public ActionResult AcceptPlayerGrid(int page, string offerId) { Guid offerGuid; if (Guid.TryParse(offerId, out offerGuid)) { ViewData["Page"] = page; var app = new FacebookWebClient(); var fbContext = FacebookWebContext.Current; TennisUserModel existingUser = ModelUtils.GetTennisUsers(this.DB).Where(tu => tu.FacebookId == fbContext.UserId).FirstOrDefault(); var model = new AcceptPlayersDataGridModel(offerGuid, existingUser, this.DB); model.IsPostBack = false; return(Json ( new { PlayerGrid = RenderPartialViewToString("PlayerGrid", model) } )); } else { // BUGBUG: return error } return(Json("")); }
public CalendarModel(DateTime startDateP, TennisUserModel tennisUserP, SportsLinkDB dbP) : base(tennisUserP) { this.UserStartDate = IndexModel.GetLocalDate(startDateP.ToUniversalTime(), tennisUserP.TimeZoneOffset); this.UserStartDate = this.UserStartDate.AddDays(-(int)this.UserStartDate.DayOfWeek); this.StartDate = IndexModel.GetUtcDate(this.UserStartDate, tennisUserP.TimeZoneOffset); this.EndDate = this.StartDate.AddDays(7); if (null == CachedQuery) { var offers = ModelUtils.GetOffersFunc(); Expression<Func<SportsLinkDB, TennisUserModel, DateTime, DateTime, IQueryable<OfferModel>>> results = (SportsLinkDB db, TennisUserModel tennisUser, DateTime startDate, DateTime endDate) => offers.Invoke(db, tennisUser) .Where(o => o.RequestUser.FacebookId != tennisUser.FacebookId) .Where(o => o.SpecificOpponent == null || o.SpecificOpponent.FacebookId == tennisUser.FacebookId || o.RequestUser.FacebookId == tennisUser.FacebookId) .Where(o => o.ConfirmedUser == null || o.ConfirmedUser.FacebookId == tennisUser.FacebookId || o.RequestUser.FacebookId == tennisUser.FacebookId) .Where(o => o.MatchDateUtc >= startDate) .Where(o => o.MatchDateUtc < endDate) .Where(o => o.MatchDateUtc >= DateTime.UtcNow || null != o.ConfirmedUser) .OrderBy(o => o.MatchDateUtc); CachedQuery = CompiledQuery.Compile<SportsLinkDB, TennisUserModel, DateTime, DateTime, IQueryable<OfferModel>> ( results.Expand() ); } this.Offers = CachedQuery(dbP, tennisUserP, this.StartDate, this.EndDate); }
public AcceptPlayersDataGridModel(Guid offerGuid, TennisUserModel tennisUser, SportsLinkDB db) : base(null, tennisUser, db) { // No need for a header this.ShowHeader = true; // Get list of users who have accepted the offer IQueryable<Accept> accepts = db.Accept.Where(a => a.OfferId == offerGuid); IQueryable<TennisUserModel> tennisUsers = ModelUtils.GetTennisUsers(db); var acceptUsers = from a in accepts join tu in tennisUsers on a.FacebookId equals tu.FacebookId where a.Accepted select tu; this.Data = acceptUsers; this.Rows = acceptUsers; this.AddColumn("FacebookId", "", "PlayerGrid/UserPicture", null); this.AddColumn("Name", "Name"); this.AddColumn("Rating", "Rating", (o) => IndexModel.FormatRating((double)o)); this.AddColumn("Birthday", "Age", (o) => IndexModel.FormatAge((DateTime)o)); this.AddColumn("City.Name", "Location"); this.AddColumn("FacebookId", "Select Opponent", "PlayerGrid/UserSelect", null); }
public PotentialOffersModel(TennisUserModel tennisUserP, SportsLinkDB dbP) : base(tennisUserP) { // BUGBUG: get rid of the hard-coded values if (null == CachedQuery) { var offers = ModelUtils.GetOffersFunc(); Expression<Func<SportsLinkDB, TennisUserModel, IQueryable<OfferModel>>> results = (SportsLinkDB db, TennisUserModel tennisUser) => offers.Invoke(db, tennisUser) .Where (o => o.ConfirmedUser == null && (o.SpecificOpponent == null || o.SpecificOpponent.FacebookId == tennisUser.FacebookId) && o.RequestUser.FacebookId != tennisUser.FacebookId && o.MatchDateUtc >= DateTime.UtcNow && Math.Abs(tennisUser.Rating - o.RequestUser.Rating) <= 0.25 && db.CoordinateDistanceMiles(o.City.Latitude, o.City.Longitude, tennisUser.City.Latitude, tennisUser.City.Longitude) < 15 ).OrderBy(o => Math.Abs(tennisUser.Rating - o.RequestUser.Rating)).Take(20); CachedQuery = CompiledQuery.Compile<SportsLinkDB, TennisUserModel, IQueryable<OfferModel>> ( results.Expand() ); } this.PotentialOffers = CachedQuery(dbP, tennisUserP); }
