private static bool OrbLogic() { var orb = EntitiesManager.CenterOrb; if (orb == null || !orb.IsValid || !orb.IsActiveObject) { return(false); } var livingObj = orb.Get <LivingObject>(); if (livingObj.IsDead) { return(false); } var orbMapObj = orb.Get <MapGameObject>(); if (!TargetSelection.CursorDistCheck(orbMapObj.Position)) { return(false); } if (livingObj.Health <= 16) { Cast(AbilitySlot.Ability1); return(true); } if (!orbMapObj.IsHoveringNear()) { return(false); } Cast(AbilitySlot.Ability1); return(true); }
public static void GetTargetAndAim() { var castingId = LocalPlayer.Instance.AbilitySystem.CastingAbilityId; var skill = ActiveSkills.Get(castingId); if (skill == null) { return; } if (OrbLogic(skill, true)) { return; } var prediction = TargetSelection.GetTargetPrediction(skill, ActiveSkills.GetData(skill.Slot)); if (!prediction.CanHit) { if (OrbLogic(skill)) { Main.DebugOutput = "Attacking orb (no valid targets)"; } else if (MenuHandler.InterruptSpells) { LocalPlayer.PressAbility(AbilitySlot.Interrupt, true); } return; } Main.DebugOutput = "Aiming at " + prediction.Target.CharName; LocalPlayer.EditAimPosition = true; LocalPlayer.Aim(prediction.CastPosition); }
public void Load() { GUIPanel.Pannels.Clear(); InventoryWindow = new InventoryScreen(); InventoryWindow.Init(); SkillScreen = new CharcterScreen(); SkillScreen.Init(); StatusWindow = new PlayerStatus(); StatusWindow.Init(); Selector = new TargetSelection(); Selector.Init(); Selector.Enabled = false; Loot = new LootScreen(); Loot.Init(); Loot.Enabled = false; GameMenu = new InGameMenu(); GameMenu.Init(); GameMenu.Enabled = false; InMenu = false; SetPlayer(GameState.Instance.PlayerObject); }
/// <summary> /// Allows the game to perform any initialization it needs to before starting to run. /// This is where it can query for any required services and load any non-graphic /// related content. Calling base.Initialize will enumerate through any components /// and initialize them as well. /// </summary> protected override void Initialize() { // TODO: Add your initialization logic here startMenu = new StartMenu(this); firstPlayer = new PlayerInput(this); firstPlayer.TESTBINDING(); EntityManager = new EntityManager(this); SystemManager = new SystemManager(this); ComponentManager = new ComponentManager(this); TestSelect = new SelectionRectange(this); targetSelection = new TargetSelection(this); RenderSystem = new RenderSystem(this); RenderComponent = new RenderComponent(this); testWorld = new TestWorld(this); EntityCleaner = new DeadParrotCollector(this); //DEBUG mouseClick = Content.Load <Texture2D>(@"Graphics\Mouse0"); mouseClickRectangle = new Rectangle((int)(Mouse.GetState().X) - mouseClick.Width / 2, (int)(Mouse.GetState().Y) - mouseClick.Height / 2, mouseClick.Width, mouseClick.Height); base.Initialize(); }
public void AlignHorizontal(TargetSelection targetselection, Models.AlignmentHorizontal align) { targetselection = targetselection.ResolveToSelection(this._client); IVisio.VisHorizontalAlignTypes halign; var valign = IVisio.VisVerticalAlignTypes.visVertAlignNone; switch (align) { case VisioScripting.Models.AlignmentHorizontal.Left: halign = IVisio.VisHorizontalAlignTypes.visHorzAlignLeft; break; case VisioScripting.Models.AlignmentHorizontal.Center: halign = IVisio.VisHorizontalAlignTypes.visHorzAlignCenter; break; case VisioScripting.Models.AlignmentHorizontal.Right: halign = IVisio.VisHorizontalAlignTypes.visHorzAlignRight; break; default: throw new System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException(); } const bool glue_to_guide = false; using (var undoscope = this._client.Undo.NewUndoScope(nameof(AlignHorizontal))) { targetselection.Selection.Align(halign, valign, glue_to_guide); } }
