private static void SyncLocalArea(CommandArgs args) { args.Player.SendTileSquare((int)args.Player.TileX, (int)args.Player.TileY, 32); TSPlayerB.SendWarningMessage(args.Player.Index, DefaultMessage: "[Hydra] Sync'd!", PortugueseMessage: "[Hydra] Sincronizado!", SpanishMessage: "[Hydra] Sincronizado!"); }
internal static async void OnServerChat(ServerChatEventArgs args) { if (args.Handled) { return; } var tsplr = TShockB.Players[args.Who]; if (tsplr == null) { args.Handled = true; return; } if (args.Text.Length > 500) { TSPlayerB.SendWarningMessage(tsplr.Index, DefaultMessage: "Crash attempt via long chat packet.", PortugueseMessage: "Tentativa de exploit através de um pacote de bate-papo longo", SpanishMessage: "Intento de explotación a través de un paquete de chat largo"); //Utils.Kick(tsplr, "Crash attempt via long chat packet.", true); args.Handled = true; return; } string text = args.Text; // Terraria now has chat commands on the client side. // These commands remove the commands prefix (e.g. /me /playing) and send the command id instead // In order for us to keep legacy code we must reverse this and get the prefix using the command id //Not in Terraria 1.3.0 //foreach (var item in Terraria.UI.Chat.ChatManager.Commands._localizedCommands) //{ // if (item.Value._name == args.CommandId._name) // { // if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(text)) // { // text = item.Key.Value + ' ' + text; // } // else // { // text = item.Key.Value; // } // break; // } //} if ((text.StartsWith(TShock.Config.CommandSpecifier) || text.StartsWith(TShock.Config.CommandSilentSpecifier)) && !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(text.Substring(1))) { try { args.Handled = true; if (!TShockAPI.Commands.HandleCommand(tsplr, text)) { // This is required in case anyone makes HandleCommand return false again TSPlayerB.SendErrorMessage(tsplr.Index, DefaultMessage: "The command could not be parsed.", PortugueseMessage: "O comando não pôde ser analisado.", SpanishMessage: "El comando no se pudo analizar."); Logger.doLogLang(DefaultMessage: $"Unable to parse command '{text}' from player '{tsplr.Name}'.", Hydra.Config.DebugLevel.Error, (TSPlayerB.Language)Enum.Parse(typeof(TSPlayerB.Language), Base.Config.DefaultHydraLanguage), _name, PortugueseMessage: $"Não foi possível parsear o comando '{text}' executado pelo jogador '{tsplr.Name}'.", SpanishMessage: $"El comando no se pudo analizar '{text}' realizado por el jugador '{tsplr.Name}'."); } } catch (Exception ex) { Logger.doLogLang(DefaultMessage: $"An exception occurred executing a command.", Hydra.Config.DebugLevel.Critical, (TSPlayerB.Language)Enum.Parse(typeof(TSPlayerB.Language), Base.Config.DefaultHydraLanguage), _name, PortugueseMessage: $"Ocorreu uma exceção ao executar um comando.", SpanishMessage: $"Se produjo una excepción al ejecutar un comando."); TShock.Log.Error(ex.ToString()); } } else { if (TShock.Config.EnableChatAboveHeads) { TShock.Config.EnableChatAboveHeads = false; Logger.doLog($"ChatAboveHeads not yet implemented in {_name}, using default", Hydra.Config.DebugLevel.Critical, _name); } if (!tsplr.HasPermission(TShockAPI.Permissions.canchat)) { args.Handled = true; } else if (tsplr.mute) { TSPlayerB.SendErrorMessage(tsplr.Index, DefaultMessage: "You have been muted!", PortugueseMessage: "Você foi silenciado!", SpanishMessage: "Has sido silenciado!"); args.Handled = true; } else if (!TShock.Config.EnableChatAboveHeads) { string PreNSuf = $"{tsplr.Group.Prefix}{tsplr.Name}{tsplr.Group.Suffix}: "; await Broadcast(PreNSuf, args.Text, tsplr.Group.R, tsplr.Group.G, tsplr.Group.B, tsplr, args); //text = String.Format(Config.ChatFormat, tsplr.Group.Name, tsplr.Group.Prefix, tsplr.Name, tsplr.Group.Suffix, // args.Text); //Hooks.PlayerHooks.OnPlayerChat(tsplr, args.Text, ref text); //Utils.Broadcast(text, tsplr.Group.R, tsplr.Group.G, tsplr.Group.B); //var hexValue = tsplr.Group.R.ToString("X2") + tsplr.Group.G.ToString("X2") + tsplr.Group.B.ToString("X2"); //string c = Convert.ToInt32(hexValue, 16).ToString(); args.Handled = true; } //else //{ // Player ply = Main.player[args.Who]; // string name =; // = String.Format(TShock.Config.ChatAboveHeadsFormat, tsplr.Group.Name, tsplr.Group.Prefix, tsplr.Name, tsplr.Group.Suffix); // //Update the player's name to format text nicely. This needs to be done because Terraria automatically formats messages against our will // NetMessage.SendData((int)PacketTypes.PlayerInfo, -1, -1, NetworkText.FromLiteral(, args.Who, 0, 0, 0, 0); // //Give that poor player their name back :'c // = name; // PlayerHooks.OnPlayerChat(tsplr, args.Text, ref text); // NetMessage.SendData((int)PacketTypes.ChatText, -1, args.Who, text, args.Who, tsplr.Group.R, tsplr.Group.G, tsplr.Group.B); // NetMessage.SendData((int)PacketTypes.PlayerInfo, -1, -1, name, args.Who, 0, 0, 0, 0); // //Downgrade to 1.3.0 // ////This netpacket is used to send chat text from the server to clients, in this case on behalf of a client // //Terraria.Net.NetPacket packet = Terraria.GameContent.NetModules.NetTextModule.SerializeServerMessage( // // NetworkText.FromLiteral(text), new Color(tsplr.Group.R, tsplr.Group.G, tsplr.Group.B), (byte)args.Who // //); // ////Broadcast to everyone except the player who sent the message. // ////This is so that we can send them the same nicely formatted message that everyone else gets // //Terraria.Net.NetManager.Instance.Broadcast(packet, args.Who); // //Reset their name // //NetMessage.SendData((int)PacketTypes.PlayerInfo, -1, -1, NetworkText.FromLiteral(name), args.Who, 0, 0, 0, 0); // string msg = String.Format("<{0}> {1}", // String.Format(TShock.Config.ChatAboveHeadsFormat, tsplr.Group.Name, tsplr.Group.Prefix, tsplr.Name, tsplr.Group.Suffix), // text // ); ; // //Send the original sender their nicely formatted message, and do all the loggy things // tsplr.SendMessage(msg, tsplr.Group.R, tsplr.Group.G, tsplr.Group.B); // TSPlayer.Server.SendMessage(msg, tsplr.Group.R, tsplr.Group.G, tsplr.Group.B); // TShock.Log.Info("Broadcast: {0}", msg); // args.Handled = true; //} } }