コード例 #1
 public DeviceInfoService(TLInitConnection initConnection, bool isBackground, string backgroundTaskName, int backgroundTaskId)
     Model              = initConnection.DeviceModel.ToString();
     AppVersion         = initConnection.AppVersion.ToString();
     SystemVersion      = initConnection.SystemVersion.ToString();
     IsBackground       = isBackground;
     BackgroundTaskName = backgroundTaskName;
     BackgroundTaskId   = backgroundTaskId;
コード例 #2
        public void SendInformativeMessageInternal <T>(string caption, TLObject obj, Action <T> callback, Action <TLRPCError> faultCallback = null,
                                                       int?maxAttempt             = null, // to send delayed items
                                                       Action <int> attemptFailed = null,
                                                       Action fastCallback        = null) // to send delayed items
            where T : TLObject
            if (_activeTransport.AuthKey == null)
                var delayedItem = new DelayedItem
                    SendTime = DateTime.Now,
                    //SendBeforeTime = sendBeforeTime,
                    Caption       = caption,
                    Object        = obj,
                    Callback      = t => callback((T)t),
                    AttemptFailed = attemptFailed,
                    FaultCallback = faultCallback,
                    MaxAttempt    = maxAttempt
                lock (_delayedItemsRoot)
                TLUtils.WriteLog(string.Format("Add delayed item {0} sendTime={1}", delayedItem.Caption, delayedItem.SendTime.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.fff", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)));


            lock (_activeTransportRoot)
                if (_activeTransport.Closed)
                    var  transportDCId             = _activeTransport.DCId;
                    var  transportKey              = _activeTransport.AuthKey;
                    var  transportSalt             = _activeTransport.Salt;
                    var  transportSessionId        = _activeTransport.SessionId;
                    var  transportSequenceNumber   = _activeTransport.SequenceNumber;
                    var  transportClientTicksDelta = _activeTransport.ClientTicksDelta;
                    bool isCreated;
                    _activeTransport = _transportService.GetTransport(_activeTransport.Host, _activeTransport.Port, Type, out isCreated);
                    if (isCreated)
                        _activeTransport.DCId             = transportDCId;
                        _activeTransport.AuthKey          = transportKey;
                        _activeTransport.Salt             = transportSalt;
                        _activeTransport.SessionId        = transportSessionId; //TLLong.Random();
                        _activeTransport.SequenceNumber   = transportSequenceNumber;
                        _activeTransport.ClientTicksDelta = transportClientTicksDelta;
                        _activeTransport.PacketReceived  += OnPacketReceived;


            TLObject data;
            lock (_activeTransportRoot)
                if (!_activeTransport.Initiated || caption == "auth.sendCode")
                    //var cultureinfo = CultureInfo.InvariantCulture
                    var initConnection = new TLInitConnection
                        AppId         = new TLInt(Constants.ApiId),
                        AppVersion    = new TLString(_deviceInfo.AppVersion),
                        Data          = obj,
                        DeviceModel   = new TLString(_deviceInfo.Model),
                        LangCode      = new TLString(Utils.CurrentUICulture()),
                        SystemVersion = new TLString(_deviceInfo.SystemVersion)


                    var withLayerN = new TLInvokeWithLayerN {
                        Data = initConnection
                    data = withLayerN;
                    _activeTransport.Initiated = true;
                    data = obj;

            int    sequenceNumber;
            TLLong messageId;
            lock (_activeTransportRoot)
                sequenceNumber = _activeTransport.SequenceNumber * 2 + 1;
                messageId = _activeTransport.GenerateMessageId(true);
            var authKey           = _activeTransport.AuthKey;
            var salt              = _activeTransport.Salt;
            var sessionId         = _activeTransport.SessionId;
            var clientsTicksDelta = _activeTransport.ClientTicksDelta;
            var transportMessage  = CreateTLTransportMessage(salt, sessionId, new TLInt(sequenceNumber), messageId, data);
            var encryptedMessage  = CreateTLEncryptedMessage(authKey, transportMessage);

