            Span = SpanConverter.Convert(node.Span)
                        dynamicFloatType.Type       = localScalarType.Type;
                        dynamicFloatType.Qualifiers = Qualifier.None;
                        if (node.ChildNodes.Count == 2)
                            dynamicFloatType.Qualifiers = (Qualifier)node.ChildNodes[0].AstNode;
                        Rule = Keyword("float", true) | float_qualifier + Keyword("float", true)
                    scalarTerm = CreateScalarTerminal(scalarType);

                if (scalars.Rule == null)
                    scalars.Rule = scalarTerm;
                    scalars.Rule |= scalarTerm;

            // Buffer Rules
            buffer_type.Rule = TypeName("Buffer") + less_than + simple_type_or_type_name + ">";

            // Vectors Rules
            vector_type.AstNodeCreator = CreateVectorAst;
            vector_type.Rule           = Keyword("vector") + less_than + scalars_or_typename + "," + number + ">";
            vector_type_list.Rule      = vector_type;

            // Add all vector int1 int2 int3 int4... float1 float2 float3 float4... etc.
            foreach (var scalarTypeIt in scalarTypes)
                var scalarType = scalarTypeIt;
                for (var dim = 1; dim <= 4; dim++)
                    var vectorTypeInstance = new VectorType(scalarTypeIt, dim);
                    var nonGenericType     = vectorTypeInstance.ToNonGenericType();
                    var name = nonGenericType.Name.Text;
                    vector_type_list.Rule |= new NonTerminal(name,
                                                             (ctx, node) =>
                        var typeName = vectorTypeInstance.ToNonGenericType(SpanConverter.Convert(node.Span));
                        node.AstNode = typeName;
                        Rule = Keyword(name)

            // Matrices
            matrix_type_simple.Rule           = Keyword("matrix");
            matrix_type_simple.AstNodeCreator = (ctx, node) =>
                var typeName = Ast <TypeName>(node);
                typeName.Name = new Identifier("matrix")
                    Span = SpanConverter.Convert(node.Span)
                typeName.TypeInference.TargetType = new MatrixType(ScalarType.Float, 4, 4);

            matrix_type.Rule           = Keyword("matrix") + less_than + scalars_or_typename + "," + number + "," + number + ">";
            matrix_type.AstNodeCreator = CreateMatrixAst;
            matrix_type_list.Rule      = matrix_type | matrix_type_simple;

            // Add all matrix typedefs: int1x1 int1x2... float1x1 float1x2 float1x3 float1x4... etc.
            foreach (var scalarTypeIt in scalarTypes)
                var scalarType = scalarTypeIt;
                for (var dimX = 1; dimX <= 4; dimX++)
                    for (var dimY = 1; dimY <= 4; dimY++)
                        var matrixTypeInstance = new MatrixType(scalarTypeIt, dimY, dimX);
                        var nonGenericType     = matrixTypeInstance.ToNonGenericType();
                        var name = nonGenericType.Name.Text;

                        // var typeName = new TypeName(name) { Alias = matrixTypeInstance };
                        matrix_type_list.Rule |= new NonTerminal(
                            (ctx, node) =>
                            var typeName = matrixTypeInstance.ToNonGenericType(SpanConverter.Convert(node.Span));
                            node.AstNode = typeName;
                            Rule = Keyword(name)

            // Sampler types
            state_type.Rule = CreateRuleFromObjectTypes(

            sampler_type.Rule = CreateRuleFromObjectTypes(

            sampler_type.AstNodeCreator = CreateTypeFromTokenAst <SamplerType>;

            // Texture types
            texture_type_profile_4.Rule = CreateRuleFromObjectTypes(

            texture_type.Rule = Keyword("texture") | texture_type_profile_4;

            // ByteAddressBuffer
            byte_address_buffer.Rule = TypeName("ByteAddressBuffer") | TypeName("RWByteAddressBuffer");

