public void DeleteSubGroup() { using (var container = new TempH5FileContainer()) { H5File hf = container.Content(); Assert.False(H5Link.Exists(hf.ID, "foo")); Assert.False(H5Link.Exists(hf.ID, "bar")); using (hf.Root.CreateGroup("foo")) { } using (hf.Root.CreateGroup("bar")) { } Assert.True(H5Link.Exists(hf.ID, "foo")); Assert.True(H5Link.Exists(hf.ID, "bar")); hf.Root.DeleteGroup("bar"); Assert.True(H5Link.Exists(hf.ID, "foo")); Assert.False(H5Link.Exists(hf.ID, "bar")); hf.Root.DeleteGroup("foo"); Assert.False(H5Link.Exists(hf.ID, "foo")); Assert.False(H5Link.Exists(hf.ID, "bar")); } }
public void CreateSubGroup() { using (var container = new TempH5FileContainer()) { H5File hf = container.Content(); Assert.False(H5Link.Exists(hf.ID, "foo")); Assert.Throws <KeyNotFoundException>(() => hf.Root.SubGroup("foo")); using (var GRP = hf.Root.CreateGroup("foo")) { Assert.True(H5Link.Exists(hf.ID, "foo")); using (hf.Root.SubGroup("foo")) { } // dispose immediately Assert.False(H5Link.Exists(hf.ID, "bar")); Assert.Throws <KeyNotFoundException>(() => hf.Root.SubGroup("bar")); // create on-the-fly.. using (hf.Root.SubGroup("bar", create: true)) { } Assert.True(H5Link.Exists(hf.ID, "bar")); } } }
public void WriteToMapping() { using (TempH5FileContainer container = new TempH5FileContainer()) { H5File hf = container.Content(); Assert.True(hf.Root.IsWritable); MyNewObject myo = new MyNewObject(hf.Root); Assert.Throws <KeyNotFoundException>(() => myo.Attr["not_existing"]); Assert.NotNull(myo.Attr["please_create"]); Assert.NotNull(myo.Attr["dataset_attr"]); myo.Attr["dataset_attr"].Writes("foo"); myo.Attr["please_create"].Write(3.14f); Assert.Throws <InvalidCastException>(() => myo.Attr["please_create"].Write(3.14)); Assert.Equal("foo", myo.Attr["dataset_attr"].Reads()); Assert.Equal(3.14f, myo.Attr["please_create"].Read <float>()); Assert.Equal(3.14f, myo.Attr["please_create"].Read()); myo.Dispose(); } }
public void ResizeDatasetChecksBounds(long[] new_dims) { using (var container = new TempH5FileContainer()) { H5Group ROOT = container.Content().Root; int rank = 2; var dims = new long[] { 2, 3 }; var maxdims = new long[] { 5, 6 }; using (H5DataSet DSET = ROOT.CreateDataset("resizable", rank, dims, typeof(double), maxdims)) { Assert.NotNull(DSET); Assert.Equal(dims, DSET.Dims); if (H5Library.LibVersion == "1.8.12") { Assert.NotEqual(maxdims, DSET.MaxDims); Assert.Equal(dims, DSET.MaxDims); Assert.Throws <NotImplementedException>(() => DSET.Resize(maxdims)); } else { Assert.Throws <IndexOutOfRangeException>(() => DSET.Resize(new_dims)); } } } }
public void CanAccessAbsolutePaths() { using (var container = new TempH5FileContainer()) { H5File hf = container.Content(); using (H5Group GRP = hf.Root.CreateGroup("foo")) { H5Group SUBGRP = GRP.SubGroup("bar", create: true); SUBGRP.Dispose(); Assert.True(H5Link.Exists(hf.ID, "/foo/")); Assert.True(H5Link.Exists(hf.ID, "/foo/bar/")); SUBGRP = hf.Root.SubGroup("/foo"); Assert.NotNull(GRP); SUBGRP.Dispose(); SUBGRP = hf.Root.SubGroup("/foo/bar"); Assert.NotNull(GRP); SUBGRP.Dispose(); SUBGRP = hf.Root.SubGroup("foo/bar"); Assert.NotNull(SUBGRP); SUBGRP.Dispose(); } } }
