コード例 #1
 /// <summary>
 /// This method computes a Checksum for the timeseries.  The input to the hash includes
 /// the list of parameters of the time series, and the list of checksums for each of the traces in
 /// the time series ensemble.  The list of the traces' checksums are passed to this method within 
 /// a list of ITimeSeriesTrace objects.  This method does not modify the object given in the traceList
 /// parameter or assign any property values to any of its items.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="timeStepUnit">TSDateCalculator.TimeStepUnitCode value for Minute,Hour,Day,Week,Month, Year, or Irregular</param>
 /// <param name="timeStepQuantity">The number of the given unit that defines the time step.
 /// For instance, if the time step is 6 hours long, then this value is 6.</param>
 /// <param name="blobStartDate">Date of the first time step in the BLOB</param>
 /// <param name="traceList">a list of trace object whose checksums have already been computed.</param>
 /// <returns>the Checksum as a byte[16] array</returns>
 public byte[] ComputeChecksum(
             TSDateCalculator.TimeStepUnitCode timeStepUnit, short timeStepQuantity,
             DateTime blobStartDate, List<ITimeSeriesTrace> traceList)
     return TSBlobCoder.ComputeChecksum(timeStepUnit, timeStepQuantity,
                             blobStartDate, traceList);
コード例 #2
 /// <summary>
 /// TimeSeriesLibrary is responsible for ensuring that a certain set of meta-parameters (which
 /// are saved as database fields) are coordinated with the BLOB of timeseries data. This method
 /// records all of the meta-parameters of a regular timeseries into the fields of this TSParameters
 /// object, using the input parameters given to the method.
 /// </summary>
 public void SetParametersRegular(
             TSDateCalculator.TimeStepUnitCode timeStepUnit, short timeStepQuantity,
             int timeStepCount, DateTime blobStartDate, int compressionCode)
     // Most of the parameters are straightforward
     TimeStepUnit = timeStepUnit;
     TimeStepQuantity = timeStepQuantity;
     BlobStartDate = blobStartDate;
     CompressionCode = compressionCode;
コード例 #3
        /// <summary>
        /// This method is to be used as a common utility function for testing the speed of the
        /// FillDateArray method.
        /// </summary>
        public void FillDataArray_SpeedCore(int nCycles, int n, TSDateCalculator.TimeStepUnitCode unit)
            var      array = new DateTime[n + 2];
            DateTime start = new DateTime(1920, 1, 1);

            for (int i = 0; i < nCycles; i++)
                TSDateCalculator.FillDateArray(unit, 1, n, array, start);
コード例 #4
        public void CountSteps_4Week()
            TSDateCalculator.TimeStepUnitCode u = TSDateCalculator.TimeStepUnitCode.Week;
            short q = 4;

            DateTime d1 = new DateTime(1960, 1, 1);
            DateTime d2 = d1.AddDays(56);
            int      n  = TSDateCalculator.CountSteps(d1, d2, u, q);

            Assert.AreEqual(2, n);

            n = TSDateCalculator.CountSteps(d1, d1, u, q);
            Assert.AreEqual(0, n);
コード例 #5
        public void CountSteps_1Year()
            TSDateCalculator.TimeStepUnitCode u = TSDateCalculator.TimeStepUnitCode.Year;
            short q = 1;

            DateTime d1 = new DateTime(1960, 1, 2);
            DateTime d2 = new DateTime(1980, 12, 15);
            int      n  = TSDateCalculator.CountSteps(d1, d2, u, q);

            Assert.AreEqual(20, n);

            n = TSDateCalculator.CountSteps(d1, d1, u, q);
            Assert.AreEqual(0, n);
コード例 #6
        /// <summary>
        /// This method is to be used as a common utility function for testing the speed of the
        /// FillDateArray method.
        /// </summary>
        public void FillDataArray_Core(TSDateCalculator.TimeStepUnitCode unit, short quantity,
                                       Func <DateTime, DateTime> func)
            int      n     = 20;
            var      array = new DateTime[n + 2];
            DateTime start = new DateTime(1920, 1, 1);

