void Update() { // Scale the TimerRing down over time if (tParam < 1) { tParam += Time.deltaTime / _lifetime;//* decaySpeed; //This will increment tParam based on Time.deltaTime multiplied by a speed multiplier timerRingScale = Mathf.Lerp(3f, 1f, tParam); timerRenderer.color = Color.Lerp(red, green, tParam); TimerRing.transform.localScale = new Vector3(timerRingScale, timerRingScale, 1f); } else if (aligned == false) { alignTime = Time.time; aligned = true; } else if (aligned && Time.time >= alignTime + delayTime) { //CombatController.Instance.TargetOutcome(this, false); TapTargetEventManager.TapTargetCall(transform.position, Accuracy(false)); } }
//Detect if a click occurs public void OnPointerClick(PointerEventData pointerEventData) { //Output to console the clicked GameObject's name and the following message. You can replace this with your own actions for when clicking the GameObject. Debug.Log(name + " Game Object Clicked!"); TapTargetEventManager.TapTargetCall(transform.position, Accuracy(true)); }