コード例 #1
    protected void dsSelectedEmployee_Updating(object sender, SqlDataSourceCommandEventArgs e)
        //to update existing employee image:
        //locate the control and assign it to a new variable
        FileUpload eeImageUpload = (FileUpload)dvSelectedEmployee.FindControl("FileUpload1");

        //...then see if there is anything there
        if (eeImageUpload.HasFile)
            //if there is, get the name of the file then grab the extension
            string img = eeImageUpload.FileName;
            string ext = img.Substring(img.LastIndexOf("."));

            //create a new, unique filename with a guid and add ack the ext
            string imgNewname = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
            imgNewname += ext;

            //save the file to the webserver and the url path to the database
            eeImageUpload.SaveAs(Server.MapPath("~/EmployeeImages/" + imgNewname));
            e.Command.Parameters["@EmployeeImage"].Value = imgNewname;
        //if there wasn't anything there, we'll use the current image
            TSTEntities ctx = new TSTEntities();

            string img = (from i in ctx.TSTEmployees
                          where i.EmployeeID == (int)gvEmployees.SelectedValue
                          select i.EmployeeImage).Single();

            e.Command.Parameters["@EmployeeImage"].Value = img;
コード例 #2
    protected void dsEmployeeDetails_Updating(object sender, SqlDataSourceCommandEventArgs e)
        //find the upload contrul
        FileUpload fuEmp = (FileUpload)dvEmployees.FindControl("fuEmp");

        if (fuEmp.HasFile)
            //get the filename
            string fileName = fuEmp.FileName;
            //get the extension
            string ext = fileName.Substring(fileName.LastIndexOf("."));
            //generate a new file name
            string newImageName = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
            //plug the extension back in
            newImageName += ext;
            //save the photo to the images folder
            fuEmp.SaveAs(Server.MapPath("~/screenImages/" + newImageName));
            //save the photo name to the DB
            e.Command.Parameters["@EmpPhotoUrl"].Value = newImageName;
            TSTEntities ctx = new TSTEntities();

            string currentImage = (from x in ctx.C3TEmployees
                                   where x.EmployeeId == (int)gvEmployees.SelectedValue select x.EmpPhotoUrl).Single();
コード例 #3
    protected void dsSelectedTicket_Updating(object sender, SqlDataSourceCommandEventArgs e)
        //if the status was closed when editing began
        TSTEntities ctx = new TSTEntities();

        int status = (from i in ctx.TSTRequests
                      where i.RequestID == (int)gvTickets.SelectedValue
                      select i.RequestStatusID).Single();

        DropDownList newStatus = (DropDownList)dvTicketDetails.FindControl("DropDownList1");

        if (newStatus.SelectedIndex < 3)
            e.Command.Parameters["@ClosedDate"].Value = null;
            if (status == 4)
                e.Command.Parameters["@ClosedDate"].Value = (from i in ctx.TSTRequests
                                                             where i.RequestID == (int)gvTickets.SelectedValue
                                                             select i.ClosedDate).Single();
                e.Command.Parameters["@ClosedDate"].Value = DateTime.Now;

        //get existing notes from the database
        string techNotes = (from i in ctx.TSTRequests
                            where i.RequestID == (int)gvTickets.SelectedValue
                            select i.TechNotes).Single();

        //get the textbox control and the notes inside of it
        TextBox notesAdded = (TextBox)dvTicketDetails.FindControl("TextBox3");
        string  newNotes   = notesAdded.Text;

        //see if there were existing notes
        if (techNotes != null)
            //if there are existing notes, append newly added notes with tech's username and datetimestamp
            e.Command.Parameters["@TechNotes"].Value = DateTime.Now.ToString() + " - " + User.Identity.Name +
                                                       "</br>" + newNotes + "</br></br>" + techNotes;
            //populate the field with the notes added by the tech
            e.Command.Parameters["@TechNotes"].Value = DateTime.Now.ToString() + " - " + User.Identity.Name + newNotes;