コード例 #1
        public void TestRegionOverrideRefSuperRegion2Levels()
            string g =
                "a() ::= \"X<@r()>Y\"\n" +
                "@a.r() ::= \"foo\"\n";
            TemplateGroup group = new TemplateGroupString(g);

            string sub =
                "@a.r() ::= \"<@super.r()>2\"\n";
            TemplateGroup subGroup = new TemplateGroupString(sub);


            Template st = subGroup.GetInstanceOf("a");

            string result    = st.Render();
            string expecting = "Xfoo2Y";

            Assert.AreEqual(expecting, result);
コード例 #2
        public string Parse(string templateKey, IDictionary <string, object> model)
            var group = new TemplateGroupString("group", "delimiters \"$\", \"$\"\r\nt(x) ::= \" $ x $ \"");

            var renderer = new AdvancedRenderer();

            group.RegisterRenderer(typeof(DateTimeOffset), renderer);
            group.RegisterRenderer(typeof(DateTime), renderer);
            group.RegisterRenderer(typeof(double), renderer);
            group.RegisterRenderer(typeof(decimal), renderer);

            var templateContent = _templateProvider.GetContentsFor(templateKey, model);

            group.DefineTemplate("template", templateContent, new[] { "Model" });

            var stringTemplate = group.GetInstanceOf("template");

            stringTemplate.Add("Model", model);

コード例 #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Generates the C# representation of the specified Thrift document.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="document">The document to generate code from.</param>
        /// <returns>The generated code.</returns>
        public string Generate(IDocument document)
            var assembly    = typeof(ThriftDocumentGenerator).Assembly;
            var rawTemplate = assembly.GetManifestResourceStream(

            using var reader = new StreamReader(rawTemplate);
            var templateGroup = new TemplateGroupString(
            var template = templateGroup.GetInstanceOf("document");

            // TODO: Get the semantic version
            template.Add("version", assembly.GetName().Version.ToString());
            template.Add("model", document);
            template.Add("typeMap", ThriftTypeGenerationInfo.TypeMap);

コード例 #4
        public void TestNoNewlineTemplate()
            string template =
                "t(x) ::= <%" + newline +
                "[  <if(!x)>" +
                "<else>" +
                "<x>" + newline +
                "<endif>" +
                "" + newline +
                "" + newline +
                "]" + newline +
                "" + newline +
                "%>" + newline;
            TemplateGroup g  = new TemplateGroupString(template);
            Template      st = g.GetInstanceOf("t");

            st.Add("x", 99);
            string expected = "[  99]";
            string result   = st.Render();

            Assert.AreEqual(expected, result);
コード例 #5
        public void TestComplicatedIndirectTemplateApplication()
            string templates =
                "group Java;" + newline +
                "" + newline +
                "file(variables) ::= <<" +
                "<variables:{ v | <v.decl:(v.format)()>}; separator=\"\\n\">" + newline +
                ">>" + newline +
                "intdecl(decl) ::= \"int <decl.name> = 0;\"" + newline +
                "intarray(decl) ::= \"int[] <decl.name> = null;\"" + newline
            TemplateGroup group = new TemplateGroupString(templates);
            Template      f     = group.GetInstanceOf("file");

            f.AddMany("variables.{ decl,format }", new Decl("i", "int"), "intdecl");
            f.AddMany("variables.{decl ,  format}", new Decl("a", "int-array"), "intarray");
            string expecting = "int i = 0;" + newline +
                               "int[] a = null;";