public ActionResult PlayerDetails(long id) { TennisUserModel model = ModelUtils.GetTennisUsers(this.DB).Where(u => u.FacebookId == id).FirstOrDefault(); if (null != model) { ViewData["PlayerModel"] = model; if (!Request.IsAjaxRequest()) { return(View()); } return(Json ( new { PlayerDetails = RenderPartialViewToString("PlayerDetails", ModelUtils.GetModel <ModuleModel>(FacebookWebContext.Current.UserId, this.DB)) }, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet )); } return(Json("")); }
public ConfirmedMatchesModel(TennisUserModel tennisUserP, SportsLinkDB dbP) : base(tennisUserP) { // Select confirmed matchs which do not have a score yet where the current user is either a requestor or an acceptor // BUGBUG: we might want to eliminate confirmed matches that way older than current time (user might have forgotten to enter a score) if (null == CachedQuery) { var offers = ModelUtils.GetOffersFunc(); Expression<Func<SportsLinkDB, TennisUserModel, IQueryable<OfferModel>>> results = (SportsLinkDB db, TennisUserModel tennisUser) => offers.Invoke(db, tennisUser) .Where(o => o.ConfirmedUser != null) .Where(o => (o.ConfirmedUser.FacebookId == tennisUser.FacebookId || o.RequestUser.FacebookId == tennisUser.FacebookId)) .Where(o => (o.Score == null || o.Score == "")) .OrderByDescending(o => o.MatchDateUtc); CachedQuery = CompiledQuery.Compile<SportsLinkDB, TennisUserModel, IQueryable<OfferModel>> ( results.Expand() ); } this.ConfirmedMatches = CachedQuery(dbP, tennisUserP); }
/// <summary> /// This method will send a cancellation mail to both players in a confirmed match /// </summary> /// <param name="offer"></param> private void SendMatchCancellation(Offer offer) { var fbContext = FacebookWebContext.Current; var tennisUsers = ModelUtils.GetTennisUsers(this.DB); TennisUserModel tennisUser1 = tennisUsers.Where(u => u.FacebookId == offer.FacebookId).FirstOrDefault(); TennisUserModel tennisUser2 = tennisUsers.Where(u => u.FacebookId == offer.AcceptedById).FirstOrDefault(); string location = OfferModel.GetLocationLink(LocationModel.Create(offer)); Dictionary <string, string> tokens = new Dictionary <string, string>(); tokens.Add("FacebookId1", tennisUser1.FacebookId.ToString()); tokens.Add("Rating1", IndexModel.FormatRating(tennisUser1.Rating)); tokens.Add("Name1", tennisUser1.Name.ToString()); tokens.Add("FacebookId2", tennisUser2.FacebookId.ToString()); tokens.Add("Rating2", IndexModel.FormatRating(tennisUser2.Rating)); tokens.Add("Name2", tennisUser2.Name.ToString()); tokens.Add("Date", IndexModel.FormatLongDate(offer.MatchDateUtc, tennisUser1.TimeZoneOffset)); tokens.Add("Location", location); tokens.Add("Comments", offer.Message); tokens.Add("OfferId", offer.OfferId.ToString()); string subject = string.Format("TennisLoop: Match Cancelled"); string template = Server.MapPath("/content/matchcancelled.htm"); SendMessage(new long[] { tennisUser1.FacebookId, tennisUser2.FacebookId }, subject, template, tokens); }
public ActionResult DataGrid() { var app = new FacebookWebClient(); var fbContext = FacebookWebContext.Current; TennisUserModel existingUser = ModelUtils.GetTennisUsers(this.DB).Where(tu => tu.FacebookId == fbContext.UserId).FirstOrDefault(); //ViewData.Model = new PlayersDataGridModel(existingUser, this.DB); return(View("DataGrid")); }
