コード例 #1
        internal Game_Ranking calculate_ranking_progress(TactileLibrary.Data_Chapter chapter,
                                                         int killed_enemies, int enemies_remaining)
            float chapter_progress = Chapter_Turn >= chapter.Ranking_Turns ? 1f :
                                     Chapter_Turn / (float)chapter.Ranking_Turns;

            int total_enemies = killed_enemies + enemies_remaining;
            // How many turns it should take to finish the map
            float kills_per_turn = MathHelper.Lerp(total_enemies / (float)chapter.Ranking_Turns,
                                                   killed_enemies / (float)Chapter_Turn, chapter_progress);
            int turn_to_clear = (int)Math.Round(enemies_remaining / kills_per_turn) + Chapter_Turn;

            // If a survive/timed map, min this with the time limit since you can't take longer than that //Yeti

            // How much more damage will be taken
            killed_enemies = Math.Max(1, killed_enemies); // Avoid divide by 0s
            float damage_per_enemy = MathHelper.Lerp(chapter.Ranking_Combat / (float)total_enemies,
                                                     Chapter_Damage_Taken / (float)killed_enemies, chapter_progress);
            int damage_on_clear = (int)Math.Round(enemies_remaining * damage_per_enemy) + Chapter_Damage_Taken;
            // How much more exp will be gained
            float exp_per_enemy = MathHelper.Lerp(chapter.Ranking_Exp / (float)total_enemies,
                                                  Chapter_Exp_Gain / (float)killed_enemies, chapter_progress);
            int exp_on_clear = (int)Math.Round(enemies_remaining * exp_per_enemy) + Chapter_Exp_Gain;

            return(new Game_Ranking(chapter.Id, Difficulty_Mode,
                                    turn_to_clear, damage_on_clear, exp_on_clear, Chapter_Deaths, Chapter_Completion));
コード例 #2
        public Chapter_Transition_Effect(TactileLibrary.Data_Chapter chapter)
            // Background
            texture   = Global.Content.Load <Texture2D>(@"Graphics/Pictures/Chapter Transition Background");
            Bmp_Width = texture.Width;
            while ((Loop - 1) * Bmp_Width < Math.Max((Config.WINDOW_WIDTH + Config.CH_TRANS_BG_DEPTH * 2), Config.WINDOW_HEIGHT))
            opacity      = 0;
            offset       = new Vector2(Config.CH_TRANS_BG_DEPTH);
            stereoscopic = Config.CH_TRANS_BG_DEPTH;
            // Sigil
            Sigil              = new Sprite(Global.Content.Load <Texture2D>(@"Graphics/Pictures/Chapter Transition Sigil"));
            Sigil.loc          = new Vector2(Config.WINDOW_WIDTH, Config.WINDOW_HEIGHT) / 2;
            Sigil.offset       = new Vector2(Sigil.texture.Width, Sigil.texture.Height) / 2;
            Sigil.blend_mode   = 1;
            Sigil.opacity      = 0;
            Sigil.stereoscopic = Config.CH_TRANS_SIGIL_DEPTH;
            // Banner
            Banner              = new Sprite(Global.Content.Load <Texture2D>(@"Graphics/Pictures/Chapter Transition Banner"));
            Banner.loc          = new Vector2(Config.WINDOW_WIDTH, Config.WINDOW_HEIGHT) / 2;
            Banner.offset       = new Vector2(Banner.texture.Width, Banner.texture.Height) / 2;
            Banner.blend_mode   = 1;
            Banner.opacity      = 0;
            Banner.stereoscopic = Config.CH_TRANS_BANNER_DEPTH;
            // Banner Bg
            Banner_Bg              = new Sprite(Global.Content.Load <Texture2D>(@"Graphics/Pictures/Chapter Transition Sigil"));
            Banner_Bg.loc          = new Vector2(Config.WINDOW_WIDTH, Config.WINDOW_HEIGHT) / 2;
            Banner_Bg.offset       = new Vector2(Sigil.texture.Width, Banner.texture.Height) / 2;
            Banner_Bg.src_rect     = new Rectangle(0, (Banner_Bg.texture.Height - Banner.texture.Height) / 2, Banner_Bg.texture.Width, Banner.texture.Height);
            Banner_Bg.tint         = new Color(0, 0, 0, 0);
            Banner_Bg.stereoscopic = Config.CH_TRANS_SIGIL_DEPTH;
            // Text
            Text = new TextSprite();
            string str = chapter.FullName;

            Text.loc          = new Vector2(Config.WINDOW_WIDTH, Config.WINDOW_HEIGHT) / 2 - new Vector2(Font_Data.text_width(str, Config.CHAPTER_FONT) / 2, 8);
            Text_Scissor_Rect = new Rectangle(0, (int)Banner.loc.Y - Banner.texture.Height / 2, Config.WINDOW_WIDTH, Banner.texture.Height);
            Text.SetFont(Config.CHAPTER_FONT, Global.Content);
            Text.text         = str;
            Text.opacity      = 0;
            Text.stereoscopic = Config.CH_TRANS_BANNER_DEPTH;
            // Text
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(chapter.AlternateTitle))
                AlternateTitle     = new ChapterTransitionAlternateTitle(chapter.AlternateTitle);
                AlternateTitle.loc = Text.loc + new Vector2(-24, -24);
            // Black Screen
            Black_Fill           = new Sprite(Global.Content.Load <Texture2D>(@"Graphics/White_Square"));
            Black_Fill.dest_rect = new Rectangle(0, 0, Config.WINDOW_WIDTH, Config.WINDOW_HEIGHT);
            Black_Fill.tint      = new Color(0, 0, 0, 0);