private void ConfigureWindowsStoreStartup() { if (cbStartWithWindows.Enabled) { cbStartWithWindows.Enabled = false; lblWindowsStoreStartupStatus.Text = "Configuring startup..."; lblWindowsStoreStartupStatus.Visible = true; bool enable = cbStartWithWindows.Checked; StartupTaskState state = StartupTaskState.Error; TaskEx.Run(() => { state = IntegrationHelpers.ConfigureStartupWindowsStore(enable); }, () => { if (!IsDisposed) { if (state == StartupTaskState.Error) { lblWindowsStoreStartupStatus.Text = "Startup configuration failed. Check debug log for more info."; } else if (state == StartupTaskState.DisabledByUser) { lblWindowsStoreStartupStatus.Text = "The startup has been disabled by the user."; } else { lblWindowsStoreStartupStatus.Visible = false; cbStartWithWindows.Enabled = true; } } }); } }
private void CheckGithubIssues(string message, string channel) { Match githubIssuesLink = Regex.Match(message, @".*?((?:https?://)?(?:www.)?\d+).*", RegexOptions.Compiled | RegexOptions.IgnoreCase | RegexOptions.CultureInvariant); if (githubIssuesLink.Success) { TaskEx.Run(() => { string title = BotHelpers.GetWebpageTitle(githubIssuesLink.Groups[1].Value); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(title)) { IRC.SendMessage(title, channel); } }); return; } Match githubIssuesID = Regex.Match(message, @".*#(\d+).*", RegexOptions.Compiled); if (githubIssuesID.Success) { TaskEx.Run(() => { string url = "" + githubIssuesID.Groups[1].Value; string title = BotHelpers.GetWebpageTitle(url); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(title)) { IRC.SendMessage($"{url} · {title}", channel); } }); } }
public async Task <List <Node> > Run_2() { if (this.Graph == null || this.Graph.Count == 0 || this.Source == null) { throw new Exception("Cannot run Dijkstra without proper graph and source node."); } this.Initialize(); this.Source.Visited = true; this.visitedNodes = new List <Node>(); Node u = this.Source; while (visitedNodes.Count < this.Graph.Count) { u.Visited = true; this.visitedNodes.Add(u); var tasks = new List <Task <Node> >(); var task1 = TaskEx.Run(() => PartialResult(mangs[0], u, visitedNodes)); var task2 = TaskEx.Run(() => PartialResult(mangs[1], u, visitedNodes)); tasks.Add(task1); tasks.Add(task2); var results = await TaskEx.WhenAll(tasks.ToArray()); Node min = new Node(); min.Distance = double.MaxValue; for (int i = 0; i < results.Length; i++) { if (min.Distance > results[i].Distance) { min = results[i]; } } u = min; } return(visitedNodes); }
async Task test() { await TaskEx.Run(() => { try { Debug.Log("hello world"); // AndroidJavaClass mainActivityClass = new AndroidJavaClass("com.unity3d.player.UnityPlayer"); // AndroidJavaObject activity = mainActivityClass.GetStatic<AndroidJavaObject>("currentActivity"); // AndroidJavaObject context = activity.Call<AndroidJavaObject>("getApplicationContext"); // AndroidJavaClass techninierUtil = new AndroidJavaClass("com.techninier.telcomanager.TechninierUtils"); // AndroidJavaObject instance = techninierUtil.Call<AndroidJavaObject>("instance"); // instance.Call("setContext", context); // Debug.Log("Carrier Name=" + instance.Call<string>("AccessCarrierName")); } catch (Exception e) { ExceptionUtils.Instance.LogPrintErrorMessage(e, SynchContext); } }); }
/// <summary> /// “awaitable” の自作の例。 /// Task をラッピングして、同期化(ブロッキング)してしまう。 /// /// サンプル以外の価値があまりないけども。 /// </summary> static async Task BlockingAwaitSample() { for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { Console.WriteLine("処理 A-{0} スレッドID: {1}", i, Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId); // Task で非同期処理をしているように見せかけて・・・ await TaskEx.Run(() => { Console.WriteLine("非同期 {0} スレッドID: {1}", i, Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId); Thread.Sleep(100); }) .ToBlocking(); // ここで同期化(ブロッキング)しちゃってるという。 Console.WriteLine("処理 B-{0} スレッドID: {1}", i, Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId); } }
public void Capture(TaskSettings taskSettings = null, bool autoHideForm = false) { if (taskSettings == null) { taskSettings = TaskSettings.GetDefaultTaskSettings(); } if (taskSettings.CaptureSettings.IsDelayScreenshot && taskSettings.CaptureSettings.DelayScreenshot > 0) { TaskEx.Run(() => { int sleep = (int)(taskSettings.CaptureSettings.DelayScreenshot * 1000); Thread.Sleep(sleep); }, () => { CaptureInternal(taskSettings, autoHideForm); }); } else { CaptureInternal(taskSettings, autoHideForm); } }