            //save items to history
            var historyItem = new HistoryItem
                SendTime = DateTime.Now,
                //SendBeforeTime = sendBeforeTime,
                Caption          = caption,
                Object           = obj,
                Message          = transportMessage,
                Callback         = t => callback((T)t),
                AttemptFailed    = attemptFailed,
                FaultCallback    = faultCallback,
                ClientTicksDelta = clientsTicksDelta,
                Status           = RequestStatus.Sent,

            lock (_historyRoot)
                _history[historyItem.Hash] = historyItem;
            TLUtils.WriteLog(string.Format("Add history item {0} sendTime={1}", historyItem.Caption, historyItem.SendTime.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.fff", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)));
            NotifyOfPropertyChange(() => History);

            Debug.WriteLine(">>{0, -30} MsgId {1} SeqNo {2, -4} SessionId {3} ClientTicksDelta {4}", caption, transportMessage.MessageId.Value, transportMessage.SeqNo.Value, transportMessage.SessionId.Value, clientsTicksDelta);

            var captionString = string.Format("{0} {1} {2}", caption, transportMessage.SessionId, transportMessage.MessageId);
            SendPacketAsync(_activeTransport, captionString, encryptedMessage,
                            result =>
                if (!result)
                    if (historyItem != null)
                        lock (_historyRoot)
                        NotifyOfPropertyChange(() => History);
                    faultCallback.SafeInvoke(new TLRPCError(404)
                        Message = new TLString("FastCallback SocketError=" + result)
                            error =>
                if (historyItem != null)
                    lock (_historyRoot)
                    NotifyOfPropertyChange(() => History);
                faultCallback.SafeInvoke(new TLRPCError(404)
                    SocketError = error.Error,
                    Exception = error.Exception
コード例 #3
        public void SendInformativeMessageInternal <T>(string caption, TLObject obj, Action <T> callback, Action <TLRPCError> faultCallback = null,
                                                       int?maxAttempt             = null, // to send delayed items
                                                       Action <int> attemptFailed = null,
                                                       Action fastCallback        = null) // to send delayed items
            if (_activeTransport.AuthKey == null)
                var delayedItem = new DelayedItem
                    SendTime = DateTime.Now,
                    //SendBeforeTime = sendBeforeTime,
                    Caption       = caption,
                    Object        = obj,
                    Callback      = t => callback((T)t),
                    AttemptFailed = attemptFailed,
                    FaultCallback = faultCallback,
                    MaxAttempt    = maxAttempt
                lock (_delayedItemsRoot)
                TLUtils.WriteLog(string.Format("Add delayed item {0} sendTime={1}", delayedItem.Caption, delayedItem.SendTime.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.fff", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)));


            lock (_activeTransportRoot)
                if (_activeTransport.Closed)
                    var  transportDCId             = _activeTransport.DCId;
                    var  transportKey              = _activeTransport.AuthKey;
                    var  transportSalt             = _activeTransport.Salt;
                    var  transportSessionId        = _activeTransport.SessionId;
                    var  transportSequenceNumber   = _activeTransport.SequenceNumber;
                    var  transportClientTicksDelta = _activeTransport.ClientTicksDelta;
                    bool isCreated;
                    _activeTransport = _transportService.GetTransport(_activeTransport.Host, _activeTransport.Port, Type, out isCreated);
                    if (isCreated)
                        _activeTransport.DCId             = transportDCId;
                        _activeTransport.AuthKey          = transportKey;
                        _activeTransport.Salt             = transportSalt;
                        _activeTransport.SessionId        = transportSessionId; //TLLong.Random();
                        _activeTransport.SequenceNumber   = transportSequenceNumber;
                        _activeTransport.ClientTicksDelta = transportClientTicksDelta;
                        _activeTransport.PacketReceived  += OnPacketReceived;


            TLObject data;
            lock (_activeTransportRoot)
                if (!_activeTransport.Initiated || caption == "auth.sendCode")
                    //var cultureinfo = CultureInfo.InvariantCulture
                    var initConnection = new TLInitConnection
                        ApiId         = Constants.ApiId,
                        AppVersion    = _deviceInfo.AppVersion,
                        Query         = obj,
                        DeviceModel   = _deviceInfo.DeviceModel,
                        LangCode      = Utils.CurrentUICulture(),
                        SystemVersion = _deviceInfo.SystemVersion


