/// <summary> /// Check for open task /// also disable project closing if any open task founded /// </summary> private void CheckForOpenTask() { try { TaskGateway TaskGatewayObject = new TaskGateway(); List <Task> listOfOpenTasksOfTheProject = TaskGatewayObject.SelectAllOpenTaskOfTheProject(projectDropDownList.SelectedItem.Value); int numberOfOpenTask = listOfOpenTasksOfTheProject.Count; if (numberOfOpenTask == 0) { successLabel.Text = "All task of this project is closed.Admin can close this project"; errorLabel.Text = ""; closeProjectButton.Visible = true; } else { errorLabel.Text = "Task listed below is not closed.Please close all task before."; openTaskBulletedList.Visible = true; closeProjectButton.Visible = false; successLabel.Text = ""; openTaskBulletedList.DataSource = listOfOpenTasksOfTheProject; openTaskBulletedList.DataTextField = "Name"; openTaskBulletedList.DataValueField = "ID"; openTaskBulletedList.DataBind(); } } catch (SqlException sqlExceptionObject) { errorLabel.Text = sqlExceptionObject.Message; } catch (Exception exceptionObject) { errorLabel.Text = exceptionObject.Message; } }
/// <summary> /// Fills up employeeIdDropDownList DDL /// </summary> private void FillEmployeeDropDownList() { try { TaskGateway TaskGatewayObj = new TaskGateway(); EmployeeGateway EmployeeGatewayObject = new EmployeeGateway(); employeeIdDropDownList.DataSource = EmployeeGatewayObject.SelectAllNonUserEmployees(); employeeIdDropDownList.DataTextField = "Name"; employeeIdDropDownList.DataValueField = "ID"; employeeIdDropDownList.DataBind(); if (EmployeeGatewayObject.SelectAllNonUserEmployees().Count == 0) { errorMessageLabel.Text = "All employee have been assign the user and type."; } } catch (SqlException sqlExceptionObj) { errorMessageLabel.Text = sqlExceptionObj.Message; } catch (Exception exceptionObj) { errorMessageLabel.Text = exceptionObj.Message; } }
protected void closeTaskButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { TaskGateway TaskGatewayObject = new TaskGateway(); taskObj = TaskGatewayObject.SelectTask(taskId); taskObj.TaskStatus = "Close"; message = TaskGatewayObject.CloseTask(taskObj).ToString(); if (message == "True") { message = "Task is closed."; SaveClosingComment(); Response.Redirect("HomePage.aspx?" + "&message=" + Server.UrlEncode(message)); } else { message = "Task is still open. some problem occurs during closing the task. "; } } catch (SqlException sqlExceptionObj) { errorLabel.Text = sqlExceptionObj.Message; } catch (Exception exceptionObj) { errorLabel.Text = exceptionObj.Message; } }
/// <summary> /// Fills up taskIdDropDownList DDL /// </summary> private void FillTaskIdDropDownList() { try { string employeeId = Session["userID"].ToString(); TaskGateway TaskGatewayObject = new TaskGateway(); taskIdDropDownList.DataSource = TaskGatewayObject.GetAllOpenTasksOfAUser(employeeId); taskIdDropDownList.DataTextField = "Id"; taskIdDropDownList.DataValueField = "Id"; taskIdDropDownList.DataBind(); if (TaskGatewayObject.GetAllOpenTasksOfAUser(employeeId).Count == 0) { errorLabel.Text = "Admin don't have any task in hand right now. Other employee is working on it. Cant edit task information now."; } } catch (SqlException sqlExceptionObj) { errorLabel.Text = sqlExceptionObj.Message; } catch (Exception exceptionObj) { errorLabel.Text = exceptionObj.Message; } }
/// <summary> /// Assigen all task of the employee to admin before remove /// </summary> private void AssignEmployeesTaskToAdmin() { try { TaskGateway TaskGatewayObject = new TaskGateway(); List <Task> taskListObject = TaskGatewayObject.SelectAllOpenTaskOfTheProject(projectDropDownList.SelectedItem.Value, employeeDropDownList.SelectedItem.Value); foreach (Task task in taskListObject) { string employeeId = Session["userID"].ToString(); string employeeName = Session["userName"].ToString(); Task taskObject = new Task(); taskObject.Id = task.Id; taskObject.Name = task.Name; taskObject.Project_Id = projectDropDownList.SelectedItem.Value; taskObject.Project_Title = projectDropDownList.SelectedItem.Text; taskObject.Employee_Id = employeeId; taskObject.Employee_AssignTo = employeeName; taskObject.Employee_AssigenBy = employeeId; taskObject.StartDate = System.DateTime.Now; TaskGatewayObject.ForwardTask(taskObject); } } catch (SqlException sqlExceptionObject) { errorLabel.Text = sqlExceptionObject.Message; } catch (Exception exceptionObject) { errorLabel.Text = exceptionObject.Message; } }
