コード例 #1
        /// <summary>
        /// See constructor for documentation.
        /// </summary>
        protected void Construct(Action function, int nativeTaskGroupId = 0, int taskDataSize = 0)
            Function = function;
            var ptr = Marshal.GetFunctionPointerForDelegate(Function);

            NativeTask = SonicRiders.Functions.Functions.SetTask.GetWrapper()((void *)ptr, (uint)nativeTaskGroupId, taskDataSize);
コード例 #2
ファイル: State.cs プロジェクト: Sewer56/Sewer56.SonicRiders
        /// <summary>
        /// Tries to get the current Task executed by the game.
        /// You should call this in a function that handles a specific task.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="task">The executed task.</param>
        public static bool TryGetCurrentTask(out Task *task)
            if (*CurrentTask != (void *)0x0)
                task = (Task *)(*CurrentTask);

            task = (Task *)0x0;
コード例 #3
        static int GetFreeTaskIndex(Task *pTaskPool, int n)
            Trace.Assert(pTaskPool != null);

            for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
                if (pTaskPool[i].syncp.sync == IntPtr.Zero)
コード例 #4
        public static unsafe Thread CreateTask(uint xLoc, bool isRunning)

            uint *stack;

            Task *task = (Task *)(Heap.AllocateMem((uint)sizeof(Task)));

            task->Stack = Heap.AllocateMem(0x1000) + 0x1000;//Put pointer at end

            stack = (uint *)task->Stack;

            // Expand down stack
            // processor data
            *--stack = 0x202;       // EFLAGS
            *--stack = 0x08;        // CS
            *--stack = xLoc;        // EIP

            // pusha
            *--stack = 0;           // EDI
            *--stack = 0;           // ESI
            *--stack = 0;           // EBP
            *--stack = 0;           // ESP
            *--stack = 0;           // EBX
            *--stack = 0;           // EDX
            *--stack = 0;           // ECX
            *--stack = 0;           // EAX

            // data segments
            *--stack = 0x10;        // DS
            *--stack = 0x10;        // ES
            *--stack = 0x10;        // FS
            *--stack = 0x10;        // GS

            task->Stack   = (uint)stack;
            task->Address = (uint *)xLoc;
            task->state   = (byte)(isRunning ? State.Alive : State.None);

            mTasks[Counter++] = *task;

            if (isRunning)
                RunningTasks.Enqueue(Counter - 1);

            return(new Thread(Counter - 1));
コード例 #5
        /// <summary>Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="LowLevelTranscoderCSharp"/> class.</summary>
        /// <param name="config">The configuration.</param>
        /// <param name="impl">The implementation.</param>
        /// <param name="forceSystemMemory">if set to <c>true</c> [force system memory].</param>
        public LowLevelTranscoderCSharp(TranscoderConfiguration config, mfxIMPL impl = mfxIMPL.MFX_IMPL_AUTO, bool forceSystemMemory = false)
            mfxStatus sts;

            mfxVideoParam mfxDecParams = config.decParams;
            mfxVideoParam mfxVPPParams = config.vppParams;
            mfxVideoParam mfxEncParams = config.encParams;

            session = new mfxSession();
            var ver = new mfxVersion()
                Major = 1, Minor = 3

            fixed(mfxSession *s = &session)
            sts = UnsafeNativeMethods.MFXInit(impl, &ver, s);

            QuickSyncStatic.ThrowOnBadStatus(sts, "MFXInit");
            //deviceSetup = new DeviceSetup(session, forceSystemMemory);

            //  mfxVideoParam mfxDecParams = new mfxVideoParam();
            //  mfxDecParams.mfx.CodecId = CodecId.MFX_CODEC_AVC;

            int bufsize = (int)1e6;

            mfxBS             = (mfxBitstream *)MyAllocHGlobalAndZero(sizeof(mfxBitstream));
            mfxBS->Data       = MyAllocHGlobalAndZero(bufsize);
            mfxBS->DataLength = (uint)0;
            mfxBS->MaxLength  = (uint)bufsize;
            mfxBS->DataOffset = 0;

            int outwidth  = mfxDecParams.mfx.FrameInfo.CropW;
            int outheight = mfxDecParams.mfx.FrameInfo.CropH;

