コード例 #1
        private bool lastTokenWasOperatorOrLeftBrace = true; //beginning of input is like a left brace

        /// <summary>
        /// Parses the given tokens to an AST.
        /// </summary>
        public ExpressionNode Parse(IEnumerable <Token> tokens)
            bool sequenceWasEmpty = true;

            foreach (var token in tokens)
                sequenceWasEmpty = false;
                if (token is LiteralToken)
                    if (token is NumberLiteralToken)
                        working.Push(new NumberLiteralNode(((NumberLiteralToken)token).Number));
                    else if (token is StringLiteralToken)
                        working.Push(new StringLiteralNode(((StringLiteralToken)token).String));
                    lastTokenWasOperatorOrLeftBrace = false;
                else if (token is OperatorToken)
                    ExpressionOperationType op;
                    if (((OperatorToken)token).OperatorType == OperatorType.SubstractNegate) //need to check if binary or unary
                        op = lastTokenWasOperatorOrLeftBrace ? ExpressionOperationType.Negate : ExpressionOperationType.Subtract;
                    else //normal operator
                        op = operatorToOperation[((OperatorToken)token).OperatorType];

                    //TODO: Do we need to check for assosiativity? Only unary operators and assignments are rtl-assosiativ
                    ExpressionOperationType currentOperator;
                    while (operators.Count != 0 && operationPrecedence[currentOperator = operators.Peek()] > operationPrecedence[op]) //stack empty or only low precendence operators on stack
                    lastTokenWasOperatorOrLeftBrace = true;
                else if (token is OpenBraceToken)
                    var openBraceToken = token as OpenBraceToken;
                    if (openBraceToken.BraceType == BraceType.Round)
                        if (working.Count > 0 && working.Peek() is VariableReferenceExpressionNode)
                            //we have a "variable" sitting on top of the op stack, this must be the name of a function to be called.
                            //Create a function call instead
                            var variable = (VariableReferenceExpressionNode)working.Pop();
                            working.Push(new FunctionCallExpressionNode(variable.VariableName));
                    else if (openBraceToken.BraceType == BraceType.Square)
                        //Something to do with lists.
                        if (working.Count > 0 && working.Peek() is VariableReferenceExpressionNode)
                            //There's an identifier right before, it must be an accessor myList[0]
                            guessType = ExpressionParserGuessType.ListAccessor;
                            //Looks like a list literal: [1, 2, 3]
                            arity.Push(0); //This will be the list size
                            guessType = ExpressionParserGuessType.ListInitializer;

                    lastTokenWasOperatorOrLeftBrace = true;
                else if (token is CloseBraceToken)
                    var closeBraceToken = token as CloseBraceToken;
                    if (closeBraceToken.BraceType == BraceType.Round)
                        while (operators.Peek() != ExpressionOperationType.OpenRoundBrace)
                        operators.Pop();                                                                     //pop the opening brace from the stack

                        if (operators.Count > 0 && operators.Peek() == ExpressionOperationType.FunctionCall) //function call sitting on top of the stack
                    else if (closeBraceToken.BraceType == BraceType.Square)
                        //End of a list initializer or accessor

                        if (guessType == ExpressionParserGuessType.ListInitializer)
                            //Try building a list and return it

                            var listElements = new List <ExpressionNode>();
                            while (working.Count > 0) //Pop all the working expressions onto the list
                                var listElement = working.Pop();
                            listElements.Reverse(); //Compensate for the order of the stack
                            working.Push(new ListInitializerExpressionNode(listElements));
                        else if (guessType == ExpressionParserGuessType.ListAccessor)
                            var accessorIndex         = working.Pop();                                    //This is the index of the list we are accessing; for example, in myList[2], the index is 2
                            var listVariableReference = working.Pop() as VariableReferenceExpressionNode; //This must be an identifier, currently parsed as variable reference
                            working.Push(new ListAccessorExpressionNode(listVariableReference.VariableName, accessorIndex));

