コード例 #1
        public static AddressBookParsedResult parse(Result result)
            System.String rawText = result.Text;
            if (rawText == null || !rawText.StartsWith("MECARD:"))
                return null;
            System.String[] rawName = matchDoCoMoPrefixedField("N:", rawText, true);
            if (rawName == null)
                return null;
            System.String name = parseName(rawName[0]);
            System.String pronunciation = matchSingleDoCoMoPrefixedField("SOUND:", rawText, true);
            System.String[] phoneNumbers = matchDoCoMoPrefixedField("TEL:", rawText, true);
            System.String[] emails = matchDoCoMoPrefixedField("EMAIL:", rawText, true);
            System.String note = matchSingleDoCoMoPrefixedField("NOTE:", rawText, false);
            System.String[] addresses = matchDoCoMoPrefixedField("ADR:", rawText, true);
            System.String birthday = matchSingleDoCoMoPrefixedField("BDAY:", rawText, true);
            if (birthday != null && !isStringOfDigits(birthday, 8))
                // No reason to throw out the whole card because the birthday is formatted wrong.
                birthday = null;
            System.String url = matchSingleDoCoMoPrefixedField("URL:", rawText, true);

            // Although ORG may not be strictly legal in MECARD, it does exist in VCARD and we might as well
            // honor it when found in the wild.
            System.String org = matchSingleDoCoMoPrefixedField("ORG:", rawText, true);

            return new AddressBookParsedResult(maybeWrap(name), pronunciation, phoneNumbers, emails, note, addresses, org, birthday, null, url);
コード例 #2
        public static CalendarParsedResult parse(Result result)
            System.String rawText = result.Text;
            if (rawText == null)
                return null;
            int vEventStart = rawText.IndexOf("BEGIN:VEVENT");
            if (vEventStart < 0)
                return null;
            int vEventEnd = rawText.IndexOf("END:VEVENT");
            if (vEventEnd < 0)
                return null;

            System.String summary = VCardResultParser.matchSingleVCardPrefixedField("SUMMARY", rawText, true);
            System.String start = VCardResultParser.matchSingleVCardPrefixedField("DTSTART", rawText, true);
            System.String end = VCardResultParser.matchSingleVCardPrefixedField("DTEND", rawText, true);
                return new CalendarParsedResult(summary, start, end, null, null, null);
            catch (System.ArgumentException)
                return null;
コード例 #3
        public static NDEFSmartPosterParsedResult parse(Result result)
            sbyte[] bytes = result.RawBytes;
            if (bytes == null)
                return null;
            NDEFRecord headerRecord = NDEFRecord.readRecord(bytes, 0);
            // Yes, header record starts and ends a message
            if (headerRecord == null || !headerRecord.MessageBegin || !headerRecord.MessageEnd)
                return null;
            if (!headerRecord.Type.Equals(NDEFRecord.SMART_POSTER_WELL_KNOWN_TYPE))
                return null;

            int offset = 0;
            int recordNumber = 0;
            NDEFRecord ndefRecord = null;
            sbyte[] payload = headerRecord.Payload;
            int action = NDEFSmartPosterParsedResult.ACTION_UNSPECIFIED;
            System.String title = null;
            System.String uri = null;

            while (offset < payload.Length && (ndefRecord = NDEFRecord.readRecord(payload, offset)) != null)
                if (recordNumber == 0 && !ndefRecord.MessageBegin)
                    return null;

                System.String type = ndefRecord.Type;
                if (NDEFRecord.TEXT_WELL_KNOWN_TYPE.Equals(type))
                    System.String[] languageText = NDEFTextResultParser.decodeTextPayload(ndefRecord.Payload);
                    title = languageText[1];
                else if (NDEFRecord.URI_WELL_KNOWN_TYPE.Equals(type))
                    uri = NDEFURIResultParser.decodeURIPayload(ndefRecord.Payload);
                else if (NDEFRecord.ACTION_WELL_KNOWN_TYPE.Equals(type))
                    action = ndefRecord.Payload[0];
                offset += ndefRecord.TotalRecordLength;

            if (recordNumber == 0 || (ndefRecord != null && !ndefRecord.MessageEnd))
                return null;

