public void Fill(TableReport report) { IDataAdapter ad = report.DataAdapter as IDataAdapter; DataSet ds = report.DataSource as DataSet; if (ad != null && ds != null) ad.Fill(ds); }
/// <summary> /// 功能:响应导出Excel文件事件 /// 作者:付强 /// 日期:2013年7月9日 /// </summary> /// <param name="sender"></param> /// <param name="e"></param> private void printPreviewBarCheckItem5_ItemClick(object sender, DevExpress.XtraBars.ItemClickEventArgs e) { SaveFileDialog sfd = new SaveFileDialog(); sfd.FileName = this.m_reportData.ToString(); if (e.Item.Name.Equals(this.printPreviewBarCheckItem13.Name)) { sfd.Filter = "Excel 2003文件(*.xls)|*.xls"; } else { sfd.Filter = "Excel 2007文件(*.xlsx)|*.xlsx"; } sfd.FilterIndex = 1; sfd.RestoreDirectory = true; if (sfd.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { string localFilePath = sfd.FileName.ToString(); string fileNameExt = localFilePath.Substring(localFilePath.LastIndexOf("\\") + 1); try { TableReport tReport = this.m_reportData as TableReport; if (tReport != null) { ExportExcel(localFilePath, tReport); } else { if (localFilePath.EndsWith(".xls")) { this.m_report.ExportToXls(localFilePath); } else { this.m_report.ExportToXlsx(localFilePath); } } } catch (Exception) { MessageBox.Show("发生未知异常,请重试", "金建软件"); } /*PageReport pReport = this.m_reportData as PageReport; * if (pReport != null) * { * ExportExcel(localFilePath, pReport); * } * * ExplainReport eReport = this.m_reportData as ExplainReport; * if (eReport != null) * { * ExportExcel(localFilePath, eReport); * }*/ } }
public void Fill(TableReport report) { IDataAdapter ad = report.DataAdapter as IDataAdapter; DataSet ds = report.DataSource as DataSet; if (ad != null && ds != null) { ad.Fill(ds); } }
public static string GenerateReport(TableReport report) { ClearReports(); string timeStamp = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMddHH"); string fileName = SystemConstants.TempReportFolder + timeStamp + Guid.NewGuid() + ".rdlc"; var content = report.Render(); File.WriteAllText(fileName, report.Render()); return(fileName); }
/// <summary> /// 创建表格 /// </summary> /// <param name="rpf">报表个字段格式</param> /// <param name="rowHeight"></param> /// <param name="border"></param> /// <returns></returns> private DetailBand CreateTableDetail(TableReport p_info) { DetailBand new_Detail = new DetailBand(); if (p_info.ReportFields != null) { XRTable tableDetail = new XRTable(); tableDetail.Dpi = 254F; tableDetail.Width = this.PageWidth - (this.Margins.Left + this.Margins.Right) - 4; tableDetail.Height = 56; XRTableRow detailRow = new XRTableRow(); detailRow.Dpi = 254F; detailRow.Height = 56; foreach (FieldReport item in p_info.ReportFields) { XRTableCell detailCell = new XRTableCell(); detailCell.Dpi = 254F; detailCell.Font = item.FormFont; detailCell.Width = item.RowWidth; if (item.Field != null) { detailCell.DataBindings.Add("Text", null, item.Field); } detailCell.TextAlignment = this.Alignments(item.ContentAlignment); detailCell.Padding = new PaddingInfo(5, 254F); detailCell.Multiline = true; detailCell.WordWrap = true; detailCell.CanGrow = true; detailCell.Borders = (BorderSide)(BorderSide.Right | BorderSide.Left | BorderSide.Bottom); detailCell.BorderWidth = 1; detailRow.Cells.Add(detailCell); } tableDetail.Rows.Add(detailRow); XRTableRow m_Row = (tableDetail.Controls[0] as XRTableRow); for (int i = 0; i < m_Row.Controls.Count; i++) { XRTableCell m_Cell = (m_Row.Controls[i] as XRTableCell); m_Cell.WidthF = m_Cell.Width; p_info.ReportFields[i].RowWidth = m_Cell.Width; } tableDetail.WidthF = tableDetail.Width; new_Detail.Controls.Add(tableDetail); } new_Detail.HeightF = 0; return(new_Detail); }
/// <summary> /// 初始化报表 /// </summary> /// <param name="p_info">报表格式对象</param> public GenerateReport(_ObjectReport p_info) { this.ReportUnit = ReportUnit.TenthsOfAMillimeter; //使用0.1毫米计量单位 this.Dpi = 254F; this.Bands.Clear(); if (p_info != null) { switch (p_info.GetType().Name) { case "TableReport": TableReport m_info = p_info as TableReport; this.DataSource = m_info.DataSource; this.Margins = m_info.Margins; this.PaperKind = m_info.PaperKind; this.Landscape = this.IsDirection(m_info.Landscape); DetailBand new_Detail = CreateTableDetail(m_info); PageHeaderBand new_PageHeaderBand = CreateTableHeader(m_info); this.Bands.AddRange(new DevExpress.XtraReports.UI.Band[] { new_PageHeaderBand, new_Detail }); break; case "PageReport": PageReport m_pinfo = p_info as PageReport; this.Margins = m_pinfo.Margins; this.PaperKind = m_pinfo.PaperKind; this.Landscape = this.IsDirection(m_pinfo.Landscape); DetailBand new_pDetail = this.CreateRowDetail(m_pinfo); this.Bands.AddRange(new DevExpress.XtraReports.UI.Band[] { new_pDetail }); break; case "ExplainReport": ExplainReport m_ExplainReport = p_info as ExplainReport; this.Margins = m_ExplainReport.Margins; this.PaperKind = m_ExplainReport.PaperKind; this.DataSource = null; this.Landscape = this.IsDirection(m_ExplainReport.Landscape); DetailBand new_EDetail = this.CreateRowDetail(m_ExplainReport); PageHeaderBand new_ExplainPageHeaderBand = CreateTitleHeader(m_ExplainReport); this.Bands.AddRange(new DevExpress.XtraReports.UI.Band[] { new_ExplainPageHeaderBand, new_EDetail }); break; default: break; } } }