public void ResizeDataset(long[] max_dims, long[] new_dims) { using (var container = new TempH5FileContainer()) { H5Group ROOT = container.Content().Root; int rank = max_dims.Length; var dims = new long[rank]; dims.Fill(1L); using (H5DataSet DSET = ROOT.CreateDataset("resizable", rank, dims, typeof(double), max_dims)) { Assert.NotNull(DSET); Assert.Equal(dims, DSET.Dims); if (H5Library.LibVersion == "1.8.12") { Assert.NotEqual(max_dims, DSET.MaxDims); Assert.Equal(dims, DSET.MaxDims); Assert.Throws <NotImplementedException>(() => DSET.Resize(max_dims)); } else { DSET.Resize(new_dims); Assert.Equal(new_dims, DSET.Dims); } } } }
public void double1d() { using (var container = new TempH5FileContainer()) { H5Group ROOT = container.Content().Root; int rank = 1; var dims = new long[] { 3 }; using (dset1d <double> DSET = ROOT.CreateDataset("dataset", rank, dims, typeof(double)) as dset1d <double>) { Assert.NotNull(DSET); Assert.Equal(dims, DSET.Dims); DSET[0] = 3.14; DSET[1] = 3.14; DSET[2] = 3.14; Assert.Throws <IndexOutOfRangeException>(() => DSET[3]); Assert.Throws <IndexOutOfRangeException>(() => DSET[3] = 3.14); Assert.Throws <IndexOutOfRangeException>(() => DSET[-1]); Assert.Throws <IndexOutOfRangeException>(() => DSET[-1] = 3.14); } } }
public void float1d() { using (var Container = new TempH5FileContainer()) { var hf = Container.Content(); var dims = new long[] { 7L }; dset1d <float> DSET = hf.Root.CreateDataset("tempdata", 1, dims, typeof(float)) as dset1d <float>; Assert.NotNull(DSET); Assert.Equal(dims, DSET.Dims); var expect = new float[7] { 1, 0, 2, 9, 5, 3, 1 }; DSET.Values = expect; var actual = DSET.Values; Assert.Equal(expect, actual); Assert.Throws <InvalidOperationException>(() => DSET.Values = new float[1]); Assert.Throws <InvalidOperationException>(() => DSET.Values = new float[9]); DSET.Dispose(); } }
public void string1d() { using (var Container = new TempH5FileContainer()) { var hf = Container.Content(); var dims = new long[] { 3L }; string1d DSET = hf.Root.CreateDataset("tempdata", 1, dims, typeof(string)) as string1d; Assert.NotNull(DSET); Assert.Equal(dims, DSET.Dims); var expect = new string[3] { "foo", "bar", "zoom" }; DSET.Values = expect; var actual = DSET.Values; Assert.Equal(expect, actual); Assert.Throws <InvalidOperationException>(() => DSET.Values = new string[1]); Assert.Throws <InvalidOperationException>(() => DSET.Values = new string[9]); DSET.Dispose(); } }
public void string1d() { using (var container = new TempH5FileContainer()) { H5Group ROOT = container.Content().Root; int rank = 1; var dims = new long[] { 3 }; using (string1d DSET = ROOT.CreateDataset("dataset", rank, dims, typeof(string)) as string1d) { Assert.NotNull(DSET); Assert.Equal(dims, DSET.Dims); DSET[0] = "foo"; DSET[1] = "bar"; DSET[2] = "yom"; Assert.Throws <IndexOutOfRangeException>(() => DSET[3]); Assert.Throws <IndexOutOfRangeException>(() => DSET[3] = "grok"); Assert.Throws <IndexOutOfRangeException>(() => DSET[-1]); Assert.Throws <IndexOutOfRangeException>(() => DSET[-1] = "grok"); } } }
public void CreateChunkedDataset() { using (var container = new TempH5FileContainer()) { H5Group ROOT = container.Content().Root; int rank = 2; var dims = new long[] { 2, 3 }; var maxdims = new long[] { 5, 6 }; var trace = new StringWriter(); //TextWriterTraceListener listener = new TextWriterTraceListener(trace); //Trace.Listeners.Add(listener); using (var DSET = ROOT.CreateDataset("chunked", rank, dims, typeof(int), maxdims)) { // chunking is not available in hdf5 v1.8.12 and we want to know about it: //if (H5Library.LibVersion == "1.8.12") // Assert.Contains("WARNING", trace.ToString()); //Trace.Listeners.Remove(listener); Assert.NotNull(DSET); Assert.Equal(dims, DSET.Dims); } } }