public DataGridModel(string filters, TennisUserModel tennisUser, SportsLinkDB db) : base(tennisUser) { this.Columns = new List<ColumnDefinition>(); this.FilterValues = new Dictionary<string, List<string>>(); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(filters)) { foreach (string filter in filters.Split(new string[] { ",," }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries)) { string[] filterPieces = filter.Split('='); string filterName = filterPieces[0]; string[] filterValues = filterPieces[1].Split(new string[] { "||" }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); this.FilterValues.Add(filterName, new List<string>(filterValues)); } } }
public ActionResult Calendar(int page) { ViewData["Page"] = page; var app = new FacebookWebClient(); var fbContext = FacebookWebContext.Current; TennisUserModel existingUser = ModelUtils.GetTennisUsers(this.DB).Where(tu => tu.FacebookId == fbContext.UserId).FirstOrDefault(); var calendarModel = new CalendarModel(DateTime.Now.AddDays(7 * page), existingUser, this.DB); return(Json ( new { Calendar = RenderPartialViewToString("Calendar", calendarModel) } )); }
public ActionResult SendMessage(long userId, string comments) { var fbContext = FacebookWebContext.Current; TennisUserModel tennisUser = ModelUtils.GetTennisUsers(this.DB).Where(u => u.FacebookId == fbContext.UserId).FirstOrDefault(); TennisUserModel sendToUser = ModelUtils.GetTennisUsers(this.DB).Where(u => u.FacebookId == userId).FirstOrDefault(); if (null != tennisUser && null != sendToUser) { string template = Server.MapPath("/content/usermessage.htm"); Dictionary <string, string> tokens = new Dictionary <string, string>(); tokens.Add("From.Id", tennisUser.FacebookId.ToString()); tokens.Add("From.Rating", IndexModel.FormatRating(tennisUser.Rating)); tokens.Add("Message", comments); SendMessage(new long[] { userId }, string.Format("TennisLoop: Message from <fb:name uid='{0}' capitalize='true'></fb:name>", tennisUser.FacebookId), template, tokens); } return(Json("")); }
public ActionResult PlayerGrid(int page, string filter) { ViewData["Page"] = page; var app = new FacebookWebClient(); var fbContext = FacebookWebContext.Current; TennisUserModel existingUser = ModelUtils.GetTennisUsers(this.DB).Where(tu => tu.FacebookId == fbContext.UserId).FirstOrDefault(); var model = new PlayersDataGridModel(filter, existingUser, this.DB); model.IsPostBack = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(filter); return(Json ( new { PlayerGrid = RenderPartialViewToString("PlayerGrid", model) } )); }
public UserOffersModel(TennisUserModel tennisUserP, SportsLinkDB dbP) : base(tennisUserP) { // BUGBUG: what about offers which were not confirmed and where the offer time is past - we need to eliminate those from the db if (null == CachedQuery) { var offers = ModelUtils.GetOffersFunc(); Expression<Func<SportsLinkDB, TennisUserModel, IQueryable<OfferModel>>> results = (SportsLinkDB db, TennisUserModel tennisUser) => offers.Invoke(db, tennisUser) .Where(o => o.ConfirmedUser == null) .Where(o => o.RequestUser.FacebookId == tennisUser.FacebookId && o.MatchDateUtc > DateTime.UtcNow) .OrderBy(o => o.MatchDateUtc); CachedQuery = CompiledQuery.Compile<SportsLinkDB, TennisUserModel, IQueryable<OfferModel>> ( results.Expand() ); } this.UserOffers = CachedQuery(dbP, tennisUserP); }
