public override bool IsPotentiallyArea(TagsCollectionBase tags) { if (tags == null || tags.Count == 0) { return(false); } bool flag = false; if (tags.ContainsKey("building") && !tags.IsFalse("building") || tags.ContainsKey("landuse") && !tags.IsFalse("landuse") || (tags.ContainsKey("amenity") && !tags.IsFalse("amenity") || tags.ContainsKey("harbour") && !tags.IsFalse("harbour")) || (tags.ContainsKey("historic") && !tags.IsFalse("historic") || tags.ContainsKey("leisure") && !tags.IsFalse("leisure") || (tags.ContainsKey("man_made") && !tags.IsFalse("man_made") || tags.ContainsKey("military") && !tags.IsFalse("military"))) || (tags.ContainsKey("natural") && !tags.IsFalse("natural") || tags.ContainsKey("office") && !tags.IsFalse("office") || (tags.ContainsKey("place") && !tags.IsFalse("place") || tags.ContainsKey("power") && !tags.IsFalse("power")) || (tags.ContainsKey("public_transport") && !tags.IsFalse("public_transport") || tags.ContainsKey("shop") && !tags.IsFalse("shop") || (tags.ContainsKey("sport") && !tags.IsFalse("sport") || tags.ContainsKey("tourism") && !tags.IsFalse("tourism")))) || (tags.ContainsKey("waterway") && !tags.IsFalse("waterway") || tags.ContainsKey("wetland") && !tags.IsFalse("wetland") || (tags.ContainsKey("water") && !tags.IsFalse("water") || tags.ContainsKey("aeroway") && !tags.IsFalse("aeroway")))) { flag = true; } string str; if (tags.TryGetValue("type", out str)) { if (str == "multipolygon") { flag = true; } else if (str == "boundary") { flag = true; } } if (tags.IsTrue("area")) { flag = true; } else if (tags.IsFalse("area")) { flag = false; } return(flag); }
/// <summary> /// Returns true if the given tags collection contains tags that could represents an area. /// </summary> public override bool IsPotentiallyArea(TagsCollectionBase tags) { if (tags == null || tags.Count == 0) { return(false); } // no tags, assume no area. bool isArea = false; if ((tags.ContainsKey("building") && !tags.IsFalse("building")) || (tags.ContainsKey("landuse") && !tags.IsFalse("landuse")) || (tags.ContainsKey("amenity") && !tags.IsFalse("amenity")) || (tags.ContainsKey("harbour") && !tags.IsFalse("harbour")) || (tags.ContainsKey("historic") && !tags.IsFalse("historic")) || (tags.ContainsKey("leisure") && !tags.IsFalse("leisure")) || (tags.ContainsKey("man_made") && !tags.IsFalse("man_made")) || (tags.ContainsKey("military") && !tags.IsFalse("military")) || (tags.ContainsKey("natural") && !tags.IsFalse("natural")) || (tags.ContainsKey("office") && !tags.IsFalse("office")) || (tags.ContainsKey("place") && !tags.IsFalse("place")) || (tags.ContainsKey("power") && !tags.IsFalse("power")) || (tags.ContainsKey("public_transport") && !tags.IsFalse("public_transport")) || (tags.ContainsKey("shop") && !tags.IsFalse("shop")) || (tags.ContainsKey("sport") && !tags.IsFalse("sport")) || (tags.ContainsKey("tourism") && !tags.IsFalse("tourism")) || (tags.ContainsKey("waterway") && !tags.IsFalse("waterway") && !tags.Contains("waterway", "river") && !tags.Contains("waterway", "stream")) || (tags.ContainsKey("wetland") && !tags.IsFalse("wetland")) || (tags.ContainsKey("water") && !tags.IsFalse("water")) || (tags.ContainsKey("aeroway") && !tags.IsFalse("aeroway"))) { isArea = true; } string typeValue; if (tags.TryGetValue("type", out typeValue)) { // there is a type in this relation. if (typeValue == "multipolygon") { // this relation is a multipolygon. isArea = true; } else if (typeValue == "boundary") { // this relation is a boundary. isArea = true; } } if (tags.IsTrue("area")) { // explicitly indicated that this is an area. isArea = true; } else if (tags.IsFalse("area")) { // explicitly indicated that this is not an area. isArea = false; } return(isArea); }
protected bool TryGetHighwayType(TagsCollectionBase tags, out string highwayType) { highwayType = string.Empty; if (tags != null) { return(tags.TryGetValue("highway", out highwayType)); } return(false); }
