コード例 #1
 public TelnetSocket(string address)
     _address    = new DnsEndPoint(address, 23);
     _buffer     = new Queue <byte[]>();
     _socket     = new Socket(AddressFamily.InterNetwork, SocketType.Stream, ProtocolType.Tcp);
     _flags      = TelnetOptionFlags.Echo | TelnetOptionFlags.SupressGoAhead | TelnetOptionFlags.NAWS;
     _negotiated = TelnetOptionFlags.None;
     _writeLock  = new AutoResetEvent(false);
コード例 #2
        public static TelnetOptions[] GetFlags(this TelnetOptionFlags flag)
            List <TelnetOptions> options = new List <TelnetOptions>();

            foreach (TelnetOptionFlags tflag in flag.ParseOptions())

コード例 #3
        public static TelnetOptionFlags[] ParseOptions(this TelnetOptionFlags flag)
            List <TelnetOptionFlags> flags = new List <TelnetOptionFlags>();

            foreach (FieldInfo fi in typeof(TelnetOptionFlags).GetFields(BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.Public))
                TelnetOptionFlags option = (TelnetOptionFlags)fi.GetValue(null);
                if (flag.Contains(option))

コード例 #4
 public static bool Contains(this TelnetOptionFlags current, TelnetOptionFlags flag)
     return((current & flag) > 0);
コード例 #5
        public static TelnetOptions Translate(this TelnetOptionFlags flag)
            string name = Enum.GetName(typeof(TelnetOptionFlags), flag);

            return((TelnetOptions)Enum.Parse(typeof(TelnetOptions), name, true));
コード例 #6
 public void Disable(TelnetOptionFlags flag)
     _flags &= ~flag;
コード例 #7
 public void Enable(TelnetOptionFlags flag)
     _flags |= flag;
コード例 #8
 public bool IsEnabled(TelnetOptionFlags flag)
     return((_flags & flag) > 0);
コード例 #9
 public TelnetSocket(string address, TelnetOptionFlags options)
     : this(address)
     _flags |= options;
コード例 #10
        void ParseResponse()
            // track the current color that should be applied to the text
            Color currentColor = Colors.Cyan;//Color.FromArgb(0xFF, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0);

                // wait for input

                // reset the lock

                // create an array to hold the bytes
                byte[] data = new byte[_overflow.Length];

                // copy any overflow bytes into the array
                Array.Copy(_overflow, data, _overflow.Length);

                // clear the overflow
                _overflow = new byte[0];

                // lock the buffer to keep additional data entry
                lock (_buffer)
                    // append each block in the buffer to the data array
                    while (_buffer.Count > 0)
                        byte[] next = _buffer.Dequeue();
                        Array.Resize <byte>(ref data, data.Length + next.Length);
                        Array.Copy(next, 0, data, data.Length - next.Length, next.Length);

                // begin processing the bytes

                // check if consumer supports ansi
                bool ansi = _flags.Contains(TelnetOptionFlags.ANSI);

                // create a list to hold the segments
                List <IFormattedTextSegment> segments = new List <IFormattedTextSegment>();

                // create a string builder to construct segments
                StringBuilder segment = new StringBuilder();

                // create a byte array to store any response to server requests
                byte[] response = new byte[0];

                // process the entire byte stream
                for (int i = 0; i < data.Length; ++i)
                    if (data[i] == ESC) // ansi escape
                        Color background = Colors.Black;
                        int   row = 0, col = 0;

                        if (segment.Length > 0)
                            segments.Add(new DisplayText()
                                Text = segment.ToString(), TextColor = currentColor

                        int processed = AnsiProcessor.ReadCommand(data, i, ref row, ref col, ref background, ref currentColor);

                        if (processed < 0) // fragment
                            _overflow = new byte[data.Length - i];
                            Array.Copy(data, i, _overflow, 0, _overflow.Length);

                        i += processed; // advance past the command

                    else if (data[i] == TelnetCommands.IAC.Translate()) // process the telnet command
                        TelnetCommands command = data[++i].ToTelnetCommand();

                        // subnegotiation so there will be more data
                        if (command == TelnetCommands.Subnegotation)
                        // delete a character
                        else if (command == TelnetCommands.EraseCharacter)
                        // delete the line
                        else if (command == TelnetCommands.EraseLine)
                            // regular negotiation
                            TelnetOptions option = data[++i].ToTelnetOption();

                            Array.Resize <byte>(ref response, response.Length + 3);
                            response[response.Length - 3] = TelnetCommands.IAC.Translate();

                            // check to see if that option is supported
                            if (_flags.Contains(option.ToFlag()))
                                if (command == TelnetCommands.Will || command == TelnetCommands.Do)
                                    response[response.Length - 2] = TelnetCommands.Will.Translate();
                                    response[response.Length - 2] = TelnetCommands.Wont.Translate();

                                if (option == TelnetOptions.NAWS && (command == TelnetCommands.Will))
                                    _nawsEnabled = true;
                            else // tell the server not to support this
                                if (command == TelnetCommands.Will)
                                    response[response.Length - 2] = TelnetCommands.Dont.Translate();
                                    response[response.Length - 2] = TelnetCommands.Wont.Translate();

                            response[response.Length - 1] = option.Translate();

                            _negotiated |= option.ToFlag();

                    // append the data to the segment
                    char c = (char)data[i];
                    if (c == '\b')
                        if (segment.Length > 0)
                            segment.Remove(segment.Length - 1, 1);

                // check for server negotiation
                if (response.Length > 0)
                    // add any additional flags that haven't been negotiated
                    foreach (TelnetOptionFlags option in _flags.ParseOptions())
                        // this has already been negotiated
                        if (_negotiated.Contains(option))

                        // request the ones that we are comfortable with so far
                        switch (option)
                        case TelnetOptionFlags.SupressGoAhead: goto case TelnetOptionFlags.NAWS;

                        case TelnetOptionFlags.Echo: goto case TelnetOptionFlags.NAWS;

                        case TelnetOptionFlags.NAWS:
                            Array.Resize <byte>(ref response, response.Length + 3);

                            response[response.Length - 3] = TelnetCommands.IAC.Translate();
                            response[response.Length - 2] = TelnetCommands.Do.Translate();
                            response[response.Length - 1] = option.Translate().Translate();


                        _negotiated |= option;

                    // create the socket event args
                    SocketAsyncEventArgs args = new SocketAsyncEventArgs();
                    args.UserToken      = _socket;
                    args.RemoteEndPoint = _address;
                    args.Completed     += new EventHandler <SocketAsyncEventArgs>(AsyncCompletedHandler);

                    // put the response in the buffer
                    args.SetBuffer(response, 0, response.Length);

                    // send the response to the server

                // notify any listeners
                if (MessageRecieved != null)
                    segments.Add(new DisplayText()
                        Text = segment.ToString(), TextColor = currentColor
                    MessageRecieved(this, new MessageRecievedEventArgs()
                        Segments = segments.ToArray()

                // end byte processing
            } while (_socket.Connected);