コード例 #1
 private static void TentaclePlantGraphics_ApplyPalette(On.TentaclePlantGraphics.orig_ApplyPalette orig, TentaclePlantGraphics self, RoomCamera.SpriteLeaser sLeaser, RoomCamera rCam, RoomPalette palette)
     orig(self, sLeaser, rCam, palette);
     if (customColor != null)
         for (int i = 0; i < self.danglers.Length; i++)
             sLeaser.sprites[i + 1].color = Color.Lerp(customColor[i], palette.blackColor, rCam.room.Darkness(self.plant.rootPos));
コード例 #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Stores in a static variable the custom color of Tentacle plants, if configured.
        /// </summary>
        private static void TentaclePlantGraphics_ctor(On.TentaclePlantGraphics.orig_ctor orig, TentaclePlantGraphics self, PhysicalObject ow)
            orig(self, ow);

            customColor = null;
            World world = ow.abstractPhysicalObject.world;

            if (world != null && !world.singleRoomWorld && world.region != null)
                foreach (KeyValuePair <string, string> keyValues in CustomWorldMod.activatedPacks)
                    if (CustomWorldMod.installedPacks[keyValues.Key].regionConfig.TryGetValue(world.region.name,
                                                                                              out CustomWorldStructs.RegionConfiguration config))
                        if (!config.kelpVanilla)
                            customColor = new Color[self.danglers.Length];
                            CustomWorldMod.Log($"Spawning tentacle plant with custom color in [{world.region.name}] from " +
                            for (int i = 0; i < customColor.Length; i++)
                                HSLColor hsl = CRExtras.RGB2HSL(config.kelpColor ?? new Color());
                                customColor[i] = Custom.HSL2RGB(
                                    Mathf.Lerp(hsl.hue * 0.8f, hsl.hue * 1.2f, Mathf.Pow(self.danglerProps[i, 0], 1.6f)),
                                    Mathf.Lerp(hsl.saturation, 0.4f, self.danglerProps[i, 0]),
                                    Mathf.Lerp(hsl.lightness, 0.4f, self.danglerProps[i, 0])