public static bool IsFalse(this TagsCollectionBase tags, string tagKey) { string str; if (tags == null || string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(tagKey) || !tags.TryGetValue(tagKey, out str)) { return(false); } return(((IEnumerable <string>)TagExtensions.BooleanFalseValues).Contains <string>(str.ToLowerInvariant())); }
/// <summary> /// Returns true if the edge with the given tags is only accessible locally. /// </summary> /// <param name="tags"></param> /// <returns></returns> public bool IsOnlyLocalAccessible(TagsCollectionBase tags) { string tag; if (tags.TryGetValue("highway", out tag)) { if (tag == "service") { return true; } } if (tags.TryGetValue("access", out tag)) { if (tag == "private" || tag == "official") { return true; } } return false; }
/// <summary> /// Searches for a max width tag and returns the associated value. /// /// /// </summary> /// <param name="tags">The tags to search.</param> /// <param name="result"></param> /// <returns></returns> public static bool TryGetMaxWidth(this TagsCollectionBase tags, out Meter result) { result = double.MaxValue; string tagValue; if (tags == null || !tags.TryGetValue("maxwidth", out tagValue) || Utilities.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(tagValue)) { return(false); } return(TagExtensions.TryParseLength(tagValue, out result)); }
internal static void ContainsTags(TagsCollectionBase tags, params string[] keys) { foreach (var key in keys) { if (!tags.TryGetValue(key, out string value) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(value)) { throw new ArgumentException($"TagCollection is missing the required key: {key}"); } } }
/// <summary> /// Returns true if the given tags key has an associated value that can be interpreted as false. /// </summary> /// <param name="tags"></param> /// <param name="tagKey"></param> /// <returns></returns> public static bool IsFalse(this TagsCollectionBase tags, string tagKey) { if (tags == null || Utilities.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(tagKey)) { return(false); } string tagValue; return(tags.TryGetValue(tagKey, out tagValue) && BooleanFalseValues.Contains(tagValue.ToLowerInvariant())); }
public static bool?InterpretAccessValue(this TagsCollectionBase tags, string key) { string key1; bool? nullable; if (tags.TryGetValue(key, out key1) && VehicleExtensions.GetAccessValues().TryGetValue(key1, out nullable)) { return(nullable); } return(new bool?()); }
/// <summary> /// Returns true if the edge with the given tags is only accessible locally. /// </summary> /// <param name="tags"></param> /// <returns></returns> public bool IsOnlyLocalAccessible(TagsCollectionBase tags) { string tag; if (tags.TryGetValue("highway", out tag)) { if (tag == "service") { return(true); } } if (tags.TryGetValue("access", out tag)) { if (tag == "private" || tag == "official") { return(true); } } return(false); }
public static bool TryGetMaxWeight(this TagsCollectionBase tags, out Kilogram result) { result = (Kilogram)double.MaxValue; string s; if (tags == null || !tags.TryGetValue("maxweight", out s) || string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(s)) { return(false); } return(TagExtensions.TryParseWeight(s, out result)); }
public static bool TryGetMaxSpeed(this TagsCollectionBase tags, out KilometerPerHour result) { result = (KilometerPerHour)double.MaxValue; string s; if (tags == null || !tags.TryGetValue("maxspeed", out s) || (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(s) || s == "none") || (s == "signals" || s == "signs" || s == "no")) { return(false); } return(TagExtensions.TryParseSpeed(s, out result)); }
/// <summary> /// Searches for a max axle load tag and returns the associated value. /// /// /// </summary> /// <param name="tags">The tags to search.</param> /// <param name="result"></param> /// <returns></returns> public static bool TryGetMaxAxleLoad(this TagsCollectionBase tags, out Kilogram result) { result = double.MaxValue; string tagValue; if (tags == null || !tags.TryGetValue("maxaxleload", out tagValue) || Utilities.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(tagValue)) { return(false); } return(TagExtensions.TryParseWeight(tagValue, out result)); }
