private static void Main(string[] args) { Bot = new TeleSharp.TeleSharp("152529427:AAFOizfzWycWHnJoQghmRAbN5IlBInd-wSe8"); Bot.SendMessage(new SendMessageParams { ChatId = "39699831", Text = "Test msg !", InlineKeyboard = new InlineKeyboardMarkup { InlineKeyboard = new List <List <InlineKeyboardButton> > { new List <InlineKeyboardButton> { new InlineKeyboardButton { Text = "CallbackData", CallbackData = "Ok", SwitchInlineQuery = string.Empty, SwitchInlineQueryCurrentChat = string.Empty, Url = string.Empty }, }, new List <InlineKeyboardButton> { new InlineKeyboardButton { Text = "SwitchInlineQueryCurrentChat", CallbackData = string.Empty, SwitchInlineQuery = string.Empty, SwitchInlineQueryCurrentChat = "OK", Url = string.Empty }, }, new List <InlineKeyboardButton> { new InlineKeyboardButton { Text = "Url", CallbackData = string.Empty, SwitchInlineQuery = string.Empty, SwitchInlineQueryCurrentChat = string.Empty, Url = "" }, }, new List <InlineKeyboardButton> { new InlineKeyboardButton { Text = "SwitchInlineQuery", SwitchInlineQuery = "سلام", Url = string.Empty, CallbackData = string.Empty, SwitchInlineQueryCurrentChat = string.Empty } } } } }); Bot.OnMessage += OnMessage; Bot.OnInlineQuery += OnInlineQuery; Bot.OnCallbackQuery += Bot_OnCallbackQuery; Console.WriteLine(@"TeleSharp initialized"); Console.WriteLine($"Hi, My Name is : {Bot.Me.Username}"); Console.ReadLine(); }
/// <summary> /// Read received messages of bot in infinity loop /// </summary> private static void OnMessage(Message message) { // Get mesage sender information MessageSender sender = (MessageSender)message.Chat ?? message.From; Console.WriteLine(message.Text ?? ""); // If user joined to bot say welcome if ((!string.IsNullOrEmpty(message.Text)) && (message.Text == "/start")) { string welcomeMessage = $"Welcome {message.From.Username} !{Environment.NewLine}My name is {Bot.Me.Username}{Environment.NewLine}I made using TeleBot :"; Bot.SendMessage(new SendMessageParams { ChatId = sender.Id.ToString(), Text = welcomeMessage }); return; } string baseStoragePath = Path.GetDirectoryName(System.Reflection.Assembly.GetEntryAssembly().Location); // If any file exists in message download it DownloadFileFromMessage(message, baseStoragePath); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(message.Text) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(baseStoragePath)) { return; } try { string sampleData = Path.Combine(baseStoragePath, "SampleData"); switch (message.Text.ToLower()) { case "time": { Bot.SendMessage(new SendMessageParams { ChatId = sender.Id.ToString(), Text = DateTime.Now.ToLongDateString() }); break; } case "location": { Bot.SendLocation(sender, "50.69421", "3.17456"); break; } case "sticker": { Bot.SendSticker(sender, System.IO.File.ReadAllBytes(Path.Combine(sampleData, "sticker.png"))); break; } case "photo": { string photoFilePath = Path.Combine(sampleData, "sticker.png"); Bot.SetCurrentAction(sender, ChatAction.UploadPhoto); Bot.SendPhoto(sender, System.IO.File.ReadAllBytes(photoFilePath), Path.GetFileName(photoFilePath), "This is sample photo"); break; } case "video": { string videoFilePath = Path.Combine(sampleData, "video.mp4"); Bot.SetCurrentAction(sender, ChatAction.UploadVideo); Bot.SendVideo(sender, System.IO.File.ReadAllBytes(videoFilePath), Path.GetFileName(videoFilePath), "This is sample video"); break; } case "audio": { string audioFilePath = Path.Combine(sampleData, "audio.mp3"); Bot.SetCurrentAction(sender, ChatAction.UploadAudio); Bot.SendAudio(sender, System.IO.File.ReadAllBytes(audioFilePath), Path.GetFileName(audioFilePath)); break; } case "document": { string documentFilePath = Path.Combine(sampleData, "Document.txt"); Bot.SetCurrentAction(sender, ChatAction.UploadDocument); Bot.SendDocument(sender, System.IO.File.ReadAllBytes(documentFilePath), Path.GetFileName(documentFilePath)); break; } case "keyboard": { Bot.SendMessage(new SendMessageParams { ChatId = sender.Id.ToString(), Text = "This is sample keyboard :", CustomKeyboard = new ReplyKeyboardMarkup { Keyboard = new List <List <string> > { new List <string> { "Yes", "No", "Cancel" } } }, ReplyToMessage = message }); break; } case "yes": case "no": case "cancel": { Bot.SendMessage(new SendMessageParams { ChatId = sender.Id.ToString(), Text = $"You choose keyboard command : {message.Text}", }); break; } default: { Bot.SendMessage(new SendMessageParams { ChatId = sender.Id.ToString(), Text = "Unknown command !", }); break; } } } catch (Exception ex) { } }