public void Test_Z3_MemWithArray_2() { #region Definitions uint nBits = 8; Context ctx = new Context(); BitVecExpr bv_0 = ctx.MkBV(0, nBits); BitVecExpr bv_16 = ctx.MkBV(16, nBits); BitVecExpr bv_32 = ctx.MkBV(32, nBits); BitVecExpr rax = ctx.MkBVConst("RAX!0", nBits); BitVecExpr rbx = ctx.MkBVConst("RBX!0", nBits); BitVecExpr rcx = ctx.MkBVConst("RCX!0", nBits); BitVecExpr rdx = ctx.MkBVConst("RDX!0", nBits); ArrayExpr mem = ctx.MkArrayConst("mem", ctx.MkBitVecSort(nBits), ctx.MkBitVecSort(nBits)); Goal state = ctx.MkGoal(); #endregion // Test possible memory overwrite Console.WriteLine("mov qword ptr[16], 0 ; store at address=16 value=0"); mem = ctx.MkStore(mem, bv_16, bv_0); Console.WriteLine("mov rax, qword ptr[16] ; load rax with the value at address=16"); state.Assert(ctx.MkEq(rax, ctx.MkSelect(mem, bv_16))); Console.WriteLine("mov qword ptr[rcx], 32 ; store at unknown address rcx value 32, appreciate that address 16 could be overwritten"); mem = ctx.MkStore(mem, rcx, bv_32); Console.WriteLine("mov rbx, qword ptr[16] ; load rbx with value at address 16, appreciate that rbx need not be equal to rax"); state.Assert(ctx.MkEq(rbx, ctx.MkSelect(mem, bv_16))); if (true) { Console.WriteLine("cmp rcx, 16 ;"); Console.WriteLine("jnz label1: "); state.Assert(ctx.MkEq(rcx, bv_16)); } #region Write to console Console.WriteLine("mem=" + mem); Solver solver = ctx.MkSolver(); Solver solver_U = ctx.MkSolver(); solver.Assert(state.Formulas); Console.WriteLine("state1=" + state); if (true) { Tactic tactic1 = ctx.MkTactic("propagate-values"); Goal state2 = tactic1.Apply(state).Subgoals[0]; Console.WriteLine("state2=" + state2.ToString()); } Console.WriteLine(string.Empty); Tv[] raxTV = ToolsZ3.GetTvArray(rax, (int)nBits, solver, solver_U, ctx); Console.WriteLine("rax = " + ToolsZ3.ToStringBin(raxTV) + " = " + ToolsZ3.ToStringHex(raxTV)); Tv[] rbxTV = ToolsZ3.GetTvArray(rbx, (int)nBits, solver, solver_U, ctx); Console.WriteLine("rbx = " + ToolsZ3.ToStringBin(rbxTV) + " = " + ToolsZ3.ToStringHex(rbxTV)); Tv[] rcxTV = ToolsZ3.GetTvArray(rcx, (int)nBits, solver, solver_U, ctx); Console.WriteLine("rcx = " + ToolsZ3.ToStringBin(rcxTV) + " = " + ToolsZ3.ToStringHex(rcxTV)); // Tv5[] rdxTV = ToolsZ3.getTvArray(rdx, nBits, solver, ctx); // Console.WriteLine("rdx = " + ToolsZ3.toStringBin(rdxTV) + " = " + ToolsZ3.toStringHex(rdxTV)); #endregion }
public void Run() { using (Context ctx = new Context()) { RealExpr x = ctx.MkRealConst("x"); RealExpr y = ctx.MkRealConst("y"); Goal g = ctx.MkGoal(); g.Assert(ctx.MkGt(x, ctx.MkReal(10)), ctx.MkEq(y, ctx.MkAdd(x, ctx.MkReal(1)))); g.Assert(ctx.MkGt(y, ctx.MkReal(1))); Tactic t = ctx.MkTactic("simplify"); ApplyResult r = t.Apply(g); Console.WriteLine(r); Console.WriteLine(g.Size); foreach (Goal s in r.Subgoals) { Console.WriteLine(s); } Console.WriteLine("Old goal: "); Console.WriteLine(g); t = ctx.Then(ctx.MkTactic("simplify"), ctx.MkTactic("solve-eqs")); r = t.Apply(g); Console.WriteLine(r); Solver solver = ctx.MkSolver(); foreach (BoolExpr f in r.Subgoals[0].Formulas) { solver.Assert(f); } Console.WriteLine(solver); Console.WriteLine(solver.Check()); Console.WriteLine(solver.Model); Console.WriteLine("applying model convert"); Console.WriteLine(r.ConvertModel(0, solver.Model)); Console.WriteLine("done"); } }
public void Test_Z3_MemWithImplies() { Context ctx = new Context(); BitVecExpr bv_0 = ctx.MkBV(0, 64); BitVecExpr bv_10 = ctx.MkBV(10, 64); BitVecExpr bv_20 = ctx.MkBV(20, 64); BitVecExpr addr = ctx.MkBVConst("ADDR", 64); BitVecExpr value = ctx.MkBVConst("VALUE", 64); BitVecExpr value1 = ctx.MkBVConst("value1", 64); BitVecExpr value2 = ctx.MkBVConst("value2", 64); BitVecExpr rax = ctx.MkBVConst("RAX!0-1955042C05A090D2", 64); BitVecExpr rbx = ctx.MkBVConst("RBX!1-5000C87A5EB2FB98", 64); BitVecExpr rcx = ctx.MkBVConst("RCX!1-68FC98BF6AFBF63E", 64); BitVecExpr rdx = ctx.MkBVConst("RDX!0-231D57E228F579AD", 64); Goal state = ctx.MkGoal(); // mov qword ptr[0], 10 state.Assert(ctx.MkImplies(ctx.MkEq(addr, bv_0), ctx.MkEq(value, bv_10))); // mov qword ptr[10], 20 state.Assert(ctx.MkImplies(ctx.MkEq(addr, bv_10), ctx.MkEq(value, bv_20))); // mov rbx, qword ptr[rax] //state.Assert(ctx.MkEq(rbx, ctx.MkEq(addr, value1)); // mov rcx, qword ptr[rbx] //state.Assert(ctx.MkEq(rcx, ctx.MkEq(addr, value2)); // cmp rax, 10; // jnz label1: state.Assert(ctx.MkEq(rax, bv_0)); Tactic tactic1 = ctx.MkTactic("propagate-values"); Console.WriteLine("state1=" + state); Console.WriteLine("state2=" + tactic1.Apply(state).ToString()); Solver solver = ctx.MkSolver(); Solver solver_U = ctx.MkSolver(); solver.Assert(state.Formulas); Tv[] f = ToolsZ3.GetTvArray(value, 64, solver, solver_U, ctx); Console.WriteLine("Value = 0b" + ToolsZ3.ToStringBin(f) + " = 0x" + ToolsZ3.ToStringHex(f)); }