public static bool TryGetMaxHeight(this TagsCollectionBase tags, out Meter result) { result = (Meter)double.MaxValue; string s; if (tags == null || !tags.TryGetValue("maxheight", out s) || string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(s)) { return(false); } return(TagExtensions.TryParseLength(s, out result)); }
/// <summary> /// Searches for a maxspeed tag and returns the associated value. /// /// /// </summary> /// <param name="tags">The tags to search.</param> /// <param name="result"></param> /// <returns></returns> public static bool TryGetMaxSpeed(this TagsCollectionBase tags, out KilometerPerHour result) { result = double.MaxValue; string tagValue; if (tags == null || !tags.TryGetValue("maxspeed", out tagValue) || Utilities.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(tagValue) || tagValue == "none" || tagValue == "signals" || tagValue == "signs" || tagValue == "no") { return(false); } return(TagExtensions.TryParseSpeed(tagValue, out result)); }
public static void AddOrAppend(this TagsCollectionBase tags, string key, params string[] newValues) { if (tags.TryGetValue(key, out var oldValue)) { foreach (var newValue in newValues.Where(n => !oldValue.Contains(n))) { tags[key] += ";" + newValue; } } else { tags.Add(key, string.Join(";", newValues)); } }
//private const string REGEX_UNIT_KILOMETERS_PER_HOUR = @"\s*(kmh|km/h|kph)?\s*"; //private const string REGEX_UNIT_MILES_PER_HOUR = @"\s*(mph)?\s*"; /// <summary> /// Returns true if the given tags key has an associated value that can be interpreted as true. /// </summary> /// <param name="tags"></param> /// <param name="tagKey"></param> /// <returns></returns> public static bool IsTrue(this TagsCollectionBase tags, string tagKey) { if (tags == null || Utilities.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(tagKey)) { return(false); } // TryGetValue tests if the 'tagKey' is present, returns true if the associated value can be interpreted as true. // returns false if the associated value can be interpreted as false. string tagValue; return(tags.TryGetValue(tagKey, out tagValue) && BooleanTrueValues.Contains(tagValue.ToLowerInvariant())); }
/// <summary> /// Returns true if the edge is one way forward, false if backward, null if bidirectional. /// </summary> /// <param name="tags"></param> /// <returns></returns> public virtual bool?IsOneWay(TagsCollectionBase tags) { string oneway; if (tags.TryGetValue("oneway", out oneway)) { if (oneway == "yes") { return(true); } return(false); } string junction; if (tags.TryGetValue("junction", out junction)) { if (junction == "roundabout") { return(true); } } return(null); }
public override bool?IsOneWay(TagsCollectionBase tags) { string str1; if (tags.TryGetValue("oneway:bicycle", out str1)) { if (str1 == "yes") { return(new bool?(true)); } if (str1 == "no") { return(new bool?()); } return(new bool?(false)); } if (tags.TryGetValue("oneway", out str1)) { if (str1 == "yes") { return(new bool?(true)); } if (str1 == "no") { return(new bool?()); } return(new bool?(false)); } string str2; if (tags.TryGetValue("junction", out str2) && str2 == "roundabout") { return(new bool?(true)); } return(new bool?()); }
public static string GetAccessTag(this TagsCollectionBase tags, IEnumerable <string> accessTagHierachy) { if (tags == null) { return((string)null); } foreach (string key in accessTagHierachy) { string str; if (tags.TryGetValue(key, out str)) { return(str); } } return((string)null); }