public override void Prepare(Screenshot screenshot) { base.Prepare(screenshot); if (Config != null) { ShapeManager = new ShapeManager(this); ShapeManager.WindowCaptureMode = Config.DetectWindows; ShapeManager.IncludeControls = Config.DetectControls; if (Mode == RectangleRegionMode.Annotation) { ShapeManager.CurrentShapeTypeChanged += ShapeManager_CurrentShapeTypeChanged; ShapeManager_CurrentShapeTypeChanged(ShapeManager.CurrentShapeType); } if (Mode == RectangleRegionMode.OneClick || ShapeManager.WindowCaptureMode) { IntPtr handle = Handle; TaskEx.Run(() => { WindowsRectangleList wla = new WindowsRectangleList(); wla.IgnoreHandle = handle; wla.IncludeChildWindows = ShapeManager.IncludeControls; ShapeManager.Windows = wla.GetWindowInfoListAsync(5000); }); } if (Config.UseCustomInfoText || Mode == RectangleRegionMode.ScreenColorPicker) { bmpBackgroundImage = new Bitmap(backgroundImage); } } }
public override async Task <Stream> OpenStreamAsync(string name) { #if WINRT var package = Windows.ApplicationModel.Package.Current; try { var storageFile = await package.InstalledLocation.GetFileAsync(name); var randomAccessStream = await storageFile.OpenReadAsync(); return(randomAccessStream.AsStreamForRead()); } catch (IOException) { // The file must not exist... return a null stream. return(null); } #else await TaskEx.Run(() => { }); throw new NotImplementedException(); #endif }
private void EtwTracingHelper(string eventName, string[] attributes, Action doAction, Action <Dictionary <string, string> > assertAction) { Dictionary <string, string> valuesFromEvent = new Dictionary <string, string>(); Action <TraceEvent> eventDelegate = delegate(TraceEvent data) { if (data.EventName == eventName) { foreach (var attributeName in attributes) { valuesFromEvent[attributeName] = data.PayloadByName(attributeName).ToString(); } _eventSession.Source.StopProcessing(); } }; _eventSession.Source.Dynamic.All += eventDelegate; #if NET45 var task = Task.Run(() => _eventSession.Source.Process()); #else var task = TaskEx.Run(() => _eventSession.Source.Process()); #endif doAction(); task.Wait(); try { assertAction(valuesFromEvent); } finally { _eventSession.Source.Dynamic.All -= eventDelegate; } }
public void TestCallbackException(IJavascriptCallback errorCallback, IJavascriptCallback errorCallbackResult) { const int taskDelay = 500; TaskEx.Run(async() => { await TaskEx.Delay(taskDelay); using (errorCallback) { JavascriptResponse result = await errorCallback.ExecuteAsync("This callback from C# was delayed " + taskDelay + "ms"); string resultMessage; if (result.Success) { resultMessage = "Fatal: No Exception thrown in error callback"; } else { resultMessage = "Exception Thrown: " + result.Message; } await errorCallbackResult.ExecuteAsync(resultMessage); } }); }
public async Task AddScriptChange(LUStruct[] items) { await TaskEx.Run(() => { List <LUStruct> NeedsFired = new List <LUStruct>(); foreach (LUStruct item in items) { if (item.Action == LUType.Unload) { item.ID.CloseAndDispose(false); } else if (item.Action == LUType.Load) { try { item.ID.Start(false); NeedsFired.Add(item); } catch (Exception ex) { m_log.Error("[" + m_ScriptEngine.ScriptEngineName + "]: LEAKED COMPILE ERROR: " + ex); } } else if (item.Action == LUType.Reupload) { try { item.ID.Start(true); NeedsFired.Add(item); } catch (Exception ex) { m_log.Error("[" + m_ScriptEngine.ScriptEngineName + "]: LEAKED COMPILE ERROR: " + ex); } } } foreach (LUStruct item in NeedsFired) { item.ID.FireEvents(); } }); }
private void DoCapture(ScreenCaptureDelegate capture, CaptureType captureType, TaskSettings taskSettings = null, bool autoHideForm = true) { if (taskSettings == null) { taskSettings = TaskSettings.GetDefaultTaskSettings(); } if (taskSettings.CaptureSettings.IsDelayScreenshot && taskSettings.CaptureSettings.DelayScreenshot > 0) { TaskEx.Run(() => { int sleep = (int)(taskSettings.CaptureSettings.DelayScreenshot * 1000); Thread.Sleep(sleep); }, () => { DoCaptureWork(capture, captureType, taskSettings, autoHideForm); }); } else { DoCaptureWork(capture, captureType, taskSettings, autoHideForm); } }
public void StartSuggestThread() { if (_cts != null && !_cts.IsCancellationRequested) { throw new InvalidOperationException("Already started"); } var cts = new CancellationTokenSource(); TaskEx.Run(async() => { while (!cts.IsCancellationRequested) { if (Searcher.Spellchecker.IsLoaded && TextInputStateCurrent != null && !IsSuggestUpToDate() && trySuggest()) { continue; } await TaskEx.Delay(100); } }); _cts = cts; }
private void ComDeviceInfoManager_RemovedDevices(object sender, ComDeviceInfoManagerEventArgs e) { List <string> devices = new List <string>(); foreach (var item in e.ComDevices) { var res = IcpDeviceManagers.FindAll(dev => dev.GetComPort() == item.Port); IcpDeviceManagers.RemoveAll(dev => dev.GetComPort() == item.Port); TaskEx.Run(() => { foreach (var it in res) { it.CloseConnection(); foreach (var i in it.IcpDeviceDict) { devices.Add(i.Value.Name); } } }).ContinueWith(delegate { RemovedDevicesCallback(devices.ToArray()); }); } //ComDevicesRemoved?.Invoke(this, new ComDeviceControllerEventArgs(devices.ToArray())); }