            // StructuredBuffer
            structured_buffer_type.Rule = TypeName("AppendStructuredBuffer") | TypeName("ConsumeStructuredBuffer") | TypeName("RWStructuredBuffer") | TypeName("StructuredBuffer");
            structured_buffer.Rule      = structured_buffer_type + less_than + scalars_and_vectors + ">";

            // RWTexture.*
            texture_type_profile_5.Rule = TypeName("RWBuffer") | TypeName("RWTexture1D") | TypeName("RWTexture1DArray") | TypeName("RWTexture2D") | TypeName("RWTexture2DArray") | TypeName("RWTexture3D");

            texture_generic_simple_type.Rule = texture_type_profile_4 + less_than + scalars_and_vectors + ">"
                                               | texture_type_profile_5 + less_than + scalars_and_vectors + ">";

            texture_dms_type_profile_5.Rule = TypeName("Texture2DMS") | TypeName("Texture2DMSArray");

            texture_generic_dms_type.Rule = texture_dms_type_profile_5 + less_than + scalars_and_vectors + ">"
                                            | texture_dms_type_profile_5 + less_than + scalars_and_vectors + "," + number + ">";

            texture_generic_type.Rule = texture_generic_simple_type | texture_generic_dms_type;

            // HullShader/DomainShader InputPatch/OutputPatch
            patch_type.Rule = TypeName("InputPatch") | TypeName("OutputPatch");

            patch_generic_type.Rule = patch_type + less_than + type + "," + number + ">";

            texture_type_list.Rule = texture_type | texture_generic_type;

            // Types used by the geometry shader
            geometry_stream.Rule = line_stream | point_stream | triangle_stream | stream_output_object;

            triangle_stream.Rule = TypeName("TriangleStream") + less_than + type + ">";

            point_stream.Rule = TypeName("PointStream") + less_than + type + ">";

            line_stream.Rule = TypeName("LineStream") + less_than + type + ">";

            stream_output_object.Rule = TypeName("StreamOutputObject") + less_than + type + ">";

            //// Shader object
            //// shader_objects.Rule = ToTerm("VertexShader") | "PixelShader" | "GeometryShader";

            string_type.Rule = Keyword("string");

            // Add string to simple types
            simple_type.Rule |= string_type;

            // Add Object types
            object_type.Rule |= buffer_type
                                | state_type
                                | texture_type_list
                                | byte_address_buffer
                                | structured_buffer
                                | patch_generic_type
                                | interface_specifier
                                | class_specifier
                                | geometry_stream;
            ////| shader_objects;

            // Type name
            typename_for_cast.Rule = identifier + new IdentifierResolverHint(true);

            identifier_generic_parameter_list.Rule = MakePlusRule(identifier_generic_parameter_list, ToTerm(","), identifier_sub_generic);

            identifier_sub_generic.Rule           = identifier_or_generic;
            identifier_sub_generic.AstNodeCreator = CreateIdentifierSubGenericAst;

            //identifier_generic.Rule = identifier + new IdentifierResolverHint(true) + "<" + identifier_generic_parameter_list + ">";
            identifier_generic.Rule = identifier + new GenericResolverHint(_skipTokensInPreview) + "<" + identifier_generic_parameter_list + ">";

            identifier_or_generic.Rule = identifier + new IdentifierResolverHint(true)
                                         | identifier_generic + this.ReduceHere();

            type_generic.Rule = identifier_or_generic;

            // Type used for cast (use valuetype)
            type_for_cast.Rule = typename_for_cast
                                 | value_type;

            // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
            // Expressions
            // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

            // Add special variable allowed as variable name and keyword
            identifier_extended.Rule |= Keyword("sample") | Keyword("point");

            // postfix_expression
            postfix_expression.Rule |= compile_expression
                                       | asm_expression
                                       | state_expression;

            compile_expression.Rule = Keyword("compile") + identifier + method_invoke_expression_simple;