/// <summary> /// Searches for the tags collection for the <c>Access</c>-Tags and returns the associated values. /// /// /// </summary> /// <param name="tags">The tags to search.</param> /// <param name="accessTagHierachy">The hierarchy of <c>Access</c>-Tags for different vehicle types.</param> /// <returns>The best fitting value is returned.</returns> public static string GetAccessTag(this TagsCollectionBase tags, IEnumerable <string> accessTagHierachy) { if (tags == null) { return(null); } foreach (string s in accessTagHierachy) { string access; if (tags.TryGetValue(s, out access)) { return(access); } } return(null); }
/// <summary> /// Returns true if the edge is a suitable candidate as a target for a point to be resolved on. /// </summary> /// <param name="vehicle"></param> /// <param name="pointTags"></param> /// <param name="edgeTags"></param> /// <returns></returns> public bool MatchWithEdge(Vehicle vehicle, TagsCollectionBase pointTags, TagsCollectionBase edgeTags) { if (pointTags == null || pointTags.Count == 0) { // when the point has no tags it has no requirements. return true; } if (edgeTags == null || edgeTags.Count == 0) { // when the edge has no tags, no way to verify. return false; } string pointName, edgeName; if (pointTags.TryGetValue("name", out pointName) && edgeTags.TryGetValue("name", out edgeName)) { // both have names. return (pointName == edgeName); } return false; }
/// <summary> /// Returns true if the edge is a suitable candidate as a target for a point to be resolved on. /// </summary> /// <param name="vehicle"></param> /// <param name="pointTags"></param> /// <param name="edgeTags"></param> /// <returns></returns> public bool MatchWithEdge(Vehicle vehicle, TagsCollectionBase pointTags, TagsCollectionBase edgeTags) { if (pointTags == null || pointTags.Count == 0) { // when the point has no tags it has no requirements. return(true); } if (edgeTags == null || edgeTags.Count == 0) { // when the edge has no tags, no way to verify. return(false); } string pointName, edgeName; if (pointTags.TryGetValue("name", out pointName) && edgeTags.TryGetValue("name", out edgeName)) { // both have names. return(pointName.LevenshteinMatch(edgeName, 90)); } return(false); }
/// <summary> /// Returns true if the given tags collection contains tags that could represents an area. waterway=river or waterway=stream could be potential false positives, /// but can't be confirmed without the actual geometry or the area=* tag set to true or false. /// </summary> public bool IsPotentiallyArea(TagsCollectionBase tags) { if (tags == null || tags.Count == 0) { return(false); // no tags, assume no area. } if (tags.IsTrue("area")) { return(true); } else if (tags.IsFalse("area")) { return(false); } bool isArea = false; if (tags.ContainsAnyKey(areaTags)) { isArea = true; } if (tags.TryGetValue("type", out var typeValue)) { switch (typeValue) { // there is a type in this relation. case "multipolygon": // this relation is a boundary. case "boundary": // this relation is a multipolygon. isArea = true; break; } } return(isArea); }
/// <summary> /// Returns true if the given tags collection contains tags that could represents an area. /// </summary> /// <param name="tags"></param> /// <returns></returns> public override bool IsPotentiallyArea(TagsCollectionBase tags) { if (tags == null || tags.Count == 0) { return false; } // no tags, assume no area. bool isArea = false; if ((tags.ContainsKey("building") && !tags.IsFalse("building")) || (tags.ContainsKey("landuse") && !tags.IsFalse("landuse")) || (tags.ContainsKey("amenity") && !tags.IsFalse("amenity")) || (tags.ContainsKey("harbour") && !tags.IsFalse("harbour")) || (tags.ContainsKey("historic") && !tags.IsFalse("historic")) || (tags.ContainsKey("leisure") && !tags.IsFalse("leisure")) || (tags.ContainsKey("man_made") && !tags.IsFalse("man_made")) || (tags.ContainsKey("military") && !tags.IsFalse("military")) || (tags.ContainsKey("natural") && !tags.IsFalse("natural")) || (tags.ContainsKey("office") && !tags.IsFalse("office")) || (tags.ContainsKey("place") && !tags.IsFalse("place")) || (tags.ContainsKey("power") && !tags.IsFalse("power")) || (tags.ContainsKey("public_transport") && !tags.IsFalse("public_transport")) || (tags.ContainsKey("shop") && !tags.IsFalse("shop")) || (tags.ContainsKey("sport") && !tags.IsFalse("sport")) || (tags.ContainsKey("tourism") && !tags.IsFalse("tourism")) || (tags.ContainsKey("waterway") && !tags.IsFalse("waterway")) || (tags.ContainsKey("wetland") && !tags.IsFalse("wetland")) || (tags.ContainsKey("water") && !tags.IsFalse("water")) || (tags.ContainsKey("aeroway") && !tags.IsFalse("aeroway"))) { // these