コード例 #1
ファイル: GeoTag.cs プロジェクト: wencesui/GeoTag
        /// <summary>Constructor</summary>
        internal Tag(Bentley.MicroStation.AddIn addIn, TaggingMode oTagmode)
            m_addIn   = addIn;
            m_tagmode = oTagmode;


            //WS: the schema file must reside the same location with this Addin .dll
            string strAssemblyFolder = Path.GetDirectoryName(Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().Location);
            string strSchemaPath     = Path.Combine(strAssemblyFolder, "JansenGeoTags.01.00.ecschema.xml");

            oECAdaptor = new ECAdaptor();

            //WS: check if Geotag schema is in the dgn; if not, load it.
            if (!oECAdaptor.SchemaLoadedInModel("JansenGeoTags.01.00"))
                if (!LoadECSchema(strSchemaPath))
                    MessageBox.Show("Failed importing GeoTag Schema.");

            string severName        = "azrhbjvsqlprd01.hbjv.local";
            string TagDBName        = "BHPB_STRTagDB";
            string connectionString = "Data Source=" + severName + ";Initial Catalog=" + TagDBName + ";Integrated Security=SSPI;";

            sqlConnection = new SqlConnection(connectionString);

            //WS: check functioin code list,
            if (AddInMain.oListFunctionCode != null)
                LoadCmbboxFromList(cmbFunCode, AddInMain.oListFunctionCode);
                AddInMain.oListFunctionCode = new List <string>();

                if (!LoadcmbFuncodeFromDB(cmbFunCode, sqlConnection, ref AddInMain.oListFunctionCode))
                    MessageBox.Show("Failed to load Function Code from DB.");

            //WS: load FBS from ProjectWise. "210536" is the "FBS" folder id, which is at "Standards - Site/Attribute Lookup List/FBS"
            if (!LoadcmbFBS(cmbUnit, 210536, AddInMain.ComApp.ActiveDesignFile.FullName))
                MessageBox.Show("Failed to load FBS.");
コード例 #2
ファイル: GeoTag.cs プロジェクト: wencesui/GeoTag
        /// <summary>
        /// Show the form if it is not already displayed
        /// </summary>
        internal static void ShowForm(Bentley.MicroStation.AddIn addIn, TaggingMode oTagmode)
            //WS: if the form is opened, close it first and then re-open based on tagging mode.
            if (null != s_current)
                s_current = null;

            s_current = new Tag(addIn, oTagmode);
            s_current.AttachAsTopLevelForm(addIn, true);

            s_current.AutoOpen = true;

            //WS: seems not appropriate here
            //s_current.AutoOpenKeyin = "mdl load GeoTag";

            s_current.NETDockable = true;

            if (oTagmode == TaggingMode.ApplyNewTag)
                s_current.cmbUnit.Enabled    = true;
                s_current.cmbFunCode.Enabled = true;

                s_current.btnApply.Visible   = true;
                s_current.btnRefresh.Visible = true;
                s_current.lblNextNewTag.Text = "Next New Tag";
                s_current.lblTagValue.Text   = "<New Tag>";

                s_current.btnSelect.Visible = false;
                s_current.btnEdit.Visible   = false;
                s_current.btnDrop.Visible   = false;

                s_current.lblApplyOld.Visible = false;
                s_current.lblDrop.Visible     = false;
                s_current.lblSelect.Visible   = false;

            if (oTagmode == TaggingMode.EditOldTag)
                s_current.cmbUnit.Enabled    = false;
                s_current.cmbFunCode.Enabled = false;

                s_current.btnApply.Visible   = false;
                s_current.btnRefresh.Visible = false;

                s_current.lblNextNewTag.Text = "Existing Tag";
                s_current.lblTagValue.Text   = "<Old Tag>";

                s_current.btnSelect.Visible = true;
                s_current.btnEdit.Visible   = true;
                s_current.btnDrop.Visible   = true;

                s_current.lblApplyOld.Visible = true;
                s_current.lblDrop.Visible     = true;
                s_current.lblSelect.Visible   = true;

            BWW windowManager = BWW.GetForMicroStation();

            s_current.m_windowContent = windowManager.DockPanel(s_current, s_current.Name, s_current.Name, Bentley.Windowing.DockLocation.Floating);

            s_current.m_windowContent.CanDockHorizontally = false; // limit to left and right docking