public void Run() { Dictionary <string, string> cfg = new Dictionary <string, string>() { { "AUTO_CONFIG", "true" } }; using (Context ctx = new Context(cfg)) { RealExpr x = ctx.MkRealConst("x"); RealExpr y = ctx.MkRealConst("y"); RealExpr z = ctx.MkRealConst("z"); Goal g = ctx.MkGoal(); g.Assert(ctx.MkGt(ctx.MkAdd(x, y, z), ctx.MkReal(0))); Probe p = ctx.MkProbe("num-consts"); Console.WriteLine("num-consts: " + p.Apply(g)); Tactic t = ctx.FailIf(ctx.Gt(p, ctx.Const(2))); try { t.Apply(g); } catch (Z3Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine("Tactic failed: " + ex.Message); } Console.WriteLine("trying again..."); g = ctx.MkGoal(); g.Assert(ctx.MkGt(ctx.MkAdd(x, y), ctx.MkReal(0))); Console.WriteLine(t[g]); } }
/// <summary> /// Consolidate constraints. Remove all redundancies. /// Eg. (= rax, rbx-4443) and (= rbx-4443, 2) is replaced by (= rax, 2) /// </summary> public static void Consolidate(bool undef, Solver solver, Solver solver_U, Context ctx) { if (true) { #region Doc /* * tacticName ackermannize_bv: A tactic for performing full Ackermannization on bv instances. * tacticName subpaving: tactic for testing subpaving module. * tacticName horn: apply tactic for horn clauses. * tacticName horn-simplify: simplify horn clauses. * tacticName nlsat: (try to) solve goal using a nonlinear arithmetic solver. * tacticName qfnra-nlsat: builtin strategy for solving QF_NRA problems using only nlsat. * tacticName nlqsat: apply a NL-QSAT solver. * tacticName qe-light: apply light-weight quantifier elimination. * tacticName qe-sat: check satisfiability of quantified formulas using quantifier elimination. * tacticName qe: apply quantifier elimination. * tacticName qsat: apply a QSAT solver. * tacticName qe2: apply a QSAT based quantifier elimination. * tacticName qe_rec: apply a QSAT based quantifier elimination recursively. * tacticName vsubst: checks satsifiability of quantifier-free non-linear constraints using virtual substitution. * tacticName sat: (try to) solve goal using a SAT solver. * tacticName sat-preprocess: Apply SAT solver preprocessing procedures (bounded resolution, Boolean constant propagation, 2-SAT, subsumption, subsumption resolution). * tacticName ctx-solver-simplify: apply solver-based contextual simplification rules. * tacticName smt: apply a SAT based SMT solver. * tacticName unit-subsume-simplify: unit subsumption simplification. * tacticName aig: simplify Boolean structure using AIGs. * tacticName add-bounds: add bounds to unbounded variables (under approximation). * tacticName card2bv: convert pseudo-boolean constraints to bit-vectors. * tacticName degree-shift: try to reduce degree of polynomials (remark: :mul2power simplification is automatically applied). * tacticName diff-neq: specialized solver for integer arithmetic problems that contain only atoms of the form (<= k x) (<= x k) and (not (= (- x y) k)), where x and y are constants and k is a numeral, and all constants are bounded. * tacticName elim01: eliminate 0-1 integer variables, replace them by Booleans. * tacticName eq2bv: convert integer variables used as finite domain elements to bit-vectors. * tacticName factor: polynomial factorization. * tacticName fix-dl-var: if goal is in the difference logic fragment, then fix the variable with the most number of occurrences at 0. * tacticName fm: eliminate variables using fourier-motzkin elimination. * tacticName lia2card: introduce cardinality constraints from 0-1 integer. * tacticName lia2pb: convert bounded integer variables into a sequence of 0-1 variables. * tacticName nla2bv: convert a nonlinear arithmetic problem into a bit-vector problem, in most cases the resultant goal is an under approximation and is useul for finding models. * tacticName normalize-bounds: replace a variable x with