public List <TableReport> GetDataReport(AccountCookie accountCookie) { List <TableReport> tableReports = new List <TableReport>(); tongcuclamnghiepEntities tongcuclamnghiep = new tongcuclamnghiepEntities(); var _Unit = tongcuclamnghiep.m_unit.Where(a => a.status == true && a.account_id == accountCookie.Id).FirstOrDefault(); var _Precious = tongcuclamnghiep.m_precious.Where(a => a.status == false).FirstOrDefault(); if (_Precious != null && _Unit != null) { bool CheckView = true; var _UnitPrecious = tongcuclamnghiep.m_unit_precious.Where(a => a.unit_id == && a.precious_id ==; if (_UnitPrecious != null) { if (_UnitPrecious.completedate != null) { CheckView = false; } } if (CheckView == true) { int Precious_Id_Before = 0; int UnitPrecious_Id = 0; if (tongcuclamnghiep.m_precious.Any(a => a.status == false && != { Precious_Id_Before = tongcuclamnghiep.m_precious.Where(a => a.status == true && != => a.completedate).Select(a =>; } if (_UnitPrecious != null) { UnitPrecious_Id = tongcuclamnghiep.m_unit_precious.Where(a => a.unit_id == && a.precious_id == Precious_Id_Before).Select(a =>; } tongcuclamnghiep.m_reporttable.Where(a => a.status == true).OrderBy(a => a.order).ToList().ForEach(a => { TableReport tableReport = new TableReport(); tableReport.IdBaoCao =; tableReport.Title = a.title; tableReport.Order = a.order.Value; tableReport.AutoRow = a.autorow.Value; List <HeaderComponent> headers = new List <HeaderComponent>(); tongcuclamnghiep.m_header.Where(b => a.status == true && b.reporttable_id == => b.order).ToList().ForEach(b => { HeaderComponent header = new HeaderComponent(); header.Id =; header.Title = b.headername; header.RowSpan = b.rowspan.Value; header.ColSpan = b.colspan.Value; header.HeaderId = b.header_id; header.Level = b.level; header.Is_No = b.is_no; header.Is_Component = b.is_component; header.OrderHeader = b.order.Value; headers.Add(header); }); tableReport.headers = headers.OrderBy(b => b.Level).ThenBy(b => b.OrderHeader).ToList(); List <TableComponent> tableComponents = new List <TableComponent>(); a.m_component.Where(b => b.status == true).GroupBy(b => b.orderrow).ToList().ForEach(b => { TableComponent tableComponent = new TableComponent(); tableComponent.RowId = b.Key.Value; List <HeaderComponent> headerComponents = new List <HeaderComponent>(); tableReport.headers.ForEach(c => { var _CPM = tongcuclamnghiep.m_component.Where(d => d.header_id == c.Id && d.orderrow == b.Key).FirstOrDefault(); if (_CPM != null) { HeaderComponent header = new HeaderComponent(); header.Id =; header.OrderHeader = c.OrderHeader; header.HeaderId = _CPM.header_id; header.TextAlign = _CPM.m_header.valuetextalign; header.TextBold = _CPM.m_header.is_valuebold.Value; header.TextUpper = _CPM.m_header.is_valueupper.Value; header.TextValue = _CPM.componentname; header.Title = _CPM.m_header.headername; header.TypeValue = _CPM.typevalue.Value; header.Is_No = _CPM.m_header.is_no; if (_UnitPrecious == null) { header.Save = false; if (Precious_Id_Before > 0 && UnitPrecious_Id > 0) { var _dataUnitReportBefore = tongcuclamnghiep.m_unit_datareport.Where(d => d.component_id == && d.unit_precious_id == UnitPrecious_Id).FirstOrDefault(); if (_dataUnitReportBefore == null) { header.TextUnit = ""; } else { header.TextUnit = _dataUnitReportBefore.data_text; } } else { header.TextUnit = ""; } } else { var _dataUnitReport = _CPM.m_unit_datareport.Where(d => d.unit_precious_id ==; if (_dataUnitReport == null) { header.Save = false; if (Precious_Id_Before > 0 && UnitPrecious_Id > 0) { var _dataUnitReportBefore = tongcuclamnghiep.m_unit_datareport.Where(d => d.component_id == && d.unit_precious_id == UnitPrecious_Id).FirstOrDefault(); if (_dataUnitReportBefore == null) { header.TextUnit = ""; } else { header.TextUnit = _dataUnitReportBefore.data_text; } } else { header.TextUnit = ""; } } else { header.Save = true; header.TextUnit = _dataUnitReport.data_text; } } header.Is_Component = _CPM.m_header.is_component; headerComponents.Add(header); } }); tableComponent.headers = headerComponents; tableComponents.Add(tableComponent); }); tableReport.tableComponents = tableComponents; tableReports.Add(tableReport); }); } } return(tableReports); }
private static void DisplayGeneratorExamples() { bool exitToProducts = false; while (!exitToProducts) { Console.WriteLine("Select a DynamicPDF Generator for .NET example to run:"); Console.WriteLine(" A : Hello World"); Console.WriteLine(" B : All Page Elements"); Console.WriteLine(" C : Calender"); Console.WriteLine(" D : Charting"); Console.WriteLine(" E : Contact List"); Console.WriteLine(" F : AES 256 Bit Encryption"); Console.WriteLine(" G : RC4 128 Bit Encryption"); Console.WriteLine(" H : Hello World Languages"); Console.WriteLine(" I : Tagged Pdf"); Console.WriteLine(" J : HTML Tags"); Console.WriteLine(" K : HTML Tags With Styles"); Console.WriteLine(" L : HTML Layout"); Console.WriteLine(" M : Image With Alternate Text"); Console.WriteLine(" N : Mailing Labels"); Console.WriteLine(" O : Package PDF"); Console.WriteLine(" P : Simple Report"); Console.WriteLine(" Q : Simple XML Report"); Console.WriteLine(" R : Table Report"); Console.WriteLine(" S : Tagged PDF With Structure Elements"); Console.WriteLine(" T : Tiff To PDF"); Console.WriteLine(" U : Time Machine"); Console.WriteLine(" V : Time Machine Tagged PDF"); Console.WriteLine(" W : Watermark"); Console.WriteLine(" X : Invoice"); Console.WriteLine(" Y : USEnvelope"); Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("Press 'Backspace' for the main products menu"); Console.WriteLine("Press 'Esc' to exit application"); Console.WriteLine(); ConsoleKeyInfo runKey = Console.ReadKey(); Console.WriteLine(); string exampleName = string.Empty; string fileName = string.Empty; switch (runKey.Key) { case ConsoleKey.A: exampleName = "Hello World"; fileName = "HelloWorld.pdf"; Console.WriteLine(exampleName + " example is running..."); HelloWorld.Run(fileName); break; case ConsoleKey.B: exampleName = "All Page Elements"; fileName = "AllPageElements.pdf"; Console.WriteLine(exampleName + " example is running..."); AllPageElements.Run(fileName); break; case ConsoleKey.C: exampleName = "Calender"; fileName = "Calender.pdf"; Console.WriteLine(exampleName + " example is running..."); Calender.Run(fileName); break; case ConsoleKey.D: exampleName = "Charting"; fileName = "Charting.pdf"; Console.WriteLine(exampleName + " example is running..."); Charting.Run(fileName); break; case ConsoleKey.E: exampleName = "Contact List"; fileName = "ContactList.pdf"; Console.WriteLine(exampleName + " example is running..."); ContactList.Run(fileName); break; case ConsoleKey.F: Console.Clear(); exampleName = "AES 256 Bit Encryption"; fileName = "Aes256BitEncryption.pdf"; Console.WriteLine(exampleName + " example is running..."); Aes256BitEncryption.Run(fileName); break; case ConsoleKey.G: exampleName = "RC4 128 Bit Encryption"; fileName = "RC4128BitEncryption.pdf"; Console.WriteLine(exampleName + " example is running..."); RC4128BitEncryption.Run(fileName); break; case ConsoleKey.H: exampleName = "Hello World Languages"; fileName = "HelloWorldLanguages.pdf"; Console.WriteLine(exampleName + " example is running..."); HelloWorldLanguages.Run(fileName); break; case ConsoleKey.I: exampleName = "Tagged PDF"; fileName = "TaggedPdf.pdf"; Console.WriteLine(exampleName + " example is running..."); TaggedPdf.Run(fileName); break; case ConsoleKey.J: exampleName = "HTML Tags"; fileName = "HtmlTags.pdf"; Console.WriteLine(exampleName + " example is running..."); HtmlAreaPDF.Run_WithHtmlTags(fileName); break; case ConsoleKey.K: exampleName = "HTML Tags With Styles"; fileName = "HtmlTagsWithStyles.pdf"; Console.WriteLine(exampleName + " example is running..."); HtmlAreaPDF.Run_WithHtmlTagsAndStyles(fileName); break; case ConsoleKey.L: exampleName = "HTML Layout"; fileName = "HtmlLayout.pdf"; Console.WriteLine(exampleName + " example is running..."); HtmlLayoutPDF.Run(fileName); break; case ConsoleKey.M: exampleName = "Image With Alternate Text"; fileName = "ImageWithAltText.pdf"; Console.WriteLine(exampleName + " example is running..."); AltTextImage.Run(fileName); break; case ConsoleKey.N: exampleName = "Mailing Labels"; fileName = "MailingLabels.pdf"; Console.WriteLine(exampleName + " example is running..."); MailingLabels.Run(fileName); break; case ConsoleKey.O: exampleName = "Package PDF"; fileName = "PackagePdf.pdf"; Console.WriteLine(exampleName + " example is running..."); PackagePdf.Run(fileName); break; case ConsoleKey.P: exampleName = "Simple Report"; fileName = "SimpleReport.pdf"; Console.WriteLine(exampleName + " example is running..."); SimpleReport.Run(fileName); break; case ConsoleKey.Q: exampleName = "Simple XML Report"; fileName = "SimpleXmlReport.pdf"; Console.WriteLine(exampleName + " example is running..."); SimpleXMLReport.Run(fileName); break; case ConsoleKey.R: exampleName = "Table Report"; fileName = "TableReport.pdf"; Console.WriteLine(exampleName + " example is running..."); TableReport.Run(fileName); break; case ConsoleKey.S: exampleName = "Tagged PDF With Structure Elements"; fileName = "TaggedPdfWithStructureElements.pdf"; Console.WriteLine(exampleName + " example is running..."); TaggedPdfWithStructureElements.Run(fileName); break; case ConsoleKey.T: exampleName = "Tiff To PDF"; fileName = "TiffToPdf.pdf"; Console.WriteLine(exampleName + " example is running..."); TiffToPdf.Run(fileName); break; case ConsoleKey.U: exampleName = "Time Machine"; fileName = "TimeMachine.pdf"; Console.WriteLine(exampleName + " example is running..."); TimeMachine.Run(fileName); break; case ConsoleKey.V: exampleName = "Time Machine Tagged PDF"; fileName = "TimeMachineTaggedPdf.pdf"; Console.WriteLine(exampleName + " example is running..."); TimeMachineTaggedPdf.Run(fileName); break; case ConsoleKey.W: exampleName = "Watermark"; fileName = "Watermark.pdf"; Console.WriteLine(exampleName + " example is running..."); Watermark.Run(fileName); break; case ConsoleKey.X: exampleName = "Invoice"; fileName = "Invoice.pdf"; Console.WriteLine("Please enter the invoice number(s) to include. Use a comma ',' to seperate multiple entries (Ex: 10248,10249,10250):"); Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("10248"); Console.WriteLine("10249"); Console.WriteLine("10250"); Console.WriteLine("10251"); Console.WriteLine("10252"); Console.WriteLine("10360"); Console.WriteLine("10979"); Console.WriteLine("11077"); Console.WriteLine(); string invoiceNumbers = Console.ReadLine(); Console.WriteLine(exampleName + " example is running..."); byte[] pdf = GeneratorInvoice.Run(invoiceNumbers.Split(',')); File.WriteAllBytes(fileName, pdf); break; case ConsoleKey.Y: exampleName = "USEnvelope"; fileName = "USEnvelope.pdf"; Console.WriteLine(exampleName + " example is running..."); USEnvelope.Run(fileName); break; case ConsoleKey.Escape: System.Environment.Exit(0); break; case ConsoleKey.Backspace: exitToProducts = true; break; default: Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("Key not recognized."); break; } if (fileName != string.Empty) { DisplayOutputPathWithOptionToOpen(fileName); } } }