public void ResizeUnlimited(long[] new_dims) { using (var container = new TempH5FileContainer()) { H5Group ROOT = container.Content().Root; int rank = 2; var dims = new long[] { 2, 3 }; var maxdims = new long[] { -1, -1 }; using (var DSET = ROOT.CreateDataset("resizable", rank, dims, typeof(double), maxdims) as dset2d <double>) { Assert.NotNull(DSET); Assert.Equal(dims, DSET.Dims); if (H5Library.LibVersion == "1.8.12") { Assert.Throws <NotImplementedException>(() => DSET.Resize(new long[] { 6, 9 })); } else { DSET.Resize(new_dims); Assert.Equal(new_dims, DSET.Dims); } } } }
public void CreateDatasetFails() { using (var container = new TempH5FileContainer(filemode: "r")) { H5File hf = container.Content(); Assert.Throws <InvalidOperationException>(() => hf.Root.CreateDataset("zoom", 2, new long[] { 3, 4 }, typeof(float))); } }
public void NonexistingLookupFails() { using (var container = new TempH5FileContainer()) { H5File hf = container.Content(); Assert.Throws <KeyNotFoundException>(() => hf.Root["zoom"]); Assert.Throws <KeyNotFoundException>(() => hf.Root["foo/bar"]); } }
public void InitObjectFails() { using (var container = new TempH5FileContainer(filemode: "r")) { H5File hf = container.Content(); Assert.False(hf.Root.IsWritable); Assert.Throws <InvalidOperationException>(() => new GuineaPig(hf.Root)); } }
public void CreateGroupFails() { using (var container = new TempH5FileContainer(filemode: "r")) { H5File hf = container.Content(); Assert.Throws <InvalidOperationException>(() => hf.Root.SubGroup("foo", create: true)); Assert.Throws <InvalidOperationException>(() => hf.Root.CreateGroup("bar")); } }
public void CannotCreateMultipleGroups() { using (var container = new TempH5FileContainer()) { H5File hf = container.Content(); Assert.False(H5Link.Exists(hf.ID, "grok/")); Assert.False(H5Link.Exists(hf.ID, "grok/fitz")); Assert.Throws <InvalidOperationException>(() => hf.Root.CreateGroup("grok/fitz")); } }
public void FindsAllSubgroups() { using (var container = new TempH5FileContainer()) { H5File hf = container.Content(); #if DEBUG int nObjectsInitially = H5Base.nObjects; #endif H5Group SUT = hf.Root; var testnames = new List <string> { "foo", "bar", "zoom", "grok", }; // create a group hierarchy.. foreach (string name in testnames) { using (var subgroup = SUT.CreateGroup(name)) { using (subgroup.CreateGroup("tarnkappenzwerg")) { // just create and dispose.. } } } // well as some confusion.. using (SUT.CreateDataset("tarnkappenbomber", 1, new long[] { 7 }, typeof(float))) { } var actual = SUT.SubGroups().Select(g => g.Name); // a) check for set equality.. var testnames_sorted = new SortedSet <string>(testnames); Assert.True(testnames_sorted.SetEquals(actual)); // b) check the default behaviour of sorting the SubGroups() alphabetically.. Assert.Equal(testnames_sorted.ToList(), actual); // c) check that all allocated SubGroups() have been disposed of properly.. #if DEBUG Assert.Equal(nObjectsInitially, H5Base.nObjects); #endif } }
