コード例 #1
        private bool ValuesMatch(object masterValue, object repValue, TableCompareOptions options)
            if (options.HasFlag(TableCompareOptions.TreatDefaultsAsNull))
                // this code will compare the value to the default based on it's datatype, and set it to null if it is the same.
            if (masterValue == null)
                return (repValue == null || repValue == DBNull.Value);

            if (masterValue.GetType().Name == "Byte[]")
                return SlowButSureByteArrayCompare(masterValue as byte[], repValue as byte[]);

            if (masterValue.GetType().Name == "String" && options.HasFlag(TableCompareOptions.IgnoreWhitespace))
                if ((repValue as string) == null)
                    return false;
                return (((string)masterValue).Trim().Equals(((string)repValue).Trim()));

            return masterValue.Equals(repValue);
コード例 #2
        /// <summary>
        ///     returns a list of rows with differences.  will early exit with empty list if schema is not compatible.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public ReturnValue<List<RowDiff>> GetRowDiffs(TableCompareOptions options = TableCompareOptions.None)
            var rowDiffs = new List<RowDiff>();

            //use a Dataset to make use of a DataRelation object   
            using (var ds = new DataSet())
                bool hasPk = (_master.PrimaryKey.Any());
                if (!hasPk && !options.HasFlag(TableCompareOptions.KeysOptional))
                            "Master table has no Primary Key, and the KeysOptional flag was not set.");

                //Add tables   
                DataTable masterCopy = _master.Copy();
                masterCopy.TableName = "master";
                DataTable repCopy = _replica.Copy();
                repCopy.TableName = "replica";
                ds.Tables.AddRange(new[] { masterCopy, repCopy });

                //Get Columns for DataRelation   
                List<DataColumn> keyCols;
                if (hasPk)
                    keyCols = ds.Tables[0].PrimaryKey.ToList();
                    List<string> fic = FieldsInCommon.ToList();
                    keyCols = ds.Tables[0].Columns.Cast<DataColumn>().Where(c => fic.Contains(c.ColumnName)).ToList();
                int numKeyCols = keyCols.Count();
                var masterKeyCols = new DataColumn[numKeyCols];
                var repKeyCols = new DataColumn[numKeyCols];
                for (int i = 0; i < masterKeyCols.Length; i++)
                    DataColumn keyCol = keyCols[i];
                    masterKeyCols[i] = keyCol;
                    repKeyCols[i] = ds.Tables[1].Columns.Cast<DataColumn>()
                        .First(k => k.ColumnName == keyCol.ColumnName);

                //Create DataRelation   
                var findMissingRelat = new DataRelation(string.Empty, masterKeyCols, repKeyCols, false);

                var findExtraRelat = new DataRelation(string.Empty, repKeyCols, masterKeyCols, false);

                // check for missing rows  and mismatched rows            
                foreach (DataRow parentrow in ds.Tables[0].Rows)
                    DataRow[] childrows = parentrow.GetChildRows(findMissingRelat);

                    if (childrows.Length == 0)
                        rowDiffs.Add(new RowDiff
                            DiffType = DiffType.Missing,
                            Row = FindRow(_master,parentrow)
                    else if (childrows.Count() > 1)
                        rowDiffs.Add(new RowDiff
                            DiffType = DiffType.TypeMismatch,
                            Row = FindRow(_master,parentrow)
                        DataRow masterRow = FindRow(_master,parentrow);
                        RowDiff matchRows = CompareRowData(masterRow, childrows[0], options);
                        if (matchRows.DiffType != DiffType.None)

                // check for extra rows
                foreach (DataRow parentrow in ds.Tables[1].Rows)
                    DataRow[] childrows = parentrow.GetChildRows(findExtraRelat);
                    if (childrows.Length == 0)
                        rowDiffs.Add(new RowDiff
                            DiffType = DiffType.Extra,
                            Row = FindRow(_replica, parentrow)

            return ReturnValue<List<RowDiff>>.SuccessResult(rowDiffs);
コード例 #3
        /// <summary>
        ///     compares the values of the cells in each row.
        ///     Does not do a schema check.
        /// </summary>
        private RowDiff CompareRowData(DataRow masterRow, DataRow repRow, TableCompareOptions options)
            var colDiffs = new List<ColumnDiff>();
            var rowDiff = new RowDiff
                DiffType = DiffType.None,
                ColumnDiffs = colDiffs,
                Row = masterRow