            // Query number of required surfaces for VPP
            //mfxFrameAllocRequest[] VPPRequest = new mfxFrameAllocRequest[2];     // [0] - in, [1] - out
            TwoMfxFrameAllocRequest VPPRequest;

            sts = UnsafeNativeMethods.MFXVideoVPP_QueryIOSurf(session, &mfxVPPParams, (mfxFrameAllocRequest *)&VPPRequest);
            if (sts == mfxStatus.MFX_WRN_PARTIAL_ACCELERATION)
                warnings.Add(nameof(UnsafeNativeMethods.MFXVideoVPP_QueryIOSurf), sts);
                sts = 0;
            QuickSyncStatic.ThrowOnBadStatus(sts, "vpp.queryiosurf");

            // Query number required surfaces for dec
            mfxFrameAllocRequest DecRequest;

            sts = UnsafeNativeMethods.MFXVideoDECODE_QueryIOSurf(session, &mfxDecParams, &DecRequest);
            if (sts == mfxStatus.MFX_WRN_PARTIAL_ACCELERATION)
                warnings.Add(nameof(UnsafeNativeMethods.MFXVideoDECODE_QueryIOSurf), sts);
                sts = 0;
            QuickSyncStatic.ThrowOnBadStatus(sts, nameof(UnsafeNativeMethods.MFXVideoDECODE_QueryIOSurf));

            // Query number of required surfaces for enc
            mfxFrameAllocRequest EncRequest = new mfxFrameAllocRequest();

            sts = UnsafeNativeMethods.MFXVideoENCODE_QueryIOSurf(session, &mfxEncParams, &EncRequest);
            if (sts == mfxStatus.MFX_WRN_PARTIAL_ACCELERATION)
                warnings.Add(nameof(UnsafeNativeMethods.MFXVideoENCODE_QueryIOSurf), sts);
                sts = 0;
            QuickSyncStatic.ThrowOnBadStatus(sts, nameof(UnsafeNativeMethods.MFXVideoENCODE_QueryIOSurf));

            // Determine the required number of surfaces for decoder output (VPP input) and for VPP output (encoder input)
            nSurfNumDecVPP = DecRequest.NumFrameSuggested + VPPRequest.In.NumFrameSuggested + mfxVPPParams.AsyncDepth;
            nSurfNumVPPEnc = EncRequest.NumFrameSuggested + VPPRequest.Out.NumFrameSuggested + mfxVPPParams.AsyncDepth;

                Trace.Assert((mfxEncParams.IOPattern & IOPattern.MFX_IOPATTERN_IN_SYSTEM_MEMORY) != 0);
                Trace.Assert((mfxDecParams.IOPattern & IOPattern.MFX_IOPATTERN_OUT_SYSTEM_MEMORY) != 0);

                UInt16 width        = (UInt16)QuickSyncStatic.ALIGN32(DecRequest.Info.Width);
                UInt16 height       = (UInt16)QuickSyncStatic.ALIGN32(DecRequest.Info.Height);
                int    bitsPerPixel = 12;
                int    surfaceSize  = width * height * bitsPerPixel / 8;

                var decVppSurfaceBuffers = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(surfaceSize * nSurfNumDecVPP);
                var vppEncSurfaceBuffers = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(surfaceSize * nSurfNumVPPEnc);

                pSurfaces =
                    (mfxFrameSurface1 *)MyAllocHGlobalAndZero(sizeof(mfxFrameSurface1) * nSurfNumDecVPP);

                pSurfaces2 =
                    (mfxFrameSurface1 *)MyAllocHGlobalAndZero(sizeof(mfxFrameSurface1) * nSurfNumVPPEnc);