            return new NDEFSmartPosterParsedResult(action, uri, title);
コード例 #4
 public static URIParsedResult parse(Result result)
     System.String rawText = result.Text;
     // We specifically handle the odd "URL" scheme here for simplicity
     if (rawText != null && rawText.StartsWith("URL:"))
         rawText = rawText.Substring(4);
     if (!isBasicallyValidURI(rawText))
         return null;
     return new URIParsedResult(rawText, null);
コード例 #5
 public static TelParsedResult parse(Result result)
     System.String rawText = result.Text;
     if (rawText == null || (!rawText.StartsWith("tel:") && !rawText.StartsWith("TEL:")))
         return null;
     // Normalize "TEL:" to "tel:"
     System.String telURI = rawText.StartsWith("TEL:")?"tel:" + rawText.Substring(4):rawText;
     // Drop tel, query portion
     //UPGRADE_WARNING: Method 'java.lang.String.indexOf' was converted to 'System.String.IndexOf' which may throw an exception. "ms-help://MS.VSCC.v80/dv_commoner/local/redirect.htm?index='!DefaultContextWindowIndex'&keyword='jlca1101'"
     int queryStart = rawText.IndexOf('?', 4);
     System.String number = queryStart < 0?rawText.Substring(4):rawText.Substring(4, (queryStart) - (4));
     return new TelParsedResult(number, telURI, null);
コード例 #6
 public Result[] decodeMultiple(BinaryBitmap image, System.Collections.Hashtable hints)
     System.Collections.ArrayList results = System.Collections.ArrayList.Synchronized(new System.Collections.ArrayList(10));
     doDecodeMultiple(image, hints, results, 0, 0);
     if ((results.Count == 0))
         throw ReaderException.Instance;
     int numResults = results.Count;
     Result[] resultArray = new Result[numResults];
     for (int i = 0; i < numResults; i++)
         resultArray[i] = (Result) results[i];
     return resultArray;
コード例 #7
 public static URIParsedResult parse(Result result)
     System.String rawText = result.Text;
     if (rawText == null || (!rawText.StartsWith("urlto:") && !rawText.StartsWith("URLTO:")))
         return null;
     //UPGRADE_WARNING: Method 'java.lang.String.indexOf' was converted to 'System.String.IndexOf' which may throw an exception. "ms-help://MS.VSCC.v80/dv_commoner/local/redirect.htm?index='!DefaultContextWindowIndex'&keyword='jlca1101'"
     int titleEnd = rawText.IndexOf(':', 6);
     if (titleEnd < 0)
         return null;
     System.String title = titleEnd <= 6?null:rawText.Substring(6, (titleEnd) - (6));
     System.String uri = rawText.Substring(titleEnd + 1);
     return new URIParsedResult(uri, title);
コード例 #8
 public static TextParsedResult parse(Result result)
     sbyte[] bytes = result.RawBytes;
     if (bytes == null)
         return null;
     NDEFRecord ndefRecord = NDEFRecord.readRecord(bytes, 0);
     if (ndefRecord == null || !ndefRecord.MessageBegin || !ndefRecord.MessageEnd)
         return null;
     if (!ndefRecord.Type.Equals(NDEFRecord.TEXT_WELL_KNOWN_TYPE))
         return null;
     System.String[] languageText = decodeTextPayload(ndefRecord.Payload);
     return new TextParsedResult(languageText[0], languageText[1]);
コード例 #9
 public static URIParsedResult parse(Result result)
     sbyte[] bytes = result.RawBytes;
     if (bytes == null)
         return null;
     NDEFRecord ndefRecord = NDEFRecord.readRecord(bytes, 0);
     if (ndefRecord == null || !ndefRecord.MessageBegin || !ndefRecord.MessageEnd)
         return null;
     if (!ndefRecord.Type.Equals(NDEFRecord.URI_WELL_KNOWN_TYPE))
         return null;
     System.String fullURI = decodeURIPayload(ndefRecord.Payload);
     return new URIParsedResult(fullURI, null);
コード例 #10
 public static URIParsedResult parse(Result result)
     System.String rawText = result.Text;
     if (rawText == null || !rawText.StartsWith("MEBKM:"))
         return null;
     System.String title = matchSingleDoCoMoPrefixedField("TITLE:", rawText, true);
     System.String[] rawUri = matchDoCoMoPrefixedField("URL:", rawText, true);
     if (rawUri == null)
         return null;
     System.String uri = rawUri[0];
     if (!URIResultParser.isBasicallyValidURI(uri))
         return null;
     return new URIParsedResult(uri, title);
コード例 #11
        // Yes, we extend AbstractDoCoMoResultParser since the format is very much
        // like the DoCoMo MECARD format, but this is not technically one of
        // DoCoMo's proposed formats
        public static AddressBookParsedResult parse(Result result)
            System.String rawText = result.Text;
            if (rawText == null || !rawText.StartsWith("BIZCARD:"))
                return null;
            System.String firstName = matchSingleDoCoMoPrefixedField("N:", rawText, true);
            System.String lastName = matchSingleDoCoMoPrefixedField("X:", rawText, true);
            System.String fullName = buildName(firstName, lastName);
            System.String title = matchSingleDoCoMoPrefixedField("T:", rawText, true);
            System.String org = matchSingleDoCoMoPrefixedField("C:", rawText, true);
            System.String[] addresses = matchDoCoMoPrefixedField("A:", rawText, true);
            System.String phoneNumber1 = matchSingleDoCoMoPrefixedField("B:", rawText, true);
            System.String phoneNumber2 = matchSingleDoCoMoPrefixedField("M:", rawText, true);
            System.String phoneNumber3 = matchSingleDoCoMoPrefixedField("F:", rawText, true);
            System.String email = matchSingleDoCoMoPrefixedField("E:", rawText, true);