/// <summary> /// 功能:导出Excel表格 /// 作者:付强 /// 日期:2013年7月9日 /// </summary> /// <param name="fileName">要保存的文件路径及名称</param> /// <param name="reportSource">数据源</param> private void ExportExcel(string fileName, TableReport reportSource) { Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel._Application xlsApp = new ApplicationClass(); if (xlsApp == null) { return; } Workbook xlsBook = xlsApp.Workbooks.Add(true); Worksheet xlSheet = (Worksheet)xlsBook.Worksheets[1]; xlSheet.Cells[1, 1] = reportSource.ReportName; Range range = xlSheet.get_Range(xlsApp.Cells[1, 1], xlsApp.Cells[1, reportSource.ReportFields.Length]); range.MergeCells = true; range.Font.Size = 24; range.Font.Bold = true; range.HorizontalAlignment = XlHAlign.xlHAlignCenter; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(reportSource.XMMC)) { xlSheet.Cells[2, 1] = "项目名称:" + reportSource.XMMC; range = xlSheet.get_Range(xlsApp.Cells[2, 1], xlsApp.Cells[2, 2]); range.MergeCells = true; range.HorizontalAlignment = XlHAlign.xlHAlignLeft; } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(reportSource.ZYMC)) { xlSheet.Cells[2, 3] = "专业名称:" + reportSource.ZYMC; range = xlSheet.get_Range(xlsApp.Cells[2, 3], xlsApp.Cells[2, reportSource.ReportFields.Length]); range.MergeCells = true; range.HorizontalAlignment = XlHAlign.xlHAlignRight; } System.Data.DataTable dt = reportSource.DataSource as System.Data.DataTable; int rowSpan = 3, colSpan = 0, position = 0; string band = ""; for (int i = 0; i < reportSource.ReportFields.Length; i++) { FieldReport item = reportSource.ReportFields[i]; if (item.Bands.Equals(string.Empty)) { //xlSheet.Cells[rowSpan + 1, i + 1] = item.Caption; range = xlSheet.get_Range(xlsApp.Cells[rowSpan, i + 1], xlsApp.Cells[rowSpan + 1, i + 1]); range.Borders.LineStyle = XlLineStyle.xlContinuous; range.MergeCells = true; xlSheet.Cells[rowSpan, i + 1] = item.Caption; range.Font.Bold = true; range.Borders.LineStyle = XlLineStyle.xlContinuous; range.HorizontalAlignment = XlHAlign.xlHAlignCenter; range.ColumnWidth = item.RowWidth / 15; position += 1; colSpan = 0; } else { if (!band.Equals(item.Bands)) { position += colSpan; colSpan = 0; } //xlSheet.Cells[rowSpan, i + 1] = item.Bands; range = (Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Range)xlSheet.Cells[rowSpan, i + 1]; range.Font.Bold = true; range.HorizontalAlignment = XlHAlign.xlHAlignCenter; range = xlSheet.get_Range(xlsApp.Cells[rowSpan, position + 1], xlsApp.Cells[rowSpan, position + 1 + colSpan]); range.MergeCells = true; xlSheet.Cells[rowSpan, position + 1] = item.Bands; range.Borders.LineStyle = XlLineStyle.xlContinuous; range.EntireColumn.AutoFit(); xlSheet.Cells[rowSpan + 1, i + 1] = item.Caption; range = (Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Range)xlSheet.Cells[rowSpan + 1, i + 1]; range.Font.Bold = true; range.HorizontalAlignment = XlHAlign.xlHAlignCenter; range.Borders.LineStyle = XlLineStyle.xlContinuous; range.ColumnWidth = item.RowWidth / 15; colSpan++; band = item.Bands; } } for (int r = 0; r < dt.Rows.Count; r++) { if (reportSource.ReportFields.Length >= dt.Columns.Count) { for (int i = 0; i < dt.Columns.Count; i++) { if (dt.Columns[i].ColumnName.Equals("XMBM")) { xlSheet.Cells[r + 5, i + 1] = "'" + dt.Rows[r][i].ToString(); } else { xlSheet.Cells[r + 5, i + 1] = dt.Rows[r][i].ToString(); } range = xlSheet.get_Range(xlsApp.Cells[r + 5, i + 1], xlsApp.Cells[r + 5, i + 1]); range.Borders.LineStyle = XlLineStyle.xlContinuous; } } else { for (int i = 0; i < dt.Columns.Count - (dt.Columns.Count - reportSource.ReportFields.Length); i++) { xlSheet.Cells[r + 5, i + 1] = dt.Rows[r][i].ToString(); range = xlSheet.get_Range(xlsApp.Cells[r + 5, i + 1], xlsApp.Cells[r + 5, i + 1]); range.Borders.LineStyle = XlLineStyle.xlContinuous; } } } xlsBook.Saved = true; xlsBook.SaveCopyAs(fileName); }
static ErrorCode Main_Internal(string[] args) { try { if ((args.Length == 0) || Parser.IsOption(args[0], _helpOptions) || _helpActions.ContainsIgnoreCase(args[0])) { // Print help PrintUsage(); return((int)ErrorCode.Success); } if ((args.Length == 1) && args[0].StartsWith("@")) { args = System.IO.File.ReadLines(args[0].Substring(1)).ToArray(); } // Parse first 'action' argument string actionArg = args[0]; ActionCommand action = 0; { bool isValidActionArg = false; foreach (ActionCommand actionCommand in Enum.GetValues(typeof(ActionCommand))) { if (actionArg.Equals(actionCommand.ToString(), StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { action = actionCommand; isValidActionArg = true; break; } } if (!isValidActionArg) { ReportError($"Error: unrecognized action '{actionArg}' - command line argument #1"); return(ErrorCode.InvalidCommand); } } Parser optionsParser = new Parser( args.Skip(1).ToArray(), PrintUsage); switch (action) { case