            TSDateCalculator.FillDateArray(unit, quantity, n, array, start);

            for (int i = 1; i < n; i++)
                Assert.AreEqual(func(array[i - 1]), array[i]);
コード例 #7
        public void ReadDatesValuesRegular()
            DateTime startDate     = DateTime.Parse("1/10/1996");
            DateTime endDate       = DateTime.Parse("2/10/2002");
            int      timeStepCount = 70;

            TSDateCalculator.TimeStepUnitCode timeStepUnit = TSDateCalculator.TimeStepUnitCode.Hour;
            short timeStepQuantity = 6;
            int   id, traceNumber = 13;

            String extraParamNames  = "TimeSeriesType, Unit_Id, RunGUID, VariableType, VariableName, RunElementGUID";
            String extraParamValues = "0, 1, 'A0101010-AAAA-BBBB-2222-3E3E3E3E3E3E', 0, 'eraseme', '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000'";

            id = _lib.WriteParametersRegular(_connxNumber, GetSbyte(_paramTableName), GetSbyte(_traceTableName),
                                             (short)timeStepUnit, timeStepQuantity, timeStepCount, startDate,
                                             GetSbyte(extraParamNames), GetSbyte(extraParamValues));

            double[]            valArray     = new double[timeStepCount];
            TSDateValueStruct[] dateValArray = new TSDateValueStruct[timeStepCount],
            testDateValArray = new TSDateValueStruct[timeStepCount];
            double   x       = 5.25;
            DateTime curDate = startDate;

            for (int i = 0; i < timeStepCount; i++)
                valArray[i]           = x;
                dateValArray[i].Value = x;
                dateValArray[i].Date  = curDate;
                x      += 1.75;
                curDate = TSDateCalculator.IncrementDate(curDate, timeStepUnit, timeStepQuantity, 1);
            _lib.WriteTraceRegular(_connxNumber, GetSbyte(_paramTableName), GetSbyte(_traceTableName),
                                   id, traceNumber, valArray);
            _lib.CommitTraceWrites(_connxNumber, GetSbyte(_paramTableName), GetSbyte(_traceTableName));

            // The method being tested
            _lib.ReadDatesValues(_connxNumber, GetSbyte(_paramTableName), GetSbyte(_traceTableName),
                                 id, traceNumber, timeStepCount, ref testDateValArray, startDate, endDate);

            for (int i = 0; i < timeStepCount; i++)
                Assert.AreEqual(dateValArray[i], testDateValArray[i]);
コード例 #8
        public void CountSteps_5Min()
            TSDateCalculator.TimeStepUnitCode u = TSDateCalculator.TimeStepUnitCode.Minute;
            short q = 5;

            DateTime d1 = new DateTime(1960, 1, 15);
            DateTime d2 = new DateTime(1960, 1, 17);
            int      n  = TSDateCalculator.CountSteps(d1, d2, u, q);

            Assert.AreEqual(576, n);

            d1 = d1.AddSeconds(98);
            n  = TSDateCalculator.CountSteps(d1, d2, u, q);
            Assert.AreEqual(576, n);

            n = TSDateCalculator.CountSteps(d1, d1, u, q);
            Assert.AreEqual(0, n);
コード例 #9
        public void CountSteps_2Month()
            TSDateCalculator.TimeStepUnitCode u = TSDateCalculator.TimeStepUnitCode.Month;
            short q = 2;

            DateTime d1 = new DateTime(1960, 1, 2);
            DateTime d2 = new DateTime(1960, 12, 15);
            int      n  = TSDateCalculator.CountSteps(d1, d2, u, q);

            Assert.AreEqual(6, n);

            d1 = new DateTime(1960, 1, 1);
            d2 = new DateTime(1960, 12, 1);
            n  = TSDateCalculator.CountSteps(d1, d2, u, q);
            Assert.AreEqual(6, n);

            n = TSDateCalculator.CountSteps(d1, d1, u, q);
            Assert.AreEqual(0, n);
コード例 #10
        public void CountSteps_2Day()
            TSDateCalculator.TimeStepUnitCode u = TSDateCalculator.TimeStepUnitCode.Day;
            short q = 2;

            DateTime d1 = new DateTime(1960, 1, 1);
            DateTime d2 = new DateTime(1960, 12, 31);
            int      n  = TSDateCalculator.CountSteps(d1, d2, u, q);