public void TestBasicInjection() { using (var container = new TempH5FileContainer()) { H5File hf = container.Content(); using (MyObject myo = new MyObject(hf.Root)) { Assert.NotNull(myo.intset); Assert.NotNull(myo.longset); Assert.NotNull(myo.byteset); Assert.NotNull(myo.stringset); Assert.NotNull(myo.doubleset); Assert.NotNull(myo.floatset); Assert.NotNull(myo.Privateset); Assert.NotNull(myo.doubleset3); Assert.Equal(1, myo.intset.Rank); Assert.Equal(1, myo.longset.Rank); Assert.Equal(1, myo.byteset.Rank); Assert.Equal(1, myo.stringset.Rank); Assert.Equal(2, myo.doubleset.Rank); Assert.Equal(2, myo.floatset.Rank); Assert.Equal(1, myo.Privateset.Rank); Assert.Equal(3, myo.doubleset3.Rank); Assert.Equal(1L, myo.intset.Length); Assert.Equal(1L, myo.longset.Length); Assert.Equal(1L, myo.byteset.Length); Assert.Equal(1L, myo.stringset.Length); Assert.Equal(1L, myo.doubleset.Length); Assert.Equal(1L, myo.floatset.Length); Assert.Equal(1L, myo.Privateset.Length); Assert.Equal(1L, myo.doubleset3.Length); Assert.Equal(typeof(int), myo.intset.PrimitiveType); Assert.Equal(typeof(long), myo.longset.PrimitiveType); Assert.Equal(typeof(byte), myo.byteset.PrimitiveType); Assert.Equal(typeof(string), myo.stringset.PrimitiveType); Assert.Equal(typeof(double), myo.doubleset.PrimitiveType); Assert.Equal(typeof(float), myo.floatset.PrimitiveType); Assert.Equal(typeof(float), myo.Privateset.PrimitiveType); Assert.Equal(typeof(double), myo.doubleset3.PrimitiveType); } } }
public void string2d() { using (var container = new TempH5FileContainer()) { H5Group ROOT = container.Content().Root; int rank = 2; var dims = new long[] { 3, 2 }; using (string2d DSET = ROOT.CreateDataset("dataset", rank, dims, typeof(string)) as string2d) { Assert.NotNull(DSET); Assert.Equal(dims, DSET.Dims); DSET[0, 0] = "foo"; DSET[2, 1] = "bar"; DSET[1] = new string[] { "zoom", "grok" }; Assert.Throws <IndexOutOfRangeException>(() => DSET[3, 0]); Assert.Throws <IndexOutOfRangeException>(() => DSET[3, 0] = "foo"); Assert.Throws <IndexOutOfRangeException>(() => DSET[3, 2]); Assert.Throws <IndexOutOfRangeException>(() => DSET[3, 2] = "foo"); Assert.Throws <IndexOutOfRangeException>(() => DSET[1, 7]); Assert.Throws <IndexOutOfRangeException>(() => DSET[1, 7] = "foo"); Assert.Throws <IndexOutOfRangeException>(() => DSET[1, -3]); Assert.Throws <IndexOutOfRangeException>(() => DSET[1, -3] = "foo"); Assert.Throws <IndexOutOfRangeException>(() => DSET[3]); Assert.Throws <IndexOutOfRangeException>(() => DSET[3] = new string[] { "foo", "bar" }); Assert.Throws <IndexOutOfRangeException>(() => DSET[-1]); Assert.Throws <IndexOutOfRangeException>(() => DSET[-1] = new string[] { "foo", "bar" }); Assert.Throws <IndexOutOfRangeException>(() => DSET[0] = new string[] { "foo", "bar", "zoom" }); } } }
public void double2d() { using (var container = new TempH5FileContainer()) { H5Group ROOT = container.Content().Root; int rank = 2; var dims = new long[] { 3, 2 }; using (dset2d <double> DSET = ROOT.CreateDataset("dataset", rank, dims, typeof(double)) as dset2d <double>) { Assert.NotNull(DSET); Assert.Equal(dims, DSET.Dims); DSET[0, 0] = 3.14; DSET[2, 1] = 3.14; DSET[1] = new double[] { 1.2, 3.4 }; Assert.Throws <IndexOutOfRangeException>(() => DSET[3, 0]); Assert.Throws <IndexOutOfRangeException>(() => DSET[3, 0] = 3.14); Assert.Throws <IndexOutOfRangeException>(() => DSET[3, 2]); Assert.Throws <IndexOutOfRangeException>(() => DSET[3, 2] = 3.14); Assert.Throws <IndexOutOfRangeException>(() => DSET[1, 7]); Assert.Throws <IndexOutOfRangeException>(() => DSET[1, 