ActionCommand.cache: { if (!optionsParser.Parse( new Option[] { _configOption, _prefixOption }, new Option[] { _authenticationTokenOption, _commentsPrefixOption })) { return(ErrorCode.InvalidCommand); } IEnumerable <string> configFiles = _configOption.GetValues(optionsParser); string filePrefix = _prefixOption.GetValue(optionsParser); // Optional args string authenticationToken = _authenticationTokenOption.GetValue(optionsParser); string commentsFilePrefix = _commentsPrefixOption.GetValue(optionsParser); return(CacheGitHubIssues(configFiles, filePrefix, commentsFilePrefix, authenticationToken)); } case ActionCommand.cacheRange: { if (!optionsParser.Parse( new Option[] { _configOption, _prefixOption, _startIndexOption, _endIndexOption }, new Option[] { _authenticationTokenOption, _commentsPrefixOption })) { return(ErrorCode.InvalidCommand); } IEnumerable <string> configFiles = _configOption.GetValues(optionsParser); string filePrefix = _prefixOption.GetValue(optionsParser); int startIndex = Int32.Parse(_startIndexOption.GetValue(optionsParser)); int endIndex = Int32.Parse(_endIndexOption.GetValue(optionsParser)); // Optional args string authenticationToken = _authenticationTokenOption.GetValue(optionsParser); if (startIndex <= 0) { optionsParser.ReportError($"Option /startIndex has to be positive number."); return(ErrorCode.InvalidCommand); } if (endIndex < startIndex) { optionsParser.ReportError($"Option /endIndex has to larger than /startIndex."); return(ErrorCode.InvalidCommand); } return(CacheGitHubIssuesRange( configFiles, filePrefix, startIndex, endIndex, authenticationToken)); } case ActionCommand.query: { if (!optionsParser.Parse( new Option[] { _configOption, _endOption, _outputOption }, new Option[] { _beginOption, _outputJsonOption })) { return(ErrorCode.InvalidCommand); } IEnumerable <string> configFiles = _configOption.GetValues(optionsParser); IEnumerable <string> beginFiles = _beginOption.GetValues(optionsParser); IEnumerable <string> endFiles = _endOption.GetValues(optionsParser); string outputJsonFile = _outputJsonOption.GetValue(optionsParser); string outputFile = _outputOption.GetValue(optionsParser); Config config = new Config(configFiles); QueryReport report = new QueryReport(config, beginFiles, endFiles); report.Write(outputFile, outputJsonFile); return(ErrorCode.Success); } case { if (!optionsParser.Parse( new Option[] { _configOption, _endOption }, new Option[] { _beginOption, _middleOption, _outputOption, _outputCsvOption, _nameOption })) { return(ErrorCode.InvalidCommand); } IEnumerable <string> configFiles = _configOption.GetValues(optionsParser); IEnumerable <string> beginFiles = _beginOption.GetValues(optionsParser); IEnumerable <string> middleFiles = _middleOption.GetValues(optionsParser); IEnumerable <string> endFiles = _endOption.GetValues(optionsParser); string outputFile = _outputOption.GetValue(optionsParser); string csvFileNamePrefix = _outputCsvOption.GetValue(optionsParser); string reportName = _nameOption.GetValue(optionsParser); if ((outputFile == null) && (csvFileNamePrefix == null)) { optionsParser.ReportError("Required at least one option: '/out' or '/out_csv'."); return(ErrorCode.InvalidCommand); } if ((csvFileNamePrefix != null) && csvFileNamePrefix.EndsWith(".csv", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { optionsParser.ReportError($"Option '/out_csv' takes file name prefix, not file name {csvFileNamePrefix}."); return(ErrorCode.InvalidCommand); } TableReport report = new TableReport(configFiles, beginFiles, middleFiles, endFiles); if (outputFile != null) { HtmlTableReport.Write(report, outputFile, reportName); } // Note we can have both options if (csvFileNamePrefix != null) { CsvTableReport.Write(report, csvFileNamePrefix, reportName); } return(ErrorCode.Success); } case ActionCommand.contributions: { if (!optionsParser.Parse( new Option[] { _configOption, _inputOption }, new Option[] { _outputOption, _outputCsvOption })) { return(ErrorCode.InvalidCommand); } IEnumerable <string> configFiles = _configOption.GetValues(optionsParser); IEnumerable <string> inputFiles = _inputOption.GetValues(optionsParser); string outputFileHtml = _outputOption.GetValue(optionsParser); string outputFileCsv = _outputCsvOption.GetValue(optionsParser); if ((outputFileHtml == null) && (outputFileCsv == null)) { optionsParser.ReportError("Required at least one option: '/out' or '/out_csv'."); return(ErrorCode.InvalidCommand); } ContributionsReport report = new ContributionsReport(configFiles, inputFiles); if (outputFileHtml != null) { HtmlContributionsReport.Write(report, outputFileHtml); } // Note we can have both options if (outputFileCsv != null) { //CsvContributionsReport.Write(report, outputFileCsv); } return(ErrorCode.Success); } case ActionCommand.alerts: { if (!optionsParser.Parse( new Option[] { _configOption, _beginOption, _endOption, _templateOption }, new Option[] { _filterOption, _skipEmailOption, _outputOption })) { return(ErrorCode.InvalidCommand); } IEnumerable <string> configFiles = _configOption.GetValues(optionsParser); IEnumerable <string> beginFiles = _beginOption.GetValues(optionsParser); IEnumerable <string> endFiles = _endOption.GetValues(optionsParser); string templateFile = _templateOption.GetValue(optionsParser); // Optional