            Assert.AreEqual(183, n);

            d1 = d1.AddHours(23).AddMinutes(59);
            d2 = new DateTime(1961, 12, 31);
            n  = TSDateCalculator.CountSteps(d1, d2, u, q);
            Assert.AreEqual(365, n);

            n = TSDateCalculator.CountSteps(d1, d1, u, q);
            Assert.AreEqual(0, n);
コード例 #11
        public void CountSteps_2Hour()
            TSDateCalculator.TimeStepUnitCode u = TSDateCalculator.TimeStepUnitCode.Hour;
            short q = 2;

            DateTime d1 = new DateTime(1960, 2, 20);
            DateTime d2 = new DateTime(1960, 3, 3);
            int      n  = TSDateCalculator.CountSteps(d1, d2, u, q);

            Assert.AreEqual(144, n);

            d2 = d1.AddHours(6);
            d1 = d1.AddMinutes(30);
            n  = TSDateCalculator.CountSteps(d1, d2, u, q);
            Assert.AreEqual(3, n);

            n = TSDateCalculator.CountSteps(d1, d1, u, q);
            Assert.AreEqual(0, n);
コード例 #12
        /// <summary>
        /// This method creates a List of TimeSeriesValue objects from the given BLOB (byte array)
        /// of time series values.  The method converts the entire BLOB into the list.  The sibling
        /// method ConvertBlobToListLimited can convert a selected portion of the BLOB into the list.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="timeStepUnit">TSDateCalculator.TimeStepUnitCode value for Minute,Hour,Day,Week,Month, Year, or Irregular</param>
        /// <param name="timeStepQuantity">The number of the given unit that defines the time step.
        /// For instance, if the time step is 6 hours long, then this value is 6.  If timeStepUnit is 
        /// Irregular, then this value is ignored.</param>
        /// <param name="timeStepCount">the number of time steps that are stored in the blob</param>
        /// <param name="blobStartDate">The DateTime value of the first time step in the BLOB. If 
        /// timeStepUnit is Irregular, then this value is ignored.</param>
        /// <param name="blobData">The BLOB (byte array) that this method will convert</param>
        /// <param name="dateValueList">The List of TimeSeriesValues that this method will create from the BLOB.</param>
        /// <param name="compressionCode">a generation number that indicates what compression technique to use</param>
        /// <returns>The number of time steps added to dateValueList</returns>
        public int ConvertBlobToListAll(
            TSDateCalculator.TimeStepUnitCode timeStepUnit, short timeStepQuantity,
            int timeStepCount, DateTime blobStartDate,
            Byte[] blobData, ref List<TimeSeriesValue> dateValueList, int compressionCode)
            // The private method ConvertBlobToList() will do all the real work here.
            // This private method takes parameters for limiting a portion of the List to be
            // written to the BLOB.  The values below are dummies that will be passed to
            // the private method, which it will ignore.
            int nReqValues = 0;
            DateTime reqStartDate = blobStartDate;
            DateTime reqEndDate = blobStartDate;

            // Let the private core method do all the real work.
            // We pass it the 'applyLimits' value of false, to tell it to ignore the 'req' limit values.
            return ConvertBlobToList(timeStepUnit, timeStepQuantity,
                        timeStepCount, blobStartDate, false,
                        nReqValues, reqStartDate, reqEndDate,
                        blobData, ref dateValueList, compressionCode);
コード例 #13
        public void ReadValuesRegular()
            DateTime startDate = DateTime.Parse("2/10/2000");
            int      timeStepCount = 40;
            short    timeStepUnit = (short)TSDateCalculator.TimeStepUnitCode.Day;
            short    timeStepQuantity = 2;
            int      id, traceNumber = 27;

            String extraParamNames  = "TimeSeriesType, Unit_Id, RunGUID, VariableType, VariableName, RunElementGUID";
            String extraParamValues = "0, 1, 'A0101010-AAAA-BBBB-2222-3E3E3E3E3E3E', 0, 'eraseme', '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000'";

            id = _lib.WriteParametersRegular(_connxNumber, GetSbyte(_paramTableName), GetSbyte(_traceTableName),
                                             timeStepUnit, timeStepQuantity, timeStepCount, startDate, GetSbyte(extraParamNames), GetSbyte(extraParamValues));

            double[] valArray = new double[timeStepCount], testValArray = new double[timeStepCount];
            double   x        = 10.0;

            for (int i = 0; i < timeStepCount; i++)
                valArray[i] = x;
                x          *= 1.2;
            DateTime endDate = TSDateCalculator.IncrementDate(startDate, (TSDateCalculator.TimeStepUnitCode)timeStepUnit,
                                                              timeStepQuantity, timeStepCount - 1);

