コード例 #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Upload workspace package
        /// </summary>
        internal virtual async Task UploadWorkspacePackage(long taskId, string filePath, string packageName)
            // Check if the package already exists
            bool exists = await this.SynapseAnalyticsClient.TestPackageAsync(packageName);

            if (exists)
                throw new AzPSInvalidOperationException(string.Format(Resources.WorkspacePackageExists, packageName, this.WorkspaceName));

            // Prepare progress handler
            long             fileSize        = new FileInfo(filePath).Length;
            string           activity        = String.Format(Resources.UploadWorkspacePackageActivity, filePath);
            string           status          = Resources.PrepareUploadingPackage;
            ProgressRecord   pr              = new ProgressRecord(OutputStream.GetProgressId(taskId), activity, status);
            IProgress <long> progressHandler = new Progress <long>((finishedBytes) =>
                if (pr != null)
                    // Size of the source file might be 0, when it is, directly treat the progress as 100 percent.
                    pr.PercentComplete   = 0 == fileSize ? 100 : (int)(finishedBytes * 100 / fileSize);
                    pr.StatusDescription = string.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, Resources.FileTransmitStatus, pr.PercentComplete);

            using (FileStream stream = System.IO.File.OpenRead(filePath))
                // Create Package
                await this.SynapseAnalyticsClient.CreatePackageAsync(packageName);

                // Upload package content
                byte[] uploadcache4MB = null;
                byte[] uploadcache    = null;
                long offset = 0;
                while (offset < fileSize)
                    // Get chunk size and prepare cache
                    int chunksize = size4MB;
                    if (chunksize <= (fileSize - offset)) // Chunk size will be 4MB
                        if (uploadcache4MB == null)
                            uploadcache4MB = new byte[size4MB];
                        uploadcache = uploadcache4MB;
                    else // last chunk can < 4MB
                        chunksize = (int)(fileSize - offset);
                        if (uploadcache4MB == null)
                            uploadcache = new byte[chunksize];
                            uploadcache = uploadcache4MB;

                    // Get content to upload for the chunk
                    int readoutcount = await stream.ReadAsync(uploadcache, 0, (int)chunksize).ConfigureAwait(false);

                    MemoryStream chunkContent = new MemoryStream(uploadcache, 0, readoutcount);

                    // Upload content
                    await this.SynapseAnalyticsClient.AppendPackageAsync(packageName, chunkContent);

                    // Update progress
                    offset += readoutcount;

            // Call Flush API as a completion signal
            await this.SynapseAnalyticsClient.FlushPackageAsync(packageName);