public void AlignVertical(TargetSelection targetselection, Models.AlignmentVertical align) { targetselection = targetselection.ResolveToSelection(this._client); // Set the align enums var halign = IVisio.VisHorizontalAlignTypes.visHorzAlignNone; IVisio.VisVerticalAlignTypes valign; switch (align) { case VisioScripting.Models.AlignmentVertical.Top: valign = IVisio.VisVerticalAlignTypes.visVertAlignTop; break; case VisioScripting.Models.AlignmentVertical.Center: valign = IVisio.VisVerticalAlignTypes.visVertAlignMiddle; break; case VisioScripting.Models.AlignmentVertical.Bottom: valign = IVisio.VisVerticalAlignTypes.visVertAlignBottom; break; default: throw new System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException(); } const bool glue_to_guide = false; // Perform the alignment using (var undoscope = this._client.Undo.NewUndoScope(nameof(AlignVertical))) { targetselection.Selection.Align(halign, valign, glue_to_guide); } }
public void DistributeHorizontal(TargetSelection targetselection, Models.AlignmentHorizontal halign) { targetselection = targetselection.ResolveToSelection(this._client); if (targetselection.Selection.Count < 2) { return; } IVisio.VisUICmds cmd; switch (halign) { case VisioScripting.Models.AlignmentHorizontal.Left: cmd = IVisio.VisUICmds.visCmdDistributeLeft; break; case VisioScripting.Models.AlignmentHorizontal.Center: cmd = IVisio.VisUICmds.visCmdDistributeCenter; break; case VisioScripting.Models.AlignmentHorizontal.Right: cmd = IVisio.VisUICmds.visCmdDistributeRight; break; default: throw new System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException(); } var app = targetselection.Selection.Application; using (var undoscope = this._client.Undo.NewUndoScope(nameof(DistributeHorizontal))) { app.DoCmd((short)cmd); } }
public int GetShapeCount(TargetSelection targetselection) { targetselection = targetselection.ResolveToSelection(this._client); int count = targetselection.Selection.Count; return(count); }
public void Ungroup(TargetSelection target_selection) { var cmdtarget = this._client.GetCommandTarget(CommandTargetFlags.RequireApplication); var application = cmdtarget.Application; application.DoCmd((short)IVisio.VisUICmds.visCmdObjectUngroup); }
// Use this for initialization void Start() { target = targetScript.GetComponent <TargetSelection>(); //get the animator component RadialMenu = RadialMenu.GetComponent <Animator>(); //disable it on start to stop it from playing the default animation RadialMenu.enabled = false; }
// Use this for initialization void Start() { target = targetScript.GetComponent<TargetSelection>(); //get the animator component RadialMenu = RadialMenu.GetComponent<Animator>(); //disable it on start to stop it from playing the default animation RadialMenu.enabled = false; }
void Start() { target = GameObject.Find("Target"); steadyPoint = GameObject.Find("SteadyPoint"); destinationPoint = GameObject.Find("DestinationPoint"); targetSelection = target.GetComponent <TargetSelection> (); rb = GetComponent <Rigidbody2D> (); col = GetComponent <BoxCollider2D> (); }