tags usually indicate an area. isArea = true; } string typeValue; if (tags.TryGetValue("type", out typeValue)) { // there is a type in this relation. if (typeValue == "multipolygon") { // this relation is a multipolygon. isArea = true; } else if (typeValue == "boundary") { // this relation is a boundary. isArea = true; } } if (tags.IsTrue("area")) { // explicitly indicated that this is an area. isArea = true; } else if (tags.IsFalse("area")) { // explicitly indicated that this is not an area. isArea = false; } return isArea; }
/// <summary> /// The actual conflation. /// Returns true if conflation is finished and this grbPoly has been matched /// </summary> private static bool AttemptConflate(Geometry grbPoly, Geometry osmPoly, TagsCollectionBase grbTags, ICompleteOsmGeo osmObj, EasyChangeset cs) { // Is there geographical match? if (Math.Abs(osmPoly.Centroid.Distance(grbPoly.Centroid)) > 0.000001) { return(false); } if (osmPoly.Difference(grbPoly).Area > 0.000000001) { return(false); } if (grbPoly.Difference(osmPoly).Area > 0.000000001) { return(false); } if (grbTags == null) { Console.WriteLine("PANIC for grb object " + grbPoly); return(false); } if (osmObj.Tags.TryGetValue("building", out var osmBuildingValue)) { if (osmBuildingValue.Equals("yes")) { osmObj.Tags.RemoveKey("building"); } else { grbTags.TryGetValue("building", out var grbBuildingValue); if (grbBuildingValue == null) { Console.WriteLine("GRB Building value is null"); } else if (osmBuildingValue != grbBuildingValue) { if (!grbBuildingValue.Equals("yes")) { Console.WriteLine( $"Preferring OSM building-tag '{osmBuildingValue}' over the grb tag '{grbBuildingValue}'"); } grbTags.RemoveKey("building"); } } } if (osmObj.Tags.TryGetValue("source:geometry:ref", out var osmSourceRef)) { grbTags.TryGetValue("source:geometry:ref", out var grbRef); if (!osmSourceRef.Equals(grbRef)) { throw new Exception($"MISMATCH for {osmObj}: {osmSourceRef} != {grbRef}"); } osmObj.Tags.RemoveKey("source:geometry:date"); } if (osmObj.Tags.TryGetValue("addr:housenumber", out var osmHouseNumber)) { grbTags.TryGetValue("addr:housenumber", out var grbHouseNumber); if (!osmHouseNumber.Equals(grbHouseNumber)) { grbTags.RemoveKey("addr:housenumber"); var msg = "GRB thinks that this has number " + (string.IsNullOrEmpty(grbHouseNumber) ? "no number" : grbHouseNumber); Console.WriteLine( $"GRB and OSM disagree over housenumber of {osmObj}. Putting a fixme instead: grb: {grbHouseNumber} != osm {osmHouseNumber}"); if (grbTags.ContainsKey("fixme")) { msg += ";" + grbTags.GetValue("fixme"); } grbTags.AddOrReplace("fixme", msg); } } if (osmObj.Tags.TryGetValue("addr:street", out var osmStreet)) { grbTags.TryGetValue("addr:street", out var grbStreet); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(grbStreet) && !osmStreet.Equals(grbStreet)) { grbTags.RemoveKey("addr:street"); var msg = "GRB thinks that this lays in street " + grbStreet; Console.WriteLine( $"GRB and OSM disagree over streetname of {osmObj}. Putting a fixme instead: grb: {grbStreet} != osm {osmStreet}"); if (grbTags.ContainsKey("fixme")) { msg += ";" + grbTags.GetValue("fixme"); } grbTags.AddOrReplace("fixme", msg); } } try { foreach (var grbTag in grbTags) { if (grbTag.Key.Contains("wrong")) { continue; } osmObj.AddNewTag(grbTag.Key, grbTag.Value); } cs.AddChange(osmObj); } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine($"{osmObj}: {e.Message}: skipping match"); } return(true); }