            _lib.WriteTraceRegular(_connxNumber, GetSbyte(_paramTableName), GetSbyte(_traceTableName),
                                   id, traceNumber, valArray);
            _lib.CommitTraceWrites(_connxNumber, GetSbyte(_paramTableName), GetSbyte(_traceTableName));

            // The method being tested
            _lib.ReadValuesRegular(_connxNumber, GetSbyte(_paramTableName), GetSbyte(_traceTableName),
                                   id, traceNumber, timeStepCount, testValArray, startDate, endDate);

            for (int i = 0; i < timeStepCount; i++)
                Assert.AreEqual(valArray[i], testValArray[i]);
コード例 #14
        // The series of tests below is for ConvertBlobToListAll and ConvertListToBlob.
        // The tests take advantage of the fact that the methods are designed so that
        // the series that is put into the BLOB must be identical to the series that
        // comes out of the BLOB.
        // This method is re-used by the actual test methods that follow.
        public void ConvertBlobAll(List<TimeSeriesValue> inList,
                TSDateCalculator.TimeStepUnitCode timeStepUnit, short timeStepQuantity,
                DateTime blobStartDate)
            TSLibrary tsLib = new TSLibrary();
            List<TimeSeriesValue> outList = new List<TimeSeriesValue>();
            int compressionCode;

            byte[] blobData = tsLib.ConvertListToBlobWithChecksum(timeStepUnit, timeStepQuantity,
                                inList.Count, inList.First().Date, inList.Last().Date, inList,
                                new TSTrace { TraceNumber=1 }, out compressionCode);

            int ret = tsLib.ConvertBlobToListAll(timeStepUnit, timeStepQuantity,
                            inList.Count, blobStartDate, blobData, ref outList, compressionCode);

            // The return value of the function must match the number of items in the original list
            Assert.AreEqual(ret, inList.Count);
            // the count in both lists must match
            Assert.AreEqual(outList.Count, inList.Count);

            // now check each item in the two lists
            Boolean AreEqual = true;
            for (int i = 0; i < ret; i++)
                if (outList[i].ValueEquals(inList[i]) == false)
                    AreEqual = false;

コード例 #15
        // This method is reused by the actual test methods that follow
        public Boolean ComputeTestChecksums(
                TSDateCalculator.TimeStepUnitCode u1, short q1,
                    DateTime sDate1, List<ITimeSeriesTrace> traceList1,
                TSDateCalculator.TimeStepUnitCode u2, short q2,
                    DateTime sDate2, List<ITimeSeriesTrace> traceList2)
            TSLibrary tsLib = new TSLibrary();

            byte[] b1 = tsLib.ComputeChecksum(u1, q1, sDate1, traceList1);
            byte[] b2 = tsLib.ComputeChecksum(u2, q2, sDate2, traceList2);

            Assert.IsTrue(b1.Length == 16);
            Assert.IsTrue(b2.Length == 16);

            for (int i = 0; i < b2.Length; i++)
                if (b1[i] != b2[i])
                    return false;

            return true;
コード例 #16
        // The series of tests below is for ConvertListToBlobWithChecksum()
        // This method is reused by the actual test methods that follow
        public Boolean ComputeTestChecksums(
                TSDateCalculator.TimeStepUnitCode u1, short q1, List<TimeSeriesValue> list1, ITimeSeriesTrace trace1,
                TSDateCalculator.TimeStepUnitCode u2, short q2, List<TimeSeriesValue> list2, ITimeSeriesTrace trace2)
            TSLibrary tsLib = new TSLibrary();
            int compressionCode;

                u1, q1, list1.Count,
                list1[0].Date, list1[list1.Count - 1].Date, list1, trace1, out compressionCode);

                u2, q2, list2.Count,
                list2[0].Date, list2[list2.Count - 1].Date, list2, trace2, out compressionCode);