async public Task <EtaResponse <List <Offer> > > GetOfferListAsync(EtaApiQueryStringParameterOptions options) { if (options == null) { options = new EtaApiQueryStringParameterOptions(); options.AddParm("from", EtaSDK.Utils.UNIXTime.GetTimestamp(DateTime.Now)); options.AddParm("to", EtaSDK.Utils.UNIXTime.GetTimestamp(DateTime.Now.AddDays(14))); options.AddParm(EtaApiConstants.EtaApi_Latitude, "55.77012"); options.AddParm(EtaApiConstants.EtaApi_Longitude, "12.46320"); options.AddParm(EtaApiConstants.EtaApi_LocationDetermined, UNIXTime.GetTimestamp(DateTime.Now)); options.AddParm(EtaApiConstants.EtaApi_Geocoded, "0"); options.AddParm(EtaApiConstants.EtaApi_Accuracy, "0"); options.AddParm(EtaApiConstants.EtaApi_Ditance, "10000"); //options.AddParm(EtaApiConstants.EtaApi_OfferId, ""); options.AddParm("store", "5d6dBY"); // 5d6dBY options.AddParm("type", "suggested"); } var eta = await ApiRawAsync("/api/v1/offer/list/", options); if (eta.HasErrors) { return(new EtaResponse <List <Offer> >(eta.Uri, eta.Error)); } var jsonstr = eta.Result; var result = await TaskEx.Run <EtaResponse <List <Offer> > >(() => { return(ParseOffers(eta.Uri, jsonstr)); }); return(result); }
public async Task SortByDateAsync() { await TaskEx.Run(() => { this.Sessions = this.Sessions.OrderBy(x => x.Start); }); }
public static async Task ForEach <T>(IEnumerable <T> sequence, Func <T, Task> factory, CancellationToken cancellationToken, ParallelOptions options) { var exceptions = new List <Exception>(); var tasks = new List <Task>(options.MaxDegreeOfParallelism); if (cancellationToken.IsCancellationRequested) { return; } foreach (var element in sequence) { if (cancellationToken.IsCancellationRequested) { break; } #if NET40 tasks.Add(TaskEx.Run(async() => { try { await factory(element).ConfigureAwait(false); } catch (Exception e) { exceptions.Add(e); } })); #else tasks.Add(Task.Run(async() => { try { await factory(element).ConfigureAwait(false); } catch (Exception e) { exceptions.Add(e); } })); #endif if (exceptions.Count > 0) { break; } if (tasks.Count == tasks.Capacity) { #if NET40 await TaskEx.WhenAny(tasks).ConfigureAwait(false); #else await Task.WhenAny(tasks).ConfigureAwait(false); #endif tasks.RemoveAll(task => task.IsCompleted); } } #if NET40 await TaskEx.WhenAll(tasks).ConfigureAwait(false); #else await Task.WhenAll(tasks).ConfigureAwait(false); #endif if (exceptions.Any()) { if (exceptions.Count == 1) { throw exceptions.First(); } throw new AggregateException(exceptions); } }
public static Task <T> Run <T>(Func <Task <T> > func) { return(TaskEx.Run(func)); }
public static Task Run(Func <Task> func) { return(TaskEx.Run(func)); }
public static Task Run(Action func) { return(TaskEx.Run(func)); }
public void StartRecording(ScreenRecordOutput outputType, TaskSettings taskSettings, ScreenRecordStartMethod startMethod = ScreenRecordStartMethod.Region) { string debugText; if (outputType == ScreenRecordOutput.FFmpeg) { debugText = string.Format("Starting FFmpeg recording. Video encoder: \"{0}\", Audio encoder: \"{1}\", FPS: {2}", taskSettings.CaptureSettings.FFmpegOptions.VideoCodec.GetDescription(), taskSettings.CaptureSettings.FFmpegOptions.AudioCodec.GetDescription(), taskSettings.CaptureSettings.ScreenRecordFPS); } else { debugText = string.Format("Starting Animated GIF recording. GIF encoding: \"{0}\", FPS: {1}", taskSettings.CaptureSettings.GIFEncoding.GetDescription(), taskSettings.CaptureSettings.GIFFPS); } DebugHelper.WriteLine(debugText); if (taskSettings.CaptureSettings.RunScreencastCLI) { if (!Program.Settings.VideoEncoders.IsValidIndex(taskSettings.CaptureSettings.VideoEncoderSelected)) { MessageBox.Show(Resources.ScreenRecordForm_StartRecording_There_is_no_valid_CLI_video_encoder_selected_, "ShareXYZ", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Warning); return; } if (!Program.Settings.VideoEncoders[taskSettings.CaptureSettings.VideoEncoderSelected].IsValid()) { MessageBox.Show(Resources.ScreenRecordForm_StartRecording_CLI_video_encoder_file_does_not_exist__ + Program.Settings.VideoEncoders[taskSettings.CaptureSettings.VideoEncoderSelected].Path, "ShareXYZ", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Warning); return; } } if (outputType == ScreenRecordOutput.GIF && taskSettings.CaptureSettings.GIFEncoding == ScreenRecordGIFEncoding.FFmpeg) { outputType = ScreenRecordOutput.FFmpeg; taskSettings.CaptureSettings.FFmpegOptions.VideoCodec = FFmpegVideoCodec.gif; taskSettings.CaptureSettings.FFmpegOptions.UseCustomCommands = false; } if (outputType == ScreenRecordOutput.FFmpeg) { if (!TaskHelpers.CheckFFmpeg(taskSettings)) { return; } if (!taskSettings.CaptureSettings.FFmpegOptions.IsSourceSelected) { MessageBox.Show(Resources.ScreenRecordForm_StartRecording_FFmpeg_video_and_audio_source_both_can_t_be__None__, "ShareXYZ - " + Resources.ScreenRecordForm_StartRecording_FFmpeg_error, MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Warning); return; } } Rectangle captureRectangle = Rectangle.Empty; switch (startMethod) { case ScreenRecordStartMethod.Region: TaskHelpers.SelectRegion(out captureRectangle, taskSettings); break; case ScreenRecordStartMethod.ActiveWindow: if (taskSettings.CaptureSettings.CaptureClientArea) { captureRectangle = CaptureHelpers.GetActiveWindowClientRectangle(); } else { captureRectangle = CaptureHelpers.GetActiveWindowRectangle(); } break; case ScreenRecordStartMethod.LastRegion: captureRectangle = Program.Settings.ScreenRecordRegion; break; } captureRectangle = CaptureHelpers.EvenRectangleSize(captureRectangle); if (IsRecording || !captureRectangle.IsValid() || screenRecorder != null) { return; } Program.Settings.ScreenRecordRegion = captureRectangle; IsRecording = true; Screenshot.CaptureCursor = taskSettings.CaptureSettings.ScreenRecordShowCursor; string trayText = "ShareXYZ - " + Resources.ScreenRecordForm_StartRecording_Waiting___; TrayIcon.Text = trayText.Truncate(63); TrayIcon.Icon = Resources.control_record_yellow.ToIcon(); cmsMain.Enabled = false; TrayIcon.Visible = true; string path = ""; float duration = taskSettings.CaptureSettings.ScreenRecordFixedDuration ? taskSettings.CaptureSettings.ScreenRecordDuration : 0; regionForm = ScreenRegionForm.Show(captureRectangle, StopRecording, startMethod == ScreenRecordStartMethod.Region, duration); regionForm.RecordResetEvent = new ManualResetEvent(false); TaskEx.Run(() => { try { if (outputType == ScreenRecordOutput.FFmpeg) { path = Path.Combine(taskSettings.CaptureFolder, TaskHelpers.GetFilename(taskSettings, taskSettings.CaptureSettings.FFmpegOptions.Extension)); } else { path = Program.ScreenRecorderCacheFilePath; } ScreencastOptions options = new ScreencastOptions() { FFmpeg = taskSettings.CaptureSettings.FFmpegOptions, ScreenRecordFPS = taskSettings.CaptureSettings.ScreenRecordFPS, GIFFPS = taskSettings.CaptureSettings.GIFFPS, Duration = duration, OutputPath = path, CaptureArea = captureRectangle, DrawCursor = taskSettings.CaptureSettings.ScreenRecordShowCursor }; screenRecorder = new ScreenRecorder(outputType, options, captureRectangle); if (regionForm != null && regionForm.RecordResetEvent != null) { trayText = "ShareXYZ - " + Resources.ScreenRecordForm_StartRecording_Click_tray_icon_to_start_recording_; TrayIcon.Text = trayText.Truncate(63); this.InvokeSafe(() => { tsmiStart.Text = Resources.AutoCaptureForm_Execute_Start; cmsMain.Enabled = true; }); if (taskSettings.CaptureSettings.ScreenRecordAutoStart) { int delay = (int)(taskSettings.CaptureSettings.ScreenRecordStartDelay * 1000); if (delay > 0) { regionForm.InvokeSafe(() => regionForm.StartCountdown(delay)); regionForm.RecordResetEvent.WaitOne(delay); } } else { regionForm.RecordResetEvent.WaitOne(); } if (regionForm.AbortRequested) { abortRequested = true; } } if (!abortRequested) { trayText = "ShareXYZ - " + Resources.ScreenRecordForm_StartRecording_Click_tray_icon_to_stop_recording_; TrayIcon.Text = trayText.Truncate(63); TrayIcon.Icon = Resources.control_record.ToIcon(); this.InvokeSafe(() => { tsmiStart.Text = Resources.AutoCaptureForm_Execute_Stop; }); if (regionForm != null) { regionForm.InvokeSafe(() => regionForm.StartRecordingTimer(duration > 0, duration)); } screenRecorder.StartRecording(); if (regionForm != null && regionForm.AbortRequested) { abortRequested = true; } } } catch (Exception e) { DebugHelper.WriteException(e); } finally { if (regionForm != null) { if (regionForm.RecordResetEvent != null) { regionForm.RecordResetEvent.Dispose(); } regionForm.InvokeSafe(() => regionForm.Close()); regionForm = null; } } try { if (!abortRequested && screenRecorder != null) { TrayIcon.Text = "ShareXYZ - " + Resources.ScreenRecordForm_StartRecording_Encoding___; TrayIcon.Icon = Resources.camcorder_pencil.ToIcon(); this.InvokeSafe(() => { cmsMain.Enabled = false; }); if (outputType == ScreenRecordOutput.GIF) { path = Path.Combine(taskSettings.CaptureFolder, TaskHelpers.GetFilename(taskSettings, "gif")); screenRecorder.EncodingProgressChanged += progress => TrayIcon.Text = string.Format("ShareXYZ - {0} ({1}%)", Resources.ScreenRecordForm_StartRecording_Encoding___, progress); GIFQuality