private static bool OrbLogic(SkillBase skill, bool shouldCheckHover = false) { var orb = EntitiesManager.CenterOrb; if (orb == null || !orb.IsValid || !orb.IsActiveObject) { return(false); } var livingObj = orb.Get <LivingObject>(); if (livingObj.IsDead) { return(false); } var orbMapObj = orb.Get <MapGameObject>(); var orbPos = orbMapObj.Position; if (!TargetSelection.CursorDistCheck(orbPos)) { return(false); } if (livingObj.Health <= 14 && skill.Slot == AbilitySlot.Ability1) { Main.DebugOutput = "Attacking orb (Orb Steal)"; LocalPlayer.EditAimPosition = true; LocalPlayer.Aim(orbPos); return(true); } if (livingObj.Health <= 22 && skill.Slot == AbilitySlot.Ability2) { Main.DebugOutput = "Attacking orb (Orb Steal)"; LocalPlayer.EditAimPosition = true; LocalPlayer.Aim(orbPos); return(true); } if (orbPos.Distance(LocalPlayer.Instance) > skill.Range || shouldCheckHover && !orbMapObj.IsHoveringNear()) { return(false); } if (shouldCheckHover) { Main.DebugOutput = "Attacking orb (mouse hovering)"; } if (skill.SkillType == SkillType.Line && Prediction.UseClosestPointOnLine) { orbPos = GeometryLib.NearestPointOnFiniteLine(LocalPlayer.Instance.Pos().Extend(orbPos, 0.6f), orbPos, Base.Main.MouseWorldPos); } LocalPlayer.EditAimPosition = true; LocalPlayer.Aim(orbPos); return(true); }
public IVisio.Shape Group(TargetSelection targetselection) { targetselection = targetselection.ResolveToSelection(this._client); // the other way of doing this: this.Client.VisioApplication.DoCmd((short)IVisio.VisUICmds.visCmdObjectGroup); // but it doesn't return the group var g = targetselection.Selection.Group(); return(g); }
// Use this for initialization void Start() { thisObject = gameObject; level = 1; expToLevel = 100; maxHP = 10; speed = 50f; currentHP = maxHP; scriptManager = GameObject.Find("ScriptManager"); combatScript = scriptManager.GetComponent<CombatSys>(); targetScript = scriptManager.GetComponent<TargetSelection>(); playerAnimator = thisObject.GetComponent<Animator>(); playerAnimator.enabled = false; }
// Use this for initialization void Start() { thisObject = gameObject; level = 1; expToLevel = 100; maxHP = 10; speed = 50f; currentHP = maxHP; scriptManager = GameObject.Find("ScriptManager"); combatScript = scriptManager.GetComponent <CombatSys>(); targetScript = scriptManager.GetComponent <TargetSelection>(); playerAnimator = thisObject.GetComponent <Animator>(); playerAnimator.enabled = false; }
public void Nudge(TargetSelection targetselection, double dx, double dy) { if (dx == 0.0 && dy == 0.0) { return; } targetselection = targetselection.ResolveToSelection(this._client); using (var undoscope = this._client.Undo.NewUndoScope(nameof(Nudge))) { var unitcode = IVisio.VisUnitCodes.visInches; // Move method: targetselection.Selection.Move(dx, dy, unitcode); } }
public static void GetTargetAndAim() { var castingId = LocalPlayer.Instance.AbilitySystem.CastingAbilityId; if (castingId == 238454699 && MenuHandler.SkillBool("close_a3") && EnemiesInRange(2.5f).Count > 0) { Main.DebugOutput = "Shielding self"; LocalPlayer.EditAimPosition = true; LocalPlayer.Aim(LocalPlayer.Instance.Pos()); return; } var skill = ActiveSkills.Get(castingId); if (skill == null) { return; } if (OrbLogic(skill, true)) { return; } var prediction = skill.Slot == AbilitySlot.Ability5 ? GetEPrediction(skill, ActiveSkills.GetData(skill.Slot)) : TargetSelection.GetTargetPrediction(skill, ActiveSkills.GetData(skill.Slot), skill.Slot == AbilitySlot.Ability2); if (!prediction.CanHit) { if (OrbLogic(skill)) { Main.DebugOutput = "Attacking orb (no valid targets)"; } else { if (MenuHandler.InterruptSpells && (!MenuHandler.NeverInterruptE || skill.Slot != AbilitySlot.Ability5)) { LocalPlayer.PressAbility(AbilitySlot.Interrupt, true); } } return; } Main.DebugOutput = "Aiming at " + prediction.Target.CharName; LocalPlayer.EditAimPosition = true; LocalPlayer.Aim(prediction.CastPosition); }