            Assert.IsTrue(trace1.Checksum.Length == 16);
            Assert.IsTrue(trace2.Checksum.Length == 16);

            for (int i = 0; i < trace2.Checksum.Length; i++)
                if (trace1.Checksum[i] != trace2.Checksum[i])
                    return false;

            return true;
コード例 #17
        /// <summary>
        /// This method converts a List of TimeSeriesValue objects into a BLOB (byte array) of 
        /// time series values and computes a checksum from the BLOB.  This method assigns the new values
        /// of the ValueBlob, Checksum, EndDate, and TimeStepCount to the object given in the traceObject
        /// parameter. The TraceNumber property of the traceObject parameter must be set before calling 
        /// this method.
        /// The entire List is converted into the BLOB--i.e., the method does not take any 
        /// parameters for limiting the size of the List that is created.  This method will
        /// throw exceptions if the meta-parameters that are passed in are not consistent
        /// with the List of TimeSeriesValue objects.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="timeStepUnit">TSDateCalculator.TimeStepUnitCode value for 
        /// Minute, Hour, Day, Week, Month, Year, or Irregular</param>
        /// <param name="timeStepQuantity">The number of the given unit that defines the time step.
        /// For instance, if the time step is 6 hours long, then this value is 6.</param>
        /// <param name="timeStepCount">The number of time steps stored in the BLOB</param>
        /// <param name="blobStartDate">Date of the first time step in the BLOB</param>
        /// <param name="blobEndDate">Date of the last time step in the BLOB</param>
        /// <param name="dateValueList">A List of TimeSeriesValue objects that will be converted to a BLOB</param>
        /// <param name="traceObject">an object which contains the a TraceNumber property that is used to 
        /// compute the checksum.  The computed BLOB and checksum are both saved to the appropriate properties
        /// of this object.</param>
        /// <param name="compressionCode">a generation number that indicates what compression technique to use</param>
        /// <returns>The BLOB (byte array) of time series values that was created from dateValueList</returns>
        public byte[] ConvertListToBlobWithChecksum(
                    TSDateCalculator.TimeStepUnitCode timeStepUnit, short timeStepQuantity,
                    int timeStepCount, DateTime blobStartDate, DateTime blobEndDate,
                    List<TimeSeriesValue> dateValueList,
                    ITimeSeriesTrace traceObject, out int compressionCode)
            // Error checks
            if (dateValueList.Count != timeStepCount)
                throw new TSLibraryException(ErrCode.Enum.Checksum_Improper_Count);
            if (dateValueList[0].Date != blobStartDate)
                throw new TSLibraryException(ErrCode.Enum.Checksum_Improper_StartDate);
            if (dateValueList.Last().Date != blobEndDate)
                throw new TSLibraryException(ErrCode.Enum.Checksum_Improper_EndDate);

            // When compressing, we always use the latest compression method
            compressionCode = TSBlobCoder.currentCompressionCode;
            // Assign properties to the Trace object
            if (traceObject.EndDate != blobEndDate)
                traceObject.EndDate = blobEndDate;
            if (traceObject.TimeStepCount != timeStepCount)
                traceObject.TimeStepCount = timeStepCount;

            // Convert the List dateValueList into a BLOB.
            if (timeStepUnit == TSDateCalculator.TimeStepUnitCode.Irregular)
                // IRREGULAR TIME SERIES

                // The method in TSBlobCoder can only process an array of TSDateValueStruct.  Therefore
                // we convert the List of objects to an Array of struct instances.
                TSDateValueStruct[] dateValueArray = dateValueList.Select(tsv => (TSDateValueStruct)tsv).ToArray();
                // Let the method in TSBlobCoder class do all the work
                TSBlobCoder.ConvertArrayToBlobIrregular(dateValueArray, compressionCode, traceObject);
                // REGULAR TIME SERIES