/// <summary> /// Trys to return the highwaytype from the tags /// </summary> /// <param name="tags"></param> /// <param name="highwayType"></param> /// <returns></returns> protected bool TryGetHighwayType(TagsCollectionBase tags, out string highwayType) { return(tags.TryGetValue("highway", out highwayType)); }
/// <summary> /// Returns true if the edge with the given properties represents a roundabout. /// </summary> /// <param name="tags"></param> /// <returns></returns> public bool IsRoundabout(TagsCollectionBase tags) { string junction; return(tags != null && tags.TryGetValue("junction", out junction) && junction == "roundabout"); }
/// <summary> /// Tries to match the given tags and figure out a corresponding frc and fow. /// </summary> /// <param name="tags"></param> /// <param name="frc"></param> /// <param name="fow"></param> /// <returns>False if no matching was found.</returns> public override bool TryMatching(TagsCollectionBase tags, out FunctionalRoadClass frc, out FormOfWay fow) { frc = FunctionalRoadClass.Frc7; fow = FormOfWay.Undefined; string highway; if (tags.TryGetValue("highway", out highway)) { switch (highway) { // check there reference values against OSM: case "motorway": case "trunk": frc = FunctionalRoadClass.Frc0; break; case "primary": case "primary_link": frc = FunctionalRoadClass.Frc1; break; case "secondary": case "secondary_link": frc = FunctionalRoadClass.Frc2; break; case "tertiary": case "tertiary_link": frc = FunctionalRoadClass.Frc3; break; case "road": case "road_link": case "unclassified": case "residential": frc = FunctionalRoadClass.Frc4; break; case "living_street": frc = FunctionalRoadClass.Frc5; break; default: frc = FunctionalRoadClass.Frc7; break; } switch (highway) { // check there reference values against OSM: case "motorway": case "trunk": fow = FormOfWay.Motorway; break; case "primary": case "primary_link": fow = FormOfWay.MultipleCarriageWay; break; case "secondary": case "secondary_link": case "tertiary": case "tertiary_link": fow = FormOfWay.SingleCarriageWay; break; default: fow = FormOfWay.SingleCarriageWay; break; } return(true); // should never fail on a highway tag. } return(false); }
/// <summary> /// Tries to get the value for the given key. /// </summary> public bool TryGetValue(string key, out string value) { return(_tagCollection.TryGetValue(key, out value)); }
/// <summary> /// Calculates a match between the tags collection and the properties of the OpenLR location reference. /// </summary> /// <param name="tags"></param> /// <param name="fow"></param> /// <param name="frc"></param> /// <returns></returns> public override float MatchArc(TagsCollectionBase tags, FormOfWay fow, FunctionalRoadClass frc) { string highway; if (!tags.TryGetValue("highway", out highway)) { // not even a highway tag! return(0); } // TODO: take into account form of way? Maybe not for OSM-data? switch (frc) { // check there reference values against OSM: case FunctionalRoadClass.Frc0: // main road. if (highway == "motorway" || highway == "trunk") { return(1); } break; case FunctionalRoadClass.Frc1: // first class road. if (highway == "primary" || highway == "primary_link") { return(1); } break; case FunctionalRoadClass.Frc2: // second class road. if (highway == "secondary" || highway == "secondary_link") { return(1); } break; case FunctionalRoadClass.Frc3: // third class road. if (highway == "tertiary" || highway == "tertiary_link") { return(1); } break; case FunctionalRoadClass.Frc4: if (highway == "road" || highway == "road_link" || highway == "unclassified" || highway == "residential") { return(1); } break; case FunctionalRoadClass.Frc5: if (highway == "road" || highway == "road_link" || highway == "unclassified" || highway == "residential" || highway == "living_street") { return(1); } break; case FunctionalRoadClass.Frc6: if (highway == "road" || highway == "track" || highway == "unclassified" || highway == "residential" || highway == "living_street") { return(1); } break; case FunctionalRoadClass.Frc7: // other class road. if (highway == "footway" || highway == "bridleway" || highway == "steps" || highway == "path" || highway == "living_street") { return(1); } break; } if (highway != null && highway.Length > 0) { // for any other highway return a low match. return(0.2f); } return(0); }
