コード例 #1
        public void Start()
            if (_state != TcpActorState.NotStarted)
                throw new InvalidOperationException(string.Format("The actor must have the state 'NotStarted' when calling Start. State {0} is not valid.", _state));
            _state = TcpActorState.Running;

            lock (_syncRoot)
                _connectionIndex = _connectionCounter;

            _engineTask = new Task(Engine);
コード例 #2
        public void Stop()
            if (_state != TcpActorState.Stopped)
            if (_state != TcpActorState.RequestStop && _state != TcpActorState.Running)
                throw new InvalidOperationException(string.Format("The actor must have the state 'RequestStop' or 'Running' when calling Stop. State {0} is not valid.", _state));
            _state = TcpActorState.Stopped;


            if (_tcpTargetActor != null)

            OnTcpActorStoppedEvent(new TcpActorStoppedEventArgs(this));
コード例 #3
        public void Start()
            if (_state != TcpActorState.NotStarted)
                throw new InvalidOperationException(string.Format("The actor must have the state 'NotStarted' when calling Start. State {0} is not valid.", _state));
            _state = TcpActorState.Running;

            lock (_syncRoot)
                _connectionIndex = _connectionCounter;

            _engineTask = new Task(Engine);
コード例 #4
        private void FromTargetToClient()
                //Wait for response
                while (_state == TcpActorState.Running && _tcpTargetActor == null && _staticResponse == null)
                    LogHelper.ShowMessage(string.Format("Connection {0} is waiting for information about the internal target.", _connectionIndex));

                if (_tcpTargetActor != null)
                    LogHelper.ShowMessage(string.Format("Connection {0} started to transfer data. ({1}:{2} --> {3}:{4})",
                        _connectionIndex, string.IsNullOrEmpty(_currentRedirectRule.PublicRequestHost) ? "'Any'" : _currentRedirectRule.PublicRequestHost,
                        _currentRedirectRule.PublicRequestPort, _currentRedirectRule.InternalTargetAddress, _currentRedirectRule.InternalTargetPort));

                    var messageChunk = new byte[MessageChunkSize];

                    while (_state == TcpActorState.Running)
                        var bytesRead = 0;
                            bytesRead = _tcpTargetActor.Read(messageChunk, 0, messageChunk.Length);
                            _totalTx += bytesRead;
                        catch (System.IO.IOException exp)
                            //Expected when the server closes
                            //exp = {"Unable to read data from the transport connection: An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host."}
                            //Console.WriteLine("{0}. [Swallow] {1}", _connectionIndex, exp.Message);
                            LogHelper.LogException(exp, false, LogHelper.ExceptionSeverity.InformationException);

                        if (bytesRead > 0)
                            _tcpClientActor.Write(messageChunk, 0, bytesRead);

                        //TODO: Here is the place to log throughput from server back to client. At this point response data has been transferred from the target back to the client.
                else if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(_staticResponse))
                    _fromClientTask.Wait(); //Wait until the reader have completed

                    LogHelper.ShowMessage(string.Format("Connection {0} returned a static response. ({1})", _connectionIndex, _staticResponse));

                    _totalTx += _staticResponse.Length;
                    //In this case, just close the connection
                    LogHelper.LogMessage("There is no target actor to send back a response to, and no static response.", Issue.IssueLevel.Warning);
            catch (System.IO.IOException exp)
                //Expected when the client closes.
                //exp = {"Unable to write data to the transport connection: An established connection was aborted by the software in your host machine."}
                LogHelper.LogException(exp,false, LogHelper.ExceptionSeverity.InformationException);
            catch (Exception exp)
                LogHelper.LogException(exp, false, LogHelper.ExceptionSeverity.ErrorException);
                _state = TcpActorState.RequestStop;
                LogHelper.ShowMessage(string.Format("Connection {0} stopped to transfer data. (Tx: {1})", _connectionIndex, _totalTx));
コード例 #5
        private void FromClientToTarget()
                LogHelper.ShowMessage(string.Format("Connection {0} started to read.", _connectionIndex));
                var messageChunk = new byte[MessageChunkSize];

                while (_state == TcpActorState.Running)
                    var bytesRead = _tcpClientActor.Read(messageChunk, 0, messageChunk.Length);
                    _totalRx += bytesRead;

                    //If there is no _tcpTargetActor, try to get one.
                    if (_tcpTargetActor == null)
                        _currentRedirectRule = GetTargetInfo(messageChunk, bytesRead);
                        if (_currentRedirectRule != null)
                            _tcpTargetActor = new TcpClientActor(new TcpClient(_currentRedirectRule.InternalTargetAddress.ToString(), _currentRedirectRule.InternalTargetPort));

                    if (_tcpTargetActor == null)
                        //If there still is no target actor, exit the loop.
                        LogHelper.LogMessage("The reader could not find a target actor to forward the traffic to.", Issue.IssueLevel.Warning);

                    _tcpTargetActor.Write(messageChunk, 0, bytesRead);

                    //TODO: Here is the place to log throughput from client to server. At this point data has been transferred from the client to the target.
            catch (System.IO.IOException exp)
                //Expected when the client closes.
                //exp = {"Unable to read data from the transport connection: An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host."}
                LogHelper.LogException(exp, false, LogHelper.ExceptionSeverity.InformationException);
            catch (ObjectDisposedException exp)
                LogHelper.LogException(exp, false, LogHelper.ExceptionSeverity.ErrorException);
            catch (InvalidOperationException exp)
                LogHelper.LogException(exp, false, LogHelper.ExceptionSeverity.ErrorException);
            catch (SocketException exp)
                //Expected when there is no server listening.
                LogHelper.LogException(exp, true, LogHelper.ExceptionSeverity.WarningException);
                _staticResponse = exp.Message; //This message is sent back as response to the client
            catch (Exception exp)
                LogHelper.LogException(exp, false, LogHelper.ExceptionSeverity.ErrorException);
                _state = TcpActorState.RequestStop;
                LogHelper.ShowMessage(string.Format("Connection {0} stopped to read. (Rx: {1})", _connectionIndex, _totalRx));
コード例 #6
        public void Stop()
            if (_state != TcpActorState.Stopped) return;
            if (_state != TcpActorState.RequestStop && _state != TcpActorState.Running)
                throw new InvalidOperationException(string.Format("The actor must have the state 'RequestStop' or 'Running' when calling Stop. State {0} is not valid.", _state));
            _state = TcpActorState.Stopped;


            if (_tcpTargetActor != null)

