コード例 #1
 public virtual void Reset(IListSource <Token> tokens, ISourceFile file)
     CheckParam.IsNotNull("tokens", tokens);
     CheckParam.IsNotNull("file", file);
     _tokensRoot   = _tokens = tokens;
     _sourceFile   = file;
     F             = new LNodeFactory(file);
     InputPosition = 0;             // reads LT(0)
     _tentative    = new TentativeState(false);
コード例 #2
 public virtual void Reset(IListSource <Token> tokens, ISourceFile file, IParsingOptions parsingOptions)
     CheckParam.IsNotNull("tokens", tokens);
     CheckParam.IsNotNull("file", file);
     _tokensRoot    = _tokens = tokens;
     _sourceFile    = file;
     _literalParser = parsingOptions?.LiteralParser ?? EcsLiteralHandlers.Value;
     F                = new LNodeFactory(file);
     InputPosition    = 0;          // reads LT(0)
     _tentativeErrors = new TentativeState(false);
コード例 #3
		// Parses an expression (TentativeExpr) or variable declaration (TentativeVarDecl).
		// Returns the parsed node on success or null if outer-level parse error(s) 
		// occurred; the out param result is never null, and in case of success it 
		// is the same as the return value. Error handling is tricky... we fail if
		// there are errors at the current level, not if there are errors in 
		// parenthesized subexpressions.
		LNode TentativeVarDecl(VList<LNode> attrs, out TentativeResult result, bool allowUnassigned = false)
			result = new TentativeResult(InputPosition);
			var oldState = _tentative;
			_tentative = new TentativeState(true);
				try {
					bool failed = false;
					int _;
					var cat = DetectStatementCategoryAndAddWordAttributes(out _, ref attrs, DetectionMode.Expr);
					if ((cat != StmtCat.MethodOrPropOrVar)) {
						failed = true;
						result.Result = F.Missing;
					} else {
						bool hasInitializer;
						result.Result = VarDeclExpr(out hasInitializer, attrs);
						if ((!hasInitializer && !allowUnassigned)) {
							Error(-1, "An unassigned variable declaration is not allowed in this context");
					result.Errors = _tentative.DeferredErrors;
					result.InputPosition = InputPosition;
					if (failed || _tentative.LocalErrorCount != 0) {
						// error(s) occurred.
						InputPosition = result.OldPosition;
						return null;
				} finally {
					_tentative = oldState;
			return Apply(result);	// must Apply after finally block
コード例 #4
		// Parses an expression (TentativeExpr) or variable declaration (TentativeVarDecl).
		// Returns the parsed node on success or null if outer-level parse error(s) 
		// occurred; the out param result is never null, and in case of success it 
		// is the same as the return value. Error handling is tricky... we fail if
		// there are errors at the current level, not if there are errors in 
		// parenthesized subexpressions.
		LNode TentativeExpr(VList<LNode> attrs, out TentativeResult result, bool allowUnassigned = false)
			result = new TentativeResult(InputPosition);
			var oldState = _tentative;
			_tentative = new TentativeState(true);
				try {
					bool failed = false;
					result.Result = SubExpr(StartExpr).PlusAttrs(attrs);
					if ((LA0 != EOF && LA0 != TT.Semicolon && LA0 != TT.Comma)) {
						failed = true;
					result.Errors = _tentative.DeferredErrors;
					result.InputPosition = InputPosition;
					if (failed || _tentative.LocalErrorCount != 0) {
						// error(s) occurred.
						InputPosition = result.OldPosition;
						return null;
				} finally {
					_tentative = oldState;
			return Apply(result);	// must Apply after finally block