public override void Display() { base.Display(); Console.BackgroundColor = ConsoleColor.Blue; Output.WriteLine(ConsoleColor.White, "--------== {0} ==--------\n", base.Title); Console.BackgroundColor = ConsoleColor.Black; /* * Get data from the Database */ try { Output.WriteLine("USERS LIST: "); TablePrinter.User(SessionManager.GetServiceClient().GetUsersList()); } catch { Console.WriteLine("Error! Retry later!"); } /* * Navigate back */ Input.ReadString("Press [Enter] to navigate back"); Program.NavigateBack(); }
public override void Display() { base.Display(); Console.BackgroundColor = ConsoleColor.Blue; Output.WriteLine(ConsoleColor.White, "--------== {0} ==--------\n", base.Title); Console.BackgroundColor = ConsoleColor.Black; try { if (SessionManager.GetServiceClient().GetUsersList().Count != 0) { /* * Show the Admin the Film */ Output.WriteLine("USERS LIST: "); TablePrinter.User(SessionManager.GetServiceClient().GetUsersList()); /* * Delete User Form * * When a User is deleted, the prenotation and the reservations * linked to him are deleted too */ Output.WriteLine("\n------ DELETE USER ------- "); string username = Input.ReadString("Insert the Username of the User to delete: "); // Navigate back if User type "\\" on first input if (username.Contains("\\")) { Program.NavigateBack(); } string Username = Controls.CheckStringForeignKey(username, "UtenteFree"); /* * Send data to Database */ if (SessionManager.GetServiceClient().DeleteUser(username)) { Output.WriteLine("\nUSER CANCELLATION SUCCESS!\n"); } else { Output.WriteLine("\nUSER CANCELLATION FAILED! Retry!\n"); } } else { Console.WriteLine("There are no Prenotations in the DataBase!"); } } catch { Console.WriteLine("Error! Retry later!"); } /* * Navigate back */ Input.ReadString("Press [Enter] to navigate back"); Program.NavigateBack(); }
public override void Display() { base.Display(); Console.BackgroundColor = ConsoleColor.Blue; Output.WriteLine(ConsoleColor.White, "--------== {0} ==--------\n", base.Title); Console.BackgroundColor = ConsoleColor.Black; try { /* * Show the Admin the Users */ Output.WriteLine("USER LIST: "); TablePrinter.User(SessionManager.GetServiceClient().GetUsersList()); /* * Edit User Form * * Every input must be valid and checked. The password is hashed with * a MD5 algorithm before to be stored in the database, for a security reason. */ Output.WriteLine("-------== EDIT USER ==--------"); string old_username = Input.ReadString("Username of the User you want to edit: "); // Navigate back if User type "\\" on first input if (old_username.Contains("\\")) { Program.NavigateBack(); } string oldUsername = Controls.CheckStringForeignKey(old_username, "UtenteFree"); string newUsername = Input.ReadString("New Username (max 30 characters): "); newUsername = Controls.CheckUserInput("Username", newUsername); string newPassword = Input.ReadString("New Password (max 32 characters): "); string newHashedPassword = EasyEncryption.MD5.ComputeMD5Hash(Controls.CheckUserInput("Password", newPassword)); string newName = Input.ReadString("New Name (max 20 characters): "); newName = Controls.CheckUserInput("Nome", newName); string newSurname = Input.ReadString("New Surname (max 20 characters): "); newSurname = Controls.CheckUserInput("Cognome", newSurname); if (SessionManager.GetServiceClient().EditUser(oldUsername, newUsername, newHashedPassword, newName, newSurname)) { Output.WriteLine("USER UPDATE SUCCESS!\n"); } else { Output.WriteLine("USER UPDATE ERROR\n Retry!\n"); } } catch { Console.WriteLine("Error! Retry later!"); } /* * Navigate back */ Input.ReadString("Press [Enter] to navigate back"); Program.NavigateBack(); }