コード例 #1
        public override void Execute(MeterDataSet meterDataSet)
            // Get a time range for querying each system event that contains events in this meter data set
            SystemEventResource systemEventResource             = meterDataSet.GetResource <SystemEventResource>();
            List <SystemEventResource.SystemEvent> systemEvents = systemEventResource.SystemEvents;

            if (systemEvents.Count == 0)

            using (AdoDataConnection connection = meterDataSet.CreateDbConnection())
                TableOperations <openXDA.Model.Line> lineTable = new TableOperations <openXDA.Model.Line>(connection);
                TableOperations <AssetLocation>      meterLocationLineTable = new TableOperations <AssetLocation>(connection);
                TableOperations <Event> eventTable = new TableOperations <Event>(connection);
                TableOperations <DoubleEndedFaultDistance> doubleEndedFaultDistanceTable = new TableOperations <DoubleEndedFaultDistance>(connection);
                TableOperations <FaultCurve> faultCurveTable = new TableOperations <FaultCurve>(connection);

                List <MappingNode> processedMappingNodes = new List <MappingNode>();

                foreach (SystemEventResource.SystemEvent systemEvent in systemEvents)
                    // Get the full collection of events from the database that comprise the system event that overlaps this time range
                    List <Event> dbSystemEvent = eventTable.GetSystemEvent(systemEvent.StartTime, systemEvent.EndTime, m_timeTolerance);

                    foreach (IGrouping <int, Event> lineGrouping in dbSystemEvent.GroupBy(evt => evt.AssetID))
                        // Make sure this line connects two known meter locations
                        int meterLocationCount = meterLocationLineTable.QueryRecordCountWhere("AssetID = {0}", lineGrouping.Key);

                        if (meterLocationCount != 2)

                        // Determine the length of the line
                        double lineLength = lineTable
                                            .QueryRecordsWhere("ID = {0}", lineGrouping.Key)
                                            .Select(line =>
                            line.ConnectionFactory = meterDataSet.CreateDbConnection;


                        if (double.IsNaN(lineLength))

                        // Determine the nominal impedance of the line
                        ComplexNumber nominalImpedance = new ComplexNumber(
                            lineTable.QueryRecordsWhere("ID = {0}", lineGrouping.Key).Select(line =>
                            line.ConnectionFactory = meterDataSet.CreateDbConnection;
                            lineTable.QueryRecordsWhere("ID = {0}", lineGrouping.Key).Select(line =>
                            line.ConnectionFactory = meterDataSet.CreateDbConnection;

                        if (!nominalImpedance.AllAssigned)

                        int leftEventID  = 0;
                        int rightEventID = 0;
                        VICycleDataGroup leftCycleDataGroup  = null;
                        VICycleDataGroup rightCycleDataGroup = null;

                        // Attempt to match faults during this system event that occurred
                        // on one end of the line with faults that occurred during this
                        // system even on the other end of the line
                        List <Mapping> mappings = GetMappings(connection, lineGrouping);

                        foreach (Mapping mapping in mappings)
                            if (mapping.Left.FaultType == FaultType.None || mapping.Right.FaultType == FaultType.None)

                            // Get the cycle data for each of the two mapped faults
                            if (mapping.Left.Fault.EventID != leftEventID)
                                leftEventID        = mapping.Left.Fault.EventID;
                                leftCycleDataGroup = GetCycleData(connection, leftEventID);

                            if (mapping.Right.Fault.EventID != rightEventID)
                                rightEventID        = mapping.Right.Fault.EventID;
                                rightCycleDataGroup = GetCycleData(connection, rightEventID);

                            if (leftCycleDataGroup == null || rightCycleDataGroup == null)

                            if (leftCycleDataGroup.IA == null || leftCycleDataGroup.IB == null || leftCycleDataGroup.IC == null)

                            if (rightCycleDataGroup.IA == null || rightCycleDataGroup.IB == null || rightCycleDataGroup.IC == null)

                            // Make sure double-ended distance has not already been calculated and entered into the database
                            RecordRestriction recordRestriction =
                                new RecordRestriction("LocalFaultSummaryID = {0}", mapping.Left.Fault.ID) |
                                new RecordRestriction("RemoteFaultSummaryID = {0}", mapping.Left.Fault.ID) |
                                new RecordRestriction("LocalFaultSummaryID = {0}", mapping.Right.Fault.ID) |
                                new RecordRestriction("RemoteFaultSummaryID = {0}", mapping.Right.Fault.ID);

                            if (doubleEndedFaultDistanceTable.QueryRecordCount(recordRestriction) > 0)

                            // Initialize the mappings with additional data needed for double-ended fault location
                            mapping.Left.Initialize(connection, leftCycleDataGroup, m_systemFrequency);
                            mapping.Right.Initialize(connection, rightCycleDataGroup, m_systemFrequency);

                            // Execute the double-ended fault location algorithm
                            ExecuteFaultLocationAlgorithm(lineLength, nominalImpedance, mapping.Left, mapping.Right);
                            ExecuteFaultLocationAlgorithm(lineLength, nominalImpedance, mapping.Right, mapping.Left);

                                // Create rows in the DoubleEndedFaultDistance table
                                DoubleEndedFaultDistance leftDistance  = CreateDoubleEndedFaultDistance(lineLength, mapping.Left, mapping.Right);
                                DoubleEndedFaultDistance rightDistance = CreateDoubleEndedFaultDistance(lineLength, mapping.Right, mapping.Left);


                                // Add these nodes to the collection of processed mapping nodes
                            catch (Exception ex)
                                // Ignore errors regarding unique key constraints
                                // which can occur as a result of a race condition
                                bool isUniqueViolation = ExceptionHandler.IsUniqueViolation(ex);