            return new AddressBookParsedResult(maybeWrap(fullName), null, buildPhoneNumbers(phoneNumber1, phoneNumber2, phoneNumber3), maybeWrap(email), null, addresses, org, null, title, null);
コード例 #12
 public static EmailAddressParsedResult parse(Result result)
     System.String rawText = result.Text;
     if (rawText == null || !rawText.StartsWith("MATMSG:"))
         return null;
     System.String[] rawTo = matchDoCoMoPrefixedField("TO:", rawText, true);
     if (rawTo == null)
         return null;
     System.String to = rawTo[0];
     if (!isBasicallyValidEmailAddress(to))
         return null;
     System.String subject = matchSingleDoCoMoPrefixedField("SUB:", rawText, false);
     System.String body = matchSingleDoCoMoPrefixedField("BODY:", rawText, false);
     return new EmailAddressParsedResult(to, subject, body, "mailto:" + to);
コード例 #13
        public static AddressBookParsedResult parse(Result result)
            System.String rawText = result.Text;
            // MEMORY is mandatory; seems like a decent indicator, as does end-of-record separator CR/LF
            if (rawText == null || rawText.IndexOf("MEMORY") < 0 || rawText.IndexOf("\r\n") < 0)
                return null;

            // NAME1 and NAME2 have specific uses, namely written name and pronunciation, respectively.
            // Therefore we treat them specially instead of as an array of names.
            System.String name = matchSinglePrefixedField("NAME1:", rawText, '\r', true);
            System.String pronunciation = matchSinglePrefixedField("NAME2:", rawText, '\r', true);