lower bound k <= x with x' = x - k. * tacticName pb2bv: convert pseudo-boolean constraints to bit-vectors. * tacticName propagate-ineqs: propagate ineqs/bounds, remove subsumed inequalities. * tacticName purify-arith: eliminate unnecessary operators: -, /, div, mod, rem, is-int, to-int, ^, root-objects. * tacticName recover-01: recover 0-1 variables hidden as Boolean variables. * tacticName bit-blast: reduce bit-vector expressions into SAT. * tacticName bv1-blast: reduce bit-vector expressions into bit-vectors of size 1 (notes: only equality, extract and concat are supported). * tacticName bv_bound_chk: attempts to detect inconsistencies of bounds on bv expressions. * tacticName propagate-bv-bounds: propagate bit-vector bounds by simplifying implied or contradictory bounds. * tacticName reduce-bv-size: try to reduce bit-vector sizes using inequalities. * tacticName bvarray2uf: Rewrite bit-vector arrays into bit-vector (uninterpreted) functions. * tacticName dt2bv: eliminate finite domain data-types. Replace by bit-vectors. * tacticName elim-small-bv: eliminate small, quantified bit-vectors by expansion. * tacticName max-bv-sharing: use heuristics to maximize the sharing of bit-vector expressions such as adders and multipliers. * tacticName blast-term-ite: blast term if-then-else by hoisting them. * tacticName cofactor-term-ite: eliminate term if-the-else using cofactors. * tacticName collect-statistics: Collects various statistics. * tacticName ctx-simplify: apply contextual simplification rules. * tacticName der: destructive equality resolution. * tacticName distribute-forall: distribute forall over conjunctions. * tacticName elim-term-ite: eliminate term if-then-else by adding fresh auxiliary declarations. * tacticName elim-uncnstr: eliminate application containing unconstrained variables. * tacticName snf: put goal in skolem normal form. * tacticName nnf: put goal in negation normal form. * tacticName occf: put goal in one constraint per clause normal form (notes: fails if proof generation is enabled; only clauses are considered). * tacticName pb-preprocess: pre-process pseudo-Boolean constraints a la Davis Putnam. * tacticName propagate-values: propagate constants. * tacticName reduce-args: reduce the number of arguments of function applications, when for all occurrences of a function f the i-th is a value. * tacticName simplify: apply simplification rules. * tacticName elim-and: convert (and a b) into (not (or (not a) (not b))). * tacticName solve-eqs: eliminate variables by solving equations. * tacticName split-clause: split a clause in many subgoals. * tacticName symmetry-reduce: apply symmetry reduction. * tacticName tseitin-cnf: convert goal into CNF using tseitin-like encoding (note: quantifiers are ignored). * tacticName tseitin-cnf-core: convert goal into CNF using tseitin-like encoding (note: quantifiers are ignored). This tactic does not apply required simplifications to the input goal like the tseitin-cnf tactic. * tacticName fpa2bv: convert floating point numbers to bit-vectors. * tacticName qffp: (try to) solve goal using the tactic for QF_FP. * tacticName qffpbv: (try to) solve goal using the tactic for QF_FPBV (floats+bit-vectors). * tacticName nl-purify: Decompose goal into pure NL-sat formula and formula over other theories. * tacticName default: default strategy used when no logic is specified. * tacticName qfbv-sls: (try to) solve using stochastic local search for QF_BV. * tacticName nra: builtin strategy for solving NRA problems. * tacticName qfaufbv: builtin strategy for solving QF_AUFBV problems. * tacticName qfauflia: builtin strategy for solving QF_AUFLIA problems. * tacticName qfbv: builtin strategy for solving QF_BV problems. * tacticName qfidl: builtin strategy for solving QF_IDL problems. * tacticName qflia: builtin strategy for solving QF_LIA problems. * tacticName qflra: builtin strategy for solving QF_LRA problems. * tacticName qfnia: builtin strategy for solving QF_NIA problems. * tacticName qfnra: builtin strategy for solving QF_NRA problems. * tacticName qfuf: builtin strategy for solving QF_UF problems. * tacticName qfufbv: builtin strategy for solving QF_UFBV problems. * tacticName qfufbv_ackr: A tactic for solving QF_UFBV based on Ackermannization. * tacticName