gifQuality = taskSettings.CaptureSettings.GIFEncoding == ScreenRecordGIFEncoding.OctreeQuantizer ? GIFQuality.Bit8 : GIFQuality.Default; screenRecorder.SaveAsGIF(path, gifQuality); } else if (outputType == ScreenRecordOutput.FFmpeg && taskSettings.CaptureSettings.FFmpegOptions.VideoCodec == FFmpegVideoCodec.gif) { path = Path.Combine(taskSettings.CaptureFolder, TaskHelpers.GetFilename(taskSettings, "gif")); screenRecorder.FFmpegEncodeAsGIF(path); } if (taskSettings.CaptureSettings.RunScreencastCLI) { VideoEncoder encoder = Program.Settings.VideoEncoders[taskSettings.CaptureSettings.VideoEncoderSelected]; string sourceFilePath = path; path = Path.Combine(taskSettings.CaptureFolder, TaskHelpers.GetFilename(taskSettings, encoder.OutputExtension)); screenRecorder.EncodeUsingCommandLine(encoder, sourceFilePath, path); } } } finally { if (screenRecorder != null) { if ((outputType == ScreenRecordOutput.GIF || taskSettings.CaptureSettings.RunScreencastCLI || (outputType == ScreenRecordOutput.FFmpeg && taskSettings.CaptureSettings.FFmpegOptions.VideoCodec == FFmpegVideoCodec.gif)) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(screenRecorder.CachePath) && File.Exists(screenRecorder.CachePath)) { File.Delete(screenRecorder.CachePath); } screenRecorder.Dispose(); screenRecorder = null; if (abortRequested && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(path) && File.Exists(path)) { File.Delete(path); } } } }, () => { if (TrayIcon.Visible) { TrayIcon.Visible = false; } if (!abortRequested && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(path) && File.Exists(path) && TaskHelpers.ShowAfterCaptureForm(taskSettings)) { WorkerTask task = WorkerTask.CreateFileJobTask(path, taskSettings); TaskManager.Start(task); } abortRequested = false; IsRecording = false; }); }
/// <summary> /// Find node asynchronously /// </summary> public async Task <INode> FindNodeAsync(string tag) { return(await TaskEx.Run(() => FindNode(tag))); }
/// <summary> /// Explores a folder asynchronously /// </summary> public async Task <IEnumerable <INode> > ExploreFolderAsync(string tag) { return(await TaskEx.Run(() => ExploreFolder(tag))); }
/* private Task<byte[]> getDataAsync(string url) * { * return NetworkUtility.GetData(url); * } */ private async void UpdateOfflineDatabase_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { try { var controller = await this.ShowProgressAsync("更新しています", "Initializing..."); controller.SetCancelable(true); await TaskEx.Delay(1000); controller.SetMessage("Downloading..."); string url = Properties.Settings.Default.databaseSyncServer; url = url.TrimEnd('/') + "/" + "esdata.gz"; if (controller.IsCanceled) { await controller.CloseAsync(); await this.ShowMessageAsync("データベースを更新する", "失敗しました"); return; } var data = await TaskEx.Run(() => { return(NetworkUtility.GetData(url)); }); if (controller.IsCanceled) { await controller.CloseAsync(); await this.ShowMessageAsync("データベースを更新する", "失敗しました"); return; } controller.SetMessage("Decompressing..."); var s = await TaskEx.Run(() => { return(Encoding.UTF8.GetString(Utility.Decompress(data))); }); if (controller.IsCanceled) { await controller.CloseAsync(); await this.ShowMessageAsync("データベースを更新する", "失敗しました"); return; } controller.SetMessage("Updating database..."); bool re = await TaskEx.Run(() => { return('\n'))); }); await controller.CloseAsync(); if (re) { await this.ShowMessageAsync("データベースを更新する", "成功しました"); } else { await this.ShowMessageAsync("データベースを更新する", "失敗しました"); } } catch { return; } }
public async Task <IEnumerable <DiscoveredSsdpDevice> > SearchAsync(string searchTarget, TimeSpan searchWaitTime) { if (searchTarget == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("searchTarget"); } if (searchTarget.Length == 0) { throw new ArgumentException("searchTarget cannot be an empty string.", "searchTarget"); } if (searchWaitTime.TotalSeconds < 0) { throw new ArgumentException("searchWaitTime must be a positive time."); } if (searchWaitTime.TotalSeconds > 0 && searchWaitTime.TotalSeconds <= 1) { throw new ArgumentException("searchWaitTime must be zero (if you are not using the result and relying entirely in the events), or greater than one second."); } ThrowIfDisposed(); if (_SearchResults != null) { throw new InvalidOperationException("Search already in progress. Only one search at a time is allowed."); } _SearchResults = new List <DiscoveredSsdpDevice>(); // If searchWaitTime == 0 then we are only going to report unexpired cached items, not actually do a search. if (searchWaitTime > TimeSpan.Zero) { BroadcastDiscoverMessage(searchTarget, SearchTimeToMXValue(searchWaitTime)); } await