protected void taskIdDropDownList_SelectedIndexChanged1(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (taskIdDropDownList.SelectedIndex.Equals(0)) // Item in index 0 is "-Select-" and not a valid item. So must not use { projectNameLabel.Text = ""; employeeNameLabel.Text = ""; taskNameTextBox.Text = ""; taskDescriptionTextBox.Text = ""; startDateTextBox.Text = ""; estimatedDateTextBox.Text = ""; errorLabel.Text = ""; updateSuccessLabel.Text = ""; return; } try { TaskGateway TaskGatewayObject = new TaskGateway(); Task taskObject = TaskGatewayObject.SelectTask(taskIdDropDownList.Text); projectNameLabel.Text = taskObject.Project_Title; employeeNameLabel.Text = taskObject.Employee_AssignTo; taskNameTextBox.Text = taskObject.Name; taskDescriptionTextBox.Text = taskObject.Description; startDateTextBox.Text = taskObject.StartDate.ToString(); estimatedDateTextBox.Text = taskObject.EstimatedTime.ToString(); } catch (SqlException sqlExceptionObj) { errorLabel.Text = sqlExceptionObj.Message; } catch (Exception exceptionObj) { errorLabel.Text = exceptionObj.Message; } }
protected void SaveButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { string message = null; Task taskObj = new Task(); taskObj.Id = idLabel.Text; taskObj.Name = nameLabel.Text; taskObj.Description = descriptionLabel.Text; taskObj.Project_Title = projectTitleLabel.Text; taskObj.StartDate = Convert.ToDateTime(startDateLabel.Text); taskObj.EstimatedTime = Convert.ToDateTime(estimateTimeLabel.Text); taskObj.Employee_AssignTo = employeeNameLabel.Text; taskObj.Project_Id = projectIdLabel.Text; taskObj.Employee_Id = employeeIdLabel.Text; taskObj.Employee_AssigenBy = Session["userID"].ToString(); try { TaskGateway TaskGateway = new TaskGateway(); message = TaskGateway.InsertTask(taskObj).ToString(); if (message == "True") { message = "Task information saved"; Response.Redirect("TaskNewUIPage.aspx?" + "&message=" + Server.UrlEncode(message)); } else { message = "Task information is not saved"; } } catch (PrimaryKeyException primaryKeyExceptionObj) { errorMessageLabel.Text = primaryKeyExceptionObj.Message; } catch (SqlException sqlExceptionObj) { errorMessageLabel.Text = sqlExceptionObj.Message; } catch (Exception exceptionObj) { errorMessageLabel.Text = exceptionObj.Message; } }
private void LoadTaskInfo() { try { TaskGateway TaskGatewayObj = new TaskGateway(); taskObj = TaskGatewayObj.SelectTask(taskId); TaskIdLabel.Text = taskObj.Id; TaskNameLabel.Text = taskObj.Name; taskStatusLabel.Text = taskObj.TaskStatus; } catch (SqlException sqlExceptionObj) { errorLabel.Text = sqlExceptionObj.Message; } catch (Exception exceptionObj) { errorLabel.Text = exceptionObj.Message; } }
/// <summary> /// Fills up tasksOfUserBulletedList DDL /// </summary> private void FillTaskOfUser() { try { TaskGateway TaskGatewayObj = new TaskGateway(); numberOfTasksLabel.Text = TaskGatewayObj.GetAllOpenTasksOfAUser(employeeId).Count + " task(s) " + " \nAssigened to this employee \n"; tasksOfUserBulletedList.DataSource = TaskGatewayObj.GetAllOpenTasksOfAUser(employeeId); tasksOfUserBulletedList.DataTextField = "Name"; tasksOfUserBulletedList.DataValueField = "ID"; tasksOfUserBulletedList.DataBind(); } catch (SqlException sqlExceptionObj) { errorLabel.Text = sqlExceptionObj.Message; } catch (Exception exceptionObj) { errorLabel.Text = exceptionObj.Message; } }
protected void updateButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!CheckInputValues()) { return; } Task taskObject = new Task(); taskObject.Id = taskIdDropDownList.Text; taskObject.Name = taskNameTextBox.Text; taskObject.Description = taskDescriptionTextBox.Text; taskObject.StartDate = Convert.ToDateTime(startDateTextBox.Text); taskObject.EstimatedTime = Convert.ToDateTime(estimatedDateTextBox.Text); try { TaskGateway TaskGateway = new TaskGateway(); string message = TaskGateway.UpdateTask(taskObject).ToString(); if (message == "True") { updateSuccessLabel.Text = "Task has been updated."; } else { updateSuccessLabel.Text = "Task is not updated"; } // updateSuccessLabel.Text = message; errorLabel.Text = ""; } catch (SqlException sqlExceptionObj) { errorLabel.Text = sqlExceptionObj.Message; } catch (Exception exceptionObj) { errorLabel.Text = exceptionObj.Message; } }