qfufnra: builtin strategy for solving QF_UNFRA problems. * tacticName ufnia: builtin strategy for solving UFNIA problems. * tacticName uflra: builtin strategy for solving UFLRA problems. * tacticName auflia: builtin strategy for solving AUFLIA problems. * tacticName auflira: builtin strategy for solving AUFLIRA problems. * tacticName aufnira: builtin strategy for solving AUFNIRA problems. * tacticName lra: builtin strategy for solving LRA problems. * tacticName lia: builtin strategy for solving LIA problems. * tacticName lira: builtin strategy for solving LIRA problems. * tacticName skip: do nothing tactic. * tacticName fail: always fail tactic. * tacticName fail-if-undecided: fail if goal is undecided. * tacticName macro-finder: Identifies and applies macros. * tacticName quasi-macros: Identifies and applies quasi-macros. * tacticName ufbv-rewriter: Applies UFBV-specific rewriting rules, mainly demodulation. * tacticName bv: builtin strategy for solving BV problems (with quantifiers). * tacticName ufbv: builtin strategy for solving UFBV problems (with quantifiers). */ #endregion { //Tactic taY = ctx.MkTactic("default"); // does not work: all constraitns are lost //Tactic taX = ctx.MkTactic("skip"); //Tactic ta0 = ctx.MkTactic("ctx-solver-simplify"); //VERY SLOW Tactic ta1 = ctx.MkTactic("simplify"); // some minor rewrites Tactic ta2 = ctx.MkTactic("ctx-simplify"); // no differences compared with SKIP //Tactic ta3 = ctx.MkTactic("qfbv"); // does not work: all constraitns are lost //Tactic ta3b = ctx.MkTactic("qfbv-sls");// does not work: all constraitns are lost //Tactic ta4 = ctx.MkTactic("solve-eqs");// does not work: all constraitns are lost Tactic ta5 = ctx.MkTactic("propagate-values"); // no differences compared with SKIP //Tactic ta6 = ctx.MkTactic("sat"); // make much more constrains such that Flatten takes VERY LONG //Tactic ta6b = ctx.MkTactic("sat-preprocess"); // does not work: some constrains are lost //Tactic ta7 = ctx.MkTactic("smt"); // does not work: all constraitns are lost using (Tactic tactic = ctx.AndThen(ta2, ctx.AndThen(ta1, ta5))) // using (Tactic tactic = ctx.AndThen(ta2, ta1)) { if (!undef) { using (Goal goal1 = ctx.MkGoal()) { goal1.Assert(solver.Assertions); using (ApplyResult ar = tactic.Apply(goal1)) { solver.Reset(); solver.Assert(ar.Subgoals[0].Formulas); } } } else { using (Goal goal1 = ctx.MkGoal()) { goal1.Assert(solver_U.Assertions); using (ApplyResult ar = tactic.Apply(goal1)) { solver_U.Reset(); solver_U.Assert(ar.Subgoals[0].Formulas); } } } } } } }
/// <summary> /// Compute post from pre /// </summary> /// <param name="pre"></param> /// <returns></returns> public Expr MakePost(Expr pre) { KeyValuePair <Transition, Expr> postKey = new KeyValuePair <Transition, Expr>(this, pre); if (Transition.CachePost.ContainsKey(postKey)) { return(CachePost[postKey]); } Expr idx = Controller.Instance.Indices["i"]; ConcreteLocation l = this.Parent; List <BoolExpr> resets = new List <BoolExpr>(); resets.Add((BoolExpr)pre); // add prestate if (this.NextStates.Count > 0) { resets.Add((BoolExpr)this.ToTerm()); // discrete location post-state (e.g., loc'[i] = 2) } List <String> globalVariableResets = new List <String>(); // global variables not reset List <String> indexVariableResets = new List <String>(); // indexed variables of process moving that are not reset List <String> universalIndexVariableResets = new List <String>(); // universally quantified indexed variables that are reset if (this.Reset != null) { resets.Add((BoolExpr)this.Reset); globalVariableResets = Controller.Instance.Z3.findGlobalVariableResets(this.Reset); indexVariableResets = Controller.Instance.Z3.findIndexedVariableResets(this.Reset); } else { // global variable was not mentioned since reset is null: add it to the identity global variables (g' = g) globalVariableResets = Controller.Instance.Z3.findGlobalVariableResets(null); indexVariableResets = Controller.Instance.Z3.findIndexedVariableResets(null); } if (this.UGuard != null) // TODO: handle univerasl resets (assume none for now) { universalIndexVariableResets = Controller.Instance.Z3.findIndexedVariableResetsNeg(this.UGuard); } Expr resetAnd = null; // create conjunction of pre-state and post-state conditions if (resets.Count > 0) { resetAnd = Controller.Instance.Z3.MkAnd(resets.ToArray()); } Expr identity; if (l == null) { // TODO NEXT: GLOBAL INDEXED VARIABLE COULD CAUSE RESETS / "be the process moving" int i = 0; Expr gidx = null; foreach (var v in Controller.Instance.GlobalVariables) { if (Controller.Instance.Sys.Variables.Find( delegate(Variable gv) { return(gv.Name == v.Key); }).Type == Variable.VarType.index && Controller.Instance.Z3.findTerm(this.Reset, v.Value, true)) { gidx = v.Value; i++; } // TODO: need to refactor forall identity to allow multiple processes moving, for now throw exception if it happens if (i > 1) { throw new Exception("Error: too many global index variables used."); } } identity = Controller.Instance.Sys.forallIdentityPost(gidx, globalVariableResets, indexVariableResets, universalIndexVariableResets, this.UGuard, 0); // no process moves if no location } else { identity = Controller.Instance.Sys.forallIdentityPost(idx, globalVariableResets, indexVariableResets, universalIndexVariableResets, this.UGuard, 0); } resetAnd = Controller.Instance.Z3.MkAnd((BoolExpr)resetAnd, (BoolExpr)identity); resetAnd = Controller.Instance.Z3.copyExpr(resetAnd); // short circuit /* * if (this.Reset == null && Controller.Instance.Sys.Variables.Count == 0) * { * return resetAnd; * } */ // replace all function declarations with constants (e.g., (q i) => (qi), where qi is a constant, instead of a function) List <Expr> bound = new List <Expr>(); // TODO: use this.Parent.Parent.Parent, etc to access hybrid automata, holism, etc (will make generalizing to compositions easier) foreach (var v in Controller.Instance.Sys.HybridAutomata[0].Variables) { Expr varConst = Controller.Instance.Z3.MkConst(v.Name + "_" + "i", v.TypeSort); Expr varConstPost = Controller.Instance.Z3.MkConst(v.NamePrimed + "_" + "i", v.TypeSort); resetAnd = resetAnd.Substitute(Controller.Instance.Z3.MkApp(v.Value, idx), varConst); resetAnd = resetAnd.Substitute(Controller.Instance.Z3.MkApp(v.ValuePrimed, idx), varConstPost); bound.Add(varConst); } foreach (var v in Controller.Instance.GlobalVariables.Values) { bound.Add(v); } //Expr post = Controller.Instance.Z3.MkExists(new Expr[] { idx }, (BoolExpr)resetAnd); Expr post = Controller.Instance.Z3.MkExists(bound.ToArray(), (BoolExpr)resetAnd); // HACK: replace all location names with their values... foreach (var loc in Controller.Instance.Sys.HybridAutomata[0].Locations) { post = post.Substitute(loc.LabelExpr, loc.BitVectorExpr); } post = post.Substitute(Controller.Instance.IndexN, Controller.Instance.Z3.MkInt(Controller.Instance.IndexNValue)); Tactic tqe = Controller.Instance.Z3.Repeat(Controller.Instance.Z3.MkTactic("qe")); Goal g = Controller.Instance.Z3.MkGoal(); List <BoolExpr> remAss = Controller.Instance.Z3.Assumptions.FindAll(a => a.IsQuantifier); // todo: add type constraints to constant (q_i) instead of functions (q i) Controller.Instance.Z3.Assumptions.RemoveAll(a => a.IsQuantifier); // otherwise q.e. will fail g.Assert(Controller.Instance.Z3.Assumptions.ToArray()); Controller.Instance.Z3.Assumptions.AddRange(remAss); // add back g.Assert(Controller.Instance.Z3.AssumptionsUniversal.ToArray()); g.Assert((BoolExpr)post); g = g.Simplify(); ApplyResult ar = tqe.Apply(g); List <BoolExpr> postStates = new List <BoolExpr>(); foreach (var sg in ar.Subgoals) { postStates.AddRange(sg.Formulas); } postStates.RemoveAll(fa => Controller.Instance.Z3.Assumptions.Contains(fa)); postStates.RemoveAll(fa => Controller.Instance.Z3.AssumptionsUniversal.Contains(fa)); post = Controller.Instance.Z3.MkAnd(postStates.ToArray()); // HACK: replace all location values with their names... foreach (var loc in Controller.Instance.Sys.HybridAutomata[0].Locations) { post = post.Substitute(loc.BitVectorExpr, loc.LabelExpr); } // convert constants back to functions foreach (var v in Controller.Instance.Sys.HybridAutomata[0].Variables) { Expr varConst = Controller.Instance.Z3.MkConst(v.Name + "_" + "i", v.TypeSort); Expr varConstPost = Controller.Instance.Z3.MkConst(v.NamePrimed + "_" + "i", v.TypeSort); post = post.Substitute(varConst, Controller.Instance.Z3.MkApp(v.Value, idx)); post = post.Substitute(varConstPost, Controller.Instance.Z3.MkApp(v.ValuePrimed, idx)); } Controller.Instance.Z3.unprimeAllVariables(ref post); // unprime System.Console.WriteLine("POST: " + post.ToString()); // cache result CachePost.Add(postKey, post); return(post); }