TaskEx.Run(() => { lock (_SearchResultsSynchroniser) { foreach (var device in GetUnexpiredDevices().Where((d) => NotificationTypeMatchesFilter(d))) { if (this.IsDisposed) { return; } DeviceFound(device, false); } } }).ConfigureAwait(false); if (searchWaitTime != TimeSpan.Zero) { await TaskEx.Delay(searchWaitTime); } IEnumerable <DiscoveredSsdpDevice> retVal = null; try { lock (_SearchResultsSynchroniser) { retVal = _SearchResults; _SearchResults = null; } var expireTask = RemoveExpiredDevicesFromCacheAsync(); } finally { var server = _CommunicationsServer; try { if (server != null) // In case we were disposed while searching. { server.StopListeningForResponses(); } } catch (ObjectDisposedException) { } } return(retVal); }
// Must be called before show form public void Prepare(Image img) { Image = img; if (IsEditorMode) { Rectangle rect = CaptureHelpers.GetActiveScreenBounds0Based(); if (Image.Width > rect.Width || Image.Height > rect.Height) { rect = ScreenRectangle0Based; } ImageRectangle = new Rectangle(rect.X + rect.Width / 2 - Image.Width / 2, rect.Y + rect.Height / 2 - Image.Height / 2, Image.Width, Image.Height); using (Image background = ImageHelpers.DrawCheckers(ScreenRectangle0Based.Width, ScreenRectangle0Based.Height)) using (Graphics g = Graphics.FromImage(background)) { g.DrawImage(Image, ImageRectangle); backgroundBrush = new TextureBrush(background) { WrapMode = WrapMode.Clamp }; } } else if (Config.UseDimming) { using (Bitmap darkBackground = (Bitmap)Image.Clone()) using (Graphics g = Graphics.FromImage(darkBackground)) using (Brush brush = new SolidBrush(Color.FromArgb(30, Color.Black))) { g.FillRectangle(brush, 0, 0, darkBackground.Width, darkBackground.Height); backgroundBrush = new TextureBrush(darkBackground) { WrapMode = WrapMode.Clamp }; } backgroundHighlightBrush = new TextureBrush(Image) { WrapMode = WrapMode.Clamp }; } else { backgroundBrush = new TextureBrush(Image) { WrapMode = WrapMode.Clamp }; } ShapeManager = new ShapeManager(this); ShapeManager.WindowCaptureMode = Config.DetectWindows; ShapeManager.IncludeControls = Config.DetectControls; if (Mode == RegionCaptureMode.OneClick || ShapeManager.WindowCaptureMode) { IntPtr handle = Handle; TaskEx.Run(() => { WindowsRectangleList wla = new WindowsRectangleList(); wla.IgnoreHandle = handle; wla.IncludeChildWindows = ShapeManager.IncludeControls; ShapeManager.Windows = wla.GetWindowInfoListAsync(5000); }); } if (Config.UseCustomInfoText || Mode == RegionCaptureMode.ScreenColorPicker) { bmpBackgroundImage = new Bitmap(Image); } }
public async void StartRecording(TaskSettings TaskSettings) { if (TaskSettings.CaptureSettings.ScreenRecordOutput == ScreenRecordOutput.AVICommandLine) { if (!Program.Settings.VideoEncoders.IsValidIndex(TaskSettings.CaptureSettings.VideoEncoderSelected)) { MessageBox.Show("There is no valid CLI video encoder selected.", Application.ProductName, MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Warning); return; } else if (!Program.Settings.VideoEncoders[TaskSettings.CaptureSettings.VideoEncoderSelected].IsValid()) { MessageBox.Show("There is a problem with the CLI video encoder file path.", Application.ProductName, MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Warning); return; } } SelectRegion(); Screenshot.CaptureCursor = TaskSettings.CaptureSettings.ShowCursor; if (IsRecording || CaptureRectangle.IsEmpty || screenRecorder != null) { return; } IsRecording = true; TrayIcon.Icon = Resources.control_record_yellow.ToIcon(); TrayIcon.Visible = true; string path = ""; try { using (ScreenRegionManager screenRegionManager = new ScreenRegionManager()) { screenRegionManager.Start(CaptureRectangle); await TaskEx.Run(() => { if (TaskSettings.CaptureSettings.ScreenRecordOutput == ScreenRecordOutput.AVI) { path = Path.Combine(TaskSettings.CaptureFolder, TaskHelpers.GetFilename(TaskSettings, "avi")); } else { path = Program.ScreenRecorderCacheFilePath; } float duration = TaskSettings.CaptureSettings.ScreenRecordFixedDuration ? TaskSettings.CaptureSettings.ScreenRecordDuration : 0; screenRecorder = new ScreenRecorder(TaskSettings.CaptureSettings.ScreenRecordFPS, duration, CaptureRectangle, path, TaskSettings.CaptureSettings.ScreenRecordOutput); int delay = (int)(TaskSettings.CaptureSettings.ScreenRecordStartDelay * 1000); if (delay > 0) { Thread.Sleep(delay); } screenRegionManager.ChangeColor(); this.InvokeSafe(() => TrayIcon.Icon = Resources.control_record.ToIcon()); screenRecorder.StartRecording(); }); } if (screenRecorder != null && TaskSettings.CaptureSettings.ScreenRecordOutput != ScreenRecordOutput.AVI) { TrayIcon.Icon = Resources.camcorder__pencil.ToIcon(); await