コード例 #1
ファイル: Program.cs プロジェクト: ARSFI/TNCKissInterface
        static void Main(string[] args)
            String           localCallSign;
            String           cmd;
            String           loopback;
            Int32            channel = 0;
            Int32            baud    = 9600;
            String           tmpc;
            DataLinkProvider dlProvider;
            DataLinkProvider digi1;
            DataLinkProvider digi2;

            Connection.ConnectionParameterBuf conParams;
            Connection.ConnectionStatus       cstat;
            Connection.ConnectionStatus[]     mcstat = new Connection.ConnectionStatus[12];
            DataLinkProvider[] testProvider          = new DataLinkProvider[12];

            Console.Write("Local station callsign-SSID? (e.g. KA1XYZ-5) ? ");
            localCallSign = Console.ReadLine();

            // Set loopback mode to Y if you are not using a TNC.
            Console.Write("Use loopback mode? (y/[n]) ");
            tmpc     = Console.ReadLine();
            loopback = tmpc;

            Console.Write("TNC Channel number? ([0]/1/2) ");
            tmpc = Console.ReadLine();
            if (tmpc.Length > 0)
                channel = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine());
            // Step 1: Create the low level Com Port that communicates directly
            // with the TNC
            if (loopback.ToUpper().StartsWith("Y"))
                // Use loopback.  No data goes out the serial port
                tncComPort = new COMPort("COM1", 9600, true);
                // No loopback.  Use the real TNC
                Console.Write("Com Port? (COM1, COM2, etc) ");
                String comp = Console.ReadLine().ToUpper();

                Console.Write("Baud? ([9600],19200, etc) ");
                tmpc = Console.ReadLine();
                if (tmpc.Length > 0)
                    baud = Convert.ToInt32(tmpc);           // (JNW Feb 15)

                tncComPort = new COMPort(comp, baud);

            Char[] c = { ' ' };

            // Tell the KISS layer if there are any characters to 'escape' in
            // the data stream.  The reason for this is some KISS implementations
            // (Like the TNC in the Kenwood D710A) actually act upon certain
            // character sequences even when in KISS mode.
            // Example: Escape the 'C' character (needed on TM-D710)
            // You can also add escape byte for non printable characters using the
            // SetEscapedCharList().  In this case, supply a string that contains the
            // comma separated list of bytes to escape.  Example: A string value of:
            // "03, 0d" will exclude byte valus 0x03 and 0x0d
            tncComPort.escapedCharList = "C";

            //tncComPort.SetEscapedCharsList("03, 0d");

            // Step 2: Create a TNC channel on top of the COM port. TNCs like
            // the KPC3+ have one channel (channel 0).  Other TNCs like the KAM
            // Plus have 2 (one for VHF (channel 0) and one for HF (channel 1).  The
            // KISS protocol dictates that TNC Channels MUST be in the range of 0-15.
            tncVHFChannel = tncComPort.CreateChannel(channel);

            // (Optional) Enable the packet monitor function if we want to
            // monitor all incoming and outgoing packets.  Setting the value
            // to 'Both' enables queue monitoring as well as file logging of
            // the packets.  (We defined the filename above by setting the static
            // member: Support.pktLogFile above.)
            tncVHFChannel.packetMonitorEnable = TNCChannel.PacketMonitorType.Both;

            // Step 3: Create a DataLinkProvider assigning it the desited
            // local station callsign-ssid.  Multiple Data Link Providers \
            // are supported, however each must have a unique callsign-ssid.
            dlProvider           = tncVHFChannel.CreateProvider(localCallSign);
            digi1                = tncVHFChannel.CreateProvider("RELAY1");
            digi1.digipeatEnable = true;
            digi2                = tncVHFChannel.CreateProvider("RELAY2");
            digi2.digipeatEnable = true;

            // Note: 3a.1 - 3a-3 are optional steps you would do if you want
            // to change any of the default connection parameter settings for
            // this particular connection, like MAXIFrame, MaxWindowsSize, etc.
            // Unless you are planning to change the defaults, you don't have
            // to do this and can skip right to step 4.