                    lastTokenWasOperatorOrLeftBrace = false;
                else if (token is IdentifierToken)
                    if (token is TableIdentifierToken) //These tokens need special treatment
                        var   tokenList      = tokens.ToList();
                        var   tokensToSkip   = tokenList.IndexOf(token) + 1;
                        var   upcomingTokens = new Stack <Token>(tokenList.Skip(tokensToSkip).Take(tokenList.Count - tokensToSkip).Reverse());
                        Token currentTestToken;
                        List <MemberAccessToken> memberAccessTokens = new List <MemberAccessToken>();
                        while ((currentTestToken = upcomingTokens.Pop()) is MemberAccessToken) //They can be stacked
                            memberAccessTokens.Add(currentTestToken as MemberAccessToken);
                            if (upcomingTokens.Count == 0)
                                break; //We're done.
                        working.Push(new TableReferenceExpressionNode(TableQualifier.Create(token as IdentifierToken, memberAccessTokens)));
                        //this could be a function call, but we would need a lookahead to check for an opening brace.
                        //just handle this as a variable reference and change it to a function when a open brace is found
                        working.Push(new VariableReferenceExpressionNode(((IdentifierToken)token).Content));
                else if (token is MemberAccessToken)
                    //Basically ignore these for now, they were handled by the tableidentifiertoken conditional
                else if (token is ArgSeperatorToken)
                     * if (arity.Peek() == 0) //If it was previously assumed that there were no args
                     * {
                     *  arity.Pop(); //There are at least
                     *  arity.Push(1); //One argument (at least)
                     * }
                    arity.Push(arity.Pop() + 1); //increase arity on top of the stack

                    if (operators.Count > 0)
                        //It must be a function call, because there's a function name
                        while (operators.Peek() != ExpressionOperationType.OpenRoundBrace) //pop till the open brace of this function call
                        //it's basically commas with no function call, AKA elements of a list
                    throw new UnexpectedTokenException("Found unknown token while parsing expression!", token);

            if (sequenceWasEmpty)

            //end of tokens, apply all the remaining operators
            while (operators.Count != 0)

            if (working.Count != 1)
                throw new ParsingException("Expression seems to be incomplete/invalid.");

コード例 #2
ファイル: Parser.cs プロジェクト: 0xFireball/FlameScript
        public ProgramNode ParseToAst()
            _scopes.Push(new ProgramNode());

            while (!EndOfProgram)
                var upcomingToken = PeekNextToken();
                if (upcomingToken is KeywordToken)
                    var keyword     = (KeywordToken)NextToken();
                    var globalScope = _scopes.Count == 1; // There are constraints to what is available on the global scope
                    if (keyword.IsTypeKeyword)
                        var varType = keyword.ToVariableType();
                        //it must be followed by a identifier:
                        var name = ReadNextToken <IdentifierToken>();
                        //so see what it is (function or variable):
                        Token lookahead = PeekNextToken();
                        if (lookahead is OperatorToken && (((OperatorToken)lookahead).OperatorType == OperatorType.Assignment) || lookahead is StatementSeparatorToken) //variable declaration
                            if (lookahead is OperatorToken)
                                NextToken(); //skip the "="
                            _currentScope.AddStatement(new VariableDeclarationNode(varType, name.Content, ExpressionNode.CreateFromTokens(ReadUntilStatementSeparator())));
                        else if (lookahead is OpenBraceToken)
                            var lookaheadOpenBrace = lookahead as OpenBraceToken;
                            if (lookaheadOpenBrace.BraceType == BraceType.Square) //It is a list type declaration
                                //Ensure that the next token is the close square brace
                                NextToken(); //Go past the opening token
                                var secondLookahead = PeekNextToken();
                                if (secondLookahead is CloseBraceToken && ((CloseBraceToken)secondLookahead).BraceType == BraceType.Square)
                                    NextToken(); //Good, it matched, now skip that too
                                    //Add a list declaration node
                                    _currentScope.AddStatement(new ListDeclarationNode(varType, name.Content, ExpressionNode.CreateFromTokens(ReadUntilStatementSeparator())));
                                    throw new UnexpectedTokenException("Missing close square bracket in array declaration");
                            //If in the global scope, it can also be a function declaration
                            else if (globalScope && lookaheadOpenBrace.BraceType == BraceType.Round) //function definition
                                var func = new FunctionDeclarationNode(name.Content);
                                _currentScope.AddStatement(func);                                                                                //add the function to the old (root) scope...
                                _scopes.Push(func);                                                                                              //...and set it a the new scope!
                                                                                                                                                 //Read the argument list
                                NextToken();                                                                                                     //skip the opening brace
                                while (!(PeekNextToken() is CloseBraceToken && ((CloseBraceToken)PeekNextToken()).BraceType == BraceType.Round)) //TODO: Refactor using readUntilClosingBrace?
                                    var argType = ReadNextToken <KeywordToken>();
                                    if (!argType.IsTypeKeyword)
                                        throw new ParsingException("Expected type keyword!");
                                    var argName = ReadNextToken <IdentifierToken>();
                                    func.AddParameter(new ParameterDeclarationNode(argType.ToVariableType(), argName.Content));
                                    if (PeekNextToken() is ArgSeperatorToken) //TODO: Does this allow (int a int b)-style functions? (No arg-seperator!)
                                        NextToken();                          //skip the sperator
                                NextToken(); //skip the closing brace
                                var curlyBrace = ReadNextToken <OpenBraceToken>();
                                if (curlyBrace.BraceType != BraceType.Curly)
                                    throw new ParsingException("Wrong brace type found!");
                            throw new Exception("The parser encountered an unexpected token.");
                        //We can't have anything other than what's listed above on the global scope
                    //Not a type keyword. If on a local scope, it may be other keywords
                    else if (!globalScope)
                        switch (keyword.KeywordType)
                        case KeywordType.Return:
                            _currentScope.AddStatement(new ReturnStatementNode(ExpressionNode.CreateFromTokens(ReadUntilStatementSeparator())));