args IEnumerable <string> alertFilters = _filterOption.GetValues(optionsParser); bool skipEmail = _skipEmailOption.IsDefined(optionsParser); string outputFile = _outputOption.GetValue(optionsParser); Config config = new Config(configFiles); IEnumerable <DataModelIssue> beginIssues = IssueCollection.LoadIssues( beginFiles, config, IssueKindFlags.Issue | IssueKindFlags.PullRequest) .DistinctFirst_ByIssueNumber() .ToArray(); IEnumerable <DataModelIssue> endIssues = IssueCollection.LoadIssues( endFiles, config, IssueKindFlags.Issue | IssueKindFlags.PullRequest) .DistinctLast_ByIssueNumber() .ToArray(); if (AlertReport_Diff.DetectLargeChanges(beginIssues, endIssues, config)) { return(ErrorCode.EmailSendFailure); } return(GetSendEmailErrorCode(AlertReport_Diff.SendEmails( config, templateFile, skipEmail, outputFile, alertFilters, beginIssues, endIssues))); } case ActionCommand.history: { if (!optionsParser.Parse( new Option[] { _inputOption, _outputOption }, Option.EmptyList)) { return(ErrorCode.InvalidCommand); } IEnumerable <string> inputFiles = _inputOption.GetValues(optionsParser); string outputFile = _outputOption.GetValue(optionsParser); HistoryReport.Create(inputFiles, outputFile); return(ErrorCode.Success); } case ActionCommand.untriaged: { if (!optionsParser.Parse( new Option[] { _configOption, _inputOption, _templateOption }, new Option[] { _filterOption, _skipEmailOption, _outputOption })) { return(ErrorCode.InvalidCommand); } IEnumerable <string> configFiles = _configOption.GetValues(optionsParser); IEnumerable <string> inputFiles = _inputOption.GetValues(optionsParser); string templateFile = _templateOption.GetValue(optionsParser); // Optional args IEnumerable <string> alertFilters = _filterOption.GetValues(optionsParser); bool skipEmail = _skipEmailOption.IsDefined(optionsParser); string outputFile = _outputOption.GetValue(optionsParser); Config config = new Config(configFiles); return(GetSendEmailErrorCode(AlertReport_Untriaged.SendEmails( config, templateFile, skipEmail, outputFile, alertFilters, inputFiles))); } case ActionCommand.needsResponse: { if (!optionsParser.Parse( new Option[] { _configOption, _inputOption, _commentsOption, _templateOption }, new Option[] { _filterOption, _skipEmailOption, _outputOption })) { return(ErrorCode.InvalidCommand); } IEnumerable <string> configFiles = _configOption.GetValues(optionsParser); IEnumerable <string> inputFiles = _inputOption.GetValues(optionsParser); IEnumerable <string> commentsFiles = _commentsOption.GetValues(optionsParser); string templateFile = _templateOption.GetValue(optionsParser); // Optional args IEnumerable <string> alertFilters = _filterOption.GetValues(optionsParser); bool skipEmail = _skipEmailOption.IsDefined(optionsParser); string outputFile = _outputOption.GetValue(optionsParser); Config config = new Config(configFiles); IEnumerable <DataModelIssue> issues = IssueCollection.LoadIssues( inputFiles, config, IssueKindFlags.Issue); IEnumerable <DataModelIssue> comments = IssueCollection.LoadIssues( commentsFiles, config, IssueKindFlags.Comment); return(GetSendEmailErrorCode(AlertReport_NeedsResponse.SendEmails( config, templateFile, skipEmail, outputFile, alertFilters, issues, comments))); } default: Debug.Assert(false); return(ErrorCode.CatastrophicFailure); } } catch (Exception ex) { Console.Error.WriteLine(); Console.Error.WriteLine(); Console.Error.WriteLine(); Console.Error.WriteLine("Catastrophic failure:"); Console.Error.WriteLine(ex); return(ErrorCode.CatastrophicFailure); } }
public static void ReadFromXML(TableReport report, string xmlFileName) { var usCulture = new CultureInfo("en-US"); XDocument doc = XDocument.Load(xmlFileName); if (doc.Root.Attribute("Title") != null) { report.Title = doc.Root.Attribute("Title").Value; } var chart = doc.Descendants("Chart").FirstOrDefault(); if (chart != null) { var reportChart = new ReportChart(); if (chart.Attribute("XAxisField") != null) { reportChart.XAxisFieldName = chart.Attribute("XAxisField").Value; } if (chart.Attribute("XAxisLabelField") != null) { reportChart.XAxisLabelFieldName = chart.Attribute("XAxisLabelField").Value; } if (chart.Attribute("LegendLabelFieldName") != null) { reportChart.LegendLabelFieldName = chart.Attribute("LegendLabelFieldName").Value; } if (chart.Attribute("YAxisField") != null) { reportChart.YAxisFieldName = chart.Attribute("YAxisField").Value; } if (chart.Attribute("Width") != null) { reportChart.Height = float.Parse(chart.Attribute("Width").Value, usCulture); } if (chart.Attribute("Height") != null) { reportChart.Height = float.Parse(chart.Attribute("Height").Value, usCulture); } if (chart.Attribute("Title") != null) { reportChart.Title = chart.Attribute("Title").Value; } if (chart.Attribute("Type") != null) { reportChart.ChartType = chart.Attribute("Type").Value; } if (chart.Attribute("ShowLegend") != null) { reportChart.ShowLegend = bool.Parse(chart.Attribute("ShowLegend").Value); } report.Chart = reportChart; } var columns = doc.Descendants("Column"); foreach (var column in columns) { var tableColumn = new TableDataColumn(); if (column.Attribute("Field") != null) { tableColumn.FieldName = column.Attribute("Field").Value; } if (column.Attribute("HeaderText") != null) { tableColumn.HeaderText = column.Attribute("HeaderText").Value; } if (column.Attribute("Width") != null) { tableColumn.Width = float.Parse(column.Attribute("Width").Value, usCulture); } if (column.Attribute("TextAlign") != null) { tableColumn.TextAlign = column.Attribute("TextAlign").Value; } if (column.Attribute("Format") != null) { tableColumn.Format = column.Attribute("Format").Value; } report.Columns.Add(tableColumn); } var footers = doc.Descendants("Footer"); foreach (var footer in footers) { var tableFooter = new TableDataFooterRow(); var cell1 = new TableDataFooterCell(); cell1.TextAlign = "Right"; cell1.ColSpan = columns.Count() - 1; if (footer.Attribute("LabelSpan") != null) { int span = Convert.ToInt32(footer.Attribute("LabelSpan").Value); cell1.ColSpan = span; } if (footer.Attribute("Label") != null) { cell1.Value = footer.Attribute("Label").Value; } tableFooter.FooterCells.Add(cell1); for (int x = 0; x < 20; x++) { var cell2 = new TableDataFooterCell(); cell2.TextAlign = "Right"; cell2.Format = "N2"; string indexStr = ""; if (x > 0) { indexStr = Convert.ToString(x + 1); } if (footer.Attribute("Format" + indexStr) != null) { cell2.Format = footer.Attribute("Format" + indexStr).Value; } if (footer.Attribute("Content" + indexStr) != null) { cell2.Value = footer.Attribute("Content" + indexStr).Value; tableFooter.FooterCells.Add(cell2); } else { break; } } report.FooterRows.Add(tableFooter); } var group1 = doc.Descendants("Group1").FirstOrDefault(); if (group1 != null) { if (group1.Attribute("Field") != null) { report.GroupByField1 = group1.Attribute("Field").Value; } if (group1.Attribute("Header") != null) { report.GroupByRowContent1 = group1.Attribute("Header").Value; } if (group1.Attribute("SortBy") != null) { report.GroupBy1SortField = group1.Attribute("SortBy").Value; } if (group1.Attribute("SortDescending") != null) { report.GroupBy1SortDescending = Convert.ToBoolean(group1.Attribute("SortDescending").Value); } if (group1.Attribute("FooterLabel") != null && group1.Attribute("FooterContent") != null) { TableDataFooterRow groupFooterRow = new TableDataFooterRow(); TableDataFooterCell cell1 = new TableDataFooterCell(); cell1.ColSpan = columns.Count() - 1; if (group1.Attribute("FooterLabelSpan") != null) { int span = Convert.ToInt32(group1.Attribute("FooterLabelSpan").Value); cell1.ColSpan = span; } cell1.Value = group1.Attribute("FooterLabel").Value; groupFooterRow.FooterCells.Add(cell1); for (int x = 0; x < 20; x++) { string indexStr = ""; if (x > 0) { indexStr = Convert.ToString(x + 1); } if (group1.Attribute("FooterContent" + indexStr) != null) { TableDataFooterCell cell2 = new TableDataFooterCell(); cell2.Value = group1.Attribute("FooterContent" + indexStr).Value; cell2.Format = "N2"; if (group1.Attribute("Format" + indexStr) != null) { cell2.Format = group1.Attribute("Format" + indexStr).Value; } groupFooterRow.FooterCells.Add(cell2); } else { break; } } report.GroupFooterRows1.Add(groupFooterRow); } } var group2 = doc.Descendants("Group2").FirstOrDefault(); if (group2 != null) { if (group2.Attribute("Field") != null) { report.GroupByField2 = group2.Attribute("Field").Value; } if (group2.Attribute("Header") != null) { report.GroupByRowContent2 = group2.Attribute("Header").Value; } if (group2.Attribute("SortBy") != null) { report.GroupBy2SortField = group2.Attribute("SortBy").Value; } if (group2.Attribute("SortDescending") != null) { report.GroupBy2SortDescending = Convert.ToBoolean(group2.Attribute("SortDescending").Value); } if (group2.Attribute("FooterLabel") != null && group2.Attribute("FooterContent") != null) { TableDataFooterRow groupFooterRow = new TableDataFooterRow(); TableDataFooterCell cell1 = new TableDataFooterCell(); cell1.ColSpan = columns.Count() - 1; if (group2.Attribute("FooterLabelSpan") != null) { int span = Convert.ToInt32(group2.Attribute("FooterLabelSpan").Value); cell1.ColSpan = span; } cell1.Value = group2.Attribute("FooterLabel").Value; groupFooterRow.FooterCells.Add(cell1); for (int x = 0; x < 20; x++) { string indexStr = ""; if (x > 0) { indexStr = Convert.ToString(x + 1); } if (group2.Attribute("FooterContent" + indexStr) != null) { TableDataFooterCell cell2 = new TableDataFooterCell(); cell2.Value = group2.Attribute("FooterContent" + indexStr).Value; cell2.Format = "N2"; if (group2.Attribute("Format" + indexStr) != null) { cell2.Format = group2.Attribute("Format" + indexStr).Value; } groupFooterRow.FooterCells.Add(cell2); } else { break; } } report.GroupFooterRows2.Add(groupFooterRow); } } }