            // Step 3a.1: (Optional) Create a Connection parameter buf to
            // use during XID negotiation.
            conParams = new Connection.ConnectionParameterBuf();

            // Step 3a.2: (Optional) Make any changes to the parameter values
            // in the parameter buffer here

            //conParams.maxWindowSize = 1;
            //conParams.maxIFrame = 2;

            // Step 3a.3: Create a connection using the connection parameters
            // specified in the parameter buffer and skip step 4 below.
            con = dlProvider.CreateConnection(conParams);

            for (Int32 i = 0; i < testProvider.Length; i++)
                testProvider[i] = tncVHFChannel.CreateProvider("T6EST-" + i.ToString());
                mcon[i]         = testProvider[i].CreateConnection(conParams);
                mcon[i].registerStateHandlers.ReportConnectionEvents      += new EventHandler <ConnectionEvents>(NotifyConnectionState);
                mcon[i].registerIndicationHandlers.ReportIndicationEvents += new EventHandler <IndicationEvents>(NotifyIndicationEvents);

            // Step 4: Create the Connection using default parameters
            //con = dlProvider.CreateConnection();

            // Register for connection state change notifications, if desired
            con.registerStateHandlers.ReportConnectionEvents += new EventHandler <ConnectionEvents>(NotifyConnectionState);

            // Register for protocol indication event notifications, if desired
            con.registerIndicationHandlers.ReportIndicationEvents += new EventHandler <IndicationEvents>(NotifyIndicationEvents);

            // Launch our packet monitor thread. (If we chose to monitor packets
            // above).
            MonitorThread      = new Thread(PacketMonitor);
            MonitorThread.Name = "PacketMonitor Thread";

            // Launch the thread the displays the data stream coming back from
            // the remote station
            ReaderThread      = new Thread(Reader);
            ReaderThread.Name = "Reader Thread";

            // Create a thread that adds a second DataLinkProvider with a different
            // callsign that we can perform loopback testing with.  We only start
            // the thread when requested by the command '@listener callsign-ssid'.
            // You would typically only do this when testing in loopback mode.
            // In an applications where you wait for other stations to connect,
            // you can create a pool of connection threads that would permit
            // multiple independent incoming connections to your app simultaneously.
            ResponderThread = new Thread(Responder);

            // Command processing loop
            StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("Commands:" + CRLF);

            sb.Append("  @h                       - this help text" + CRLF);
            sb.Append("  @listener callsign-ssid  - Create a second DataLinkProvider for callsign-ssid" + CRLF);
            sb.Append("  @con callsign-ssid [digi1] [digi2]" + CRLF);
            sb.Append("                           - Connect to remote station callsign-ssid using optional relays" + CRLF);
            sb.Append("  @mcon n callsign-ssid    - Connect T6EST-n to remote station callsign-ssid" + CRLF);
            sb.Append("  @xid                     - Initiate XID negotiation" + CRLF);
            sb.Append("  @data callsign-ssid text - Send 'text' to calllsign-ssid as a datagram packet" + CRLF);
            sb.Append("  @test callsign-ssid text - Send a TEST command to callsign-ssid & " + CRLF);
            sb.Append("                                wait 5 seconds for a response" + CRLF);
            sb.Append("  @disc                    - Disconnect from the currently connected station" + CRLF);
            sb.Append("  @mdisc n                 - Disconnect T6EST-n" + CRLF);
            sb.Append("  @digi callsign-ssid      - Create a digipeater at callsign-ssid" + CRLF);
            sb.Append("  @bye                     - Disconnect from the currently connected station & " + CRLF);
            sb.Append("                                and exit the program" + CRLF);
            sb.Append("  @koff                    - Send the Exit KISS mode sequence to the TNC" + CRLF);
            sb.Append("  (other text)             - Send as data to the connected station" + CRLF + CRLF);


            while (true && dlProvider.Enabled)
                // Command loop
                Console.Write(">>> ");
                cmd = Console.ReadLine();
                if (cmd.StartsWith("@h"))

                if (cmd.StartsWith("@xid"))
                    Console.WriteLine("Initiate XID negotiation with remote.  status: " +

                if (cmd.StartsWith("@test "))
                    // Test command requested
                    String h  = cmd.Substring(6);
                    Int32  q  = h.IndexOf(" ");
                    String c1 = h.Substring(0, q);
                    h = h.Substring(q + 1);