                    // TODO?
                    var withLayerN = new TLInvokeWithLayer {
                        Query = initConnection, Layer = Constants.SupportedLayer
                    data = withLayerN;
                    _activeTransport.Initiated = true;
                    data = obj;

            int  sequenceNumber;
            lock (_activeTransportRoot)
                sequenceNumber = _activeTransport.SequenceNumber * 2 + 1;
                messageId = _activeTransport.GenerateMessageId(true);
            var authKey           = _activeTransport.AuthKey;
            var salt              = _activeTransport.Salt;
            var sessionId         = _activeTransport.SessionId;
            var clientsTicksDelta = _activeTransport.ClientTicksDelta;
            var transportMessage  = CreateTLTransportMessage(salt ?? 0, sessionId ?? 0, sequenceNumber, messageId ?? 0, data);
            var encryptedMessage  = CreateTLEncryptedMessage(authKey, transportMessage);

            //save items to history
            var historyItem = new HistoryItem
                SendTime = DateTime.Now,
                //SendBeforeTime = sendBeforeTime,
                Caption          = caption,
                Object           = obj,
                Message          = transportMessage,
                Callback         = t => callback?.Invoke((T)t),
                AttemptFailed    = attemptFailed,
                FaultCallback    = faultCallback,
                ClientTicksDelta = clientsTicksDelta,
                Status           = RequestStatus.Sent,

            lock (_historyRoot)
                HistoryItem existingItem;
                if (_history.TryGetValue(historyItem.Hash, out existingItem))
                    Execute.ShowDebugMessage(string.Format("Duplicated history item hash={0} existing={1} new={2}", historyItem.Hash, existingItem.Caption, historyItem.Caption));
                _history[historyItem.Hash] = historyItem;
                _history[historyItem.Hash] = historyItem;

            ITransport transport;
            lock (_activeTransportRoot)
                transport = _activeTransport;
            var    transportId     = transport.Id;
            var    lastReceiveTime = transport.LastReceiveTime;
            int    historyCount;
            string historyDescription;
            lock (_historyRoot)
                historyCount       = _history.Count;
                historyDescription = string.Join("\n", _history.Values.Select(x => x.Caption + " " + x.Hash));
            var currentPacketLength = transport.PacketLength;
            var lastPacketLength    = transport.LastPacketLength;

            RaiseTransportChecked(new TransportCheckedEventArgs
                TransportId        = transportId,
                SessionId          = sessionId,
                AuthKey            = authKey,
                LastReceiveTime    = lastReceiveTime,
                HistoryCount       = historyCount,
                HistoryDescription = historyDescription,
                NextPacketLength   = currentPacketLength,
                LastPacketLength   = lastPacketLength

            TLUtils.WriteLog(string.Format("Add history item {0} sendTime={1}", historyItem.Caption, historyItem.SendTime.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.fff", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)));
            if (historyItem.Caption != "account.updateStatus")     // to avoid deadlock on deactivation
                RaisePropertyChanged(() => History);

            //Debug.WriteLine(">>{0, -30} MsgId {1} SeqNo {2, -4} SessionId {3} ClientTicksDelta {4}", caption, transportMessage.MessageId.Value, transportMessage.SeqNo.Value, transportMessage.SessionId.Value, clientsTicksDelta);

            var captionString = string.Format("{0} {1} {2}", caption, transportMessage.SessionId, transportMessage.MsgId);
            SendPacketAsync(_activeTransport, captionString, encryptedMessage,
                            result =>
                if (!result)
                    if (historyItem != null)
                        lock (_historyRoot)
                        if (historyItem.Caption != "account.updateStatus")     // to avoid deadlock on deactivation
                            RaisePropertyChanged(() => History);
                    faultCallback?.Invoke(new TLRPCError {
                        ErrorCode = 404, ErrorMessage = "FastCallback SocketError=" + result
                            error =>
                if (historyItem != null)
                    lock (_historyRoot)
                    if (historyItem.Caption != "account.updateStatus")     // to avoid deadlock on deactivation
                        RaisePropertyChanged(() => History);
                faultCallback?.Invoke(new TLRPCError
                    ErrorCode = 404,
                    SocketError = error.Error,
                    // TODO: Exception = error.Exception