                                if (!isUniqueViolation)

                    // Create a row in the FaultCurve table for every event that now has double-ended fault distance curves
                    foreach (IGrouping <int, MappingNode> grouping in processedMappingNodes.GroupBy(node => node.Fault.EventID))
                        FaultCurve faultCurve = CreateFaultCurve(connection, grouping);
コード例 #2
        private static void GenerateEmail(AdoDataConnection connection, int eventID)
            XDocument htmlDocument;

            List <Attachment> attachments;
            string            subject;
            string            html;
            bool alreadySent;

            TableOperations <EventType> eventTypeTable = new TableOperations <EventType>(connection);
            EventType faultEventType = eventTypeTable.QueryRecordWhere("Name = 'Fault'");

            TableOperations <Event> eventTable = new TableOperations <Event>(connection);
            string eventDetail = connection.ExecuteScalar <string>("SELECT EventDetail FROM EventDetail WHERE EventID = {0}", eventID);

            List <IGrouping <int, Guid> > templateGroups;

            using (IDbCommand command = connection.Connection.CreateCommand())
                Func <string, object, IDbDataParameter> createParameter = (name, value) =>
                    IDbDataParameter parameter = command.CreateParameter();
                    parameter.ParameterName = name;
                    parameter.Value         = value;

                command.CommandText = "GetEventEmailRecipients";
                command.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;
                command.Parameters.Add(createParameter("@eventID", eventID));

                IDataAdapter adapter = (IDataAdapter)Activator.CreateInstance(connection.AdapterType, command);

                using (adapter as IDisposable)
                    DataSet dataSet = new DataSet();


                    templateGroups = dataSet.Tables[0]
                                     .GroupBy(row => row.ConvertField <int>("TemplateID"), row => row.ConvertField <Guid>("UserAccountID"))

            foreach (IGrouping <int, Guid> templateGroup in templateGroups)
                string        template    = connection.ExecuteScalar <string>("SELECT Template FROM XSLTemplate WHERE ID = {0}", templateGroup.Key);
                string        paramString = string.Join(",", templateGroup.Select((userAccountID, index) => $"{{{index}}}"));
                string        sql         = $"SELECT Email FROM UserAccount WHERE Email IS NOT NULL AND Email <> '' AND ID IN ({paramString})";
                DataTable     emailTable  = connection.RetrieveData(sql, templateGroup.Cast <object>().ToArray());
                List <string> recipients  = emailTable.Select().Select(row => row.ConvertField <string>("Email")).ToList();

                htmlDocument = XDocument.Parse(eventDetail.ApplyXSLTransform(template), LoadOptions.PreserveWhitespace);
                htmlDocument.TransformAll("format", element => element.Format());

                attachments = new List <Attachment>();

                    htmlDocument.TransformAll("chart", (element, index) =>
                        string chartEventID = (string)element.Attribute("eventID") ?? "-1";
                        string cid          = $"event{chartEventID}_chart{index:00}.png";

                        Stream image          = ChartGenerator.ConvertToChartImageStream(connection, element);
                        Attachment attachment = new Attachment(image, cid);
                        attachment.ContentId  = attachment.Name;

                        return(new XElement("img", new XAttribute("src", $"cid:{cid}")));

                    htmlDocument.TransformAll("pqi", (element, index) =>
                        return(PQIGenerator.GetPqiInformation(connection, element));

                    htmlDocument.TransformAll("structure", (element, index) =>

                    htmlDocument.TransformAll("lightning", (element, index) =>
                        return(LightningGenerator.GetLightningInfo(connection, element));

                    htmlDocument.TransformAll("treeProbability", (element, index) =>

                    htmlDocument.TransformAll("faultType", (element, index) =>

                    subject     = (string)htmlDocument.Descendants("title").FirstOrDefault() ?? "Fault detected by openXDA";
                    html        = htmlDocument.ToString(SaveOptions.DisableFormatting).Replace("&amp;", "&").Replace("&lt;", "<").Replace("&gt;", ">");
                    alreadySent = false;

                        Event dequeuedEvent = eventTable.QueryRecordWhere("ID = {0}", eventID);

                        List <Event> systemEvent = eventTable
                                                   .GetSystemEvent(dequeuedEvent.StartTime, dequeuedEvent.EndTime, s_timeTolerance)
                                                   .Where(evt => dequeuedEvent.LineID == evt.LineID)

                        string systemEventIDs = string.Join(",", systemEvent.Where(row => row.LineID == dequeuedEvent.LineID).Select(row => row.ID));

                        string query =
                            $"SELECT SentEmail.ID " +
                            $"FROM " +
                            $"    SentEmail JOIN " +
                            $"    EventSentEmail ON EventSentEmail.SentEmailID = SentEmail.ID " +
                            $"WHERE " +
                            $"    EventSentEmail.EventID IN ({systemEventIDs}) AND " +
                            $"    SentEmail.Message = {{0}}";

                        int sentEmailID = connection.ExecuteScalar(-1, DataExtensions.DefaultTimeoutDuration, query, html);

                        alreadySent = (sentEmailID != -1);

                        if (!alreadySent)
                            sentEmailID = LoadSentEmail(connection, recipients, subject, html);

                        LoadEventSentEmail(connection, systemEvent, sentEmailID);
                    catch (Exception ex)
                        // Failure to load the email into the database should
                        // not prevent us from attempting to send the email
                        Log.Error(ex.Message, ex);

                    if (!alreadySent)
                        SendEmail(recipients, subject, html, attachments);
                    foreach (Attachment attachment in attachments)

            if (templateGroups.Any())
                Log.Info($"All emails sent for event ID {eventID}.");