TaskEx.Run(() => { switch (TaskSettings.CaptureSettings.ScreenRecordOutput) { case ScreenRecordOutput.GIF: path = Path.Combine(TaskSettings.CaptureFolder, TaskHelpers.GetFilename(TaskSettings, "gif")); screenRecorder.SaveAsGIF(path, TaskSettings.ImageSettings.ImageGIFQuality); break; case ScreenRecordOutput.AVICommandLine: VideoEncoder encoder = Program.Settings.VideoEncoders[TaskSettings.CaptureSettings.VideoEncoderSelected]; path = Path.Combine(TaskSettings.CaptureFolder, TaskHelpers.GetFilename(TaskSettings, encoder.OutputExtension)); screenRecorder.EncodeUsingCommandLine(encoder, path); break; } }); } } finally { if (screenRecorder != null) { if (TaskSettings.CaptureSettings.ScreenRecordOutput == ScreenRecordOutput.AVICommandLine && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(screenRecorder.CachePath) && File.Exists(screenRecorder.CachePath)) { File.Delete(screenRecorder.CachePath); } screenRecorder.Dispose(); screenRecorder = null; } if (TrayIcon.Visible) { TrayIcon.Visible = false; } } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(path) && File.Exists(path)) { if (TaskSettings.AfterCaptureJob.HasFlag(AfterCaptureTasks.UploadImageToHost)) { UploadManager.UploadFile(path, TaskSettings); } else { if (TaskSettings.AfterCaptureJob.HasFlag(AfterCaptureTasks.CopyFilePathToClipboard)) { ClipboardHelpers.CopyText(path); } TaskHelpers.ShowResultNotifications(path, TaskSettings, path); } } IsRecording = false; }
public async Task SortByTitleAsync() { await TaskEx.Run(() => { this.Sessions = this.Sessions.OrderBy(x => x.Title); }); }
/// <summary> /// Shows the built-in UI while the updates are managed. /// </summary> public void ShowUserInterface() { if (_isTaskRunning) { return; } _isTaskRunning = true; var searchDialog = new UpdateSearchDialog { Updater = UpdateManagerInstance }; searchDialog.CancelButtonClicked += UpdateSearchDialogCancelButtonClick; var newUpdateDialog = new NewUpdateDialog { Updater = UpdateManagerInstance }; var noUpdateDialog = new NoUpdateFoundDialog { Updater = UpdateManagerInstance }; var progressIndicator = new Progress <UpdateDownloadProgressChangedEventArgs>(); var downloadDialog = new UpdateDownloadDialog { Updater = UpdateManagerInstance }; downloadDialog.CancelButtonClicked += UpdateDownloadDialogCancelButtonClick; #if PROVIDE_TAP try { // TAP TaskEx.Run(async delegate { if (!UseHiddenSearch) { _context.Post(searchDialog.ShowModalDialog, null); } try { _updatesAvailable = await UpdateManagerInstance.SearchForUpdatesAsync(); } catch (OperationCanceledException) { return; } catch (Exception ex) { if (UseHiddenSearch) { _context.Send( o => Popup.ShowPopup(SystemIcons.Error, _lp.UpdateSearchErrorCaption, ex, PopupButtons.Ok), null); } else { searchDialog.Fail(ex); _context.Post(searchDialog.CloseDialog, null); } return; } if (!UseHiddenSearch) { _context.Post(searchDialog.CloseDialog, null); await TaskEx.Delay(100); // Prevents race conditions that cause that the UpdateSearchDialog can't be closed before further actions are done } if (_updatesAvailable) { var newUpdateDialogReference = new DialogResultReference(); _context.Send(newUpdateDialog.ShowModalDialog, newUpdateDialogReference); if (newUpdateDialogReference.DialogResult == DialogResult.Cancel) { return; } } else if (!_updatesAvailable && UseHiddenSearch) { return; } else if (!_updatesAvailable && !UseHiddenSearch) { var noUpdateDialogResultReference = new DialogResultReference(); if (!UseHiddenSearch) { _context.Send(noUpdateDialog.ShowModalDialog, noUpdateDialogResultReference); } return; } _context.Post(downloadDialog.ShowModalDialog, null); try { progressIndicator.ProgressChanged += (sender, args) => downloadDialog.ProgressPercentage = (int)args.Percentage; await UpdateManagerInstance.DownloadPackagesAsync(progressIndicator); } catch (OperationCanceledException) { return; } catch (Exception ex) { downloadDialog.Fail(ex); _context.Send(downloadDialog.CloseDialog, null); return; } _context.Send(downloadDialog.CloseDialog, null); bool isValid = false; try { isValid = UpdateManagerInstance.ValidatePackages(); } catch (FileNotFoundException) { _context.Send(o => Popup.ShowPopup(SystemIcons.Error, _lp.PackageValidityCheckErrorCaption, _lp.PackageNotFoundErrorText, PopupButtons.Ok), null); } catch (ArgumentException) { _context.Send(o => Popup.ShowPopup(SystemIcons.Error, _lp.PackageValidityCheckErrorCaption, _lp.InvalidSignatureErrorText, PopupButtons.Ok), null); } catch (Exception ex) { _context.Send(o => Popup.ShowPopup(SystemIcons.Error, _lp.PackageValidityCheckErrorCaption, ex, PopupButtons.Ok), null); } if (!isValid) { _context.Send(o => Popup.ShowPopup(SystemIcons.Error, _lp.InvalidSignatureErrorCaption, _lp.SignatureNotMatchingErrorText, PopupButtons.Ok), null); } else { UpdateManagerInstance.InstallPackage(); } }); } finally { _isTaskRunning = false; } #else try { //EAP UpdateManagerInstance.UpdateSearchFinished += SearchFinished; UpdateManagerInstance.UpdateSearchFinished += searchDialog.Finished; UpdateManagerInstance.UpdateSearchFailed += searchDialog.Failed; UpdateManagerInstance.PackagesDownloadProgressChanged += downloadDialog.ProgressChanged; UpdateManagerInstance.PackagesDownloadFinished += downloadDialog.Finished; UpdateManagerInstance.PackagesDownloadFailed += downloadDialog.Failed; Task.Factory.StartNew(() => { UpdateManagerInstance.SearchForUpdatesAsync(); if (!UseHiddenSearch) { var searchDialogResultReference = new DialogResultReference(); _context.Send(searchDialog.ShowModalDialog, searchDialogResultReference); _context.Send(searchDialog.CloseDialog, null); if (searchDialogResultReference.DialogResult == DialogResult.Cancel) { return; } } else { _searchResetEvent.WaitOne(); } if (_updatesAvailable) { var newUpdateDialogResultReference = new DialogResultReference(); _context.Send(newUpdateDialog.ShowModalDialog, newUpdateDialogResultReference); if (newUpdateDialogResultReference.DialogResult == DialogResult.Cancel) { return; } } else if (!_updatesAvailable && UseHiddenSearch) { return; } else if (!_updatesAvailable && !UseHiddenSearch) { _context.Send(noUpdateDialog.ShowModalDialog, null); _context.Send(noUpdateDialog.CloseDialog, null); return; } UpdateManagerInstance.DownloadPackagesAsync(); var downloadDialogResultReference = new DialogResultReference(); _context.Send(downloadDialog.ShowModalDialog, downloadDialogResultReference); _context.Send(downloadDialog.CloseDialog, null); if (downloadDialogResultReference.DialogResult == DialogResult.Cancel) { return; } bool isValid = false; try { isValid = UpdateManagerInstance.ValidatePackages(); } catch (FileNotFoundException) { _context.Send(o => Popup.ShowPopup(SystemIcons.Error, _lp.PackageValidityCheckErrorCaption, _lp.PackageNotFoundErrorText, PopupButtons.Ok), null); } catch (ArgumentException) { _context.Send(o => Popup.ShowPopup(SystemIcons.Error, _lp.PackageValidityCheckErrorCaption, _lp.InvalidSignatureErrorText, PopupButtons.Ok), null); } catch (Exception ex) { _context.Send(o => Popup.ShowPopup(SystemIcons.Error, _lp.PackageValidityCheckErrorCaption, ex, PopupButtons.Ok), null); } if (!isValid) { _context.Send(o => Popup.ShowPopup(SystemIcons.Error, _lp.InvalidSignatureErrorCaption, _lp.SignatureNotMatchingErrorText, PopupButtons.Ok), null); } else { try { UpdateManagerInstance.InstallPackage(); } catch (Win32Exception ex) { // TODO: Localize _context.Send(o => Popup.ShowPopup(SystemIcons.Error, "Error while starting the installer.", ex, PopupButtons.Ok), null); } catch (Exception ex) { _context.Send(o => Popup.ShowPopup(SystemIcons.Error, _lp.InstallerInitializingErrorCaption, ex, PopupButtons.Ok), null); } } }); } finally { _isTaskRunning = false; } #endif }
private async Task DoAction(string phase, string action, string comment = null) { var cert = Settings.Value.GetCert(Settings.Value.SbisCert); var parts = Util.ParseSubject(cert); var result = await client.JsonRpc("СБИС.ПодготовитьДействие", new { Документ = new { Идентификатор = CurrentItem.Value.Message.Идентификатор, Этап = new { Название = phase, Действие = new { Название = action, Комментарий = comment, Сертификат = new { ФИО = parts.GetValueOrDefault("SN") + " " + parts.GetValueOrDefault("G"), Должность = parts.GetValueOrDefault("T"), ИНН = parts.GetValueOrDefault("ИНН") } } } } }); var attachments = result["result"]["Этап"][0]["Вложение"].ToObject <Attach[]>(); var crypt = new Diadoc.Api.Cryptography.WinApiCrypt(); var signs = new List <Attach>(); foreach (var attachment in attachments) { var file = await client.GetAsync(attachment.Файл.Ссылка); file.EnsureSuccessStatusCode(); var content = await file.Content.ReadAsByteArrayAsync(); var signature = await TaskEx.Run(() => crypt.Sign(content, cert.RawData)); signs.Add(new Attach { Идентификатор = attachment.Идентификатор, Подпись = new[] { new FileRef(signature) } }); } result = await client.JsonRpc("СБИС.ВыполнитьДействие", new { Документ = new { Идентификатор = CurrentItem.Value.Message.Идентификатор, Этап = new { Название = phase, Вложение = signs.ToArray(), Действие = new { Название = action, } } } }); var doc = result["result"].ToObject <Doc>(); foreach (var item in items.Where(x => x.Message.Идентификатор == doc.Идентификатор)) { item.Message.Состояние = doc.Состояние; item.Status = doc.Состояние?.Название; } }