public static void AimUlt() { var skill = ActiveSkills.Active.Get(AbilitySlot.Ability7); if (OrbLogic(skill, true)) { return; } var prediction = TargetSelection.GetTargetPrediction(skill, ActiveSkills.GetData(skill.Slot), true); if (!prediction.CanHit) { Main.DebugOutput = OrbLogic(skill) ? "Attacking orb (no valid targets)" : "Cant find any targets"; return; } Main.DebugOutput = "Aiming at " + prediction.Target.CharName; LocalPlayer.EditAimPosition = true; LocalPlayer.Aim(prediction.CastPosition); }
public static void GetTargetAndAim() { var castingId = LocalPlayer.Instance.AbilitySystem.CastingAbilityId; var skill = ActiveSkills.Get(castingId); if (skill == null) { return; } if (OrbLogic(skill, true)) { return; } var useOnIncaps = skill.Slot == AbilitySlot.Ability2 || skill.Slot == AbilitySlot.Ability5 || skill.Slot == AbilitySlot.Ability7; var prediction = skill.Slot == AbilitySlot.Ability1 && LocalPlayer.Instance.HasBuff("AscensionBuff") ? TargetSelection.GetTargetPrediction(Main.AscendedM1, Main.AM1Info, true) : TargetSelection.GetTargetPrediction(skill, ActiveSkills.GetData(skill.Slot), useOnIncaps); if (!prediction.CanHit) { if (OrbLogic(skill)) { Main.DebugOutput = "Attacking orb (no valid targets)"; } else { if (skill.SkillType == SkillType.Line && skill.Slot != AbilitySlot.Ability7 && MenuHandler.InterruptSpells) { LocalPlayer.PressAbility(AbilitySlot.Interrupt, true); } } return; } Main.DebugOutput = "Aiming at " + prediction.Target.CharName; LocalPlayer.EditAimPosition = true; LocalPlayer.Aim(prediction.CastPosition); }
// Function to be called by the new target when clicked public void SetTarget(GameObject _newTarget) { if (_newTarget != null) { if (currentTarget != null) { // If we have just targeted one enemy, but have not attacked him, deactivate his health bar TargetSelection ts = currentTarget.GetComponent <TargetSelection>(); if (ts.GetHP() == ts.getMaximumHealth()) { ts.enemyHealthBar.SetActive(false); } // Obs: in ts.TakeDamageBy() we activate the enemy health bar by default // If had double clicked the same target, just destarget it if (_newTarget == currentTarget) { currentTarget = null; return; } } // Turns new target into currentTarget currentTarget = _newTarget; // Gets newTarget HP bar reference enemyHealthBar = currentTarget.GetComponent <TargetSelection> ().enemyHealthBar; // Active HP on top screen enemyHealthBar.SetActive(true); return; } currentTarget = _newTarget; }
public void DistributeVertical(TargetSelection targetselection, Models.AlignmentVertical valign) { targetselection = targetselection.ResolveToSelection(this._client); if (targetselection.Selection.Count < 2) { return; } IVisio.VisUICmds cmd; switch (valign) { case VisioScripting.Models.AlignmentVertical.Top: cmd = IVisio.VisUICmds.visCmdDistributeTop; break; case VisioScripting.Models.AlignmentVertical.Center: cmd = IVisio.VisUICmds.visCmdDistributeMiddle; break; case VisioScripting.Models.AlignmentVertical.Bottom: cmd = IVisio.VisUICmds.visCmdDistributeBottom; break; default: throw new System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException(); } var app = targetselection.Selection.Application; using (var undoscope = this._client.Undo.NewUndoScope(nameof(DistributeVertical))) { app.DoCmd((short)cmd); } }