                        case KeywordType.If:
                            var @if = new IfStatementNode(ExpressionNode.CreateFromTokens(ReadUntilClosingBrace(true)));
                            _currentScope.AddStatement(@if); //Add if statement to previous scope
                            _scopes.Push(@if);               //...and set it a the new scope!
                            NextToken();                     //skip the opening curly brace

                        case KeywordType.While:
                            var @while = new WhileLoopNode(ExpressionNode.CreateFromTokens(ReadUntilClosingBrace(true)));
                            NextToken();     //skip the opening curly brace

                            throw new ParsingException("Unexpected keyword type.");
                    else //It was not a keyword, and it was a global scope
                        throw new ParsingException("Found non-type keyword on global scope.");
                else if (upcomingToken is IdentifierToken && _scopes.Count > 1) //in a nested scope
                    var identifierToken = upcomingToken as IdentifierToken;
                    NextToken();                                                                                          //Step past the identifier token
                    var nextToken = PeekNextToken();                                                                      //Read the next token
                    if (nextToken is OperatorToken && ((OperatorToken)nextToken).OperatorType == OperatorType.Assignment) //variable assignment
                        NextToken();                                                                                      //skip the "="
                        _currentScope.AddStatement(new VariableAssignmentNode(identifierToken.Content, ExpressionNode.CreateFromTokens(ReadUntilStatementSeparator())));
                    else if (nextToken is MemberAccessToken)
                        List <MemberAccessToken> memberAccessTokens = new List <MemberAccessToken>();
                        Token currentTestToken;
                        while ((currentTestToken = PeekNextToken()) is MemberAccessToken) //They can be stacked
                            NextToken();                                                  //Advance
                            memberAccessTokens.Add(currentTestToken as MemberAccessToken);
                        if (currentTestToken is OperatorToken && ((OperatorToken)currentTestToken).OperatorType == OperatorType.Assignment) //table member assignment
                            NextToken();                                                                                                    //skip the "="
                                                                                                                                            //Tokens until statement end have to be preloaded as a 'temporary workaround' to allow looking forward
                            var expressionTokens = ReadUntilStatementSeparator().ToList();
                            _currentScope.AddStatement(new TableAssignmentNode(TableQualifier.Create(identifierToken, memberAccessTokens), ExpressionNode.CreateFromTokens(expressionTokens)));
                        else if (currentTestToken is OpenBraceToken && ((OpenBraceToken)currentTestToken).BraceType == BraceType.Round)
                            //Member invocation
                            var fakeIdentifierToken = new IdentifierToken(identifierToken.Content); //So it will be parsed as a function call
                            var memberInvocationInternalFunctionCall = ExpressionNode.CreateFromTokens(new[] { fakeIdentifierToken }.Concat(ReadUntilStatementSeparator())) as FunctionCallExpressionNode;
                            _currentScope.AddStatement(new TableMemberInvocationNode(TableQualifier.Create(identifierToken, memberAccessTokens), memberInvocationInternalFunctionCall.Arguments));
                    else //lone expression (incl. function calls!)
                        _currentScope.AddStatement(ExpressionNode.CreateFromTokens(new[] { identifierToken }.Concat(ReadUntilStatementSeparator()))); //don't forget the name here!
                else if (upcomingToken is CloseBraceToken)
                    //Closing a scope
                    var brace = ReadNextToken <CloseBraceToken>();
                    if (brace.BraceType != BraceType.Curly)
                        throw new ParsingException("Wrong brace type found!");
                    _scopes.Pop(); //Scope has been closed!
                    throw new UnexpectedTokenException("The parser ran into an unexpected token", upcomingToken);

            if (_scopes.Count != 1)
                throw new ParsingException("The scopes are not correctly nested.");

コード例 #3
 public TableReferenceExpressionNode(TableQualifier tableQualifier)
     TableQualifier = tableQualifier;