                    Byte[] resp = dlProvider.LinkTest(c1, "", "",
                                                      Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(h), 5000);
                    String respC = "(Timeout)";
                    if (resp != null)
                        respC = Encoding.ASCII.GetString(resp);
                    Console.WriteLine("Test response: " + respC);

                if (cmd.StartsWith("@koff"))
                    // Send the Kiss Exit command to the TNC

                if (cmd.StartsWith("@digi "))
                    // Start a digipeater
                    String           h  = cmd.Substring(6);
                    DataLinkProvider dl = tncVHFChannel.CreateProvider(h);
                    dl.digipeatEnable        = true;
                    dl.accessControlListType = DataLinkProvider.AccessControlListType.black;

                if (cmd.StartsWith("@data "))
                    // Send UI datagram
                    String h  = cmd.Substring(6);
                    Int32  q  = h.IndexOf(" ");
                    String c1 = h.Substring(0, q);
                    h = h.Substring(q + 1);
                    dlProvider.SendDatagram(c1, Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(h),
                    Console.WriteLine("Datagram Sent: " + h);

                if (cmd.StartsWith("@mcon "))
                    // Connect to remote station
                    String[] h = cmd.Substring(6).Split(c);
                    Int32    m = 0;

                    if (h.Length == 2)
                        m         = Convert.ToInt32(h[0]);
                        mcstat[m] = mcon[m].Connect(h[1]);
                        Console.WriteLine("Connect status: " + mcstat[m].ToString());

                if (cmd.StartsWith("@con "))
                    // Connect to remote station
                    cstat = Connection.ConnectionStatus.Busy;
                    String[] h = cmd.Substring(5).Split(c);

                    if (h.Length == 1)
                        cstat = con.Connect(h[0]);
                    if (h.Length == 2)
                        cstat = con.Connect(h[0], h[1]);
                    if (h.Length == 3)
                        cstat = con.Connect(h[0], h[1], h[2]);

                    Console.WriteLine("Connect status: " + cstat.ToString());

                if (cmd.StartsWith("@listener "))
                    // Start the listener we'll use for loopback testing
                    String h = cmd.Substring(10);
                    responderCallSign = h;
                    if (!ResponderThread.IsAlive)

                if (cmd.StartsWith("@disc"))
                    // Disconnect from the remote station
                    cstat = con.Disconnect();
                    Console.WriteLine("Disconnected:  status: " + cstat.ToString());
                if (cmd.StartsWith("@mdisc "))
                    // Disconnect from the remote station
                    String[] h = cmd.Substring(7).Split(c);
                    Int32    m = 0;
                    if (h.Length == 1)
                        m         = Convert.ToInt32(h[0]);
                        mcstat[m] = mcon[m].Disconnect();
                        Console.WriteLine("Disconnected:  status: " + mcstat[m].ToString());

                if (cmd.StartsWith("@exit"))
                    // Exit KISS mode
                    Console.WriteLine("Kiss mode exited");

                if (cmd.StartsWith("@bye"))
                    // Disconnect and close the program
                    cstat = con.Disconnect();
                    Console.WriteLine("Disconnected:  status: " + cstat.ToString());

                // everything else is treated as data

                if (!con.isConnected)
                    Console.WriteLine("Not connected...");
                    if (cmd.Length > 0)
                        con.Send(Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(cmd + CR));
                        Console.WriteLine("Nothing to send");

            // Time to go.  Just shutting down the lower layer is sufficient.
            // All the upper instances will be shut down as well.
            Console.Write("Press return to exit");
            cmd = Console.ReadLine();
コード例 #2
        public bool Close()
            // Subroutine to close the channel and put TNC into known state...
            // Always call this method before the instance goes out of scope
            if (blnClosed)
                if (Globals.blnManualAbort == true)
                    enmState = LinkStates.Disconnected;

                blnClosed = true;
                Globals.queChannelDisplay.Enqueue("G*** Closing Packet Channel " + Globals.stcSelectedChannel.ChannelName + " at " + Globals.TimestampEx());
                if (Globals.objRadioControl != null) // Shut down the radio control and free the serial port
                    Globals.objRadioControl = null;

                if (objProtocol is object)
                var dttTimeout = DateTime.Now;
                dttTimeout = DateTime.Now;
                while (!(enmState == LinkStates.Disconnected | enmState == LinkStates.LinkFailed))
                    if (dttTimeout.AddSeconds(10) < DateTime.Now)

                if (objCon != null)

                if (objKissDLProvider != null)

                if (blnExitKiss & objKissChannel != null)

                if (objKissChannel != null)
                if (objKissComPort != null)
                Globals.blnChannelActive = false;
                Globals.ObjSelectedModem = null;
            catch (Exception ex)
                Log.Error("[ModemNativeKiss.Close]: " + ex.ToString());