public void Test_Z3_GoalsAndProbes() { using (Context ctx = new Context()) { Solver solver = ctx.MkSolver(); #region Print all Probes if (false) { for (int i = 0; i < ctx.ProbeNames.Length; ++i) { Console.WriteLine(i + ": probe " + ctx.ProbeNames[i] + "; " + ctx.ProbeDescription(ctx.ProbeNames[i])); } /* * 0: probe is-quasi-pb; true if the goal is quasi-pb. * 1: probe is-unbounded; true if the goal contains integer/real constants that do not have lower/upper bounds. * 2: probe is-pb; true if the goal is a pseudo-boolean problem. * 3: probe arith-max-deg; max polynomial total degree of an arithmetic atom. * 4: probe arith-avg-deg; avg polynomial total degree of an arithmetic atom. * 5: probe arith-max-bw; max coefficient bit width. * 6: probe arith-avg-bw; avg coefficient bit width. * 7: probe is-qflia; true if the goal is in QF_LIA. * 8: probe is-qfauflia; true if the goal is in QF_AUFLIA. * 9: probe is-qflra; true if the goal is in QF_LRA. * 10: probe is-qflira; true if the goal is in QF_LIRA. * 11: probe is-ilp; true if the goal is ILP. * 12: probe is-qfnia; true if the goal is in QF_NIA (quantifier-free nonlinear integer arithmetic). * 13: probe is-qfnra; true if the goal is in QF_NRA (quantifier-free nonlinear real arithmetic). * 14: probe is-nia; true if the goal is in NIA (nonlinear integer arithmetic, formula may have quantifiers). * 15: probe is-nra; true if the goal is in NRA (nonlinear real arithmetic, formula may have quantifiers). * 16: probe is-nira; true if the goal is in NIRA (nonlinear integer and real arithmetic, formula may have quantifiers). * 17: probe is-lia; true if the goal is in LIA (linear integer arithmetic, formula may have quantifiers). * 18: probe is-lra; true if the goal is in LRA (linear real arithmetic, formula may have quantifiers). * 19: probe is-lira; true if the goal is in LIRA (linear integer and real arithmetic, formula may have quantifiers). * 20: probe is-qfufnra; true if the goal is QF_UFNRA (quantifier-free nonlinear real arithmetic with other theories). * 21: probe memory; ammount of used memory in megabytes. * 22: probe depth; depth of the input goal. * 23: probe size; number of assertions in the given goal. * 24: probe num-exprs; number of expressions/terms in the given goal. * 25: probe num-consts; number of non Boolean constants in the given goal. * 26: probe num-bool-consts; number of Boolean constants in the given goal. * 27: probe num-arith-consts; number of arithmetic constants in the given goal. * 28: probe num-bv-consts; number of bit-vector constants in the given goal. * 29: probe produce-proofs; true if proof generation is enabled for the given goal. * 30: probe produce-model; true if model generation is enabled for the given goal. * 31: probe produce-unsat-cores; true if unsat-core generation is enabled for the given goal. * 32: probe has-patterns; true if the goal contains quantifiers with patterns. * 33: probe is-propositional; true if the goal is in propositional logic. * 34: probe is-qfbv; true if the goal is in QF_BV. * 35: probe is-qfaufbv; true if the goal is in QF_AUFBV. * 36: probe is-qfbv-eq; true if the goal is in a fragment of QF_BV which uses only =, extract, concat. * 37: probe is-qffp; true if the goal is in QF_FP (floats). * 38: probe is-qffpbv; true if the goal is in QF_FPBV (floats+bit-vectors). */ } #endregion Print all Probes #region Print all Tactics if (false) { for (int i = 0; i < ctx.TacticNames.Length; ++i) { Console.WriteLine(i + ": tactic " + ctx.TacticNames[i] + "; " + ctx.TacticDescription(ctx.TacticNames[i])); } /* * 0: tactic qfbv; builtin strategy for solving QF_BV problems. * 1: tactic qflia; builtin strategy for solving QF_LIA problems. * 2: tactic qflra; builtin strategy for solving QF_LRA problems. * 3: tactic qfnia; builtin strategy for solving QF_NIA problems. * 4: tactic qfnra; builtin strategy for solving QF_NRA problems. * 5: tactic qfufnra; builtin strategy for solving QF_UNFRA problems. * 6: tactic add-bounds; add bounds to unbounded variables(under approximation). * 7: tactic card2bv; convert pseudo-boolean constraints to bit - vectors. * 8: tactic degree-shift; try to reduce degree of polynomials(remark: :mul2power