//[Fact] public void GetTotalGoalsForSeason_returns_expected_goal_count() { // ARRANGE var mockTeamStatRepo = new Mock <ITeamStatRepository>(); // setup a mock stat repo to return some fake data in our target method mockTeamStatRepo .Setup(mtsr => mtsr.FindAll(It.IsAny <Func <TeamStatSummary, bool> >())) .Returns(new List <TeamStatSummary> { new TeamStatSummary { SeasonId = 1, Team = "team 1", GoalsFor = 1 }, new TeamStatSummary { SeasonId = 1, Team = "team 2", GoalsFor = 2 }, new TeamStatSummary { SeasonId = 1, Team = "team 3", GoalsFor = 3 } }); // create our TeamStatCalculator by injecting our mock repository var teamStatCalculator = new TeamStatCalculator(mockTeamStatRepo.Object); // ACT - call our method under test var result = teamStatCalculator.GetTotalGoalsForSeason(1); // ASSERT - we got the result we expected - our fake data has 6 goals //we should get this back from the method Assert.True(result == 6); }
public void GetTotalGoalsForSeason_Returns_Expected_Goal_Count() { //Arrange var mockTeamRepo = new Mock <ITeamRepository>(); //setup a mock stat repo to return some fake data in our target method mockTeamRepo.Setup(mtrsr => mtrsr.GetTeamStats(1)).Returns(new List <TeamStats> { new TeamStats { SeasonId = 1, TeamName = "team 1", GoalsFor = 1 }, new TeamStats { SeasonId = 1, TeamName = "team 2", GoalsFor = 2 }, new TeamStats { SeasonId = 1, TeamName = "team 3", GoalsFor = 3 } }); //create TeamStatCalculator by injecting our mock repository var teamStatCalculator = new TeamStatCalculator(mockTeamRepo.Object); //Act var result = teamStatCalculator.GetTotalGoalsForSeason(1); //Assert Assert.True(result == 6); }