            OnTcpActorStoppedEvent(new TcpActorStoppedEventArgs(this));
コード例 #7
        private void FromTargetToClient()
                //Wait for response
                while (_state == TcpActorState.Running && _tcpTargetActor == null && _staticResponse == null)
                    LogHelper.ShowMessage(string.Format("Connection {0} is waiting for information about the internal target.", _connectionIndex));

                if (_tcpTargetActor != null)
                    LogHelper.ShowMessage(string.Format("Connection {0} started to transfer data. ({1}:{2} --> {3}:{4})",
                                                        _connectionIndex, string.IsNullOrEmpty(_currentRedirectRule.PublicRequestHost) ? "'Any'" : _currentRedirectRule.PublicRequestHost,
                                                        _currentRedirectRule.PublicRequestPort, _currentRedirectRule.InternalTargetAddress, _currentRedirectRule.InternalTargetPort));

                    var messageChunk = new byte[MessageChunkSize];

                    while (_state == TcpActorState.Running)
                        var bytesRead = 0;
                            bytesRead = _tcpTargetActor.Read(messageChunk, 0, messageChunk.Length);
                            _totalTx += bytesRead;
                        catch (System.IO.IOException exp)
                            //Expected when the server closes
                            //exp = {"Unable to read data from the transport connection: An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host."}
                            //Console.WriteLine("{0}. [Swallow] {1}", _connectionIndex, exp.Message);
                            LogHelper.LogException(exp, false, LogHelper.ExceptionSeverity.InformationException);

                        if (bytesRead > 0)
                            _tcpClientActor.Write(messageChunk, 0, bytesRead);

                        //TODO: Here is the place to log throughput from server back to client. At this point response data has been transferred from the target back to the client.
                else if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(_staticResponse))
                    _fromClientTask.Wait(); //Wait until the reader have completed

                    LogHelper.ShowMessage(string.Format("Connection {0} returned a static response. ({1})", _connectionIndex, _staticResponse));

                    _totalTx += _staticResponse.Length;
                    //In this case, just close the connection
                    LogHelper.LogMessage("There is no target actor to send back a response to, and no static response.", Issue.IssueLevel.Warning);
            catch (System.IO.IOException exp)
                //Expected when the client closes.
                //exp = {"Unable to write data to the transport connection: An established connection was aborted by the software in your host machine."}
                LogHelper.LogException(exp, false, LogHelper.ExceptionSeverity.InformationException);
            catch (Exception exp)
                LogHelper.LogException(exp, false, LogHelper.ExceptionSeverity.ErrorException);
                _state = TcpActorState.RequestStop;
                LogHelper.ShowMessage(string.Format("Connection {0} stopped to transfer data. (Tx: {1})", _connectionIndex, _totalTx));
コード例 #8
        private void FromClientToTarget()
                LogHelper.ShowMessage(string.Format("Connection {0} started to read.", _connectionIndex));
                var messageChunk = new byte[MessageChunkSize];

                while (_state == TcpActorState.Running)
                    var bytesRead = _tcpClientActor.Read(messageChunk, 0, messageChunk.Length);
                    _totalRx += bytesRead;

                    //If there is no _tcpTargetActor, try to get one.
                    if (_tcpTargetActor == null)
                        _currentRedirectRule = GetTargetInfo(messageChunk, bytesRead);
                        if (_currentRedirectRule != null)
                            _tcpTargetActor = new TcpClientActor(new TcpClient(_currentRedirectRule.InternalTargetAddress.ToString(), _currentRedirectRule.InternalTargetPort));

                    if (_tcpTargetActor == null)
                        //If there still is no target actor, exit the loop.
                        LogHelper.LogMessage("The reader could not find a target actor to forward the traffic to.", Issue.IssueLevel.Warning);

                    _tcpTargetActor.Write(messageChunk, 0, bytesRead);

                    //TODO: Here is the place to log throughput from client to server. At this point data has been transferred from the client to the target.
            catch (System.IO.IOException exp)
                //Expected when the client closes.
                //exp = {"Unable to read data from the transport connection: An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host."}
                LogHelper.LogException(exp, false, LogHelper.ExceptionSeverity.InformationException);
            catch (ObjectDisposedException exp)
                LogHelper.LogException(exp, false, LogHelper.ExceptionSeverity.ErrorException);
            catch (InvalidOperationException exp)
                LogHelper.LogException(exp, false, LogHelper.ExceptionSeverity.ErrorException);
            catch (SocketException exp)
                //Expected when there is no server listening.
                LogHelper.LogException(exp, true, LogHelper.ExceptionSeverity.WarningException);
                _staticResponse = exp.Message; //This message is sent back as response to the client
            catch (Exception exp)
                LogHelper.LogException(exp, false, LogHelper.ExceptionSeverity.ErrorException);
                _state = TcpActorState.RequestStop;
                LogHelper.ShowMessage(string.Format("Connection {0} stopped to read. (Rx: {1})", _connectionIndex, _totalRx));