            System.String[] phoneNumbers = matchMultipleValuePrefix("TEL", 3, rawText, true);
            System.String[] emails = matchMultipleValuePrefix("MAIL", 3, rawText, true);
            System.String note = matchSinglePrefixedField("MEMORY:", rawText, '\r', false);
            System.String address = matchSinglePrefixedField("ADD:", rawText, '\r', true);
            System.String[] addresses = address == null?null:new System.String[]{address};
            return new AddressBookParsedResult(maybeWrap(name), pronunciation, phoneNumbers, emails, note, addresses, null, null, null, null);
コード例 #14
 public Result[] decodeMultiple(BinaryBitmap image, System.Collections.Hashtable hints)
     System.Collections.ArrayList results = System.Collections.ArrayList.Synchronized(new System.Collections.ArrayList(10));
     DetectorResult[] detectorResult = new MultiDetector(image.BlackMatrix).detectMulti(hints);
     for (int i = 0; i < detectorResult.Length; i++)
             DecoderResult decoderResult = Decoder.decode(detectorResult[i].Bits);
             ResultPoint[] points = detectorResult[i].Points;
             Result result = new Result(decoderResult.Text, decoderResult.RawBytes, points, BarcodeFormat.QR_CODE);
             if (decoderResult.ByteSegments != null)
                 result.putMetadata(ResultMetadataType.BYTE_SEGMENTS, decoderResult.ByteSegments);
             if (decoderResult.ECLevel != null)
                 result.putMetadata(ResultMetadataType.ERROR_CORRECTION_LEVEL, decoderResult.ECLevel.ToString());
         catch (ReaderException)
             // ignore and continue
     if ((results.Count == 0))
         return EMPTY_RESULT_ARRAY;
         Result[] resultArray = new Result[results.Count];
         for (int i = 0; i < results.Count; i++)
             resultArray[i] = (Result) results[i];
         return resultArray;
コード例 #15
 public static GeoParsedResult parse(Result result)
     System.String rawText = result.Text;
     if (rawText == null || (!rawText.StartsWith("geo:") && !rawText.StartsWith("GEO:")))
         return null;
     // Drop geo, query portion
     //UPGRADE_WARNING: Method 'java.lang.String.indexOf' was converted to 'System.String.IndexOf' which may throw an exception. "ms-help://MS.VSCC.v80/dv_commoner/local/redirect.htm?index='!DefaultContextWindowIndex'&keyword='jlca1101'"
     int queryStart = rawText.IndexOf('?', 4);
     System.String geoURIWithoutQuery = queryStart < 0?rawText.Substring(4):rawText.Substring(4, (queryStart) - (4));
     int latitudeEnd = geoURIWithoutQuery.IndexOf(',');
     if (latitudeEnd < 0)
         return null;
     //UPGRADE_WARNING: Method 'java.lang.String.indexOf' was converted to 'System.String.IndexOf' which may throw an exception. "ms-help://MS.VSCC.v80/dv_commoner/local/redirect.htm?index='!DefaultContextWindowIndex'&keyword='jlca1101'"
     int longitudeEnd = geoURIWithoutQuery.IndexOf(',', latitudeEnd + 1);
     double latitude, longitude, altitude;
         latitude = System.Double.Parse(geoURIWithoutQuery.Substring(0, (latitudeEnd) - (0)));
         if (longitudeEnd < 0)
             longitude = System.Double.Parse(geoURIWithoutQuery.Substring(latitudeEnd + 1));
             altitude = 0.0;
             longitude = System.Double.Parse(geoURIWithoutQuery.Substring(latitudeEnd + 1, (longitudeEnd) - (latitudeEnd + 1)));
             altitude = System.Double.Parse(geoURIWithoutQuery.Substring(longitudeEnd + 1));
     catch (System.FormatException)
         return null;
     return new GeoParsedResult(rawText.StartsWith("GEO:")?"geo:" + rawText.Substring(4):rawText, latitude, longitude, altitude);
コード例 #16
 public static AddressBookParsedResult parse(Result result)
     // Although we should insist on the raw text ending with "END:VCARD", there's no reason
     // to throw out everything else we parsed just because this was omitted. In fact, Eclair
     // is doing just that, and we can't parse its contacts without this leniency.
     System.String rawText = result.Text;
     if (rawText == null || !rawText.StartsWith("BEGIN:VCARD"))
         return null;
     System.String[] names = matchVCardPrefixedField("FN", rawText, true);
     if (names == null)
         // If no display names found, look for regular name fields and format them
         names = matchVCardPrefixedField("N", rawText, true);
     System.String[] phoneNumbers = matchVCardPrefixedField("TEL", rawText, true);
     System.String[] emails = matchVCardPrefixedField("EMAIL", rawText, true);
     System.String note = matchSingleVCardPrefixedField("NOTE", rawText, false);
     System.String[] addresses = matchVCardPrefixedField("ADR", rawText, true);
     if (addresses != null)
         for (int i = 0; i < addresses.Length; i++)
             addresses[i] = formatAddress(addresses[i]);
     System.String org = matchSingleVCardPrefixedField("ORG", rawText, true);
     System.String birthday = matchSingleVCardPrefixedField("BDAY", rawText, true);
     if (!isLikeVCardDate(birthday))
         birthday = null;
     System.String title = matchSingleVCardPrefixedField("TITLE", rawText, true);
     System.String url = matchSingleVCardPrefixedField("URL", rawText, true);
     return new AddressBookParsedResult(names, null, phoneNumbers, emails, note, addresses, org, birthday, title, url);
コード例 #17
        // Treat all UPC and EAN variants as UPCs, in the sense that they are all product barcodes.
        public static ProductParsedResult parse(Result result)
            BarcodeFormat format = result.BarcodeFormat;
            if (!(BarcodeFormat.UPC_A.Equals(format) || BarcodeFormat.UPC_E.Equals(format) || BarcodeFormat.EAN_8.Equals(format) || BarcodeFormat.EAN_13.Equals(format)))
                return null;
            // Really neither of these should happen:
            System.String rawText = result.Text;
            if (rawText == null)
                return null;

            int length = rawText.Length;
            for (int x = 0; x < length; x++)
                char c = rawText[x];
                if (c < '0' || c > '9')
                    return null;
            // Not actually checking the checksum again here