/// <summary> /// 创建页头 /// </summary> /// <param name="p_info">表格报表对象</param> /// <returns>页头内容</returns> private XRTable CreateTitleHeader(TableReport p_info) { XRTable headerTable = new XRTable(); headerTable.Dpi = 254F; headerTable.Name = "Page"; headerTable.Width = this.PageWidth - (this.Margins.Left + this.Margins.Right) - 4; headerTable.Height = 56; if (p_info.TitleCaption != string.Empty) { XRTableRow titleRow = new XRTableRow(); titleRow.Dpi = 254F; //标题 XRTableCell titleCell = new XRTableCell(); titleCell.Dpi = 254F; titleCell.Text = p_info.TitleCaption; titleCell.TextAlignment = this.Alignments(p_info.TitleTextAlignment); titleCell.Width = this.PageWidth - (this.Margins.Left + this.Margins.Right) - 4; titleCell.Font = p_info.TitleFont; titleCell.BorderWidth = 0; titleRow.Height = (int)MeasureString(p_info.TitleCaption, p_info.TitleFont, titleCell.Width).Height + 1; titleRow.Cells.Add(titleCell); headerTable.Rows.Add(titleRow); } XRTableRow x_titleRow = new XRTableRow(); x_titleRow.Dpi = 254F; x_titleRow.Height = 56; //项目名称 XRTableCell l_titleCell = new XRTableCell(); l_titleCell.Dpi = 254F; l_titleCell.TextAlignment = TextAlignment.MiddleLeft; l_titleCell.Width = (headerTable.Width / 2); l_titleCell.Font = new Font("宋体", 9F); l_titleCell.BorderWidth = 0; x_titleRow.Cells.Add(l_titleCell); //专业名称 XRTableCell r_titleCell = new XRTableCell(); r_titleCell.Dpi = 254F; r_titleCell.Width = (headerTable.Width / 2); r_titleCell.BorderWidth = 0; XRPageInfo m_pageInfo = new XRPageInfo(); m_pageInfo.Dpi = 254F; m_pageInfo.Font = new Font("宋体", 9F); m_pageInfo.TextAlignment = TextAlignment.MiddleRight; m_pageInfo.Width = (headerTable.Width / 2); m_pageInfo.Height = 56; switch (p_info.ReportType) { case "项目报表": l_titleCell.Text = string.Format("项目名称:{0}", p_info.XMMC); m_pageInfo.Format = "\t第{0}页/共{1}页"; break; case "单位报表": l_titleCell.Text = string.Format("工程名称:{0}", p_info.XMMC); m_pageInfo.Format = string.Format("专业名称:{0}", p_info.ZYMC) + "\t第{0}页/共{1}页"; break; default: break; } r_titleCell.Controls.Add(m_pageInfo); x_titleRow.Cells.Add(r_titleCell); headerTable.Rows.Add(x_titleRow); return(headerTable); }
/// <summary> /// 创建表格头 /// </summary> /// <param name="rpf">报表个字段格式</param> /// <param name="border"></param> /// <returns></returns> private PageHeaderBand CreateTableHeader(TableReport p_info) { PageHeaderBand new_PageHeaderBand = new PageHeaderBand(); new_PageHeaderBand.Controls.Add(CreateTitleHeader(p_info)); if (p_info.ReportFields != null) { XRTable headerTable = null; XRTableRow headerOneRow = null; //一级表头 XRTableRow headerTwoRow = null; //二级表头 string bands = "**********"; //上一和并列的值 for (int i = 0; i < p_info.ReportFields.Length; i++) { FieldReport item = p_info.ReportFields[i]; if (item.Bands == string.Empty) { if (item.Bands != bands) { bands = item.Bands; headerTable = new XRTable(); headerTable.Dpi = 254F; headerTable.Width = 0; headerTable.Height = 112; headerOneRow = new XRTableRow(); headerOneRow.Dpi = 254F; headerOneRow.Height = 112; } XRTableCell headerCell = new XRTableCell(); headerCell.Dpi = 254F; headerCell.Font = item.HeaderFont; headerCell.Borders = (BorderSide)(BorderSide.Top | BorderSide.Right | BorderSide.Left | BorderSide.Bottom); headerCell.BorderWidth = 1; int width = 0; if (new_PageHeaderBand.Controls.Count > 1 && headerTable.Width == 5) { width = 3; } headerCell.Width = item.RowWidth + width; headerCell.WordWrap = true; headerCell.CanGrow = true; headerCell.TextAlignment = this.Alignments(item.TopAlignment); headerCell.Text = item.Caption; headerCell.Tag = item.Field; headerTable.Width += item.RowWidth - (headerTable.Width == 5 ? 5 : 0); headerOneRow.Cells.Add(headerCell); if (item.Bands != p_info.ReportFields[i + (i == p_info.ReportFields.Length - 1 ? 0 : 1)].Bands || i == p_info.ReportFields.Length - 1) { headerTable.Rows.Add(headerOneRow); headerTable.Location = GetTable(new_PageHeaderBand); if (new_PageHeaderBand.Controls.Count > 1) { headerTable.Width = headerTable.Width + 3; } new_PageHeaderBand.Controls.Add(headerTable); new_PageHeaderBand.Height = 0; } } else { if (item.Bands != bands) { bands = item.Bands; headerTable = new XRTable(); headerTable.Dpi = 254F; headerTable.Width = 0; headerTable.Height = 112; headerOneRow = new XRTableRow(); headerOneRow.Dpi = 254F; headerOneRow.Height = 56; XRTableCell headerOneCell = new XRTableCell(); headerOneCell.Dpi = 254F; headerOneCell.Font = item.HeaderFont; headerOneCell.Borders = (BorderSide)(BorderSide.Top | BorderSide.Right | BorderSide.Left); headerOneCell.BorderWidth = 1; headerOneCell.Width = item.RowWidth; headerOneCell.WordWrap = true; headerOneCell.CanGrow = true; headerOneCell.TextAlignment = this.Alignments(item.TopAlignment); headerOneCell.Text = item.Bands; headerOneCell.Tag = item.Field; headerOneRow.Cells.Add(headerOneCell); headerTable.Rows.Add(headerOneRow); headerTwoRow = new XRTableRow(); headerTwoRow.Dpi = 254F; headerTwoRow.Height = 56; } XRTableCell headerTwoCell = new XRTableCell(); headerTwoCell.Dpi = 254F; headerTwoCell.Font = item.HeaderFont; headerTwoCell.Borders = (BorderSide)(BorderSide.Top | BorderSide.Right | BorderSide.Left | BorderSide.Bottom); headerTwoCell.BorderWidth = 1; int width = 0; if (new_PageHeaderBand.Controls.Count > 1 && headerTable.Width == 5) { width = 3; } headerTwoCell.Width = item.RowWidth + width; headerTwoCell.WordWrap = true; headerTwoCell.CanGrow = true; headerTwoCell.TextAlignment = this.Alignments(item.TopAlignment); headerTwoCell.Text = item.Caption; headerTable.Width += item.RowWidth - (headerTable.Width == 5 ? 5 : 0); headerTwoRow.Cells.Add(headerTwoCell); if (item.Bands != p_info.ReportFields[i + (i == p_info.ReportFields.Length - 1 ? 0 : 1)].Bands || i == p_info.ReportFields.Length - 1) { headerTable.Rows.Add(headerTwoRow); headerTable.Location = GetTable(new_PageHeaderBand); if (new_PageHeaderBand.Controls.Count > 1) { headerTable.Width = headerTable.Width + 3; } new_PageHeaderBand.Controls.Add(headerTable); new_PageHeaderBand.Height = 0; } } } } return(new_PageHeaderBand); }