                for (int i = 0; i < nSurfNumDecVPP; i++)
                    pSurfaces[i]            = new mfxFrameSurface1();
                    pSurfaces[i].Info       = DecRequest.Info;
                    pSurfaces[i].Data.Y_ptr = (byte *)decVppSurfaceBuffers + i * surfaceSize;
                    pSurfaces[i].Data.U_ptr = pSurfaces[i].Data.Y_ptr + width * height;
                    pSurfaces[i].Data.V_ptr = pSurfaces[i].Data.U_ptr + 1;
                    pSurfaces[i].Data.Pitch = width;
                for (int i = 0; i < nSurfNumVPPEnc; i++)
                    pSurfaces2[i]            = new mfxFrameSurface1();
                    pSurfaces2[i].Info       = EncRequest.Info;
                    pSurfaces2[i].Data.Y_ptr = (byte *)vppEncSurfaceBuffers + i * surfaceSize;
                    pSurfaces2[i].Data.U_ptr = pSurfaces2[i].Data.Y_ptr + width * height;
                    pSurfaces2[i].Data.V_ptr = pSurfaces2[i].Data.U_ptr + 1;
                    pSurfaces2[i].Data.Pitch = width;

            sts = UnsafeNativeMethods.MFXVideoDECODE_Init(session, &mfxDecParams);
            if (sts == mfxStatus.MFX_WRN_PARTIAL_ACCELERATION)
                warnings.Add(nameof(UnsafeNativeMethods.MFXVideoDECODE_Init), sts);
                sts = 0;
            QuickSyncStatic.ThrowOnBadStatus(sts, "decode.init");

            sts = UnsafeNativeMethods.MFXVideoENCODE_Init(session, &mfxEncParams);
            if (sts == mfxStatus.MFX_WRN_PARTIAL_ACCELERATION)
                warnings.Add(nameof(UnsafeNativeMethods.MFXVideoENCODE_Init), sts);
                sts = 0;
            QuickSyncStatic.ThrowOnBadStatus(sts, "encode.init");

            sts = UnsafeNativeMethods.MFXVideoVPP_Init(session, &mfxVPPParams);
            if (sts == mfxStatus.MFX_WRN_PARTIAL_ACCELERATION)
                warnings.Add(nameof(UnsafeNativeMethods.MFXVideoVPP_Init), sts);
                sts = 0;
            QuickSyncStatic.ThrowOnBadStatus(sts, "vpp.init");

            //mfxExtVPPDoNotUse zz;
            //zz.Header.BufferId = BufferId.MFX_EXTBUFF_VPP_DONOTUSE;
            //zz.Header.BufferSz = (uint)sizeof(mfxExtVPPDoUse);
            //mfxExtBuffer** pExtParamsVPPx = stackalloc mfxExtBuffer*[1];
            //pExtParamsVPPx[0] = (mfxExtBuffer*)&zz;
            //var t1 = stackalloc uint[100];
            //zz.AlgList = t1;
            //zz.NumAlg = 100;
            //mfxVideoParam par;
            //par.ExtParam = pExtParamsVPPx;
            //par.NumExtParam = 1;
            //sts = UnsafeNativeMethods.MFXVideoVPP_GetVideoParam(session, &par);
            //Trace.Assert(sts == mfxStatus.MFX_ERR_NONE);
            //for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
            //    Console.WriteLine((BufferId)t1[i]);
            mfxVideoParam par;

            // Retrieve video parameters selected by encoder.
            // - BufferSizeInKB parameter is required to set bit stream buffer size
            par = new mfxVideoParam();
            sts = UnsafeNativeMethods.MFXVideoENCODE_GetVideoParam(session, &par);
            QuickSyncStatic.ThrowOnBadStatus(sts, "enc.getvideoparams");

            // Create task pool to improve asynchronous performance (greater GPU utilization)

            taskPoolSize = mfxEncParams.AsyncDepth;  // number of tasks that can be submitted, before synchronizing is required
                                                     //  Task* pTasks = stackalloc Task[taskPoolSize];
            pTasks = (Task *)MyAllocHGlobalAndZero(sizeof(Task) * taskPoolSize);
            // GCHandle gch3 = GCHandle.Alloc(pTasks, GCHandleType.Pinned);
            for (int i = 0; i < taskPoolSize; i++)
                // Prepare Media SDK bit stream buffer
                pTasks[i].mfxBS.MaxLength = (uint)(par.mfx.BufferSizeInKB * 1000);
                pTasks[i].mfxBS.Data      = MyAllocHGlobalAndZero((int)pTasks[i].mfxBS.MaxLength);
                Trace.Assert(pTasks[i].mfxBS.Data != IntPtr.Zero);

            // GCHandle gch3 = GCHandle.Alloc(pTasks, GCHandleType.Pinned);