                // The method in TSBlobCoder can only process an array of double values.  Therefore
                // we convert the List of date/value objects to an Array values.
                double[] valueArray = dateValueList.Select(dv => dv.Value).ToArray();
                // Let the method in TSBlobCoder class do all the work
                TSBlobCoder.ConvertArrayToBlobRegular(valueArray, compressionCode, traceObject);

            return traceObject.ValueBlob;
コード例 #18
 public void FillDateArray(
             TSDateCalculator.TimeStepUnitCode timeStepUnit, short timeStepQuantity,
             int nReqValues, DateTime[] dateArray, DateTime reqStartDate)
     TSDateCalculator.FillDateArray(timeStepUnit, timeStepQuantity,
                         nReqValues, dateArray, reqStartDate);
コード例 #19
 /// <summary>
 /// This method creates a List of TimeSeriesValue objects from the given BLOB (byte array)
 /// of time series values.  The method takes parameters for a maximum number of values,
 /// an earliest date, and a latest date, so that only a portion of the BLOB might be 
 /// converted to the List.  The sibling method ConvertBlobToListAll can convert the entire
 /// BLOB without any limits.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="timeStepUnit">TSDateCalculator.TimeStepUnitCode value for Minute,Hour,Day,Week,Month, Year, or Irregular</param>
 /// <param name="timeStepQuantity">The number of the given unit that defines the time step.
 /// For instance, if the time step is 6 hours long, then this value is 6.  If timeStepUnit is 
 /// Irregular, then this value is ignored.</param>
 /// <param name="timeStepCount">the number of time steps that are stored in the blob</param>
 /// <param name="blobStartDate">The DateTime value of the first time step in the BLOB. If 
 /// timeStepUnit is Irregular, then this value is ignored.</param>
 /// <param name="nReqValues">The maximum number of time steps that should be added to dateValueList</param>
 /// <param name="reqStartDate">The earliest date that will be added to dateValueList</param>
 /// <param name="reqEndDate">The latest date that will be added to dateValueList</param>
 /// <param name="blobData">The BLOB (byte array) that this method will convert into a List</param>
 /// <param name="dateValueList">The List of TimeSeriesValues that this method will create from the BLOB.</param>
 /// <param name="compressionCode">a generation number that indicates what compression technique to use</param>
 /// <returns>The number of time steps added to dateValueList</returns>
 public int ConvertBlobToListLimited(
     TSDateCalculator.TimeStepUnitCode timeStepUnit, short timeStepQuantity,
     int timeStepCount, DateTime blobStartDate,
     int nReqValues, DateTime reqStartDate, DateTime reqEndDate,
     Byte[] blobData, ref List<TimeSeriesValue> dateValueList, int compressionCode)
     // Let the private core method do all the real work.
     // We pass it the 'applyLimits' value of true.
     return ConvertBlobToList(timeStepUnit, timeStepQuantity,
                 timeStepCount, blobStartDate, true,
                 nReqValues, reqStartDate, reqEndDate,
                 blobData, ref dateValueList, compressionCode);
コード例 #20
 /// <summary>
 /// This method is to be used as a common utility function for testing the speed of the 
 /// FillDateArray method.
 /// </summary>
 public void FillDataArray_SpeedCore(int nCycles, int n, TSDateCalculator.TimeStepUnitCode unit)
     var array = new DateTime[n + 2];
     DateTime start = new DateTime(1920, 1, 1);
     for (int i = 0; i < nCycles; i++)
         TSDateCalculator.FillDateArray(unit, 1, n, array, start);
コード例 #21
        // the maximum number of time steps to put into the series
        // The series of tests below is for ConvertBlobToListLimited and ConvertListToBlob.
        // The tests take advantage of the fact that the methods are designed so that
        // the series that is put into the BLOB must be identical to the series that
        // comes out of the BLOB.
        // This method is re-used by the actual test methods that follow.
        public void ConvertBlobLimited(List<TimeSeriesValue> inList,
                TSDateCalculator.TimeStepUnitCode timeStepUnit, short timeStepQuantity,
                DateTime blobStartDate,
                int nCutStart,          // the number of time steps that the test will truncate from the start of the series
                int nCutEnd,            // the number of time steps that the test will truncate from the end of the series
                int nMax)
            TSLibrary tsLib = new TSLibrary();
            List<TimeSeriesValue> outList = new List<TimeSeriesValue>();
            int compressionCode;

            byte[] blobData = tsLib.ConvertListToBlobWithChecksum(timeStepUnit, timeStepQuantity,
                                inList.Count, inList.First().Date, inList.Last().Date, inList,
                                new TSTrace { TraceNumber = 1 }, out compressionCode);

            int ret = tsLib.ConvertBlobToListLimited(timeStepUnit, timeStepQuantity,
                            inList.Count, blobStartDate,
                            nMax, inList[nCutStart].Date, inList[inList.Count - nCutEnd - 1].Date,
                            blobData, ref outList, compressionCode);

