/// <summary> /// 注册登记 /// 15 01 01 00 00 00 00 17 00 7b 22 44 65 76 69 63 65 49 64 22 3a 22 74 65 73 74 31 32 33 34 22 7d 5A 02 /// </summary> public void Regester(BaseDataModel _baseDataModel) { baseDataModel = _baseDataModel; string data = "{\"DeviceId\":\"" + baseDataModel.deviceAddress + "\"}"; sendDataMethod(data, CMDCode.Register); int tryTimes = 0; do { Thread.Sleep(500); if (isEnd) { break; } if (tryTimes >= 6) { _client.Close(); _log.InfoFormat("{0}{1} DustMonitoringService 设备号:{2} 服务器响应超时链接已断开", DateTime.Now, Environment.NewLine, baseDataModel.deviceAddress); break; } tryTimes++; } while (true); _client.Close(); _client.Dispose(); }
public void Dispose() { Client.Close(); Client.Dispose(); Client = null; PollingTimer.Dispose(); PollingTimer = null; }
public void Dispose_tests() { TcpSocketClient client = new TcpSocketClient(new ClamAvSettings("", 33100), NullLogger <TcpSocketClient> .Instance); Action testAction = () => client.Dispose(); testAction.Should().NotThrow(); testAction.Should().NotThrow(); testAction.Should().NotThrow(); }
private static async void StartTcpClient() { var tcpClient = new TcpSocketClient(); await tcpClient.ConnectAsync("www.abc.dk", "8088", secure : true, ignoreServerCertificateErrors : true); var helloWorld = "Hello World!"; var bytes = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(helloWorld); await tcpClient.WriteStream.WriteAsync(bytes, 0, bytes.Length); tcpClient.Disconnect(); tcpClient.Dispose(); }
/// <summary> /// Disconnect the current device an dispose all ressources /// </summary> public static async void Disconnect() { connected = false; try { await tcpSocketClient.DisconnectAsync(); tcpSocketClient.Dispose(); } catch (Exception e) { throw new Exception(305, "The device could not disconnect"); } }
public static void Disconnect() { if (ImageComparisonServer != null) { try { // Properly sends a message notifying we want to close the connection var networkStream = ImageComparisonServer.WriteStream; var binaryWriter = new BinaryWriter(networkStream); binaryWriter.Write((int)ImageServerMessageType.ConnectionFinished); ImageComparisonServer.Dispose(); } catch (Exception) { } ImageComparisonServer = null; } }
/// <summary> /// 噪音数据上报 /// </summary> public void UploadData(BaseDataModel _baseDataModel) { RequstModel requstModel = new RequstModel(); string resultStr = requstModel.ToString(new DataModel() { Humidity = _baseDataModel.humidity, Noise = _baseDataModel.noise, PM10 = _baseDataModel.PM10, PM25 = _baseDataModel.PM25, Temperature = _baseDataModel.temperature, WindDirection = _baseDataModel.windDirection, WindSpeed = _baseDataModel.windSpeed, TerminalNumber = _baseDataModel.deviceAddress, DeviceAddress = _baseDataModel.deviceAddress }); byte[] sendData = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(resultStr); tcpSend(sendData); int tryTimes = 0; do { Thread.Sleep(500); if (isEnd) { break; } if (tryTimes >= 6) { _client.Close(); _log.InfoFormat("{0}{1} TBJDataUploadService 设备号:{2} 服务器响应超时链接已断开", DateTime.Now, Environment.NewLine, _baseDataModel.deviceAddress); break; } tryTimes++; } while (true); _log.InfoFormat("{0}{1} TBJDataUploadService 数据上传完成 设备号:{2}", DateTime.Now, Environment.NewLine, _baseDataModel.deviceAddress); _client.Close(); _client.Dispose(); }