            System.String normalizedProductID;
            // Expand UPC-E for purposes of searching
            if (BarcodeFormat.UPC_E.Equals(format))
                normalizedProductID = UPCEReader.convertUPCEtoUPCA(rawText);
                normalizedProductID = rawText;

            return new ProductParsedResult(rawText, normalizedProductID);
コード例 #18
        // ISBN-13 For Dummies
        // http://www.bisg.org/isbn-13/for.dummies.html
        public static ISBNParsedResult parse(Result result)
            BarcodeFormat format = result.BarcodeFormat;
            if (!BarcodeFormat.EAN_13.Equals(format))
                return null;
            System.String rawText = result.Text;
            if (rawText == null)
                return null;
            int length = rawText.Length;
            if (length != 13)
                return null;
            if (!rawText.StartsWith("978") && !rawText.StartsWith("979"))
                return null;

            return new ISBNParsedResult(rawText);
コード例 #19
 public Result decode(BinaryBitmap image, System.Collections.Hashtable hints)
     DecoderResult decoderResult;
     ResultPoint[] points;
     if (hints != null && hints.ContainsKey(DecodeHintType.PURE_BARCODE))
         BitMatrix bits = extractPureBits(image.BlackMatrix);
         decoderResult = decoder.decode(bits);
         points = NO_POINTS;
         DetectorResult detectorResult = new Detector(image.BlackMatrix).detect();
         decoderResult = decoder.decode(detectorResult.Bits);
         points = detectorResult.Points;
     Result result = new Result(decoderResult.Text, decoderResult.RawBytes, points, BarcodeFormat.DATAMATRIX);
     if (decoderResult.ByteSegments != null)
         result.putMetadata(ResultMetadataType.BYTE_SEGMENTS, decoderResult.ByteSegments);
     if (decoderResult.ECLevel != null)
         result.putMetadata(ResultMetadataType.ERROR_CORRECTION_LEVEL, decoderResult.ECLevel.ToString());
     return result;
コード例 #20
 public static ParsedResult parseResult(Result theResult)
     // This is a bit messy, but given limited options in MIDP / CLDC, this may well be the simplest
     // way to go about this. For example, we have no reflection available, really.
     // Order is important here.
     ParsedResult result;
     if ((result = BookmarkDoCoMoResultParser.parse(theResult)) != null)
         return result;
     else if ((result = AddressBookDoCoMoResultParser.parse(theResult)) != null)
         return result;
     else if ((result = EmailDoCoMoResultParser.parse(theResult)) != null)
         return result;
     else if ((result = AddressBookAUResultParser.parse(theResult)) != null)
         return result;
     else if ((result = VCardResultParser.parse(theResult)) != null)
         return result;
     else if ((result = BizcardResultParser.parse(theResult)) != null)
         return result;
     else if ((result = VEventResultParser.parse(theResult)) != null)
         return result;
     else if ((result = EmailAddressResultParser.parse(theResult)) != null)
         return result;
     else if ((result = TelResultParser.parse(theResult)) != null)
         return result;
     else if ((result = SMSMMSResultParser.parse(theResult)) != null)
         return result;
     else if ((result = GeoResultParser.parse(theResult)) != null)
         return result;
     else if ((result = URLTOResultParser.parse(theResult)) != null)
         return result;
     else if ((result = URIResultParser.parse(theResult)) != null)
         return result;
     else if ((result = ISBNResultParser.parse(theResult)) != null)
         // We depend on ISBN parsing coming before UPC, as it is a subset.
         return result;
     else if ((result = ProductResultParser.parse(theResult)) != null)
         return result;
     return new TextParsedResult(theResult.Text, null);
コード例 #21
 private static Result translateResultPoints(Result result, int xOffset, int yOffset)
     ResultPoint[] oldResultPoints = result.ResultPoints;
     ResultPoint[] newResultPoints = new ResultPoint[oldResultPoints.Length];
     for (int i = 0; i < oldResultPoints.Length; i++)
         ResultPoint oldPoint = oldResultPoints[i];
         newResultPoints[i] = new ResultPoint(oldPoint.X + xOffset, oldPoint.Y + yOffset);
     return new Result(result.Text, result.RawBytes, newResultPoints, result.BarcodeFormat);