protected void saveButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { string message = null; try { Employee employeeObj = new Employee(); employeeObj.ID = employeeIdLabel.Text; employeeObj.Name = employeeNameLabel.Text; employeeObj.Address = employeeAddressLabel.Text; employeeObj.PhoneNo = employeePhoneLabel.Text; employeeObj.Email = employeeEmailLabel.Text; employeeObj.JoiningDate = Convert.ToDateTime(joinDateLabel.Text); employeeObj.DOB = Convert.ToDateTime(dOBLabel.Text); TaskGateway TaskGatewayObj = new TaskGateway(); EmployeeGateway EmployeeGatewayObject = new EmployeeGateway(); message = EmployeeGatewayObject.InsertEmployee(employeeObj).ToString(); if (message == "True") { message = "Employee Data has been Saved"; } else { message = "Employee Data has not been Saved"; } Response.Redirect("EmployeeUIPage.aspx?" + "&message=" + Server.UrlEncode(message)); } catch (PrimaryKeyException primaryKeyExceptionObj) { errorMessageLabel.Text = primaryKeyExceptionObj.Message; } catch (SqlException sqlExceptionObj) { errorMessageLabel.Text = sqlExceptionObj.Message; } catch (Exception exceptionObj) { errorMessageLabel.Text = exceptionObj.Message; } }
/// <summary> /// Loads task information in the page /// </summary> private void LoadTaskInfo() { try { TaskGateway TaskGatewayObj = new TaskGateway(); Task taskObj = TaskGatewayObj.SelectTask(taskDropDownList.SelectedItem.Value); employeeNameTextBox.Text = taskObj.Employee_AssignTo; employeeIdTextBox.Text = taskObj.Employee_Id; descriptionTextBox.Text = taskObj.Description; startDateTextBox.Text = Convert.ToString(taskObj.StartDate); estimatedDateTextBox.Text = Convert.ToString(taskObj.EstimatedTime); } catch (SqlException sqlExceptionObj) { errorLabel.Text = sqlExceptionObj.Message; } catch (Exception exceptionObj) { errorLabel.Text = exceptionObj.Message; } }
protected void DropDownListProject_SelectedIndexChanged1(object sender, EventArgs e) { //When project changes this information is no longer valid. so removed errorLabel.Text = ""; taskDropDownList.Items.Clear(); employeeNameTextBox.Text = ""; employeeIdTextBox.Text = ""; descriptionTextBox.Text = ""; startDateTextBox.Text = ""; estimatedDateTextBox.Text = ""; allCommentTextBox.Text = ""; if (projectDropDownList.SelectedIndex.Equals(0)) // Item in index 0 is "-Select-" and not a valid item. So must not use { return; } try { TaskGateway TaskGatewayObj = new TaskGateway(); taskDropDownList.DataSource = TaskGatewayObj.SelectAllTasksOfTheProject(projectDropDownList.SelectedItem.Value); taskDropDownList.DataTextField = "Name"; taskDropDownList.DataValueField = "ID"; taskDropDownList.DataBind(); if (TaskGatewayObj.SelectAllTasksOfTheProject(projectDropDownList.SelectedItem.Value).Count == 0) { errorLabel.Text = "This project has no task"; } } catch (SqlException sqlExceptionObj) { errorLabel.Text = sqlExceptionObj.Message; } catch (Exception exceptionObj) { errorLabel.Text = exceptionObj.Message; } }
/// <summary> /// Loads task information in the page /// </summary> private void LoadTaskInfo() { try { TaskGateway TaskGatewayObj = new TaskGateway(); taskObj = TaskGatewayObj.SelectTask(taskId); taskIdTextBox.Text = taskObj.Id; taskNameTextBox.Text = taskObj.Name; projectNameTextBox.Text = taskObj.Project_Title; taskDescriptionTextBox.Text = taskObj.Description; startDateTextBox.Text = Convert.ToString(taskObj.StartDate); estimateDateTexeBox.Text = Convert.ToString(taskObj.EstimatedTime); } catch (SqlException sqlExceptionObj) { errorLabel.Text = sqlExceptionObj.Message; } catch (Exception exceptionObj) { errorLabel.Text = exceptionObj.Message; } }
/// <summary> /// Forwards a task /// </summary> private void ForwardTask() { try { TaskGateway TaskGatewayObj = new TaskGateway(); Task taskObject = new Task(); taskObject.Id = taskIdTextBox.Text; taskObject.Employee_Id = employeeNameDropDownList.SelectedItem.Value; taskObject.Employee_AssignTo = employeeNameDropDownList.SelectedItem.Text; taskObject.Employee_AssigenBy = taskObj.Employee_Id; taskObject.Project_Id = projectNameTextBox.Text; taskObject.StartDate = System.DateTime.Now; string forwardStatus = TaskGatewayObj.ForwardTask(taskObject).ToString(); } catch (SqlException sqlExceptionObj) { errorLabel.Text = sqlExceptionObj.Message; } catch (Exception exceptionObj) { errorLabel.Text = exceptionObj.Message; } }
public TaskManager() { taskGateway = new TaskGateway(); }
public ProjectManager() { projectGateway = new ProjectGateway(); taskGateway = new TaskGateway(); }