public ResultsModel(TennisUserModel tennisUserP, SportsLinkDB dbP) : base(tennisUserP) { if (null == CachedQuery) { var offers = ModelUtils.GetOffersFunc(); Expression<Func<SportsLinkDB, TennisUserModel, IQueryable<OfferModel>>> results = (SportsLinkDB db, TennisUserModel tennisUser) => offers.Invoke(db, tennisUser) .Where(o => o.ConfirmedUser != null) .Where(o => (o.ConfirmedUser.FacebookId == tennisUser.FacebookId || o.RequestUser.FacebookId == tennisUser.FacebookId)) .Where(o => (o.Score != null && o.Score != "")) .OrderByDescending(o => o.MatchDateUtc); CachedQuery = CompiledQuery.Compile<SportsLinkDB, TennisUserModel, IQueryable<OfferModel>> ( results.Expand() ); } this.UserResults = CachedQuery(dbP, tennisUserP); }
public PlayersModel(TennisUserModel tennisUserP, SportsLinkDB dbP) : base(tennisUserP) { if (null == CachedQuery) { var tennisUsers = ModelUtils.GetTennisUsersFunc(); Expression<Func<SportsLinkDB, TennisUserModel, IQueryable<TennisUserModel>>> players = (SportsLinkDB db, TennisUserModel tennisUser) => tennisUsers.Invoke(db).Where (p => Math.Abs(p.Rating - tennisUser.Rating) <= 0.25 && db.CoordinateDistanceMiles(p.City.Latitude, p.City.Longitude, tennisUser.City.Latitude, tennisUser.City.Longitude) < 15 && p.FacebookId != tennisUser.FacebookId && p.Gender == tennisUser.Gender ); CachedQuery = CompiledQuery.Compile<SportsLinkDB, TennisUserModel, IQueryable<TennisUserModel>> ( players.Expand() ); } this.Players = CachedQuery(dbP, tennisUserP); }
public ModuleModel(TennisUserModel tennisUser) { this.TennisUser = tennisUser; }
public ActionResult CreateOffer(DateTime date, long[] locations, string courtData, string comments, long?opponentId) { var fbContext = FacebookWebContext.Current; TennisUserModel tennisUser = ModelUtils.GetTennisUsers(this.DB).Where(u => u.FacebookId == fbContext.UserId).FirstOrDefault(); if (null != tennisUser) { List <long> pushIds = new List <long>(); Court court = ProcessCourtData(courtData); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(courtData)) { CourtJson courtJson = JsonSerializer.Current.DeserializeObject <CourtJson>(courtData); if (null != courtJson && !string.IsNullOrEmpty( { court = this.DB.Court.Where(c => c.CourtId == courtJson.GuidId).FirstOrDefault(); if (null == court) { court = new Court(); court.CourtId = courtJson.GuidId; court.Name =; court.Latitude = courtJson.latitude; court.Longitude = courtJson.longitude; this.DB.Court.InsertOnSubmit(court); } } } //Add the entry, send out the messages Offer offer = new Offer(); offer.OfferId = Guid.NewGuid(); offer.FacebookId = tennisUser.FacebookId; offer.MatchDateUtc = IndexModel.GetUtcDate(date, tennisUser.TimeZoneOffset); offer.PostDateUtc = DateTime.UtcNow; offer.Message = comments; offer.PreferredLocationId = tennisUser.City.LocationId; offer.Court = court; // BUGBUG: we dont' seem to set the completed flag anywhere currently offer.Completed = false; User opponent = null; if (opponentId.HasValue && opponentId.Value != 0) { opponent = this.DB.User.Where(u => u.FacebookId == opponentId.Value).FirstOrDefault(); } if (null != opponent) { offer.SpecificOpponentId = opponent.FacebookId; pushIds.Add(opponent.FacebookId); } else { var tennisUsers = ModelUtils.GetTennisUsers(this.DB); var matchUsers = tennisUsers.Where (u => this.DB.CoordinateDistanceMiles(u.City.Latitude, u.City.Longitude, tennisUser.City.Latitude, tennisUser.City.Longitude) < 15 && Math.Abs(tennisUser.Rating - u.Rating) <= 0.25 && u.Gender == tennisUser.Gender && u.FacebookId != tennisUser.FacebookId && u.EmailOffers ); foreach (var tu in matchUsers) { pushIds.Add(tu.FacebookId); } } this.DB.Offer.InsertOnSubmit(offer); this.DB.SubmitChanges(); string template = Server.MapPath("/content/matchrequest.htm"); string subject = string.Format("TennisLoop: Match Requested from <fb:name uid='{0}' capitalize='true'></fb:name>", tennisUser.FacebookId); SendMessage(pushIds, subject, template, offer, tennisUser); // Send out messages to all matching users return(Json ( new { UserOffers = RenderPartialViewToString("UserOffers", ModelUtils.GetModel <UserOffersModel>(FacebookWebContext.Current.UserId, this.DB)), UserChallenges = RenderPartialViewToString("UserChallenges", ModelUtils.GetModel <UserOffersModel>(FacebookWebContext.Current.UserId, this.DB)) } )); } return(Json("")); }