simplification is automatically applied). * 9: tactic diff-neq; specialized solver for integer arithmetic problems that contain only atoms of the form(<= k x)(<= x k) and(not(= (-x y) k)), where x and y are constants and k is a numberal, and all constants are bounded. * 10: tactic elim01; eliminate 0 - 1 integer variables, replace them by Booleans. * 11: tactic eq2bv; convert integer variables used as finite domain elements to bit-vectors. * 12: tactic factor; polynomial factorization. * 13: tactic fix-dl - var; if goal is in the difference logic fragment, then fix the variable with the most number of occurrences at 0. * 14: tactic fm; eliminate variables using fourier - motzkin elimination. * 15: tactic lia2card; introduce cardinality constraints from 0 - 1 integer. * 16: tactic lia2pb; convert bounded integer variables into a sequence of 0 - 1 variables. * 17: tactic nla2bv; convert a nonlinear arithmetic problem into a bit-vector problem, in most cases the resultant goal is an under approximation and is useul for finding models. * 18: tactic normalize - bounds; replace a variable x with lower bound k <= x with x' = x - k. * 19: tactic pb2bv; convert pseudo-boolean constraints to bit - vectors. * 20: tactic propagate-ineqs; propagate ineqs/ bounds, remove subsumed inequalities. * 21: tactic purify-arith; eliminate unnecessary operators: -, /, div, mod, rem, is- int, to - int, ^, root - objects. * 22: tactic recover-01; recover 0 - 1 variables hidden as Boolean variables. * 23: tactic blast-term-ite; blast term if-then -else by hoisting them. * 24: tactic cofactor-term-ite; eliminate term if-the -else using cofactors. * 25: tactic ctx-simplify; apply contextual simplification rules. * 26: tactic der; destructive equality resolution. * 27: tactic distribute-forall; distribute forall over conjunctions. * 28: tactic elim-term-ite; eliminate term if-then -else by adding fresh auxiliary declarations. * 29: tactic elim-uncnstr; eliminate application containing unconstrained variables. * 30: tactic snf; put goal in skolem normal form. * 31: tactic nnf; put goal in negation normal form. * 32: tactic occf; put goal in one constraint per clause normal form (notes: fails if proof generation is enabled; only clauses are considered). * 33: tactic pb-preprocess; pre - process pseudo - Boolean constraints a la Davis Putnam. * 34: tactic propagate-values; propagate constants. * 35: tactic reduce-args; reduce the number of arguments of function applications, when for all occurrences of a function f the i - th is a value. * 36: tactic simplify; apply simplification rules. * 37: tactic elim-and; convert(and a b) into(not(or(not a)(not b))). * 38: tactic solve-eqs; eliminate variables by solving equations. * 39: tactic split-clause; split a clause in many subgoals. * 40: tactic symmetry-reduce; apply symmetry reduction. * 41: tactic tseitin-cnf; convert goal into CNF using tseitin - like encoding(note: quantifiers are ignored). * 42: tactic tseitin-cnf-core; convert goal into CNF using tseitin - like encoding(note: quantifiers are ignored).This tactic does not apply required simplifications to the input goal like the tseitin - cnf tactic. * 43: tactic skip; do nothing tactic. * 44: tactic fail; always fail tactic. * 45: tactic fail-if-undecided; fail if goal is undecided. * 46: tactic bit-blast; reduce bit-vector expressions into SAT. * 47: tactic bv1-blast; reduce bit-vector expressions into bit - vectors of size 1(notes: only equality, extract and concat are supported). * 48: tactic reduce-bv-size; try to reduce bit - vector sizes using inequalities. * 49: tactic max-bv-sharing; use heuristics to maximize the sharing of bit-vector expressions such as adders and multipliers. * 50: tactic nlsat; (try to) solve goal using a nonlinear arithmetic solver. * 51: tactic qfnra-nlsat; builtin strategy for solving QF_NRA problems using only nlsat. * 52: tactic sat; (try to) solve goal using a SAT solver. * 53: tactic sat-preprocess; Apply SAT solver preprocessing procedures(bounded resolution, Boolean constant propagation, 2 - SAT, subsumption, subsumption resolution). * 54: tactic ctx-solver-simplify; apply solver-based contextual simplification rules. * 55: tactic smt; apply a SAT based SMT solver. * 56: tactic unit-subsume-simplify; unit