7] = 3.14); Assert.Throws <IndexOutOfRangeException>(() => DSET[1, -3]); Assert.Throws <IndexOutOfRangeException>(() => DSET[1, -3] = 3.14); Assert.Throws <IndexOutOfRangeException>(() => DSET[3]); Assert.Throws <IndexOutOfRangeException>(() => DSET[3] = new double[] { 1.0, 2.0 }); Assert.Throws <IndexOutOfRangeException>(() => DSET[-1]); Assert.Throws <IndexOutOfRangeException>(() => DSET[-1] = new double[] { 1.0, 2.0 }); Assert.Throws <IndexOutOfRangeException>(() => DSET[0] = new double[] { 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 }); } } }
public void TestAdvancedInjection() { using (var container = new TempH5FileContainer()) { H5File hf = container.Content(); using (MyObject myo = new MyObject(hf.Root)) { Assert.True(H5Link.Exists(hf.Root.ID, "alternative_path")); dset2d <float> dset = myo.advancedset as dset2d <float>; Assert.NotNull(dset); Assert.Equal(2, dset.Rank); Assert.Equal(new long[] { 3, 5 }, dset.Dims); Assert.Equal(15L, dset.Length); Assert.Equal(new float[5], dset[2]); if (H5Library.LibVersion == "1.8.12") { Assert.Throws <NotImplementedException>(() => dset.Resize(new long[] { 6, 9 })); } else { dset.Resize(new long[] { 6, 5 }); Assert.Equal(30L, dset.Length); dset[5] = new float[5] { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 }; dset.Resize(new long[] { 6, 9 }); dset[3] = new float[9] { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 }; } } } }
public void CreateNestedSubGroups() { using (var container = new TempH5FileContainer()) { H5File hf = container.Content(); Assert.False(H5Link.Exists(hf.ID, "zoom")); Assert.False(H5Link.Exists(hf.ID, "zoom/zoom")); Assert.False(H5Link.Exists(hf.ID, "zoom/zoom/zoom")); H5Group GRP = hf.Root; for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { GRP = GRP.CreateGroup("zoom"); } GRP.Dispose(); Assert.True(H5Link.Exists(hf.ID, "zoom/zoom/zoom")); } }
public void float2d() { using (var Container = new TempH5FileContainer()) { var hf = Container.Content(); var dims = new long[] { 3L, 5L }; dset2d <float> DSET = hf.Root.CreateDataset("tempdata", 2, dims, typeof(float)) as dset2d <float>; Assert.NotNull(DSET); Assert.Equal(dims, DSET.Dims); var expect = new float[3, 5] { { 0, 0, 2, 0, 5 }, { 1, 3, 0, 8, 9 }, { 4, 0, 7, 0, 2 }, }; DSET.Values = expect; var actual = DSET.Values; for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < 5; j++) { Assert.Equal(expect[i, j], actual[i, j]); } } Assert.Throws <InvalidOperationException>(() => DSET.Values = new float[1, 1]); Assert.Throws <InvalidOperationException>(() => DSET.Values = new float[1, 5]); DSET.Dispose(); } }
public void string2d() { using (var Container = new TempH5FileContainer()) { var hf = Container.Content(); var dims = new long[] { 3L, 2L }; string2d DSET = hf.Root.CreateDataset("tempdata", 2, dims, typeof(string)) as string2d; Assert.NotNull(DSET); Assert.Equal(dims, DSET.Dims); var expect = new string[3, 2] { { "foo", "bar" }, { "zoom", "grok" }, { "", "a;seoliruo345uta;gojasd;gljasdlkfjas;eitj;lefgj" }, }; DSET.Values = expect; var actual = DSET.Values; for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < 2; j++) { Assert.Equal(expect[i, j], actual[i, j]); } } Assert.Throws <InvalidOperationException>(() => DSET.Values = new string[1, 1]); Assert.Throws <InvalidOperationException>(() => DSET.Values = new string[1, 5]); DSET.Dispose(); } }