private static extern UInt16 MacosxDsmEntryCallback2 ( ref TW_IDENTITY_MACOSX origin, IntPtr dest, DG dg, DAT dat, MSG msg, ref TW_CALLBACK2 twcallback );
private static extern UInt16 MacosxDsmEntryRgbresponse ( ref TW_IDENTITY_MACOSX origin, ref TW_IDENTITY_MACOSX dest, DG dg, DAT dat, MSG msg, ref TW_RGBRESPONSE twrgbresponse );
/// <summary> /// Convert a public identity to a macosx identity... /// </summary> /// <param name="a_twidentity">Identity to convert</param> /// <returns>Mac OS X form of identity</returns> public static TW_IDENTITY_MACOSX TwidentityToTwidentitymacosx(TW_IDENTITY a_twidentity) { TW_IDENTITY_MACOSX twidentitymacosx = new TW_IDENTITY_MACOSX(); twidentitymacosx.Id = (uint)a_twidentity.Id; twidentitymacosx.Manufacturer = a_twidentity.Manufacturer; twidentitymacosx.ProductFamily = a_twidentity.ProductFamily; twidentitymacosx.ProductName = a_twidentity.ProductName; twidentitymacosx.ProtocolMajor = a_twidentity.ProtocolMajor; twidentitymacosx.ProtocolMinor = a_twidentity.ProtocolMinor; twidentitymacosx.SupportedGroups = a_twidentity.SupportedGroups; twidentitymacosx.Version.Country = a_twidentity.Version.Country; twidentitymacosx.Version.Info = a_twidentity.Version.Info; twidentitymacosx.Version.Language = a_twidentity.Version.Language; twidentitymacosx.Version.MajorNum = a_twidentity.Version.MajorNum; twidentitymacosx.Version.MinorNum = a_twidentity.Version.MinorNum; return (twidentitymacosx); }
private static extern UInt16 MacosxDsmEntryImagememxfer ( ref TW_IDENTITY_MACOSX origin, ref TW_IDENTITY_MACOSX dest, DG dg, DAT dat, MSG msg, ref TW_IMAGEMEMXFER_MACOSX twimagememxfer );
private static extern UInt16 MacosxDsmEntryJpegcompression ( ref TW_IDENTITY_MACOSX origin, ref TW_IDENTITY_MACOSX dest, DG dg, DAT dat, MSG msg, ref TW_JPEGCOMPRESSION twjpegcompression );
private static extern UInt16 MacosxDsmEntryIccprofile ( ref TW_IDENTITY_MACOSX origin, ref TW_IDENTITY_MACOSX dest, DG dg, DAT dat, MSG msg, ref TW_MEMORY twmemory );
private static extern UInt16 MacosxDsmEntryImageinfo ( ref TW_IDENTITY_MACOSX origin, ref TW_IDENTITY_MACOSX dest, DG dg, DAT dat, MSG msg, ref TW_IMAGEINFO twimageinfo );
private static extern UInt16 MacosxDsmEntryIdentity ( ref TW_IDENTITY_MACOSX origin, IntPtr dest, DG dg, DAT dat, MSG msg, ref TW_IDENTITY_MACOSX twidentity );
private static extern UInt16 MacosxDsmEntryParent ( ref TW_IDENTITY_MACOSX origin, IntPtr dest, DG dg, DAT dat, MSG msg, ref IntPtr hwnd );
private static extern UInt16 MacosxDsmEntryEntrypoint ( ref TW_IDENTITY_MACOSX origin, ref TW_IDENTITY_MACOSX dest, DG dg, DAT dat, MSG msg, ref TW_ENTRYPOINT twentrypoint );
private static extern UInt16 MacosxDsmEntryFilesystem ( ref TW_IDENTITY_MACOSX origin, ref TW_IDENTITY_MACOSX dest, DG dg, DAT dat, MSG msg, ref TW_FILESYSTEM twfilesystem );
private static extern UInt16 MacosxDsmEntryDeviceevent ( ref TW_IDENTITY_MACOSX origin, ref TW_IDENTITY_MACOSX dest, DG dg, DAT dat, MSG msg, ref TW_DEVICEEVENT twdeviceevent );
private static extern UInt16 MacosxDsmEntryCustomdsdata ( ref TW_IDENTITY_MACOSX origin, ref TW_IDENTITY_MACOSX dest, DG dg, DAT dat, MSG msg, ref TW_CUSTOMDSDATA twcustomedsdata );
private static extern UInt16 MacosxDsmEntryCapability ( ref TW_IDENTITY_MACOSX origin, ref TW_IDENTITY_MACOSX dest, DG dg, DAT dat, MSG msg, ref TW_CAPABILITY twcapability );
private static extern UInt16 MacosxDsmEntryFilter ( ref TW_IDENTITY_MACOSX origin, ref TW_IDENTITY_MACOSX dest, DG dg, DAT dat, MSG msg, ref TW_FILTER twfilter );
private static extern UInt16 MacosxDsmEntryPassthru ( ref TW_IDENTITY_MACOSX origin, ref TW_IDENTITY_MACOSX dest, DG dg, DAT dat, MSG msg, ref TW_PASSTHRU twpassthru );