            //TODO: needs general clean up & optimization.

            foreach (string fieldName in FieldsInCommon)

                object masterValue = masterRow[fieldName];
                object repValue = repRow[fieldName];

                if (!ValuesMatch(masterValue, repValue, options))
                    rowDiff.DiffType = DiffType.DataMismatch;
                    var colDiff = new ColumnDiff
                        Column = _master.Columns[fieldName],
                        DiffType = DiffType.DataMismatch,
                    if (options.HasFlag(TableCompareOptions.CaptureValues))
                        colDiff.ReplicaValue = repValue;
                        colDiff.MasterValue = masterValue;

            if ((FieldsInCommon.Count() == _master.Columns.Count) &&
                (FieldsInCommon.Count() == _replica.Columns.Count))
                return rowDiff;

            string[] missingFieldNames = _masterFieldNames.Except(FieldsInCommon.ToArray()).ToArray();
            if (missingFieldNames.Any())
                // this means the table is not schema comptabile.  
                //(question - if the all the values in the master column are missing, could this be considered "compatible" even if it's not 
                // schema compatible?  This might be part of a tighter compatibility check, but for now that will be punted.)
                    "Missing column in replica during compare, and AllowIncompatibleSchema is not set.");

                foreach (string fieldName in missingFieldNames)
                    var masterValue = masterRow[fieldName];
                    bool valuesMatch = ValuesMatch(masterValue, DBNull.Value, options);
                    if (!valuesMatch)
                        rowDiff.DiffType = DiffType.DataMismatch;
                        var colDiff = new ColumnDiff
                            Column = _master.Columns[fieldName],
                            DiffType = DiffType.Missing,
                        if (options.HasFlag(TableCompareOptions.CaptureValues))
                            colDiff.ReplicaValue = DBNull.Value;
                            colDiff.MasterValue = masterValue;

            if (ExtraFieldNames.Any())
                foreach (string fieldName in ExtraFieldNames)
                    rowDiff.DiffType = DiffType.DataMismatch;
                    var repValue = repRow[fieldName];
                    bool valuesMatch = ValuesMatch(DBNull.Value, repValue, options);
                    if (!valuesMatch)
                        var colDiff = new ColumnDiff
                            Column = _replica.Columns[fieldName],
                            DiffType = DiffType.Extra,
                        if (options.HasFlag(TableCompareOptions.CaptureValues))
                            colDiff.ReplicaValue = repValue;
                            colDiff.MasterValue = DBNull.Value;
            return rowDiff;
コード例 #4
        public ReturnValue<TableDiff> Compare(TableCompareOptions options = TableCompareOptions.None)
                ReturnValue<SchemaDiff> schemaDiffResult = CompareSchema();
                if (!schemaDiffResult.Success)
                    return ReturnValue<TableDiff>.Cascade(schemaDiffResult);

                SchemaDiff schemaDiff = schemaDiffResult.Value;
                var tableDiff = new TableDiff(_master, _replica)
                    SchemaDiff = schemaDiff,
                    DiffType = TableDiffType.None

                if (!schemaDiff.IsCompatible)
                    tableDiff.DiffType = TableDiffType.IncompatibleSchema;
                    if (!options.HasFlag(TableCompareOptions.AllowIncompatibleSchema))
                                    "The schema for replica '{0}' is not compatible with '{1}' and the AllowIncompatibleSchema option is not set",
                                    _replica.TableName, _master.TableName));
                else if (schemaDiff.HasDiffs)
                    tableDiff.DiffType = TableDiffType.CompatibleSchema;

                ReturnValue<List<RowDiff>> dataDiffsResult = GetRowDiffs(options);
                if (!dataDiffsResult.Success)
                        string.Format("Unable to compare rows for {0} and {1}.", _master.TableName, _replica.TableName));

                tableDiff.RowDiffs = dataDiffsResult.Value;
                if (tableDiff.RowDiffs.Any())
                    tableDiff.DiffType = TableDiffType.Data;

                return ReturnValue<TableDiff>.SuccessResult(tableDiff);
            catch (Exception ex)
                        string.Format("Unhandled error comparing tables {0}.", _master.TableName), ex);