/// <summary> /// 噪音数据上报 /// //string.Format("&&DataTime={0};" + // "a01001-Rtd={1},a01001-Flag=N;" + // "a01002-Rtd={2},a01002-Flag=N;" + // "a01006-Rtd={3},a01006-Flag=N;" + // "a01007-Rtd={4},a01007-Flag=N;" + // "a01008-Rtd={5},a01008-Flag=N;" + // "a34001-Rtd={6},a34001-Flag=N;" + // "a34002-Rtd={7},a34002-Flag=N;" + // "a34004-Rtd={8},a34004-Flag=N;" + // "La-Rtd={9},La-Flag=N;" + // "longitude={10};latitude={11};&&", // DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMddhhmmss"), // _baseDataModel.temperature, //温度 摄氏度 // _baseDataModel.humidity, //湿度 % // 0, //气压 千帕 // _baseDataModel.windSpeed, //风速 米/秒 // _baseDataModel.windDirection, //风向 角度 // _baseDataModel.TSP, //总悬浮颗粒物 TSP // _baseDataModel.PM10, //可吸入颗粒物 PM10 // _baseDataModel.PM25, //细微颗粒物 PM2.5 // _baseDataModel.noise, //噪声 分贝 // _baseDataModel.longitude, // _baseDataModel.latitude // ) /// </summary> public void UploadData(BaseDataModel _baseDataModel) { RequstModel requstModel = new RequstModel(); StringBuilder cpsb = new StringBuilder(); cpsb.Append("&&").AppendFormat("DataTime={0};", DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMddhhmmss")); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(_baseDataModel.temperature))//温度 摄氏度 { cpsb.AppendFormat("a01001-Rtd={0},a01001-Flag=N;", _baseDataModel.temperature); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(_baseDataModel.humidity))//湿度 % { cpsb.AppendFormat("a01002-Rtd={0},a01002-Flag=N;", _baseDataModel.humidity); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(_baseDataModel.windSpeed))//风速 米/秒 { cpsb.AppendFormat("a01007-Rtd={0},a01007-Flag=N;", _baseDataModel.windSpeed); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(_baseDataModel.windDirection))//风向 角度 { cpsb.AppendFormat("a01008-Rtd={0},a01008-Flag=N;", _baseDataModel.windDirection); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(_baseDataModel.TSP))//总悬浮颗粒物 TSP { cpsb.AppendFormat("a34001-Rtd={0},a34001-Flag=N;", _baseDataModel.TSP); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(_baseDataModel.PM10))//可吸入颗粒物 PM10 { cpsb.AppendFormat("a34002-Rtd={0},a34002-Flag=N;", _baseDataModel.PM10); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(_baseDataModel.PM25))//细微颗粒物 PM2.5 { cpsb.AppendFormat("a34004-Rtd={0},a34004-Flag=N;", _baseDataModel.PM25); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(_baseDataModel.noise))//噪声 分贝 { cpsb.AppendFormat("La-Rtd={0},La-Flag=N;", _baseDataModel.noise); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(_baseDataModel.longitude))//经度 { cpsb.AppendFormat("longitude={0};", _baseDataModel.longitude); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(_baseDataModel.latitude))//纬度 { cpsb.AppendFormat("latitude={0};", _baseDataModel.latitude); } cpsb.Append("&&"); string resultStr = requstModel.ToString(new DataModel() { QN = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMddHHmmssfff"), ST = "39", CN = "2011", PW = "123456", MN = _baseDataModel.deviceAddress, Flag = "5", CP = cpsb.ToString(), }); byte[] sendData = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(resultStr); tcpSend(sendData); //do //{ // Thread.Sleep(1000); // if (isEnd) // { // break; // } //} while (true); _log.InfoFormat("{0}{1} MonitoringPollutantsTask 数据上传完成 设备号:{2}", DateTime.Now, Environment.NewLine, _baseDataModel.deviceAddress); _client.Close(); _client.Dispose(); }
public void Dispose() { _client.Dispose(); }
public async Task StopAsync() { await client.DisconnectAsync(); client.Dispose(); }