private static bool SendMessage(IEnumerable <long> pushIds, string subject, string templatePath, Offer offer, TennisUserModel tennisUser) { string location = OfferModel.GetLocationLink(LocationModel.Create(offer)); Dictionary <string, string> tokens = new Dictionary <string, string>(); tokens.Add("FacebookId", tennisUser.FacebookId.ToString()); tokens.Add("Rating", IndexModel.FormatRating(tennisUser.Rating)); tokens.Add("Date", IndexModel.FormatLongDate(offer.MatchDateUtc, tennisUser.TimeZoneOffset).Replace(",", " @ ")); tokens.Add("Name", tennisUser.Name.ToString()); tokens.Add("Location", location); tokens.Add("Comments", offer.Message); tokens.Add("OfferId", offer.OfferId.ToString()); return(SendMessage(pushIds, subject, templatePath, tokens)); }
private static bool SendMessage(IEnumerable<long> pushIds, string subject, string templatePath, Offer offer, TennisUserModel tennisUser) { string location = OfferModel.GetLocationLink(LocationModel.Create(offer)); Dictionary<string, string> tokens = new Dictionary<string, string>(); tokens.Add("FacebookId", tennisUser.FacebookId.ToString()); tokens.Add("Rating", IndexModel.FormatRating(tennisUser.Rating)); tokens.Add("Date", IndexModel.FormatLongDate(offer.MatchDateUtc, tennisUser.TimeZoneOffset).Replace(",", " @ ")); tokens.Add("Name", tennisUser.Name.ToString()); tokens.Add("Location", location); tokens.Add("Comments", offer.Message); tokens.Add("OfferId", offer.OfferId.ToString()); return SendMessage(pushIds, subject, templatePath, tokens); }
public ModuleModel(TennisUserModel tennisUser, SportsLinkDB db) : this(tennisUser) { }
public ActionResult Index() { var app = new FacebookWebClient(); var fbContext = FacebookWebContext.Current; ViewData["FirstRun"] = false; TennisUserModel existingUser = ModelUtils.GetTennisUsers(this.DB).Where(tu => tu.FacebookId == fbContext.UserId).FirstOrDefault(); if (null == existingUser && null != fbContext.SignedRequest) { if (!fbContext.SignedRequest.Data.ContainsKey("registration")) { return(new RedirectResult("/home/register")); } var regInfo = (JsonObject)fbContext.SignedRequest.Data["registration"]; long locationId; City city = GetCity(regInfo, out locationId); double timeZoneOffset = 0; JsonArray users = (JsonArray)app.Query("SELECT timezone FROM user WHERE uid = " + fbContext.UserId); if (null != users && users.Count > 0) { dynamic userData = users[0]; timeZoneOffset = Convert.ToDouble(userData.timezone); } if (null == city) { JsonArray places = (JsonArray)app.Query("SELECT latitude,longitude FROM place WHERE page_id = " + locationId); if (null != places && places.Count > 0) { JsonObject location = regInfo.GetValue <JsonObject>("location"); dynamic place = places[0]; city = new City(); city.LocationId = location.GetValue <long>("id"); city.Name = location.GetValue <string>("name"); city.Latitude = Convert.ToDouble(place.latitude); city.Longitude = Convert.ToDouble(place.longitude); this.DB.City.InsertOnSubmit(city); } } User user = new User(); user.FacebookId = fbContext.UserId; user.Name = regInfo.GetValue <string>("name"); user.Email = regInfo.GetValue <string>("email"); user.Birthday = regInfo.GetValue <DateTime>("birthday"); user.Gender = regInfo.GetValue <string>("gender") == "male"; user.City = city; user.TimeZoneOffset = timeZoneOffset; user.EmailOffers = true; TennisUser tennisUser = new TennisUser(); tennisUser.FacebookId = fbContext.UserId; tennisUser.Rating = regInfo.GetValue <double>("NTRPRating"); tennisUser.SinglesDoubles = regInfo.GetValue <string>("SinglesDoubles"); tennisUser.CurrentAvailability = true; this.DB.User.InsertOnSubmit(user); this.DB.TennisUser.InsertOnSubmit(tennisUser); this.DB.SubmitChanges(); return(new RedirectResult(Facebook.FacebookApplication.Current.ReturnUrlPath + "?fr=1")); } if (null == existingUser) { return(new RedirectResult("/home/register")); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Request["fr"])) { ViewData["FirstRun"] = true; } ViewData.Model = new IndexModel(existingUser, this.DB); ViewData["Action"] = "Index"; return(View("~/Views/Home/Index.aspx")); }
/// <summary> /// This method is called from the client (or from an email link) to accept an offer /// </summary> /// <param name="id"></param> /// <param name="uid"></param> /// <returns></returns> public ActionResult RejectOffer(string id, long?uid) { Guid offerGuid; if (Guid.TryParse(id, out offerGuid)) { // Select this offer id if not confirmed yet Offer offer = this.DB.Offer.Where(o => o.OfferId == offerGuid && null == o.AcceptedById).FirstOrDefault(); if (null != offer) { var fbContext = FacebookWebContext.Current; if (null != uid && fbContext.UserId != uid.Value) { ViewData.Model = "Wrong User Account..."; return(View("Redirect")); } TennisUserModel tennisUser = ModelUtils.GetTennisUsers(this.DB).Where(u => u.FacebookId == fbContext.UserId).FirstOrDefault(); string message = "Unknown Error"; // Check if this was an offer for a specific opponent if (offer.SpecificOpponentId != null) { // Confirm it is the specific opponent who is accepting if (fbContext.UserId == offer.SpecificOpponentId) { offer.AcceptedById = offer.SpecificOpponentId; SendMatchCancellation(offer); this.DB.Offer.DeleteOnSubmit(offer); this.DB.SubmitChanges(); } else { // Unexpected since this offer id was meant for a different opponent message = "This offer is not valid. Please submit feedback if you keep getting this message."; } } else { if (!DB.Accept.Any(a => a.FacebookId == fbContext.UserId && a.OfferId == offer.OfferId)) { // Create an accept entry and add to the accept table Accept accept = new Accept(); accept.FacebookId = fbContext.UserId; accept.OfferId = offer.OfferId; accept.Accepted = false; this.DB.Accept.InsertOnSubmit(accept); this.DB.SubmitChanges(); message = "Match requestor notified. You will be contacted if he/she accepts..."; } else { message = "You have accepted this offer already - please wait for confirmation from match requestor. Redirecting you to homepage."; } } // BUGBUG: when will it not be an ajax request? if (!Request.IsAjaxRequest()) { ViewData.Model = message; return(View("Redirect")); } return(Json ( new { PotentialOffers = RenderPartialViewToString("PotentialOffers", ModelUtils.GetModel <PotentialOffersModel>(FacebookWebContext.Current.UserId, this.DB)), ConfirmedMatches = RenderPartialViewToString("ConfirmedMatches", ModelUtils.GetModel <ConfirmedMatchesModel>(FacebookWebContext.Current.UserId, this.DB)) } )); } else { // BUGBUG: return message that the offer might have already been taken or might have been revoked ViewData.Model = "Invalid offer - the offer might have been revoked or no longer exists"; return(View("Redirect")); } } else // Unparseable offer id { if (!Request.IsAjaxRequest()) { ViewData.Model = "This offer is not valid. Please submit feedback if you keep getting this message."; return(View("Redirect")); } return(Json("")); } }