            // The return value of the function must match the number of items in the original list
            Assert.AreEqual(ret, Math.Min(nMax, inList.Count - nCutStart - nCutEnd));
            // the count in both lists must match
            Assert.AreEqual(outList.Count, Math.Min(nMax, inList.Count - nCutStart - nCutEnd));

            // now check each item in the two lists
            Boolean AreEqual = true;
            for (int i = 0; i < ret; i++)
                if (outList[i].ValueEquals(inList[i + nCutStart]) == false)
                    AreEqual = false;

コード例 #22
        /// <summary>
        /// This private method creates a List of TimeSeriesValue objects from the given BLOB (byte array)
        /// of time series values.  The method takes parameters for a maximum number of values,
        /// an earliest date, and a latest date, so that only a portion of the BLOB might be 
        /// converted to the List.  This method is designed to do the operations that are common between
        /// the public methods ConvertBlobToListLimited() and ConvertBlobToListAll().
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="timeStepUnit">TSDateCalculator.TimeStepUnitCode value for Minute,Hour,Day,Week,Month, Year, or Irregular</param>
        /// <param name="timeStepQuantity">The number of the given unit that defines the time step.
        /// For instance, if the time step is 6 hours long, then this value is 6.  If timeStepUnit is 
        /// Irregular, then this value is ignored.</param>
        /// <param name="timeStepCount">the number of time steps that are stored in the blob</param>
        /// <param name="blobStartDate">The DateTime value of the first time step in the BLOB. If 
        /// timeStepUnit is Irregular, then this value is ignored.</param>
        /// <param name="applyLimits">If value is true, then nReqValues, reqStartDate, and reqEndDate will be
        /// used to limit the portion of the BLOB that is converted to dateValueList.  If the value is false, then
        /// nReqValues, reqStartDate, and reqEndDate will be ignored.</param>
        /// <param name="nReqValues">The maximum number of time steps that should be added to dateValueList.
        /// If applyLimits==false, then this value is ignored.</param>
        /// <param name="reqStartDate">The earliest date that will be added to dateValueList.
        /// If applyLimits==false, then this value is ignored.</param>
        /// <param name="reqEndDate">The latest date that will be added to dateValueList.
        /// If applyLimits==false, then this value is ignored.</param>
        /// <param name="blobData">The BLOB (byte array) that this method will convert into a List</param>
        /// <param name="dateValueList">The List of TimeSeriesValues that this method will create from the BLOB.</param>
        /// <param name="compressionCode">a generation number that indicates what compression technique to use</param>
        /// <returns>The number of time steps added to dateValueList</returns>
        private unsafe int ConvertBlobToList(
            TSDateCalculator.TimeStepUnitCode timeStepUnit, short timeStepQuantity,
            int timeStepCount, DateTime blobStartDate, Boolean applyLimits,
            int nReqValues, DateTime reqStartDate, DateTime reqEndDate,
            Byte[] blobData, ref List<TimeSeriesValue> dateValueList, int compressionCode)
            int nValuesRead = 0;

            if (timeStepUnit == TSDateCalculator.TimeStepUnitCode.Irregular)
                // IRREGULAR TIME SERIES

                // If we're not limiting the output list (i.e., we're returning every time step from
                // the BLOB), then set the size of the intermediate array to match the size of the BLOB.
                if (applyLimits == false)
                    nReqValues = timeStepCount;
                // Allocate an array of date/value pairs that TSBlobCoder method will fill
                TSDateValueStruct[] dateValueArray = new TSDateValueStruct[nReqValues];
                // Method in the TSBlobCoder class does the real work
                nValuesRead = TSBlobCoder.ConvertBlobToArrayIrregular(timeStepCount, applyLimits,
                                    nReqValues, reqStartDate, reqEndDate,
                                    blobData, dateValueArray, compressionCode);
                // resize the array so that the List that we make from it will have exactly the right size
                    Array.Resize<TSDateValueStruct>(ref dateValueArray, nValuesRead);
                // Convert the array of date/value pairs into the List that will be used by the caller
                dateValueList = dateValueArray
                        .Select(tsv => (TimeSeriesValue)tsv).ToList<TimeSeriesValue>();
                // REGULAR TIME SERIES