            // Match an asm block: asm { ... }
            asm_expression.Rule = asm_block;
            KeyTerms.Add(asm_block.Name, asm_block);

            state_expression.Rule = state_type + state_initializer;

            // Add cast_expression
            cast_expression_raw.Rule = "(" + type_for_cast + rank_specifier.ListOpt() + ")" + cast_expression;

            cast_expression.Rule |= cast_expression_raw;

            // Syntax is for example: texture = <g_textureref>;
            identifier_special_reference_expression.Rule = less_than + indexable_identifier + ">";

            identifier_keyword.Rule = Keyword("texture");

            simple_assignment_expression_statement.Rule |= indexable_identifier + assignment_operator + identifier_special_reference_expression + ";"
                                                           | identifier_keyword + assignment_operator + identifier_special_reference_expression + ";"
                                                           | identifier_keyword + assignment_operator + expression + ";";

            state_initializer.Rule = "{" + simple_assignment_expression_statement.ListOpt() + "}";

            // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
            // Attribute modifiers
            // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
            attribute_qualifier_pre.Rule = attribute_list_opt;

            attribute_list_opt.Rule = MakeStarRule(attribute_list_opt, null, attribute_modifier);

            attribute_modifier.Rule = "[" + identifier + "]"
                                      | "[" + identifier + "(" + literal_list.Opt() + ")" + "]";

            // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
            // Variable modifiers
            // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
            // storageClass = Storage_Class + Type_Modifier
            storage_qualifier.Rule |= Keyword("extern") | Keyword("nointerpolation") | Keyword("precise") | Keyword("shared") | Keyword("groupshared") | Keyword("static") | Keyword("volatile")
                                      | Keyword("row_major") | Keyword("column_major") | Keyword("linear") | Keyword("centroid") | Keyword("noperspective") | Keyword("sample") | Keyword("unsigned")
                                      | Keyword("inline");

            semantic.Rule = ToTerm(":") + identifier;

            packoffset.Rule = ToTerm(":") + Keyword("packoffset") + "(" + identifier_or_dot + ")";

            register.Rule = ToTerm(":") + Keyword("register") + "(" + indexable_identifier + ")"
                            | ToTerm(":") + Keyword("register") + "(" + identifier + "," + indexable_identifier + ")";

            variable_declarator_qualifier_post_hlsl.Rule = Empty
                                                           | semantic
                                                           | semantic + packoffset + register.ListOpt()
                                                           | semantic + register.List()
                                                           | packoffset + register.ListOpt()
                                                           | register.List();

            variable_declarator_qualifier_post.Rule = variable_declarator_qualifier_post_hlsl;

            // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
            // Declarations
            // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

            // Add typedef and constant buffer resource
            declaration.Rule |= typedef_declaration
                                | constant_buffer_resource;

            indexable_identifier_declarator_list.Rule = MakePlusRule(indexable_identifier_declarator_list, ToTerm(","), indexable_identifier_declarator);

            // typedef [const] Type Name[Index];
            typedef_declaration.Rule = Keyword("typedef") + type + indexable_identifier_declarator_list + ";"
                                       | Keyword("typedef") + storage_qualifier + type + indexable_identifier_declarator_list + ";";

            annotations.Rule = less_than + variable_declaration_raw.ListOpt() + ">";

            annotations_opt.Rule = Empty | annotations;

            // todo: add annotations_opt to variable_declarator qualifier post

            // Add annotations to variable declarator
            variable_declarator_raw.Rule += annotations_opt;

            // Add special
            variable_declarator.Rule |= variable_declarator_raw + state_initializer
                                        | variable_declarator_raw + state_array_initializer;

            state_initializer_list.Rule = MakePlusRule(state_initializer_list, ToTerm(","), state_initializer);

            state_array_initializer.Rule = "{" + state_initializer_list + "}"
                                           | "{" + state_initializer_list + "," + "}";

            // interface definition
            interface_specifier.Rule = Keyword("interface") + identifier_or_generic + "{" + method_declaration.ListOpt() + "}";