subsumption simplification. * 57: tactic aig; simplify Boolean structure using AIGs. * 58: tactic horn; apply tactic for horn clauses. * 59: tactic horn-simplify; simplify horn clauses. * 60: tactic qe-light; apply light-weight quantifier elimination. * 61: tactic qe-sat; check satisfiability of quantified formulas using quantifier elimination. * 62: tactic qe; apply quantifier elimination. * 63: tactic vsubst; checks satsifiability of quantifier-free non - linear constraints using virtual substitution. * 64: tactic nl-purify; Decompose goal into pure NL-sat formula and formula over other theories. * 65: tactic macro-finder; Identifies and applies macros. * 66: tactic quasi-macros; Identifies and applies quasi-macros. * 67: tactic bv; builtin strategy for solving BV problems(with quantifiers). * 68: tactic ufbv; builtin strategy for solving UFBV problems(with quantifiers). * 69: tactic fpa2bv; convert floating point numbers to bit-vectors. * 70: tactic qffp; (try to) solve goal using the tactic for QF_FP. * 71: tactic qffpbv; (try to) solve goal using the tactic for QF_FPBV(floats+bit-vectors). * 72: tactic qfbv-sls; (try to) solve using stochastic local search for QF_BV. * 73: tactic subpaving; tactic for testing subpaving module. */ } #endregion Print all Tactics BitVecExpr rax = ctx.MkBVConst("rax", 64); BitVecExpr rbx = ctx.MkBVConst("rbx", 64); BoolExpr a1 = ctx.MkEq(rax, ctx.MkBV(0, 64)); BoolExpr a2 = ctx.MkEq(rbx, rax); Goal goal1 = ctx.MkGoal(true, false, false); goal1.Assert(a1, a2); Console.WriteLine("goal1=" + goal1 + "; inconsistent=" + goal1.Inconsistent); Tactic tactic1 = ctx.MkTactic("simplify"); // Console.WriteLine("tactic1=" + tactic1.ToString()); ApplyResult applyResult = tactic1.Apply(goal1); Console.WriteLine("applyResult=" + applyResult.ToString() + "; nSubGoals=" + applyResult.NumSubgoals); // Console.WriteLine("AsBoolExpr=" + goal1.AsBoolExpr()); #region Probe Tests if (false) { Probe probe1 = ctx.MkProbe("is-qfbv"); double d = probe1.Apply(goal1); Console.WriteLine("d=" + d); } #endregion Probe Tests } }
public void Test_Z3_MemWithArray_4() { #region Definitions uint nBits = 8; Context ctx = new Context(); BitVecExpr bv_0 = ctx.MkBV(0, nBits); BitVecExpr bv_16 = ctx.MkBV(16, nBits); BitVecExpr bv_32 = ctx.MkBV(32, nBits); BitVecExpr rax = ctx.MkBVConst("RAX!0", nBits); BitVecExpr rbx = ctx.MkBVConst("RBX!0", nBits); BitVecExpr rcx = ctx.MkBVConst("RCX!0", nBits); BitVecExpr rdx = ctx.MkBVConst("RDX!0", nBits); IList <(BitVecExpr, BitVecExpr)> writes = new List <(BitVecExpr, BitVecExpr)>(); Goal state = ctx.MkGoal(); ArrayExpr mem = ctx.MkArrayConst("mem", ctx.MkBitVecSort(nBits), ctx.MkBitVecSort(nBits)); #endregion // Test if overwriting a address works Console.WriteLine("mov rbx, 16"); state.Assert(ctx.MkEq(rbx, bv_16)); Console.WriteLine("mov rcx, 32"); state.Assert(ctx.MkEq(rcx, bv_32)); // Console.WriteLine("mov rax, 0"); // state.Assert(ctx.MkEq(rax, bv_0)); Console.WriteLine("mov qword ptr[rax], rbx"); mem = ctx.MkStore(mem, rax, rbx); Console.WriteLine("mov qword ptr[rax], rcx"); mem = ctx.MkStore(mem, rax, rcx); Console.WriteLine("mov rdx, qword ptr[rax]"); state.Assert(ctx.MkEq(rdx, ctx.MkSelect(mem, rax))); #region Write to console Solver solver = ctx.MkSolver(); Solver solver_U = ctx.MkSolver(); solver.Assert(state.Formulas); Console.WriteLine(string.Empty); Console.WriteLine("state1=" + state); if (true) { Tactic tactic1 = ctx.MkTactic("propagate-values"); Goal state2 = tactic1.Apply(state).Subgoals[0]; Console.WriteLine("state2=" + state2.ToString()); } Console.WriteLine(string.Empty); Tv[] raxTV = ToolsZ3.GetTvArray(rax, (int)nBits, solver, solver_U, ctx); Console.WriteLine("rax = " + ToolsZ3.ToStringBin(raxTV) + " = " + ToolsZ3.ToStringHex(raxTV)); Tv[] rbxTV = ToolsZ3.GetTvArray(rbx, (int)nBits, solver, solver_U, ctx); Console.WriteLine("rbx = " + ToolsZ3.ToStringBin(rbxTV) + " = " + ToolsZ3.ToStringHex(rbxTV)); Tv[] rcxTV = ToolsZ3.GetTvArray(rcx, (int)nBits, solver, solver_U, ctx); Console.WriteLine("rcx = " + ToolsZ3.ToStringBin(rcxTV) + " = " + ToolsZ3.ToStringHex(rcxTV)); Tv[] rdxTV = ToolsZ3.GetTvArray(rdx, (int)nBits, solver, solver_U, ctx); Console.WriteLine("rdx = " + ToolsZ3.ToStringBin(rdxTV) + " = " + ToolsZ3.ToStringHex(rdxTV)); #endregion }