private static extern UInt16 MacosxDsmEntryGrayresponse ( ref TW_IDENTITY_MACOSX origin, ref TW_IDENTITY_MACOSX dest, DG dg, DAT dat, MSG msg, ref TW_GRAYRESPONSE twgrayresponse );
private static extern UInt16 MacosxDsmEntryPendingxfers ( ref TW_IDENTITY_MACOSX origin, ref TW_IDENTITY_MACOSX dest, DG dg, DAT dat, MSG msg, ref TW_PENDINGXFERS twpendingxfers );
private static extern UInt16 MacosxDsmEntryImagefilexfer ( ref TW_IDENTITY_MACOSX origin, ref TW_IDENTITY_MACOSX dest, DG dg, DAT dat, MSG msg, IntPtr twmemref );
private static extern UInt16 MacosxDsmEntrySetupmemxfer ( ref TW_IDENTITY_MACOSX origin, ref TW_IDENTITY_MACOSX dest, DG dg, DAT dat, MSG msg, ref TW_SETUPMEMXFER twsetupmemxfer );
private static extern UInt16 MacosxDsmEntryImagelayout ( ref TW_IDENTITY_MACOSX origin, ref TW_IDENTITY_MACOSX dest, DG dg, DAT dat, MSG msg, ref TW_IMAGELAYOUT twimagelayout );
private static extern UInt16 MacosxDsmEntryStatusutf8 ( ref TW_IDENTITY_MACOSX origin, ref TW_IDENTITY_MACOSX dest, DG dg, DAT dat, MSG msg, ref TW_STATUSUTF8 twstatusutf8 );
private static extern UInt16 MacosxDsmEntryImagenativexfer ( ref TW_IDENTITY_MACOSX origin, ref TW_IDENTITY_MACOSX dest, DG dg, DAT dat, MSG msg, ref IntPtr intptrBitmap );
private static extern UInt16 MacosxDsmEntryUserinterface ( ref TW_IDENTITY_MACOSX origin, ref TW_IDENTITY_MACOSX dest, DG dg, DAT dat, MSG msg, ref TW_USERINTERFACE twuserinterface );
private static extern UInt16 MacosxDsmEntryPalette8 ( ref TW_IDENTITY_MACOSX origin, ref TW_IDENTITY_MACOSX dest, DG dg, DAT dat, MSG msg, ref TW_PALETTE8 twpalette8 );
private static extern UInt16 MacosxDsmEntryXfergroup ( ref TW_IDENTITY_MACOSX origin, ref TW_IDENTITY_MACOSX dest, DG dg, DAT dat, MSG msg, ref UInt32 twuint32 );
/// <summary> /// Our callback delegate for Mac OS X... /// </summary> /// <param name="origin">Origin of message</param> /// <param name="dest">Message target</param> /// <param name="dg">Data group</param> /// <param name="dat">Data argument type</param> /// <param name="msg">Operation</param> /// <param name="twnull">NULL pointer</param> /// <returns>TWAIN status</returns> private UInt16 MacosxDsmEntryCallbackProxy ( ref TW_IDENTITY_MACOSX origin, ref TW_IDENTITY_MACOSX dest, DG dg, DAT dat, MSG msg, IntPtr twnull ) { ProcessEvent(msg); return ((UInt16)STS.SUCCESS); }
private static extern UInt16 MacosxDsmEntryCiecolor ( ref TW_IDENTITY_MACOSX origin, ref TW_IDENTITY_MACOSX dest, DG dg, DAT dat, MSG msg, ref TW_CIECOLOR twciecolor );
/// <summary> /// Convert a macosx identity to a public identity... /// </summary> /// <param name="a_twidentitymacosx">Mac OS X identity to convert</param> /// <returns>Regular identity</returns> private TW_IDENTITY TwidentitymacosxToTwidentity(TW_IDENTITY_MACOSX a_twidentitymacosx) { TW_IDENTITY twidentity = new TW_IDENTITY(); twidentity.Id = a_twidentitymacosx.Id; twidentity.Manufacturer = a_twidentitymacosx.Manufacturer; twidentity.ProductFamily = a_twidentitymacosx.ProductFamily; twidentity.ProductName = a_twidentitymacosx.ProductName; twidentity.ProtocolMajor = a_twidentitymacosx.ProtocolMajor; twidentity.ProtocolMinor = a_twidentitymacosx.ProtocolMinor; twidentity.SupportedGroups = a_twidentitymacosx.SupportedGroups; twidentity.Version.Country = a_twidentitymacosx.Version.Country; twidentity.Version.Info = a_twidentitymacosx.Version.Info; twidentity.Version.Language = a_twidentitymacosx.Version.Language; twidentity.Version.MajorNum = a_twidentitymacosx.Version.MajorNum; twidentity.Version.MinorNum = a_twidentitymacosx.Version.MinorNum; return (twidentity); }
private static extern UInt16 MacosxDsmEntryAudioAudioinfo ( ref TW_IDENTITY_MACOSX origin, ref TW_IDENTITY_MACOSX dest, DG dg, DAT dat, MSG msg, ref TW_AUDIOINFO twaudioinfo );