                // If we're not limiting the output list (i.e., we're returning every time step from
                // the BLOB), then set the size of the intermediate array to match the size of the BLOB.
                if (applyLimits == false)
                    nReqValues = timeStepCount;
                // Allocate an array of values that TSBlobCoder method will fill
                double[] valueArray = new double[nReqValues];
                // Method in the TSBlobCoder class does the real work
                nValuesRead = TSBlobCoder.ConvertBlobToArrayRegular(timeStepUnit, timeStepQuantity,
                                     timeStepCount, blobStartDate, applyLimits,
                                     nReqValues, reqStartDate, reqEndDate,
                                     blobData, valueArray, compressionCode);
                // Allocate an array to hold the time series' date values
                DateTime[] dateArray = new DateTime[nValuesRead];
                // Fill the array with the date values corresponding to the time steps defined
                // for this time series in the database.
                TSDateCalculator.FillDateArray(timeStepUnit, timeStepQuantity, nValuesRead, dateArray, reqStartDate);
                // Allocate a List of date/value pairs that will be used by the caller
                dateValueList = new List<TimeSeriesValue>(nValuesRead);
                // Loop through all values, building the List of date/value pairs out of the
                // primitive array of dates and primitive array of values.
                int i;
                for (i = 0; i < nValuesRead; i++)
                    dateValueList.Add(new TimeSeriesValue { Date = dateArray[i], Value = valueArray[i] });
                nValuesRead = i;
            return nValuesRead;
コード例 #23
 public DateTime IncrementDate(DateTime startDate, TSDateCalculator.TimeStepUnitCode unit,
             short stepSize, int numSteps)
     return TSDateCalculator.IncrementDate(startDate, unit, stepSize, numSteps);
コード例 #24
        public List<ITimeSeriesTrace> Get3TracesRegular(
                    TSDateCalculator.TimeStepUnitCode u1, short q1, int c1,
                    DateTime sDate1, out DateTime eDate1,
                    Boolean shouldPerturb = false,
                    int perturbTraceIndex = 0, int perturbStep = 0, 
                    double perturbVal = 0, double perturbMinutes = 0)
            eDate1 = DateTime.Now;  // dummy
            TSLibrary tsLib = new TSLibrary();
            List<ITimeSeriesTrace> traceList = new List<ITimeSeriesTrace>();
            int compressionCode;

            for (int t = 0; t < 3; t++)
                TSTrace trace1 = new TSTrace { TraceNumber = t + 1 };
                List<TimeSeriesValue> tsValues = new List<TimeSeriesValue>();
                DateTime curDate = sDate1;
                Double curVal = 20;
                for (int i = 0; i < c1; i++)
                    tsValues.Add(new TimeSeriesValue { Date = curDate, Value = curVal });
                    curDate = tsLib.IncrementDate(curDate, u1, q1, 1);
                    curVal = curVal + i / (t + 1);
                // make a perturbation if called for
                if (shouldPerturb && t==perturbTraceIndex)
                    tsValues[perturbStep].Value += perturbVal;
                    tsValues[perturbStep].Date = tsValues[perturbStep].Date.AddMinutes(perturbMinutes);
                eDate1 = tsValues.Last().Date;
                        u1, q1, c1,
                        sDate1, eDate1, tsValues, trace1, out compressionCode);

            return traceList;
コード例 #25
        /// <summary>
        /// This method is to be used as a common utility function for testing the speed of the 
        /// FillDateArray method.
        /// </summary>
        public void FillDataArray_Core(TSDateCalculator.TimeStepUnitCode unit, short quantity,
                        Func<DateTime, DateTime> func)
            int n = 20;
            var array = new DateTime[n + 2];
            DateTime start = new DateTime(1920, 1, 1);
            TSDateCalculator.FillDateArray(unit, quantity, n, array, start);

            for (int i = 1; i < n; i++)
                Assert.AreEqual(func(array[i - 1]), array[i]);