private void AddTargetNodes() { string s = Event.Targets.ToString(); var split = s.Split(','); foreach (string t in split) { var TargetPin = new TargetNodeItem(new TargetKey(t)); AddItem(TargetPin); } }
public CustomTargetNode(string Name, TargetKey Target) : base(Name.ToTitleCase()) { this.Target = Target; OutputTarget = new TargetNodeItem("Target", Graph.NodeItemType.Output); OutputTarget.Target = Target; this.AddItem(OutputTarget); AddInputPins(); }
private void AddNodeElements() { Type t = DotaAction.GetType(); InputExecute = new ExecuteNodeItem("Execute", NodeItemType.Input); this.AddItem(InputExecute); OutputExecute = new ExecuteNodeItem("Execute", NodeItemType.Output); this.AddItem(OutputExecute); //Loop through all of this action's properties and add node elements for each property type PropertyInfo[] properties = t.GetProperties(); //Target should always be ordered first var target = properties.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Name == "Target"); if (target != null) { TargetPin = new TargetNodeItem(target.Name, NodeItemType.Input); TargetPin.Tag = "Target"; this.AddItem(TargetPin); } foreach (PropertyInfo prop in properties) { //Skip DotaDataObject's properties as they don't go into the node if (prop.Name == "ClassName") { continue; } if (prop.Name == "KeyValue") { continue; } if (prop.Name == "ObjectInfo") { continue; } if (prop.Name == "Target") { continue; //Skip target because we handled it already } NodeItem item = null; if (prop.PropertyType == typeof(NumberValue)) { item = new NumberValueItem(prop.Name, 20, 20, 0, 100, 0, NodeItemType.Input); } if (prop.PropertyType == typeof(TargetKey)) { item = new TargetNodeItem(prop.Name, NodeItemType.Input); } if (prop.PropertyType == typeof(DotaActionCollection)) { item = new ExecuteNodeItem(prop.Name, NodeItemType.Output); var ex = item as ExecuteNodeItem; ex.ActionCollection = prop.GetMethod.Invoke(DotaAction, new object[] { }) as DotaActionCollection; //Assign this execute node as the end point //for an action collection execute chain } if (item == null) { item = new NodeLabelItem(prop.Name, NodeItemType.Input); } item.Tag = prop.Name; this.AddItem(item); } }