/// <summary> /// Trys to return the highwaytype from the tags /// </summary> /// <param name="tags"></param> /// <param name="highwayType"></param> /// <returns></returns> protected bool TryGetHighwayType(TagsCollectionBase tags, out string highwayType) { return tags.TryGetValue("highway", out highwayType); }
/// <summary> /// Returns true if the edge is one way forward, false if backward, null if bidirectional. /// </summary> /// <param name="tags"></param> /// <returns></returns> public virtual bool? IsOneWay(TagsCollectionBase tags) { string oneway; if (tags.TryGetValue("oneway", out oneway)) { if (oneway == "yes") { return true; } return false; } string junction; if (tags.TryGetValue("junction", out junction)) { if (junction == "roundabout") { return true; } } return null; }
/// <summary> /// Trys to return the highwaytype from the tags /// </summary> /// <param name="tags"></param> /// <param name="highwayType"></param> /// <returns></returns> protected bool TryGetHighwayType(TagsCollectionBase tags, out string highwayType) { highwayType = string.Empty; return tags != null && tags.TryGetValue("highway", out highwayType); }
/// <summary> /// Calculates a match between the tags collection and the properties of the OpenLR location reference. /// </summary> /// <param name="tags"></param> /// <param name="fow"></param> /// <param name="frc"></param> /// <returns></returns> public override float MatchArc(TagsCollectionBase tags, FormOfWay fow, FunctionalRoadClass frc) { string frcString; if (!tags.TryGetValue("FRC", out frcString)) { // not even an FRC column. return(0); } float frcOneDifferent = 0.8f; float frcTwoDifferent = 0.6f; float frcMoreDifferent = 0.4f; var frcScore = 0.0f; switch (frcString) { case "0": // main road. if (frc == FunctionalRoadClass.Frc0) { frcScore = 1; } else if (frc == FunctionalRoadClass.Frc1) { frcScore = frcOneDifferent; } else if (frc == FunctionalRoadClass.Frc2) { frcScore = frcTwoDifferent; } else { frcScore = frcMoreDifferent; } break; case "1": // first class road. if (frc == FunctionalRoadClass.Frc1) { frcScore = 1; } else if (frc == FunctionalRoadClass.Frc0 || frc == FunctionalRoadClass.Frc2) { frcScore = frcOneDifferent; } else if (frc == FunctionalRoadClass.Frc3) { frcScore = frcTwoDifferent; } else { frcScore = frcMoreDifferent; } break; case "2": // second class road. if (frc == FunctionalRoadClass.Frc2) { frcScore = 1; } else if (frc == FunctionalRoadClass.Frc1 || frc == FunctionalRoadClass.Frc3) { frcScore = frcOneDifferent; } else if (frc == FunctionalRoadClass.Frc4 || frc == FunctionalRoadClass.Frc0) { frcScore = frcTwoDifferent; } else { frcScore = frcMoreDifferent; } break; case "3": if (frc == FunctionalRoadClass.Frc3) { frcScore = 1; } else if (frc == FunctionalRoadClass.Frc2 || frc == FunctionalRoadClass.Frc4) { frcScore = frcOneDifferent; } else if (frc == FunctionalRoadClass.Frc1 || frc == FunctionalRoadClass.Frc5) { frcScore = frcTwoDifferent; } else { frcScore = frcMoreDifferent; } break; case "4": if (frc == FunctionalRoadClass.Frc4) { frcScore = 1; } else if (frc == FunctionalRoadClass.Frc3 || frc == FunctionalRoadClass.Frc5) { frcScore = frcOneDifferent; } else if (frc == FunctionalRoadClass.Frc2 || frc == FunctionalRoadClass.Frc6) { frcScore = frcTwoDifferent; } else { frcScore = frcMoreDifferent; } break; case "5": if (frc == FunctionalRoadClass.Frc5) { frcScore = 1; } else if (frc == FunctionalRoadClass.Frc4 || frc == FunctionalRoadClass.Frc6) { frcScore = frcOneDifferent; } else if (frc == FunctionalRoadClass.Frc3 || frc == FunctionalRoadClass.Frc7) { frcScore = frcTwoDifferent; } else { frcScore = frcMoreDifferent; } break; case "6": if (frc == FunctionalRoadClass.Frc6) { frcScore = 1; } else if (frc == FunctionalRoadClass.Frc5 || frc == FunctionalRoadClass.Frc7) { frcScore = frcOneDifferent; } else if (frc == FunctionalRoadClass.Frc4) { frcScore = frcTwoDifferent; } else { frcScore = frcMoreDifferent; } break; case "7": if (frc == FunctionalRoadClass.Frc7) { frcScore = 1; } else if (frc == FunctionalRoadClass.Frc6) { frcScore = frcOneDifferent; } else if (frc == FunctionalRoadClass.Frc5) { frcScore = frcTwoDifferent; } else { frcScore = frcMoreDifferent; } break; case "8": if (frc == FunctionalRoadClass.Frc7) { frcScore = frcOneDifferent; } else if (frc == FunctionalRoadClass.Frc6) { frcScore = frcTwoDifferent; } else { frcScore = frcMoreDifferent; } break; } float fowOneDifferent = 0.8f; float fowMoreDifferent = 0.4f; var fowScore = 0.0f; string fowString; if (tags.TryGetValue("FOW", out fowString)) { fowScore = 0.2f; switch (fowString) { case "1": if (fow == FormOfWay.Motorway) { fowScore = 1; } else if (fow == FormOfWay.MultipleCarriageWay) { fowScore = fowOneDifferent; } break; case "2": if (fow == FormOfWay.MultipleCarriageWay) { fowScore = 1; } else if (fow == FormOfWay.Motorway || fow == FormOfWay.SingleCarriageWay) { fowScore = fowOneDifferent; } break; case "3": if (fow == FormOfWay.SingleCarriageWay) { fowScore = 1; } else if (fow == FormOfWay.MultipleCarriageWay) { fowScore = fowOneDifferent; } break; case "4": if (fow == FormOfWay.Roundabout) { fowScore = 1; } fowScore = fowMoreDifferent; break; case "8": if (fow == FormOfWay.TrafficSquare) { fowScore = 1; } fowScore = fowMoreDifferent; break; case "10": if (fow == FormOfWay.SlipRoad) { fowScore = 1; } fowScore = fowMoreDifferent; break; case "6": case "7": case "9": case "11": case "12": case "14": case "15": if (fow == FormOfWay.Other) { fowScore = fowOneDifferent; } break; default: if (fow == FormOfWay.Undefined) { fowScore = fowMoreDifferent; } break; } } return(frcScore + fowScore); }
/// <summary> /// Returns true if the edge with the given properties represents a roundabout. /// </summary> /// <param name="tags"></param> /// <returns></returns> public bool IsRoundabout(TagsCollectionBase tags) { string junction; return (tags != null && tags.TryGetValue("junction", out junction) && junction == "roundabout"); }
private void processTag <T>(string v, TagsCollectionBase tags, LaneDescription[] descriptions, ProcessTagValue <T> process, Action <LaneDescription, int, T> setter) { T parsedValue; string value; if (tags.TryGetValue(v, out value)) { if (process(value, out parsedValue)) { for (int i = 0; i < descriptions.Length; i++) { setter(descriptions[i], i, parsedValue); } } } if (tags.TryGetValue(v + ":lanes", out value)) { var split = value.Split('|'); for (int i = 0; i < split.Length; i++) { if (i < descriptions.Length) { foreach (var val in split[i].Split(';')) { if (process(val, out parsedValue)) { setter(descriptions[i], i, parsedValue); } } } else { // something wrong here } } } if (tags.TryGetValue(v + ":lanes:forward", out value)) { var forwardLanes = descriptions.Where(l => !l.Reverse).ToArray(); var split = value.Split('|'); for (int i = 0; i < split.Length; i++) { if (i < forwardLanes.Length) { foreach (var val in split[i].Split(';')) { if (process(val, out parsedValue)) { setter(forwardLanes[i], i, parsedValue); } } } else { // something wrong here } } } if (tags.TryGetValue(v + ":lanes:backward", out value)) { var forwardLanes = descriptions.Where(l => l.Reverse).ToArray(); var split = value.Split('|'); for (int i = 0; i < split.Length; i++) { if (i < forwardLanes.Length) { foreach (var val in split[i].Split(';')) { if (process(val, out parsedValue)) { setter(forwardLanes[i], i, parsedValue); } } } else { // something wrong here } } } }