            Assert.AreEqual(expecting, f.Render());
コード例 #6
ファイル: BaseStTemplate.cs プロジェクト: takekazuomi/Pomelo
        private void PrepareTemplate()
            TemplateGroup templateGroup;

            switch (ParameterSetName)
            case "group":
                var path = System.IO.Path.GetFullPath(GroupPath);
                if (path.EndsWith(TemplateGroup.GroupFileExtension, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))
                    templateGroup = new TemplateGroupFile(path, Encoding.UTF8, DelimiterStartChar, DelimiterStopChar)
                        Verbose = IsVerbose,
                        Logger  = Host.UI.WriteVerboseLine
                    templateGroup = new TemplateGroupDirectory(path, Encoding.UTF8, DelimiterStartChar, DelimiterStopChar)
                        Verbose = IsVerbose,
                        Logger  = Host.UI.WriteVerboseLine
                Template = templateGroup.GetInstanceOf(TemplateName);

            case "groupstring":
                templateGroup = new TemplateGroupString(TemplateName, GroupString, DelimiterStartChar, DelimiterStopChar);
                Template      = templateGroup.GetInstanceOf(TemplateName);

            case "anonymous":
                Template = new Template(TemplateString, DelimiterStartChar, DelimiterStopChar);
コード例 #7
        public static void UrlSellerTemp1()
            //string templates =
            //    "test(names,phones) ::= \"<foo([names,phones])>\"" + "\n" +
            //    "foo(items) ::= \"<items:{a | *<a>*}>\"" + "\n";

            //TemplateGroup templateGroup = new TemplateGroupString(templates);
            //TemplateGroup templateGroup = new TemplateGroupString("[string]", templates);

            string templates =
                "test(names,phones) ::= \"$foo([names,phones])$\"" + "\n" +
                "foo(items) ::= \"$items:{a | *$a$*}$\"" + "\n";
            TemplateGroup templateGroup = new TemplateGroupString("[string]", templates, '$', '$');

            Template e = templateGroup.GetInstanceOf("test");

            e.Add("names", "Ter");
            e.Add("names", "Tom");
            e.Add("phones", "1");
            e.Add("phones", "2");

            string result = e.Render();
コード例 #8
ファイル: Code_Gen.cs プロジェクト: invokethreatguy/AutoGen
            string Output_file,
            List <string> Files,
            ref List <Api> Api_list,
            ref List <string> Headers
            string file_names = string.Join(", ", Files);
            int    line_width = 128;

            // Convert the list of APIs into a form that the string template is expecting

            convert_for_string_template(ref Api_list);

            // Useful during debugging. Reading the templates from a text file doesn't require recompiling after every change

//			string filespec = Path.GetFullPath (@"..\..\Detours.stg");
//			TemplateGroup group = new TemplateGroupFile (filespec);
            TemplateGroup group = new TemplateGroupString(string_template_group);                       // Use the string template defined in this string
//			group.Verbose = true;                                                       // Display errors and operations to the console window

            // Generate the file header

            Template file_hdr = group.GetInstanceOf("file_header");

            file_hdr.Add("version", "");

            DateTime now = DateTime.Now;

            file_hdr.Add("date", now);

            file_hdr.Add("exe_name", file_names);

            file_hdr.Add("apis_to_detour", Api_list);

            file_hdr.Add("headers", Headers);

            file_hdr.Add("command_line", Environment.CommandLine);

            File.AppendAllText(Output_file, file_hdr.Render(line_width));

            // Generate the pointers to the real APIs

            Template real_api_list = group.GetInstanceOf("real_api_list");

            real_api_list.Add("list", Api_list);

            File.AppendAllText(Output_file, real_api_list.Render(line_width));

            // Generate the support routines

            Template support_routines = group.GetInstanceOf("support_routines");

            support_routines.Add("exename", file_names);
            support_routines.Add("api_list", Api_list);

            File.AppendAllText(Output_file, support_routines.Render(line_width));

            // For each API, create a list of output-only parameters that are not just pointers (these will be part of the list of input parameters). This is
            // to get around StringTemplate bug that I found, where it doesn't handle lists with separators properly (it leaves a hanging separator at the end
            // of a list)

            foreach (var api in Api_list)
                api.output_parameters = (from p in api.parameters
                                         where p.is_output && !p.is_pointer
                                         select p).ToList();

                if (api.output_parameters.Count == 0)
                    api.has_outputs = false;

            // Generate the Detours routines

            Template generate_routines = group.GetInstanceOf("generate_routines");

            generate_routines.Add("api_list", Api_list);

            File.AppendAllText(Output_file, generate_routines.Render(line_width));
        }                   // End create_detours