            // class definition
            class_specifier.Rule      = Keyword("class") + identifier_or_generic + class_base_type + "{" + scope_declaration.ListOpt() + "}";
            class_base_type_list.Rule = MakePlusRule(class_base_type_list, ToTerm(","), type_generic);
            class_base_type.Rule      = (ToTerm(":") + class_base_type_list).Opt();

            // buffer definition
            constant_buffer_resource_type.Rule = Keyword("cbuffer") | Keyword("tbuffer");

            constant_buffer_resource.Rule = attribute_qualifier_pre + constant_buffer_resource_type + identifier.Opt() + register.Opt() + "{" + declaration.ListOpt() + "}" + semi_opt;

            semantic_list_opt.Rule = semantic.ListOpt();

            // Method
            method_qualifier_post.Rule = semantic_list_opt;

            method_operator_identifier.Rule = Keyword("operator") + "[" + "]"
                                              | Keyword("operator") + "[" + "]" + "[" + "]";
            method_special_identifier.Rule = identifier_extended + "." + method_operator_identifier | method_operator_identifier;

            method_declarator.Rule |= method_special_identifier + "(" + parameter_list + ")";

            parameter_qualifier.Rule           = storage_qualifier | Keyword("in") | Keyword("out") | Keyword("inout") | Keyword("point") | Keyword("line") | Keyword("lineadj") | Keyword("triangle") | Keyword("triangleadj");
            parameter_qualifier.AstNodeCreator = CreateParameterQualifier;

            parameter_qualifier_pre_list_opt.Rule = parameter_qualifier.ListOpt();
            parameter_qualifier_pre.Rule          = parameter_qualifier_pre_list_opt;
            // Make parameter_qualifier_pre transient as there is nothing else to parse then parameter_qualifier_pre_list_opt
            parameter_qualifier_pre.Flags = TermFlags.IsTransient | TermFlags.NoAstNode;

            parameter_qualifier_post.Rule = semantic_list_opt
                                            | "=" + initializer + semantic_list_opt;
            parameter_qualifier_post.AstNodeCreator = CreateParameterQualifierPost;

            // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
            // Technique/pass
            // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

            // technique
            technique_keyword.Rule = Keyword("technique") | Keyword("Technique") | Keyword("technique10") | Keyword("Technique10") | Keyword("technique11") | Keyword("Technique11");

            technique_definition.Rule = attribute_qualifier_pre + technique_keyword + identifier.Opt() + annotations_opt + "{" + pass_definition.List() + "}" + semi_opt;

            // pass
            pass_keyword.Rule = Keyword("pass") | Keyword("Pass");

            pass_statement.Rule = method_invoke_expression_simple + ";"
                                  | simple_assignment_expression_statement;

            pass_definition.Rule = attribute_qualifier_pre + pass_keyword + identifier.Opt() + annotations_opt + "{" + pass_statement.ListOpt() + "}" + semi_opt;

            // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
            // Top Level
            // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

            // Add the technique to the top level
            toplevel_declaration.Rule |= technique_definition;

             * //// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
             * //// Xenko Grammar
             * //// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
             * //var identifier_csharp = new NonTerminal("identifier_csharp");
             * //var group = new NonTerminal("group");
             * //var using_statement = new NonTerminal("using_statement");
             * //group.Rule = "group" + identifier + "{" + scope_declaration.ListOpt() + "}";
             * //identifier_csharp.Rule = MakePlusRule(identifier_csharp, ToTerm("."), identifier);
             * //using_statement.Rule = "using" + identifier + "=" + identifier_csharp + ";"
             * //                       | "using" + identifier_csharp + ";";
             * //scope_declaration.Rule |= using_statement;
             * //toplevel_declaration.Rule |= group;

            // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
            // Globals
            // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
            // LanguageFlags = LanguageFlags.NewLineBeforeEOF;
            LanguageFlags |= LanguageFlags.CreateAst;